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Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

The Rule of Two [Kutari, Invite] Empty The Rule of Two [Kutari, Invite]

Fri Sep 11, 2020 1:16 pm
It had only been a few days since the fateful night, and now the Raikage wanted to see him. The redhead had been startled awake by the clattering of the mailbox, and woke up with two kunai in hand ready to strike at the first sign of a threat to his person, both Sharingan and Byakugan enabled and collecting information which the brain was barely able to decipher. But, blessed byakugan saw the ninja operative escaping the scene after having delivered, and soon enough noticed the scroll he had received. Setting down the kunai and disabling the chakra vision of his eyes, he got off the bed and made towards the scroll, limber as though he had just been practicing.

Within the scroll he found said information relating to the meeting the Kage had arranged for the two of them; in their last meeting, the Raikage had promissed to perform the transplant of Nobunaga Hiyu, and now was the time for it to happen. He stretched, and got himself under the shower. Couldn’t go in looking like an actual hobo. Having washed himself and eaten a hearty breakfast, Kaito made out of the house, long mane of red hair caught at the top back of his head, string eyepatch over his right eye, Kumogakure headband over his head, black sleeveless shirt and black pants, weapon pouches at the back of his belt, wakizashi and Jagged Claw on his left side of the belt.

He made towards the tower of the Kage, and made it to the front desk. “Noboru, Kaito. I have an appointment with the Lord Raikage.”

WC: 244
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The Rule of Two [Kutari, Invite] Empty Re: The Rule of Two [Kutari, Invite]

Tue Nov 10, 2020 4:37 am
The day had shifted from dawn to dusk in what seemed to be a blink of the eye; the responsibilities of a Kage overseeing a declining village comparable to the Kage tower’s size in abundance and intimidation. He’d arrived back in the village for some time, though was quickly consumed by a mass of work which caused him to be secluded to his Raikage chambers to catch up with the piling work the ones he left in charge seemed to barely operate; be it the lack of knowledge of how to handle said matters, authorization, or sheer unwillingness to aid their village there was failure to bad had.

The one known as Kira quickly disappeared from the village soon after Kutari took his leave - the affairs she was left in charge to handle had little support and had crumbled quickly under their own weight due to insubordination. Gidyne figured she escaped Kumogakure though it was still unknown the true state of her being, he had hoped the apparent affection she held for Kutari would act as a tool to keep her tethered to the land of lightning but such a hope was apparently too much to ask.

Noboru on the other hand was another matter, instead of handling the direct political issues that were placed on him, he dedicated his efforts to keeping the peace and quickly dealing with those who tried to flee in the time of confusion along with bettering his own strengths to be of use to the military of Kumogakure. He was certainly an underdog in many rights, though from the reports from the shadows of the village and his own observations he was a dependable and loyal figure who never knew when to quit or give up. He’d been through a great amount of strife in the time Gidyne was away and quickly matured during said time, and now he stood much stronger than before in body and mind. If Gidyne wished to turn this village around, he’d need a responsible member of the village to act as his right hand man who already had the trust of the village and their recognition, potentially tonight this might be the breakthrough to begin proper repairs for Kumogakure.

The critters which haunted the nightly terrain could barely be heard from the high rise of the office, only the methodical silence of dusk clouds from the ancient papers and periodical stamp of ink would be all that whistled throughout the composed tempo of the room. This tempo would ricochet throughout the entire day until a sudden imposter would infiltrate the zen he found himself in with quick yet verbose knocks to the shut door, “Lord Raikage, Noboru has arrived.” He’d slowly put aside the pen and stamp to the side as he cleared the table of the never yielding papers, “Come in.” The attendant who answered Noboru downstairs would’ve guided him up to the Kage office if allowed to drop him off as requested.

If everything went as expected, Noboru would’ve walked into the office and the attendant would leave them to go about their separate ways, unbeknownst to her the man would come out with new additions to his body which would only help his career. “Welcome Noboru, I hope it wasn’t too late to receive you. As you can tell, I’ve been a bit busy. The stress of this job for weeks on end has really put a dent in my ability to have daily interaction, what with the state the village is in.” Gidyne would look to be taller than he initially was when they first met, alongside gaining some wrinkles. His eyes would still carry the same abyssal expression as before, however he grew a beard and lengthened his hair in the long period of time he was shelved inside. He looked weaker, less composed and though resembling the features he held before there was a difference in the way he could be perceived so to speak. However it was obvious he still held the same amount of strength and aptitude as always - still the same man, just older and more wise as his words dedicated.

As he met eyes with Noboru, a slight grin would escape his lips, “Now, my friend. Where were we last time? If I recall correctly you were due for another surgical transplant from the ownership of one Nobunaga Hiyu. Tell me, do you know much about the Hiyu clan? Have you been doing your research as we discussed the clan before?” He’d retrieve the cooler which held the kidney featuring the endangered clans reserves, “This is quite the unique bloodline to possess, and very few have access to its contents now as the world moves on, though that still doesn’t mean it’s weak.” He’d rise from his position as the table had already been cleared, he’d speak to Noboru again to confirm if he was prepared, “Would you truly like me to perform this transplant for you? We can begin it as soon as you wish, you simply have to lay on the table looking to the ceiling and we’ll continue your quest for power. From then on we can talk a bit more about the state of the village and where I see you fitting within this all. You’ve proved to be a strong Shinobi during my time away and even afterwards keeping the integrity of this village. I’d be happy to call you one of the Jounin of this village once again, I’m aware you lost it initially for some time but you clearly have proved yourself to be of use yet.”

If Noboru agreed, he’d begin to use the various jutsu such as chakra anesthetic and scalpel to make the transplant a much smoother experience for the man, before using mystical palm to actually replace one of his normal kidneys for the one he had which held the Hiyu power. Making fleeting work as he was a skilled medical shinobi of his time, he’d complete the transplant tactfully before closing all wounds and gashes and calling the operation to now be complete. Looking over his Jounin he’d witness the various scars he accumulated in his travels, looking back to recall a time when he was but a fledgling to now being so much more in such a short period of time, this man’s career looked to be rather fruitful if given the opportunity. He had the chips in his corner, Gidyne now wondered how he’d play.

Gidyne would return to his seat after Noboru got up from his laid position, and begin from here on with the more important matters, “Now, is there anything you’d like to ask me or know? You see, I wish for us to have a very close and integral relationship with one another for the sake of the village. However, this requires trust. I know our meeting and my installment has been rather unorthodox, so I wish to reprimand that now. If there's anything on your mind feel free to ask now.” The charismatic smile of the man told a story of strength, courage, and aptitude that lied very little. He won the hearts of many with his eloquent words and elaborate thoughts that never ceased to inspire, now it’d be the time to replicate such a thought process once again if needed.

WC: 1230
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

The Rule of Two [Kutari, Invite] Empty Re: The Rule of Two [Kutari, Invite]

Tue Nov 10, 2020 9:41 am
“The Lord Raikage will see you now.”

It had been a hot minute since the assistant had gone into the Raikage chambers, but it passed quickly enough that Kaito had very little time to ponder upon the state of the village. He went into the room, and the assistant closed the doors behind them. One of  Kaito's tattooed eyebrows went up into his forehead, wrinkling the forehead tattoos, while the other burrowed into the furrow, such was the surprise of this sight. For some reason, Gidyne looked much more different now than he did when they first met, having grown in height, but apparently in age as well. Someone who looked older than Kaito sat before him in the Kage's chair, with long disheveled hair and a neat beard. However, in spite of the somewhat disheveled outer appearance, his eyes held the same resolute view, and Kaito recognized the man who visited him on the Hospital on the fateful day so many moons ago; he had learned not to question who sat on the chair, lest the gore monster came back to test Kaito's sanity. “I can empathize with that, you needn’t worry about the hour”, he said truthfully in response to the apologetic greeting of the Kage. In the time the Raikage had been gone and he had taken to help run the village, he gained the ability to sleep as soon as he rested his head on his pillow such was the emotional and mental drain, at the expense of the ability to have dreams. It was always close eyes - open eyes, and he barely ever felt rested at all.

The Raikage went on to explain they would resume their last conversation and process, going on to ask Noboru to lay on a table so he could receive the gift of the martial clan Hiyu. While Noboru didn’t have much time to research the clan independently, he did remember reading about Nobunaga in his time as a Jonin, and the capabilities of the Hiyu clan. It was a match made in Heaven, that Nobu would live on in Nobo and empower the martial prowess of the Taijutsu specialist.

Before he could rest on the table, Gidyne spoke of reinstating Noboru as a Jonin of the village; while in the past Noboru had accepted the title out of hubris, a need to be recognized and to hide his own shame at being so weak. Now, however, he hesitated; was he truly ready to be promoted? He removed his shirt, and walked towards the table, listening to the Raikage’s rationale for the promotion. He paused before he laid down. “I will accept it, Lord Raikage. I’ll hold on to it better this time, I believe.”

Laying down and facing the ceiling, he felt the familiar lack of sensation within his abdomen as the Lord Raikage cut into his flesh and replaced his perfectly good kidney with a better version, held by a monster of a man in the past; hopefully it would bring out the monster Kaito desperately sought within himself. When it was all done, Kaito put back on his sleeveless black t-shirt, covering the non existent wound of the recent operation, alongside all the burns and scars he accumulated over his lively life. “Thank you, Lord Raikage.” His abdomen was still without sensation, but soon he would feel the soreness of the operation.

When Gidyne sat back down, he asked whether Kaito had questions, and how he’d want the two of them to operate closely to improve the running of the village. There was not much Kaito wondered about at the nonce, however he needed to demystify one of the aspects of Gydine’s assessment of his installment. “You are wrong on one thing, Lord Raikage. Your installment was completely orthodox; you defeated the conqueror who gained the right to be called Raikage, so you earned that title as well. The way I see it, you are the Gods’ punishment due to the Kumogakure. If we had been stronger, we might’ve been able to stand up to the invasion. But we weren’t. So, if there is one thing I would like to know, it is how you plan on improving the strength of the village and of the ninja. And if I may give my own suggestion immediately, it would be a Rule of Two, an ancient legend of power. One strong shinobi who can be paired with a weaker shinobi; the stronger shinobi will yield the power, the weaker one will covet it. In this process, the weaker shinobi can become as powerful as the stronger shinobi. If we pair weak shinobi with stronger shinobi, the stronger shinobi can improve the power of the weaker one. I myself tried to take in four students at once, but that went horribly. I couldn’t pay enough attention to each one, so we ended up with two dead students, one retired student, and lastly, I lost my position to the last student. With the Rule of Two, a deeper bond can be formed, and power can be more effectively cultivated within the lower ranks.”
WC: 853
TWC: 1097
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The Rule of Two [Kutari, Invite] Empty Re: The Rule of Two [Kutari, Invite]

Wed Nov 11, 2020 5:36 pm
Gidyne would appraise the words that slipped through Noboru’s lips in a convincing manner with a chilled enthusiasm, beginning to truly peer into the mind of the man he wished to call his second hand if his aptitude proved to be worth investing into. He spoke of the Gods and ‘his appearance’ as a harbinger of their punishment for the insolent state Kumogakure procured through their deviation from what one could call a ‘major village’. The ideology of Noboru proved to be interesting to witness, in that his viewpoints of individuals who amassed a great amount of power would border the fine line of mystical or angelic and stray away from the concept of a mere mortal. This thought process held resemblance to a simpler time when Gidyne held a much more abrasive and arrogant mentality featuring himself as nothing more than a God who was acting as a shepherd for the time being until someone can pick up his slack and he can go about playing in the fields of his own creation, bringing forth calamity and answering to no one as he was the God of that world. The complex in his mentality born from a distraught past would be all that guided him those days, a place with no true character, just a rebellious and naive little broken boy who thought he was better than everyone. Though Noboru was far from the volatile, ludicrous cub that was never able to reach this level of ability as he was, the Raikage pondered if maybe he once held such an view of himself or a lack thereof to go so far as to see another relevant to a God. When Kutari entered the fray and realized the world didn’t inhabit solely the facilities or those hard streets and actually embodied much more and had many more adversaries, instead of looking to say Kenshin as a God he was more then driven to reach that same pinnacle of skill or go beyond that to something higher than ever before, and as his tale has been going that is certainly the case. Therefore, does Noboru really have what it takes to carry on and become a worthy ally of the same caliber? Is it even necessary to come from an overbearing and draining background involving strife and misconduct to succeed in the end game of this realm? He knew not Kenshin’s background in full detail however it was certainly no pretty sight at a point, though from Noboru’s track record he could relate heavily due to all in which he’s lost but still he fights and has obtained a cool level head, a swig of maturity could be extracted in such material.

He listened and pondered it all intensely, sitting back in his chair easily and rocking back and forth periodically as he assessed the plan Noboru had concocted in such a time. He asked a completely understandable question, and despite the steadfast change of his appearance he refused to ask such personal questions, be it fear of disrespecting Gidyne or worrying he might scare away the only hope of Kumogakure in his eyes was beyond the Raikage to know. All he knew was that this man was certainly about gaining the best for the village and seeing it produce quality Shinobi, likely so what he had to witness would never happen again. As he finished explaining this rule of two concept, the idea flickered in his head as he stroked his elongated beard with eloquence and he played around with the thought a bit. Straying away from the stereotypical concept and structure of Major villages has always been an interest to the Raikage, curious if maybe shaking up how things are ran and striking more fear of their survivability would cause the youth to take up arms more hastily as their forefathers did and be prepared for battle. Certainly, a rule of two would secure this concept well and cause the weaker shinobi to realize they will lack a full squad as other villages feature and therefore have to keep up with themselves and their stronger half if they wish to succeed and prevail - a correct amount of fear without completely isolating them and thinking they’ll be alone, because if so he doubt the current state of the youth here would have any drive to continue on using their abandonment as a means to give up thanks to their entitled ideology.

You bring up a strong case.” A grin would screech through his beard as he spoke those words, clearly this man before him knew as well there was time for change to be done for the sake of the village and he wasn’t opposed to it whatsoever, in fact he went straight in to talk about it to the head of the snake with little fear or frustration, surely he prepared for backlash as well and thought up such scenarios. Having gotten up, he went to a nearby fridge to extract a bottle of wine from it’s contents, and two glasses from the cupboard above it. The watered down blood would spill into the glasses swiftly imbuing it with it’s grape flavor as he came back to the desk and placed a glass in front of Noboru, “At times this is what helps get me through the day of this unstimulating and boring homework, it’s rare to be able to share a glass with someone I can actually tolerate around here.” He’d sit back down with the bottle on his side of the ring, bringing the glass to his nostrils as he inhaled all of it’s fermented goodness, stealing a kiss from it’s reservoir as the passive poison would pass throughout his body invigorating his seemingly older bones. As he let out a good sigh, he’d bring out a couple of files that were placed to the side failing to be uniform with the rest and easily retrievable. Bringing them up he’d crash the folders to the desk with speed as the sounds of ruffled papers would be hampered thanks to the brick-like compactness the folders brought with them.

He’d open the first folder featuring the late Ghost SinnSage Hyuuga featuring his Shinobi ID picture and classified information about him, presenting it to Noboru so he could see clear as day, “I’m sure you’re aware of this young man and where he currently is. Or possibly scattered...the reports said in my absence he was planning to run away and you were there to stop him. Despite you clearly being superior to him in skill you deemed it necessary to execute him instead of imprisoning the man. I wasn’t there when this happened so I clearly have no clue what transpired, however there’s certainly a reason why you came to me with this rule of two idea despite you being aware I’d know about the horrid story of your genin team. I had no attachment to him therefore murdering the boy would’ve been easy for me, however you weren’t as detached from him. In fact you trained, nurtured and guided him as a Sensei should at the very least. You skimmed over your four students lightly saying you didn’t have enough time for each of them which is why the team fell apart as such, yet knew when they were about to make a run for it and caused them to resort to such actions. Rayul Tenuchi,” the next file would feature his information clearly as well, “He went on a mission expecting Ghost to be there, who never arrived likely due to his own death. Rayul then went to take this mission on and we lost another Shinobi we still can’t find to this day. Did he run away as well or murdered? Regardless, there’s a track record here, especially with Hikaru Renkaio retirement and Zento Yuki’s obsession to challenge you for your position, could it be that he deemed you unfit and a failure of the role you took on? Who’s to say?

He’d take another drink from his cup again as he allowed all the thoughts he just relinquished to pour into the mind of Noboru. Though this was all nothing more than a third party assessment of the given situation and he had no personal vendetta, it was an alarming fact that required to be looked into a bit more. “I would like to think there’s no malice or foul play for all of this to come together, especially since Ghost hailed from the Hyuuga clan and you may have benefitted from such. My ANBU unit hasn't arrested you after all and I’m sure they investigated intently. However you must admit, this concept coming from someone with your lack of credibility given the situation is a bit worrisome, and in fact brings up the complaint of those who might try to take advantage of the weaker shinobi without them having a proper out or witness to benefit themselves. Stockholm Syndrome, factions created to go against Kumogakure, etcetera. This is all speculation of course, and I believe there needs to be a change, though you have in fact changed considerably since you took up this position and received a hardiness about you that shows experience. What makes you want this so badly? Should I consider you someone worth truly investing into and trusting above the rest, a person I can treat as my sword and shield to subdue my foes or those who wish to take our village down, or are you an unrelenting dog that’ll soon receive a collar from the master he’s already bitten before? What are you after Noboru Kaito?

The words he spewed remained true to his image and thought process, the man he met months ago was now much different then before. He could no longer use the information from prior times as a means to profile Noboru, even in his gaze it was clear he was no longer dealing with a greenhorn but something mustered upon betrayal, pain and abandonment. Did he take the incorrect turn, unable to handle what all was happening and felt nothing more than pity for himself to the point of self detriment? It all will be figured out in due time within this space, he had no intents on ending Noboru and he adamantly wished to trust the man as he had a great feeling about him initially, though times have changed. What Gidyne once saw was no longer there, or at least presenting itself in a much more reduced and dummified state be it drive and hope, confidence for a better tomorrow. He needed to see if the plan that was just unveiled was truly just an echo from a past life Noboru once had. There’s been nothing but failure in this village ever since he left, and it was about time for Kutari to gather the answers.

The once pale skin of the elderly would begin to gain it’s youth once more as it took on an umbar delicacy Noboru would likely begin to recall with the spontaneous transformation. The beard would recede into his pores as the long straight hair would recede into a wavy texture with a focus of chestnut brown and muddy red highlights. The cold charcoal yet mystical eyes would recall its original form as cat-like petrifying yellow tones that peered intently into Noboru’s back when he first named him a Jounin of the village. The disappointment in his eyes would also be present born upon the state of the village and how those he trusted and tested failed him considerably so.

The blunt and cruel way Kutari spoke would return, distant from the persona of Gidyne he wished to embody for Kumogakure. He spoke harshly as it was now time to get to business, “The way you spoke earlier hinted you figured it out. Though it wasn’t like I planned on hiding this little scheme from you for very long. You see, Kutari Uchiha is not the person I wish to lead Kumogakure. Despite how you may view him, he’s weak and incapable. A wraith that’s clung to the shadows from the age of 10 and forced to be superficial in order to survive. I’m not capable of bringing out the best in this village, though Gidyne might have a chance. Besides if all hell breaks loose I can always return back to how I once was and go about my business there, and mark this little experiment as a failure. But enough about me, we need to discuss you. I placed you in power of this village for my time away because I saw a glimmer in your eye which could act as one of the pillars for this village. What I’m looking at now certainly isn’t the same scared boy as before, but definitely not the confident man of the people I expected you to be. Instead you failed, and all I see now is regret, pain and a lack of direction. We’ve all made our own mistakes Noboru, however wallowing in them and failing to move forward and improve simply won’t cut it. You’ve been held back by nothing more than your mentality and lack of confidence to the point of bringing you to this...Where exactly is this all coming from? You view me similarly to a God, however let me tell you my beginning, middle and end will never resemble such a high expectation as you view it. Such a mentality is only a means to an end.” Revealing his true form, Kutari wished to gather information and hope that maybe the one he respects so valiantly could bring out the better half of Noboru and hopefully put him back on track for the Shinobi he wished Noboru to be.

WC: 2305
TWC: 3535
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

The Rule of Two [Kutari, Invite] Empty Re: The Rule of Two [Kutari, Invite]

Wed Nov 11, 2020 7:51 pm
The Raikage sat and heard in earnest, somewhat unsettlingly so if Kaito were to be honest with himself. He rocked in his chair from time to time, considering the words the redhead laid out before him, the plan to bring about a stronger Kumogakure. When he was done, the Raikage stroked his beard as a wisened philosopher might when pondering important questions, before allowing a grin to slash across his face and opening his mustache hairs as though it were a fan as the man commented on his plan.

The tall black haired man went to a fridge, producing a wine bottle, and two glasses from a cupboard; the characteristic popping sound of the cork being pulled away rang beautifully within Kaito’s ears, and the swirling image accompanied by the sound painted a picture the redhead could not quite decipher in terms of emotion. Decorum on the part of the Raikage towards one he considered someone of high status, perhaps close enough to an equal or someone who could command respect? He wasn’t a man who dealt with wine drinkers, after all. Sake or moonshine, that was more his pace. The statement confirmed at least partially what he had thought earlier: the kage tolerated Kaito. It was more than Kaito could say for most people he knew, so he would again empathize with the kage and in identifying a part of himself within the man brought him more appreciation and acceptance for his presence. The now jonin approached the desk and took the glass into his hand, bringing it closer to his nose so as to appreciate the delicate notes and fragrances that would play within the nasal cavity, such an important component of the tasting experience, before allowing himself to bring the glass to his lips and letting the elegant liquid tumble gently onto his mouth, rushing down his tongue and dancing with his senses for the moment, before gulping it down his throat where the low but present alcohol would invigorate him for the briefest of moments.

Then, the files were brought up.

The first picture was of the late Ghost Hyuuga. For a second, Kaito saw the collapsed orbital bones around his left eye and blood streaming down from it, the charred remains of the right eye and a burn mark of the cursed seal of the Hyuuga on his forehead. A blink of his eye showed the regular image of his former student. Immediately Kaito’s stomach sank, wondering where the Kage was about to take this conversation. The kage spoke of the story, how he had claimed Ghost escaped, when in actuality Ghost had been killed for the crimes he committed against the village. The fact he wasn’t captured and interrogated was also a wonder to Kaito, and to this day he wasn’t sure he had made the right decision, except for the folk wisdom of putting down mad dogs. As Gidyne spoke of how it was a wonder that he would know to track down Ghost and murder him in spite believing he couldn’t pay enough attention to each member of the team, the tattooed jonin kept his composure. It would do no good to interrupt the Kage as he spoke, because he seemed to be building up his case, and Kaito had to wonder where he would be going with it.

Rayul’s face was the one to look at him next. Perhaps Kaito’s greatest failure as a master. Rayul had been scheduled to track a criminal with Ghost, yet Kaito robbed Rayul of his partner without a moment’s hesitation. He had sent out word to Rayul about Ghost’s ceremonial burial, in hopes to catch him before his mission, alas, too late. Rayul set off on his own, and no one ever saw him again. The kage explained the pattern seemed to be death or escape for Kaito’s pupils, even bringing up Hikaru Renkaio, a bright lad in his own right, who retired, and Zento Yuki, his student turned master.

Once again the talk about Kaito’s actions being a possible attempt at benefiting himself were brought up; he had heard the rumors, after all, none of which he ever paid any mind as they were unfounded. It was true that he took the eye of his pupil, but that seemed more practical at the time to keep such a valuable weapon within the grasp of the Kumogakure. Ghost himself had forfeit his rights to be treated as a ninja of the Kumogakure once he attacked the genin of the village while pretending to be an invading ninja. Yet the Kage brought a very good point to the forefront; if ninja of the Kumogakure prized strength above all else, what was there to stop a strong Noboru to steal from a weaker Ghost whenever they pleased if the Ghosts of the Kumogakure could not speak out against Noborus?

Noboru kept his stance; his abdomen was starting to regain sensation, and soon the soreness of the violent act against his humanity would start sending out pain through his body. He powered through the beginning phase, unwilling to allow weakness to spill out of his mortal vessel, holding on to the glass at diaphragm height on his right hand, while the left hand stayed at his back, a soldier at heart at all times. He was not sure what to answer to the Kage; of course he wanted to be a trusted soldier, someone who could protect the Kumogakure. However, did the Kage want Kaito to say he would not betray him in the future if he turned rogue? The implications in the sentence left a sour taste in his mouth, one even the fine wine would not wash away after he had another hearty sip.

What are you after, Noboru Kaito?

You think so little of yourself to degrade yourself to a tool used by greater men for their own ploys.

The question of the Raikage was answered in the delicate yet strained voice of the nubile white haired cook Katsumi Nakiri, his lifelong rival and recently the closest friend he ever hurt without ever laying a finger on her. The tide of bitterness and regret washed the shores of his psyche once more, facilitated by the imbibed wine. It seemed every step asked out of him was in a direction he could never be certain of the result, the only guiding light his own resolve ensuring him that it was the best that could be done. How could he be confident in his ability when he was so sure he could never face the true monsters of the world? Reports of Kenshin Uzumaki filled his head, how he would stomp out entire outer posts of Kumogakure shinobi with seeming ease. What hope could Kaito have of facing such a monster? Compared to him, all of his accomplishments paled, and so too the light of his resolve faded.

When Gidyne’s skin began to clear, his hair shrinking and his beard being devoured by his jaw, Kaito’s eyebrows furrowed. What was happening? The features were familiar, but it were the eyes that awakened within him the flame that had been sparked on that fateful night. Kaito’s grip seemed to have been more than the glass could handle; it shattered in his hand and bit into his skin with his help. As wine and blood decorated the floor, Kaito kept his hand firmly on his chest, holding on to the stem of the shattered glass, holding into the disappointed and bored eyes of a man who had seen too much at such a young age. Kutari Uchiha was the name of the no longer Nameless Conqueror. He spoke of himself for a while, a deep insight considering how little he had known of the man. He spoke as if the tragedy of his past and the apparent lack of direction dwarfed the power he possessed, which had allowed him to wipe out so many good Kumo nin, or even the Tailed Beast which he so impetuously challenged without a care in the world. He spoke bluntly, too, and that was far fitting what Kaito had expected the first time around.

He had some things right, of course. Kaito was not yet an old man, but acted as one, filled with regret, waiting to die. Yet, here he stood, waiting to hear from their leader how he planned to make the village grow. He didn’t have anything to say to his questions, to be honest, so he would have to speak from his heart.

“When I said you were the punishment of the Gods, I didn’t mean you were one of them yourself. Perhaps I overreached in my assessment, mainly because of my particular religious beliefs. I believe after we die, we are faced with great gates, and beyond those gates are allowed only those strong enough to take their destinies into their hands and die with weapon in hand. When you killed my countrymen, they were on their knees. They are destined to wander the darkness that looms outside the gates. I intend to pass the gates. To dine in a great hall for eternity, to exchange tales of combat, to hone my skills with sword and spear alike.”

He took a moment to put down the stem of the broken glass, and look at his bloodied hand, before looking back at Kutari.

“My failures made me who I am. Since the last time we met in the hospital, I came to realize whenever I fell down, I got back twice as strong. I knelt to you once, became a jonin, trained a team, grew in power. I was too proud to admit I wasn’t enough to fill in the shoes you left behind though, and I lost my team and position because of that. I fell down, and got back up with the eyes of Uchiha and Hyuuga alike. Both of them had been from ninjas of the Kumogakure; just because they died, didn’t mean I would let such valuable weapons go to waste. I got back up, and became stronger for it.”

“I presented the Rule of Two to you not out of fear or regret. My failures taught me a valuable lesson: working with teams will not do in these times of strife. If I had worked alone with Ghost Hyuuga, I might’ve seen he was reckless earlier, and I could’ve tempered his spirit with discipline. If I had worked alone with Rayul Tenuchi, I might’ve seen how the pride in his talents and his clan could’ve blinded him, and worked with him to focus him into a better weapon. If I had worked alone with Hikaru Renkaio, I might’ve seen a fall of grace with the shinobi world, and could’ve showed him the ways of the shinobi so as to make him into a great warrior. If I worked alone with Zento, I might’ve recognized his wisdom and strength, and the two of us could’ve worked together to make each other stronger.”

“None of it comes from a place of fear or regret. These failures just showed me one way in which it could not work: the world is too dangerous to wait for an entire squad to grow together; just as true now as it was in my day. It comes from an understanding that we are in desperate need of strong ninja, and we need them stronger earlier. If the strong lend all their attention and focus onto a single student they can mold, mayhaps we can still call ourselves a Major Village without feeling like we’re lying to ourselves and our people.”

He pondered for a second, thinking back to the old days where his own team fell apart, which forced him to take up cooking as a means to survive rather than staying within the village’s ninja force, then taking a deep breath before resuming.

“It is true I am not entirely confident in my skillset. After all, I have only tested myself against those weaker than me, and the few that could be considered to be on my level were either victories I could not appreciate… or Zento. But I never allowed that to stop me from growing. I have new bloodlines within me, and power beyond my earliest comprehension. However, I never utilized all of my potential violence. So, in truth, it’s not that I don’t fear the monsters anymore, I just haven’t been able to fully realize that I am just as brutal and violent as the rest of them. I've always managed to make do with a few key techniques. How could I ever see myself as a God among men, when all I have done is act like a murderous man?” He shrugged. “I can’t. Until the time where I am forced to fight with everything I have to survive, I will always have doubts in the back of my head.”

He wouldn’t just blaber to the Kage about his Mangekyou Sharingan, the technique it held, or the Eight Inner Gates he could open in order to ascend his mortality. Ninjas tended to write that down in files so they could prepare to meet such ninja in battle appropriately; if ever Kaito was set upon by someone who had read his file, he wished to have a few techniques up his sleeve no one knew of in order to gain the upper hand and emerge victorious from such encounters. One thing this job had taught him was a healthy paranoia.

“Yet, I truly believe in my plan. I wouldn’t have brought it up if I didn’t. I don’t want to cower or wallow in the mistakes of the past. I would use all my regrets as fuel for the furnace in which we can forge a better Kumogakure. A stronger Kumogakure.”

“I have my own sob story. But it does not define me. The only thing that defines me is my quest for power, power that I can use to protect my homeland. My goal is not personal glory. It’s the glory of the village. The safety of the citizens. The quality of the steel they choose to empower themselves. And most of all, hope.”

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The Rule of Two [Kutari, Invite] Empty Re: The Rule of Two [Kutari, Invite]

Sat Nov 14, 2020 7:26 pm
The consistent wave of blood red would wallop within the encased glass as he listened intently to the Jounin profess his thoughts and internal strife, along with the justifications for his actions and belief in this new system. He examined the glass half empty as he considered reaching for the bottle to revitalize its contents, though would refrain from doing so. There was a great deal of value to be obtained from the words of Noboru, some of which he’d have to revisit at a later date due to its lengths. However the general consensus he obtained from his words were that they were truthful and earnest, though that still wouldn’t dismiss the fact of some troubling subjects he brought up himself, “ I appreciate your honesty and can tell your words remain true. However, your failures and ability to bounce back from them ‘twice as strong’ doesn’t excuse the fact they’re failures. I’m trying to run a village here, not a daycare. I can’t depend on my Jounin if they’re just going to be content with failing in the end, I need my men to strive for greatness. You have a great deal of ambition but I simply worry you’re content with settling rather than reaching for more. Yes, you’ve quelled rebellion and capitalized on opportunities for your betterment without any risk, but that’s the issue here - there were little risks at hand. I need you to be comfortable with the uncomfortable, someone I can depend on that has enough tact and creativity to construct their own victory with nothing more than teeth and nails. I hunger for someone that can match my level of hunger...This will be your second and final chance. Don’t disappoint me, you’ll be expected to do more now that I’m around. You certainly have a mind of your own which I respect but it’s time to obtain greatness with it, and not settle with opportunities where there’s nothing to lose. I could’ve left this village to die - I had nothing to truly gain helping you all - the village could’ve been destroyed by Nobunaga or the tailed beast, yet I put my life on the line and risked it all and now here I stand, creating a miracle out of shambles. I’m looking for the one I can consider my other half in a professional sense, my rule of two.

He’d rise from his location, turning to fumble about some papers that were recently received from Sunagakure, retrieving the correct paper and holding it high without actually showing it’s contents, “I like your rule of two idea. It’s not bad, and I’m willing to try something new. Though at the moment we have a more pressing matter: The Kage Summit. It’ll be happening soon and I’ll be attending, and I need you to be there with me so you can witness the room and observe our opposition. The last time I spoke with Sunagakure we were on good terms, and I’m going into this with that fact in mind. The main ones I worry for are Kiri and Konoha, Hoshi and Kazan will be kept in mind however I mainly want to size up the room and see where intentions lie. I don’t plan on striking or beginning a fight at the table, however I do know I favor Kumogakure’s interests at heart and seek for them to be in one of the best positions. We won’t exactly be the friendliest in the group and you know very well I speak my mind, if you notice any underhanded tactics or oddities be mindful of this all. The world is currently in a sour spot, and I don’t need you dying on me if push comes to shove. Prevail and win no matter the cost, though don’t cause any problems for me that you started. Understood?

With that, Kutari would sit back down and bring his paperwork back in front of him, “You should get some rest Noboru, we leave at early dawn. It’ll be a long journey indeed. Don’t let me regret this.” He’d wait for Noboru to leave the room as he weighed all his options: would putting such faith in Noboru bear any fruit? The village was essentially under his control for some time and it’s still alive, however his mentality strikes him as troublesome...In a sense Kutari felt as if Noboru sidestepped the main issue at hand and answered his questions indirectly. There’s surely more to his story and outlook on life then what meets the eye, simply dying on the battlefield with a weapon in hand should prove nothing. Were you a fool for just running in and landing on an enemies extended sword? Believing yourself to be some great warrior and could take on a sea of men with two pitchforks and broken legs? Such a vague outlook without considering every possibility felt similar to what Noboru would think, in that even he didn’t have all the answers or were sure about himself. As Noboru likely began to exit the room he’d leave him with a few words of advice, “And Noboru, hold confidence in what you believe in and do. Even if I disagree with you on subjects, a man is nothing without his ideals the size of pillars. Though that doesn’t entail being stubborn or arrogant, simply being easily convinced may lead to your own downfall as you fail to comprehend your own meaning and purpose in life.” He looked forward to the summit, surely believing it'll bring a great deal of perspective to his Shinobi’s head and allow Kutari to understand. Later on he’d shift back to his previous appearance as before, continuing the persona of Gidyne as necessary to their victory. At the very least, he was trustworthy.

WC: 976



Later bruh
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
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The Rule of Two [Kutari, Invite] Empty Re: The Rule of Two [Kutari, Invite]

Sun Nov 15, 2020 4:59 pm
It seemed for all his talk, the Raikage was not convinced; that much had stayed true since their last meeting, or more accurately, the last time the two met while the Raikage looked like Kutari rather than Gidyne. A distaste for words was a mark of greatness in Kaito’s books, as words were a means to an end, but could at best be a dishonest means to an end. Not that there was anything inherently wrong about it, after all, that was the entire purpose of ninjas: to deceive and manipulate, sabotage and destroy.

This was not one of the cases in which speech would be a weapon though. In spite of Kaito’s earlier doubts regarding the intentions of Kutari’s words, it appeared he was genuinely worried about the redhead, both his mentality as well as his usefulness. The truth was apparent to Kutari, even if the redhead didn’t get it at first. It had been true that his conquests had been low hanging fruits, and he said as much himself when he mentioned he hadn’t had the opportunity to express himself in all of his potential violence. Not only that, he had failed to perform, nothing to be ashamed of in a man, but somewhat of a shame for a professional warrior. But the golden eyed youth didn’t speak out of spite or cruelty. It was just blunt honesty, and whether it stung or not was something for Kaito to deal with internally. A second and final opportunity was all Kaito would need.

“To the death”, he thought to himself, a cryptic but relevant thought.

He rose up and spoke of the Summit of Kages, a summons from the Sunagakure. Kaito had not been able to keep up with the political scene, to be frank, so lost was he in his own world. The black haired conqueror spoke of Konoha and Kiri being a risk, something Kaito felt it was a good assertion, as Konoha was Kiri’s vassal to this day, and even though there had been no news of Xyxer in the world, something must have happened that allowed Kiri to maintain their hold over the giants in the Land of Fire.

Perhaps they were as weak as the Kumogakure.

Kaito would be invited in the bodyguard capacity, it would seem. To be among the monsters of the world and watch the back of one such monster. To allow the cook to die, and be reborn from the ashes anew, a nightmare in his own right. “Win no matter the cost”. Right. “No worries, Lord Raikage.” In spite of their new relationship, what with them opening up to each other in pursuit of a better morrow for the village, he felt honorifics were still in place.

With all that, he was informed he would be departing on the day to come. An interesting prospect. As he made to leave, Kutari called out once more, to offer one last piece of advice. A man who stood for nothing would fall for everything, it seemed. “Thank you, Lord Raikage. I will keep that in mind.”

As he left for a trip to the hospital to remove the broken glass from his hand and get the cuts fixed, he pondered on the words of the Kage. Confidence. Risk taking. Assuredness. Important traits for him to incorporate onto his being, if he wanted to grow powerful and secure his place in the annals of history. He had once again taken the knee figuratively, and he would grow stronger from this yet again.

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Sun Nov 15, 2020 4:59 pm
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Sun Nov 15, 2020 5:01 pm
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Sun Nov 15, 2020 5:01 pm
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