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Stat Page : Ryu
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Ryu back to his roots Empty Ryu back to his roots

Mon Nov 16, 2020 9:19 pm
C-Rank: Street Fighters

The air was still, the night was starting to fade, the sky seemed like an endless, pitch-black pot lid, not a single cloud breaking the visage of the ceiling of the world. Ryuzaki stood alone on a plateau ringed by dark, dead trees, their leaves took flight and no new blossoms had taken their place. In the background, mountains grew from the ground and reached up to the mountains, much like the failed trees encircling this plateau, unable to get enough sustenance, whether it is from the lack of sunlight or the minimal water they could extract from the ground. The occasion tree lay broken on the ground, their barks broken and splintered at various heights, the trunks still reaching into the ground, standing steadfast against Ryuzaki's ninjutsu and taijutsu. 

The training was over, Ryuzaki had been busy lately, mission after mission. The only time he had to dedicate solely to training was through the night or the early morning. Ryuzaki now sat on the edge of the plateau, a riceball in his hand and an open water canteen rested against his leg. "The sun will rise soon. How long has it been since I sat and watched it come up" Ryuaki thought to himself, taking another bite from his homemade breakfast, or dinner depending on how you looked at it. After a short time had passed the light that was peeking over the faraway mountains had formed into the actual sun, Ryuzaki watched for a few more minutes, a smile came over his face as he stood up and dusted himself off, putting away his supplies "Yamamoto I've found one more fear, not to be able to come back here, on another day and watch another unique sunrise, I wonder if any of your fears lined up with mine". Ryuzaki pondered on the thought for a few more seconds before taking a step and dropping off the edge of the plateau. 

After a few minutes Ryuzaki arrived home and quickly readied himself to head into the village and see what today's mission would hold, he was hoping to be assigned to a team soon, hopefully with someone who could continue his training. Discovering the hidden techniques of the Nara had come easily to him, but he was rather hopeless when it came to learning new techniques in tai and ninjutsu, however, he was very good at perfecting the techniques once the fundamentals had been taught to him, and he could put in the hours like the workhorse he was. Ryuzaki took off into the village to get his next mission and take one more step towards his goal of becoming a village protector, an Anbu black ops.

WC: 448
Stat Page : Ryu
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Ryu back to his roots Empty Re: Ryu back to his roots

Tue Nov 17, 2020 10:47 am
It was early morning when Ryuzaki reached the village gates, he had a hop in his step as he approached the village administration building. Ryuzaki pushed the door open and entered the building, he had now done this hundred of times to get missions. As he approached the front desk he shared a momentary exchange of pleasantries with the admin at the desk before collecting his mission scroll and retreating out of the building, he feared that social interaction more than any task he was going to be given on these missions. Unfurling the scroll Ryuzaki began to read the details of his mission, the first thing that popped out to him was the giant C at the top of the scroll "Finally", the words escaped Ryuaki's lips as he jumped up onto one of the ringed buildings of the Kumo village. The C rank mission was to find and detain three ruffians that were getting drunk and causing troubles at various establishments around the city. 

Ryuzaki did not know too much about drinking and debauchery, but, the one thing he did know is it was mostly an evening or night activity. Walking around the village Ryzuaki began to look for something to treat himself with as he waited for the evening. Ryuzaki was feeling well off currently, oweing to the fact that he was handed down a property that lay in the mountainous borders of the village and that he had no dependants save a dog that mostly looked after himself and all Ryu had been doing was completing missions and getting paid, Due to this Ryuzaki thought he would treat himself during the day and maybe also do some intel gathering from the local shops, most of the alcohol places were also food establishments, and the rest provided adult services. Ryuzaki started to ask around the various different shops if they had been the recipients of any trouble recently, all the while looking at the refreshments they served, he had a positive answer from almost every place but it took a few hours till he started to receive matching reports, apparently, alcohol and good behaviour rarely mixed.  Ryuzaki finally decided on a place he would sit down and eat, it was a barbeque place that served various different meals, the meat was cooked directly in front of you by a chef and he enjoyed his meal there, he ate more than would be advisable if he was about to take on a mission, but he decided that since it was a treat and he was going to have several hours more before he was going to have to be in action that it would be okay. After Ryu had eaten his meal he also bought some sweets and a pleasant drink to take away with him and he retreated up not the roof of the building, this street seemed to be the centre of the trouble judging from the intel he had gathered. Ryuzaki took his place on the edge of a building, sitting and watching over the street, occasionally taking in a sweet, this was more of a relaxed approach to his mission than he would usually take, and the fact that it was his first C rank began to fade from his memory.

WC: 547
TWC: 995
Stat Page : Ryu
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Ryu back to his roots Empty Re: Ryu back to his roots

Tue Nov 17, 2020 10:57 pm
Ryuzaki led back on the top of the building, his arms behind his head, his hands interlaced with each other, supporting his head like a pillow, one leg bent and pointing up to the sky, his other dangling over the edge of the building, swinging freely in the air. The day's sun had risen and began to fall, now nearing the end of its daily rotation, and switching shifts with the moon. This was the time that Ryuzaki could possibly find the offenders he was looking for. Ryuzaki decided staying on his vantage point would be better than going from place to place on street level, he would wait for some sign of the roughens. After a few hours went by it was around 11 pm before he heard a ruckus, he dropped from the building and took off towards the noise, hoping it was all of his targets together. As Ryuzaki rounded a corner he saw a scene unfolding before him with several women arguing and a man stood in the middle trying to keep them apart.

Ryuzaki got closer so he could examine the facial details of the man, they did not fit, and, none of the targets was female. He moved on from the scene, he was here to stop anything happening like this, but only with the specific males, there were village guards to handle this situation, as well as handle the men he was after once they were located. Ryuzaki headed back up onto the building nearby and waited a further thirty minutes before he heard another series of hollering, he once again dropped off the building and headed towards the scene. As he took a few steps around the corner he saw two men wrestling, he stepped forward until he could get a good look at their faces, one of them was the man he was looking for, he could not see the face of the man on top. Ryuzaki reached down and pulled the top man up and pushed him against a nearby wall, but he was not one of the men he was looking for "Get out of here before I detain you", Ryuzaki said with his masters replicated serious tone. As he turned around he saw a fist flying towards him, he had enough time to slip the jap from this man and took a few steps backwards, the man had surprisingly good form considering the state he was in. Ryuzaki started with a warning "Sir, please stop the aggression, I am going to have to stop you by force if you persist", normally this social situation would get to Ryuzaki, but the threat of violence seemed to ease his tension. 

The man seemed to recognise that he was now in danger and stumbled forward, this time the overhand right was sloppy, Ryuzaki easily blocked the attack, as he did he switched his grip and grabbed the mans wrist, pulling him towards Ryu and stepping in, he pulled the wrist over his shoulder and tugged down hard, shifting his hips in and up, using the man's momentum against him and lifting him off his feet. As the man flipped and landed on his back Ryuzaki kept hold of his wrist and dropped his knee down onto the mans stomach to keep him in place, at the same time with his other hand he brought out a length of rope and used a knot he had been taught in the academy to safely but securely tie the man up. Ryuzaki turned to the owner of the establishment "Please send for the guard, they are expecting this one", Ryuzaki stacked the man up against the wall. Turning as he sensed incoming danger, Ryuzaki rose to his feet, the mans two friends had now shown up. He recognised the two men quickly as he studied their description numerous times in the day "Put you're hands together and come quietly, or I will have to use force on you two". Ryuzaki used a flat but firm tone. The frontman had a bottle in his hands that he finished, draining the contents into his already liquored stomach "Ahhh... Shuddit you" he managed to say as he chucked the bottle at Ryu. Catching the bottle neatly and flinging the bottle back at the man, it hit him square in the face and knock him to the floor, even though he had tried to replicate the manoeuvre Ryu had just used on him. "Please come quietly" Ryuzaki stated for a second time. The rear man did not seem to take the words to heart, nor did the scene before he deters him in any way, whether he was nor smart enough to realize when he was outmatched or if he had his ego unnaturally boosted by the alcohol. Ryuzaki stepped forward to meet his attacker, he threw his hand out to strike the man in the throat, but he was able to dodge it, whether by luck or skill Ryuzaki was unsure. He continued his attack stepping through and grabbing the man who had started to lose his footing after he successfully dodged the attack. Ryuzaki forced the man's head down and brought his knee up, connecting with the man's face, he squealed and fell backwards, grabbing his face at the same time. Ryuzaki jumped forward and twisted the man over, bringing both his hands together, even as he continued to scream in pain, he secured the man's hands together and rolled him onto his back. Ryu turned to the final man who was free, a gash had opened up on the side of his head from the thrown bottle "It's okay I will come willingly", he said as he held his hands out in front of him and wiggle them in slight fear, weather from the scene in front of him or the bottle to the head it seems calmer minds had prevailed. Ryuzaki took in a breath, he did not expect this mission to be easy, but he thought they would come easier.

WC: 1008
TWC: 2000
Claims: +2000 Ryo, +5 Ap, +20 speed, 1900 words to complete Eight Inner Gates (skill), 100/2500 for Eight Inner Gates
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Ryu back to his roots Empty Re: Ryu back to his roots

Wed Nov 18, 2020 6:49 pm
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