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Roy Goka
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Stat Page : Roy Goka
Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

A cloudy day in Sunagakure (Musu - Shin) Empty A cloudy day in Sunagakure (Musu - Shin)

Wed Sep 02, 2020 7:10 pm
Small bits of clouds scattered the normally barren sky of Sunagakure. Musu would wake from his slumber in the early hours of the sun rising, perhaps right before the rest of the village began to open their shops and buildings for work. Musu did not have any tasks to do today and as tradition decided to gather his writing materials in his sack and do some training. Since there was some shade coming from the sky today Musu thought that today was as good a day as any to do a little extra training. The heat would be sated for a bit by the clouds and as Musu walked out of his apartment he could feel a slight breeze coming from the southwest; this was a rare but welcome addition to his day. 

As Musu walked through the streets that got busier by the minute he decided to stop by his favorite meat store, Sandy Meats, to pick up some food to munch on while he was training. He would enter the store and see Sandy behind the counter getting ready for the droves of customers that were sure to come in. Giving Musu a wave they would exchange greetings before Musu asked for some food that he could have ready for his day of training. Sandy suggested and Musu decided on some nice beef jerky that was cured and dried to perfection by Sandy herself. As Musu dipped his head in the bag he was brought back to the days when fresh meat was abundant in his life in a time long past. Musu would purchase the jerky and some water with it and exited the building and went to the training grounds. 

By the time Musu arrived it was already busy there. Teams of genin and other ninja would already have taken most of the most suitable training areas so Musu had to walk around for a bit. He wasn’t sure where he was going to set up shop but Musu believed that today was going to be productive.

WC: 342
Shin Kenshin
Shin Kenshin
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 8500

A cloudy day in Sunagakure (Musu - Shin) Empty Re: A cloudy day in Sunagakure (Musu - Shin)

Sun Sep 06, 2020 12:43 am
The sun was beating down on the desert sand surrounding the vast village hidden within. The air would waver and float visibly upward. Surprisingly, spots of clouds were also dancing around the sky, which meant rain for the people who lived in the village. It was always important for the village when the rain came around and swell the river for more freshwater. Or instead, Like Shin, it meant it was the perfect weather for training. 

Shin arrived at the training field during its busy hour. Shinobi of every age and level was training, from the youngest genin to an experienced chunin. They were working on transformation technique, substitution, clone jutsu, you name it. Most of them were working by themselves, finding it easier to focus on just themselves, while others were working with close friends that were going through the same issue. 

The Kaguya was planning on working on training by himself, but he never minded working on training with others. On more than one occasion, someone would come up to him and ask to spare to teach him some important techniques. Shin was planning for today that he would work on some simple taijutsu. 

After setting up a wooden dummy to practice some kicks and punches, a kid catches his attention. "Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing." Thinking he was talking to him, Shin turned around to face the noise. It turned out that the kid was talking to another kid, they were both boys and seemed to be the same age. "You weren't supposed to come around here, didn't I say that?" the aggressive kid looks to a group of boys, again around the same age. They all nodded their heads, giving a similar devilish grin as their 'leader'. "You don't control these parts!" The other boy shot back. This infuriated the aggressor and lead him to shove the boy down to the ground. This lead Shin to take action, he would start heading over to the group of boys now huddled around the one on the ground. 

WC: 344
Roy Goka
Roy Goka
Stat Page : Roy Goka
Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

A cloudy day in Sunagakure (Musu - Shin) Empty Re: A cloudy day in Sunagakure (Musu - Shin)

Mon Sep 07, 2020 4:09 pm
It didn’t take long for Musu to rescind his thought that  today might be a cool day here in Sunagakure. Clearly the clouds that were around did bring some shade to the area but the heat that the sun shined around them was still extremely hot. Walking around was fine but Musu realized that he was already building up a sweat. 

Walking up along the path he stumbled upon something in one of the training areas. From about 20 Meters away Musu saw some commotion coming from a group of boys that were using one of the training grounds. He couldn’t particularly hear exactly what was happening from that range but he could sense that all the boys were ninjas with small and still growing chakra signatures. As this commotion peaked his interest his sensory of all the other chakras around him would begin to flow into his mind. Around him the other ninjas around him seemed to have dim or slightly bright chakra signatures. All except one ninja that was about 15 meters away from the group of boys and Musu, as though the trio created a triangle. A young man with flowing red and yellow hair about twice the length of Musu’s would begin to walk towards the group. His chakra was far brighter than all the others, sensing that he was similar in chakra power to Musu.

Now at this point Musu could clearly see the group of boys were getting into a fight and it appeared to be that this brawl was a bit one sided. Musu didn’t know what had caused the fight or why there was animosity in the first place; probably young hearts passionate and uncontrolled. Regardless Musu would walk forward a bit to be about 10 meters away and watch. Growing up alone with his mother and father and away from other peers growing up Musu did not have to deal with bullies. He did not want the young boy to get hurt and if it looked like there could be too much bloodshed then Musu would intervene. For now, however, he would observe from a distance and be ready to enter at a moment's notice. At this point all of his stuff will be in his pack so if he really had to do then he could weave hand signs freely.

[390, total = 732]

Shin Kenshin
Shin Kenshin
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 8500

A cloudy day in Sunagakure (Musu - Shin) Empty Re: A cloudy day in Sunagakure (Musu - Shin)

Sat Sep 12, 2020 1:44 pm
Shin wasn't going to stand for any bullying. As a kid, he would see bullies get away with too much because the other party was too weak. It infuriated him. Nothing like that would be tolerated by Shin. People in his gang would know this as well, they would get an earful if there were even rumours getting thrown around. 

The boys seemed surprised and a little nervous that they were being approached by a stranger. The leader of the group wasn't afraid however, he stared down Shin as he approached. 

"Excuse me, what are you little fuckers doing?" Shin said harshly. Shin would head over to the boy and pick him off the ground. The boy was afraid, moving behind the Kaguya as he retreated. 

"Funny, I was about to ask you the same thing." The head douche replied. The other boys were shocked but impressed that their friend was talking down to a Shinobi. They all noticed his headband belonging to their village, the kid just didn't care. He too had a headband around his arm. 

Shin smirked, admiring his stupidity. He had been tired of trying out his skills on a piece of wood in the ground. "Why don't we make this the stadium and do an official challenge. If I win, then you never show your face here again." Shin wanted to make the boy feel the same way he made the other boy feel.

The boy scoffed. "Why not right here, right now. If I win...well let's say you will be eating out of a tube for a while." The boy got into a fighting stance. His friend would back off, not wanting to get in the middle of the battle. Shin would glare, disliking his lack of honour but it was still a challenge, and Shin wasn't going to back off. Shin would respond to the challenge by also getting into a fighting stance, 5 meters away. 

WC: 323
TWC: 667
Roy Goka
Roy Goka
Stat Page : Roy Goka
Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

A cloudy day in Sunagakure (Musu - Shin) Empty Re: A cloudy day in Sunagakure (Musu - Shin)

Fri Sep 18, 2020 4:18 pm
As Musu continued to look onto the scene that was developing he would listen in on the conversation that Shin would have with the boy that appeared to be a leader of their pack. Is this how children were raised here in Sunagakure? Musu was having trouble understanding why these boys acted more like animals than humans in this regard. This act was primal, predatory, and just downright rude. Musu saw as Shin and the head boy would prepare to look as though they were going to spar against each other. The Sunagakure Jounin started to ask so many more questions in his mind about what was transpiring. His Curiosity was sparked even further and he knew he had to act for this was not the natural order of things. 

Thankfully it appeared to be seen that the only onlooker in sight of this brawl was Musu. Everyone else that was around the area seemed to clear out. Musu would begin to walk along the sand path towards the group. The dry heat that pierced the clouds radiated the heat through to the sand below which made it extremely hot. How uncomfortable that must have been for the other ninja boy that had been pushed down. 

As he walked forward towards the group that was beginning the brawl Musu would make his presence known. Getting to about 5 meters away from the group Musu would yell out : “What is the meaning of this!...” to the group of boys, raising his finger. “...Before you answer I’m going to say a few things.” Should Musu be allowed to continue to speak he would continue to talk to the group, directing his first comment to the leader of the gang. “A pack leader who picks fights with lesser beings only breeds more strife. You are nothing more than a snake, unfit to lead these dogs who follow you.” 

Should Musu be allowed to continue to speak he would look towards the boy that was being bullied and hit to the ground. “Have you no means of defending yourself? Even the lowest sheep still has hooves. Regardless, choose to live as a sheep, you will always be a sheep, and one day you will become ripe for slaughter. You must train and work harder than all these boys combined if you want to survive, and it will hurt.”

Musu would then direct his attention towards Shin: “This is not your fight. A boy must learn to defend himself by any means necessary. A mama bear can only defend his cub for so long or else it will not grow itself. By defending him you rob this one of a tough lesson he must learn.” 

“Now, I still suggest a fight, but not this one. Snake Vs. Sheep. Lets see what you two are made of. Refuse, Snake, and you'll learn just how fast a pack leader can fall.” Musu would finish, at which point he realized he left his sack back where he was standing earlier, what a fool.

At any point during Musu's lengthy speech something happen that may threaten Musu he is prepared to let out his chakra chains and restrain the offending parties.

[WC: 531]
Shin Kenshin
Shin Kenshin
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 8500

A cloudy day in Sunagakure (Musu - Shin) Empty Re: A cloudy day in Sunagakure (Musu - Shin)

Sun Sep 20, 2020 10:37 pm
Before any of the opponents could start the fight, which Shin had no intention of making the first strike, a man interrupted. Shin was about to tell him off before the man would continue talking. He began to talk to the aggressor, calling his group a pack and relating them to dogs, the leader being a snake. The group started looking to each other as if to say "what is this guy talking about" The boy wasn't very happy that he had just been called a snake. 

Shin looked at the man, just trying to put an image to the voice. Right away, Shin noticed that he was a shinobi bearing the Suna headband. He had red hair and about the same height as Shin. His face showed experience with a scar over his eye and facial hair. But Shin wasn't sure of his rank just from his appearance. He could be a chunin or a jonin at least. 

Then the attention turned to Shin, which shocked him, not thinking he would get scrolled for defending someone. He told Shin that he shouldn't take this crucial learning moment; waiting for the boy to fight for himself. The victim's eyes widen when it was suggested that HE fight back. Learn what? That we as shinobi don't protect the weaker? Wasn't that the whole point of being a shinobi? Shin thought to himself. He didn't want to say anything too rude to the man, as he could be superior. "Excuse me. But this is a lesson I don't want to teach. I feel as if it's a shinobi's obligation to protect." 

WC: 269
TWC: 936
Roy Goka
Roy Goka
Stat Page : Roy Goka
Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

A cloudy day in Sunagakure (Musu - Shin) Empty Re: A cloudy day in Sunagakure (Musu - Shin)

Wed Sep 23, 2020 9:20 pm
Musu would be allowed to speak his whole speech with nobody really interrupting him which definitely pleased him. The warm air from the light breeze would make his crimson hair blow in it slightly as some dirt and dust would also be lifted up from the ground. Musu had never done something like this before, he had never taken the time out of his day to approach any person, child or otherwise, and question what they were doing. Something stirred in Musu today that he hadn’t felt before and that there maybe was a chance for him to make a difference. 

The group of boys that appeared to be the aggressors in this situation all had these confused looks on their faces. Did they not understand the metaphor? Had Musu just wasted his time making a speech like this? Maybe he overstepped? These thoughts would bounce around the jounins mind as he observed the reactions of the group which included Shin. He watched as the boy he referred to as a snake would take some offense to being called that, he clearly got the metaphor, or he at least got the message that at least in his eyes that he was the one at fault. Perhaps Musu had gotten the young man in some small way although it didn’t look like he felt remorse for what he was doing. Musu would let out a small sigh and clearly disappointed that he didn’t seem to have changed anyone's mind here. At least it was worth a shot and if anything it was a learning experience. 

Now it was time for him to face the consequences of his intrusion. The older shinobi who was there then turned to Musu and questioned his logic. Defying what Musu had said a moment ago he did not want the two boys to fight it out. He wanted to protect the boy from being harmed. As Musu listened to what the young man had to say he stared directly into his eyes, he tried not to blink and this moment paid full attention to the young shinobi, and should any of the boys around him try any funny business they might be able to succeed. Musu did not care; he wanted to make sure that Shin got his full and undivided attention. 

As soon as Shin finished talking Musu would break eye contact and begin to look down at the boys, then back to his pack which he finally remembered, and then back to Shin. He took a few moments to collect his thoughts on the matter before making a reply. Should any ninja be able to sense it they would see that Musu heart was racing with excitement in a way Musu hadn’t felt before. 

“Forgive me for being so rude my name is Musu.I don’t normally butt in on matters like this and I hope you didn’t take offense to be barging in like I did…” Musu would pause for a second a bow to the ninja before continuing. “...and you’re right, it is a ninja’s duty to protect those who can’t protect themselves… but these boys are the future of the village. A boy who can’t protect himself has no chance of protecting others when he's needed to, and a boy who bullies his comrades will choose to protect himself over others when he's needed to. I say give these two a chance to fight out their differences now rather than later. What say you Sir?.” Musu would say to the ninja and await his response.

[594, Total = 1125]
Shin Kenshin
Shin Kenshin
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 8500

A cloudy day in Sunagakure (Musu - Shin) Empty Re: A cloudy day in Sunagakure (Musu - Shin)

Wed Sep 30, 2020 11:08 pm
The jonin seemed to collect himself after Shin defying his advice. But he didn't seem upset that Shin would dare, he seemed passionate about what he was preaching. Musu explained that it was indeed the shinobi's mission to protect the ones that couldn't defend themselves. However, these boys were going to become Shinobi too, they were going to face the same tasks as Shin was. The Kaguya didn't even think about that, but the fact that the boy was at the training field was trying to get better. Shin looked at the boy that stood behind him. The boy looked away from his gaze, looking disappointed. Perhaps it was the fact that he felt like a weakling after getting rescued by Shin. The chunin then looked at the crowd and got flustered, seeing Shin gets called out by his superior. 

Before Shin could leave in shame, the boy behind him touched his shoulder. "It's okay. I thankful for you looking out for little guys like me." Shin would smile after hearing that. "Thanks..." The Kaguya would then stand down and start to walk off. Shin was comfortable doing so because the bullies would have to be way dumber than they look to go after the same guy just after that rising speech by the Jonin. They might target him at a later time, but Shin had a feeling that the boy would know what to do by then. 

It turned out that Shin's assessment was correct. The bullies just scoffed and started to leave, their pack leader taking point. The crowd would return to the original training that they were doing before the disruption. The victim also left, probably to treat his wounds in the comfort of his own home. 

Shin would pick himself after taking in a deep breath, cheering himself up so that this event would dampen his day. He would head over to the jonin. "So, you're Musu? I'm Shin. Shin Kenshin. Did you come here for some training, cause I can see that you're a shinobi and I wouldn't mind some company?" He would shrug, offering it to his comrade.

WC: 354
TWC: 1290
Roy Goka
Roy Goka
Stat Page : Roy Goka
Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

A cloudy day in Sunagakure (Musu - Shin) Empty Re: A cloudy day in Sunagakure (Musu - Shin)

Thu Oct 08, 2020 8:03 pm
As Musu finished his conversation with Shin and the boys in the training grounds he didn’t deny the feeling of power that he had when he confronted the group. Anyone who had the sensory could tell that Musu was still extremely nervous confronting them in the first place; his heartbeat was racing and a few drops of sweat would emerge from his brow as he continued the conversation, though they could also be noticed as just sweat from working out or training, but it was powerful to get that kind of attention and respect even if it was from juvenile. As he continued on his journey of being a higher ranking ninja in this village Musu knew that he would have to lead more dangerous tasks that his fellow ninja would depend on him to give the correct answer to those situations. He would have to be strong and show courage in the face of great adversity regardless of the outcome and in this moment Musu understood that there could be a great problem for him if he didn’t step up. He couldn’t be nervous like this anymore and he couldn’t let his emotions show. Thankfully this situation turned out to be low risk and the group decided that it would be best to disperse. 

As the group all started to separate the group of bullies would stick together and leave as a pack. The boy that was being picked on would thank Shin for helping him out in his situation. It was at this moment that Musu thought he would speak up again and tell the two boys to fight but then he noticed something about the other boy that changed his mind. Musu would see that boy was indeed bloodied up alright and looked like he could be injured. While he wanted to see the young man fight against the bully to show them his mettle he also realized that he was putting the young boy at a significant disadvantage by doing so. Instead of saying anything else Musu would draw a deep sigh, turn around, and walk back towards his pack. 

As Musu picked up his belongings he would be confronted again by Shin. He told Musu who he was and also asked if he wouldn’t mind a training partner for today. Musu was shocked a bit by this gesture, Musu didn’t think that he presented himself as all that special in his encounter that they just had, and he wasn’t sure if Shin had any ulterior motives on the matter. Nevertheless the day was still young and there was sure to be something productive that could come out of this. 

“Hello Shin, nice to meet you.” Musu would say to the ninja he gave him another deep bow. “If you would like some company with training today I would be happy to join you. I was a member of the sealing corps before I became a Jounin. If there was anything that you wished to learn about Fuuinjutsu I’d be happy to give you some guidance unless you had another idea?” Musu suggested to the young man.

WC: 522
TWC: 1647
Shin Kenshin
Shin Kenshin
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 8500

A cloudy day in Sunagakure (Musu - Shin) Empty Re: A cloudy day in Sunagakure (Musu - Shin)

Sun Oct 11, 2020 10:00 pm
Musu greeted Shin with a deep bow after Shin just asked to join him. The extreme formality through Shin off. He had never met anyone is so formal towards him. He grew up on the street, so it was mostly avoided gazes and or glares. Shin bowed to Musu in return, getting close to where his head was, to return the favor. The jonin then explained that he would be happy to join Shin with some training, even offering to teach the chunin some sealing techniques because he used to be on the sealing corps. But Shin didn't have much interest in sealing techniques. After hearing this man was a jonin, Shin would get a better idea. "Would you mind sparing me?"

WC: 122
TWC: 1412
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