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Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Height of Wealth - [Mizu/Zaine]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Height of Wealth - [Mizu/Zaine]

Wed Dec 30, 2020 1:59 am
Still facing Zaine she was reading his face for any change in expression - as much as she didn’t want to end their night it seemed whoever was just beyond them in the brush had other plans; always when things were beginning to go right would things suddenly turn to this. With the confirmation still forming she was already flying through the handseals Ox - Snake - Tiger - Ram - Snake - Ox - Tiger - Ram - Snake that by the time the area was beginning to turn alight with the flame from the fireball that was soaring across the grass towards them there would be a new entity surrounding both herself and Zaine. Springing forth a meter from her body was an intensely swirling dark magenta colored aura that swallowed the flame without slowing in the slightest. Looking up at Zaine she checked to make sure he was safe - her eyes darting over his face and arms like a mental checklist to calm budding frantic fear for his life. Not that he believed him to be weak but… she cared for him and the degenerate who even thought to put him in harm's way was about to feel her wrath. 

She would grip his hand quickly, squeezing it to ensure he knew that everything was alright, before turning on her heel and darting forward - following the now floundering heartbeat and obvious sounds of scrambling with alarming accuracy. To this man the fireball had simply vanished into thin air and the unassuming ‘weaker’ woman had turned with dark hate filled eyes and was on him faster than he even knew how to react - having fallen back on his heels as she approached the spot he thought himself to be well hidden in; but to Zaine the aura would follow her and stay surrounding and swirling around her within a meter of her body. In an instant she had the man by his throat and as she stared into his horrified eyes her nails expanded to the full 4 inch blades directly into his throat before placing her foot on his chest and shoving his body down to the ground - ultimately ripping his throat out. It was crude and barbaric especially for someone who looked so dainty, but the way the man began choking on his own blood and grasping at the gaping hole had a satisfying thrill to it non the less. 

Wiping her hand off on the mans shirt she would release Assimilating Aura and stalk over to the nearby pond to completely wash off her hand completely - only then feeling the burn on her cheeks from the fact that Zaine just witnessed her once again show such a barbaric act. Looking over at him she would give a shy, embarrassed smile, “Sorry about that Zaine.. At least we can call an early night? If you uhm.. Still want me after that I wouldn’t mind being walked home? Maybe you could even come in for some tea.” She would stand and walk over to his side again, searching his face with worry in her eyes. “There will be a clean up crew sent to dispose of the assailant, so what do you say?” She would reach out her hand tentatively, a slight tremble of nerves that she was not used to displaying as she feared rejection so close to what was easily bliss. 

If he chose to take her hand the two would begin to walk back to her home at a slow pace, taking their time to truly enjoy the moonlight and the quiet of the village at night - their hands staying linked the entire way. If not Mizuki would nod in understanding and bid him a goodnight and safe travels home, leaving with a sad smile. 

Jutsu Used: 
Assimilating Aura [Sunagakure Exclusive] V7 - 100 AP
Stat Page : Uchiha, Zaine
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 26900

Height of Wealth - [Mizu/Zaine]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Height of Wealth - [Mizu/Zaine]

Thu Dec 31, 2020 6:15 am
The plan he had come up with was simple in execution- there was more than enough time for him to finish his handseals and create multiple earthen walls to protect himself and Mizuki and with him covering the defense, she would be more than able to handle their offensive counter attack. His companion would have another idea in mind however and to Zaine's utter shock, she too began to fly through handseals that he had never seen in conjunction before- he would halt the progression of his own as the fireball approached and his eyes locked in on her movements, his arms would drop to his sides as he became awe struck by the sheer magnitude of the profound chakra beginning to well up inside of her. A twisting dense aura of chakra would erupt from her as both his and her hair became unkempt, flowing with the force from the jutsu's emission- he could hardly believe his eyes as he watched their opponents fireball make contact with this force field of chakra. The very essence of the fireball seemed to be deconstructed at a level that not even his Sharingan could see in totality as it shriveled down into wisps of fire and then nothing- the aura of chakra remained and Mizuki seemed to be holding its form effortlessly. "To think. She's capable of amassing this much chakra and so quickly. I had no idea she was so powerful.. and where on earth did she learn a technique like this. Its similar in form to chakra absorption, but it outclasses that C-Rank technique by miles and its omni-directional. I have to keep my focus on her.." He thought to himself as he watched her now walk towards their attacker but not before doting on Zaine and ensuring that he was safe- a kind gesture but ultimately emotion based when taking into account what she just pulled off. Still, he appreciated it and tried to contain his surprise with a soft smile as he watched her walk away. He couldnt bring himself to understand how she was able to maintain such a massive amount of swirling chakra while moving so elegantly- it was almost as if this was second nature to her but from where he was standing the amount of energy around her appeared as though it could have weighed down a 10 ton beast and to say he was impressed at this point would be an understatement.

What happened next was nothing short of cruel but this was something he had become familiar with when dealing with Mizuki- her past lead her to a more aggressive battle style than his own even though her temperament outside of battle along with her behavior were kind and eve sometimes benevolent in practice. He looked on as she approached their foe and without hesitation removed his throat from the confines of his neck, killing him instantly and leaving no room for explanation or conversation. The only distraction from this barbaric display was the way the chakra swirled around her, it was so controlled yet so dense and heavy- with every second that his sharingan analyzed the movement of the chakra, further clarity presented itself until he could say with full confidence that he understood how it functioned. "So the user builds up an immense amount of chakra and expels it, molding it into that of an auric field that doesn't simply block chakra based techniques.. no.. that's not it at all. It instantaneously analyzes, understands and deconstructs the techniques so that the user can subjugate the chakra and assimilate it to their own chakra pool." As he came to this realization he was astounded at the ingenuity behind this jutsu and whoever might have created it- was it Mizuki herself? or was this jutsu passed down to her by someone else? Either way, he had ample understanding of it along with the handseals to be able to copy it and toil with the process of learning it for himself later, though he was positive such a technique would prove nothing less than difficult to master.

After finishing up with the assailant Mizuki would make her way back over to him and apologize for her brutish display which while bothering him slightly, was not a deal breaker at this point as he was well acquainted with this side of her. "I think i'll take you up on that offer and even come in for a bit of tea and while were at it, you can tell me all about that little technique that you pulled off. Thats quite the jutsu, even I have to admit. Youre just full of surprises." He would say as he smiled and walked over to her locking his arm in hers and beginning to walk away towards the village and her home. "Come on, i'm sure Souji's wondering when you're going to be home anyways and I have to tell you about the training session we had the other day. You wont believe what he did to these monkeys and their home!" His voice would faintly disappear as they gained distance from the scene of the murder, his tone filled with joy and excitement for the given future. 





  • Utilizing Sharingan Copying for 50% WC reduction on Assimilating Aura [2,500/2,500]
  • Putting 1,250 WC to upgrade Cero to A-Rank
  • Putting 1,000 WC to Upgrade Wind Release: Wind Wall to A-Rank
  • Putting 1,000 WC to upgrade Wind Release: Wind Pressure Damage to A-Rank
  • Putting 5,750 WC towards training AP [Utilizing max stat discount to train at 2 AP per 100 WC] [+115 AP]
  • Claiming all Mission rewards
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Height of Wealth - [Mizu/Zaine]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Height of Wealth - [Mizu/Zaine]

Thu Dec 31, 2020 10:11 am
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Height of Wealth - [Mizu/Zaine]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Height of Wealth - [Mizu/Zaine]

Thu Jan 07, 2021 5:55 pm
EXIT Claims: TWC 4609
Using Max Stat discount 25%
657 words to Seal of Suppression V7 1125/1125
375 words to Spine Chill V7 375/375
1875 words to Seal of Deception 1875/1875
1125 words to Chakra Displacement V7 1125/1125
577 words to Hakudatsu V7 577/1313
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Link
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Height of Wealth - [Mizu/Zaine]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Height of Wealth - [Mizu/Zaine]

Thu Jan 07, 2021 6:23 pm
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