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Yosei Hisori
Yosei Hisori
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Genjutsu Practice [solo] Empty Genjutsu Practice [solo]

Wed Aug 12, 2020 9:57 pm
“But it doesn’t look real at all.”
“No, it doesn’t.”
“But won’t people be able to tell?”
“Tell that it isn’t real? Of course.” 
“But that will be soooo lame!”
That was years ago, when Yosei was just a boy. He spent a lot of his time pestering his father as he built the sets for their theatre. Though the traditional Noh theatre that they usually performed never changed it’s staging, the Hisori family occasionally branched out into different art forms which required different setups. These other forms use complex staging to create backdrops. Yosei’s father typically was the director for their projects, but he also carried down the art of stagecraft as taught to him by his mother. What he was working on back then was various panels each depicting parts of a background. Once he put them in place, his father took Yosei to a seat in the audience and then stood on stage. They were arranged precisely so that it looked almost like he was standing in an orchard with some trees right behind him and others in the distance. But the illusion was rather flimsy. Squint your eyes or angle your head right and it looked like what it was; arranged panels of wood. 
“I don’t know dad, won’t people see right through it?”
His father sat on the stage and lit his pipe. 
“Yosei. During the Hannya production six months ago - when the old seamstress reveals she is a demon after the monks discovered the human bones in her closet. Didn’t that frighten you?”
Yosei nodded, shivering at the memory. 
“But you were there with me the whole time during rehearsal. You knew they were only actors, you helped paint the mask yourself. But still, when you saw it in the dark accompanied by the drummers and the wailing song of the chorus, you had to run outside. Well, people don’t come to the theatre for something real, they know it’s fake before they get here. Fake things can affect us sometimes even more than real things do. What we do here, the point of it - it’s using lies to tell the truth. That’s our art.”

Ten years later, Yosei stood in the center of the courtyard behind the Great Kiri Academy. He had spent the last few hours researching the technique he was about to practice. It was all about shifting the surroundings, seeding optical illusions in them to confuse your opponent. After thinking back on his father’s words, he was reminded of the wisdom of one of his teachers during his academy years, the great spirit-sealing blind monk Matsukaze Sensei. She had instructed him in genjutsu. 
“Always remember that Genjutsu is useless if your opponent knows about it. Like how a magic trick isn’t impressive once you know how it works. Once your opponent is aware they are under the effects of a genjutsu, the likelihood that they will break out of it is vastly increased. You must apply a subtle influence, altering their perception just enough to give yourself the advantage, but not so much that you show your hand fully.” 
Holding both of these wisdoms in mind, Yosei formed the hand signs and attempted the False Surroundings Genjutsu.
A few meters away, a harried-looking scholar was carrying a pile of scrolls over to the library. The papers were stacked so high he could hardly see over them, and barely saved himself in time from walking straight into the fountain. In shock, he stumbled back, dropping all of the scrolls out of his arms and letting them spill out over the ground. 
Yosei smiled and walked over to him, offering him a hand up. 
“Th-Thank you. So strange, I didn’t think I was walking close to the fountain at all.”
Yosei nodded pleasantly and waited for the scholar to walk out of sight before dropping the jutsu. Of course, the fountain had jumped several meters to the left without the man noticing. How many times had he walked through this courtyard, yet he didn’t doubt the position of the fountain for a second. 

Yosei pondered this for a moment. It was curious how willing people were to accept illusions rather than challenge reality. It was this trait one must exploit to make great theatre or, indeed, a great shinobi.

[WC: 717]

717 x 2 (Event) = 1434
500 for False Surroundings with 50% academy discount.
500 for Hazy Genjutsu with 50% Academy discount.
14 stats: +10 Vigor, +4 Chakra]
Ichigo Sato
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Genjutsu Practice [solo] Empty Re: Genjutsu Practice [solo]

Thu Aug 13, 2020 5:33 pm
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