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Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Myriad Training Empty Myriad Training

Thu Aug 06, 2020 11:29 pm
Keita awoke once again to the wonderful scent of the mist that crept in through the small crack of the window in his bedroom. He always left the window slightly ajar, as he liked the cool breeze that would sweep in through it, and it would even make the room temperature a bit colder in the winter months, which made Keita happy to snuggle up into some thicker blankets and have a bit of hot chocolate in the morning. Today was not that type of morning, however, as today there was quite a bit of fog, and it seemed to be getting thicker, the clouds in the sky getting darker, and one that lived in a place with a large amount of rainfall every year would easily be able to tell that there was going to be heavy rain today no matter how you looked at it. Keita loved the rain, so it was fine that there was going to be rain today, as he had a special peach blossom colored umbrella that he used to go out when it was raining. He looked quite calm and surreal when it was raining, and he always seemed to be contemplating something, so he would simply do so again today. In the afternoon, he was going to meet up with a couple of people, his friend Kizmaru, as well as another person that Kizmaru wanted to invite to the training session as well. Kizmaru was going to instruct Keita on how to more effectively convert his chakra into that of the water element, so Keita was fairly excited. He had recently learned the art of nature and chakra transformation, and so he was building his repertoire of jutsu at the moment, and after he learned how to turn his chakra nature into the water element, he would begin learning jutsu that utilizzed the water element to the fullest. He already had a couple of earth element jutsu, but he was slowly training his ninjutsu more than his fuuinjutsu as of late, as he had reached a very high mastery of fuuinjutsu and decided that he was going to go and dabble into the widest array of jutsu, and that was undoubtedly ninjutsu.

Keita washed up, ate breakfast, and then got into his blue robes that he liked to wear when he was training or exercising, although the extra flair he usually wore with the robes were missing today, such as his earrings and brush like large belt, as he wanted to be able to move a little more freely in this particular training session. He stretched, grabbed his umbrella, and then walked out towards the front door, and into the street, extending the umbrella. Even though he was quite well off right now, Keita enjoyed efficiency in his life style, and decided that a small flat was a good suit for him, as it was not shared like an apartment, and it also was pretty close to all of the important things that he wanted to be close to, such as food, a park, and of course the important one was, the administration building. He liked that he could walk around ten minutes and be at the administration building where he selected all of his missions, it was really convenient, even if he did not have the best house, it was fine for him, and pretty meagerly decorated. This time, however, he would have to make his way all the way towards the other side of his district, which would take him about thirty minutes on foot. As he was walking towards the area, he did not quite see many people, as it was pretty early in the morning. However, after about ten or so minutes, people started to show their faces in the streets, albeit with differing levels of annoyance about the rain. It was a general occurrence, and most people who lived in the mist village would have known by now, and a lot of them either had umbrellas, or simple face coverings and did not care about the rain hitting them and making them wet. Wet was a way of life in Kirigakure.

Some people, however, were not so lucky, and hated the rain and tragically forgot to bring an umbrella. The neighborhood school children, the citizens that decided to help on the logistical or citizen side of the hidden mist, were quite familiar with Keita, as he had shown them a great kindness for multiple years. Some of the kids ran up to him and hid under his umbrella, crowding it immediately. "Uzumaki-sensei, let us borrow you for a moment, just down the street, we promise." one of them spoke up and tried to give Keita his best puppy dog eyes in begging. Keita put on a face that said 'I don't know, I'm busy' and another kid immediately spoke up in a begging matter. "Please Uzumaki-sensei, it's not far and we're just trying to get to class." Keita was of course, simply toying around with them, and let out a soft hearted chuckle towards them. "Of course, I'm heading that way anyways. However, next time do not forget your umbrellas if you do not want to get wet. Also, promise you will try your best in your studies, or I will not shelter you from the rain in the future." Keita was always a warm hearted person, something that the mist village sorely lacked, but this was also why he got along a lot greater with the civilian children than with the ninja children, as they were focused on learning how to kill. This was still the bloody mist. After escorting the children a ways and bidding farewell, Keita reach the military training facility. He was definitely early at this time, and simply waited for Kizmaru to show up with the other person meant to train with them. It was still raining heavily when he got there, and it was also a bit dark because of the fierce rain and dark clouds, but Keita loved the rain, so he was not in much of a hurry to get inside and hide from it.
1,026 WC
Kizmaru Senju
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Myriad Training Empty Re: Myriad Training

Fri Aug 07, 2020 11:33 pm
Another morning had broken out in the land hidden in the mist as one could guess. It was awfully cloudy today with the fog thicker than normal with the threat of heavy rain looming over the village, if not the entire country. The Mizukage had been sleeping peacefully in the chair of his office with a pen in his hand as per usual. At least he was able to get some rest from time to time even if it did leave him in a more vulnerable state. Not as in being assassinated or anything like that but like in the current state he was sleeping in at the moment. He was slouched to the right side of his chair dressed in his Mizukage attire of a white and blue robe and hat. His hat was crooked and almost fell off of his head as he slept in the awkward position. A few moments later, he had awoken from his slumber, dropping the pen he was holding onto the floor. Giving a loud yawn, the mizukage had rearranged his hat properly onto his head so he could properly see out of the veil he uses for hiding his identity. Bringing both of his hands to his eyes, he began to rub them vigorously.

Standing up from his chair, he stooped down to pick up the pen he dropped earlier and placed it back onto the desk in front of him. It was his favorite pen and didn't want to lose it and replace it with another that he didn't have any particular liking too. Feeling groggy and relatively dirty, Kizmaru decided he would wash up a bit since he had planned on meeting some people today. Stripping from his Kage attire then changing out of his normal clothing, Kizmaru began to head into the common room that was in the next room in the office. It was quite large for a room and it almost felt like an apartment away from home. There was a kitchen, bed, washing machine, dryer and a bathroom all in one. It was pretty convenient for him on days he left the office late or didn't get to leave at all. Kizmaru then placed his clothing into the washing machine, applying the proper settings and pushing 'start'. After doing so, Kizmaru decided this was the right time to hope in and take a long shower to thoroughly wash up and rinse the sleepiness he had remaining away. Staying in the shower for nearly an hour, he felt as if he was good and clean before stepping out.

Reaching for a towel, Kizmaru wrapped one around him before reaching for another one to dry his head and hair. The clothes had already finished being washed and now he had to throw them into the dryer. Kizmaru thought maybe staying in the shower for so long wasn't the best of ideas as not only was the clothes done awhile ago, his skin was quite wrinkled. it always looked and felt weird when this happens but when he finally got it out of his mind, he no longer felt weird by looking at the phenomenon. Either way, he had to go find himself something to do while wrapped in towels since he didn't bring a change of clothing. After wasting time waiting for his clothes to dry, Kizmaru finally heard the beeping sound the machine made when indicating the load was done. Opening the machine and reaching for his now cleaned and dried clothing, Kizmaru put back on his normal attire of a yellow button down shirt, navy blue pants and ninja tabi. He also had his headband cloth wasted alongside his clothing. Fastening back to the metal part, Kizmaru wore his headband around his head in a bandana styled nature before feeling like a new man.

Walking out of the common room, he checked to see if everything else was in order. Of course nothing had changed since he went into the common room over an hour ago nor did he expect anything too. One couldn't be too careful however since they lived in turbulent times. Making his way towards the exit, Kizmaru decided to borrow an umbrella from a closet. It wasn't exactly his but somebody had left it there and nobody's ever come back to pick it up. Heading to the lobby, he noticed his receptionist wasn't currently present in their seat. He'd forgotten it was their day off and he shrugged it off before heading out of the doorway. The rain had begun to fall heavily at this point and it didn't look like it was clearing up any time soon. Kizmaru figured he'd just deal with, opening up the plain black umbrella and walking into the rain with it concealing his frame from the rainfall. He was on his way to meet up with his buddy Keita and a newcomer he's only seen once before. Although he wouldn't recognize Kizmaru, Kizmaru would recognize him and that's all that mattered. They figured since a certain two particular individuals managed to survive the very high difficult mission some time ago, they'd be worth training. For now, he'd just head off towards the training facility in order to meet up with Keita and the shinobi he'd seen the other day.

W.C: 883
Stat Page : Chest Breakerrrr
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 18300

Myriad Training Empty Re: Myriad Training

Sun Aug 09, 2020 3:12 pm
Life after the impromptu S-class mission he had attended had been... rough for the lack of a better word for Teiho. It wasn’t as if he had spiraled per say, moreso the few things he did already find interest in had quickly lost their luster in favor of more practical applications of his time like further training and preparation. He had vowed to himself on that bridge that he wouldn’t be the weak link in a situation like that again, the faces of the various families and children in particular stuck with him. The looks of terror and helplessness was something all too real to the young man, it was something he could relate too and understand. It was something that terrified him as he stared into their young and emotionally spent eyes. And it was something that...

His body was slumped forward, the scalding hot water of his shower poured over his hunched frame, the bunched up muscles on his back receiving the pounding of a lifetime as he attempted to drown out the noise. The music in the background was garbled to the point of incoherence due to the sound of the water washing over his head and shoulders, but he could still feel himself wishing he could hear the tunes of whatever was playing so he wouldn’t have to keep thinking back to that night. It was bad enough that he had lost his parents to a faceless entity, some of these kids had to watch their parents get eviscerated. If one were to compare the two, it would almost be laughable with how Teiho was taking this situation. But of course, mental illness didn’t care about context. It just did what it was going to do and the best anyone could hope for was a single day of peace and quiet.

WC: 305
Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
Stat Page : Sayaka's Stats
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Myriad Training Empty Re: Myriad Training

Sun Aug 09, 2020 10:32 pm
Keita was waiting outside for a while, letting the soft taps of rain hit his umbrella as he looked out towards the afternoon streets of Kirigakure, and it looked quite beautiful. The lights and lanterns of the city that were hung out combined with the rain and constantly shifting water in the puddles made a wonderfully beautiful sight that was reminisce of a large number of fireflies buzzing in the night sky. The reflections on the wet streets added to an effect that seemed to create a small ocean of stars, and Keita thought that it was a sight beyond words. Keita enjoyed the sight for a time, before the young assistant that was working the front desk of the military training facility opened the door, and started talking to Keita. "Excuse me, Mr Uzumaki? The time that you had ordered today has started, would you like to come in and use it now?" The petite woman said. Keita turned and took a look at her, and although he knew that she was in her early twenties, it looked like she was younger than eighteen, as she had a small, adorable face and big eyes. Keita simply smiled back gently at her and shook his head. "It's fine, the sight out here is gorgeous, and I want to take it in for a couple more minutes. Plus, I'm waiting for my companions, and although they are a bit late, it is fine that I wait for them. I will simply pay a bit more to extend the time, as it seems that today is a bit less crowded than most days, for obvious reasons, haha." Keita gently said to her in an amiable voice. Keita was always a bit quiet, and spoke in a slow and steady voice that was easily hjeard when one was talking to him, and it made other people comfortable.

The woman slightly walked out, and quickly hid under the umbrella with Keita, which caused her to be quite close, and looked towards where Keita was looking at. For a moment, she showed a slightly confused face, before getting even closer to Keita, which caused Keita's heart to increase in speed a bit, before her eyes lit up. She then gasped slightly enjoying the wonderful sight that was laid out before her in awe, with a big smile on her face. While Keita was a bit of a pretty boy, and had a calm, collected, and an amiable disposition, he was very inexperienced when it came to women. It was essentially his weakness, as women getting a bit too close to him would cause his heart to race a bit, even though he knew that most likely nothing would come from their interaction, especially because he was not going to push any further. This was also something bad about Keita, which was that he was completely inept when it came to flirting and getting closer to women for relationship purposes. Keita simply sat there with her and silently enjoyed the scene in front of them, not really noticing that the woman was stealing glances from him from time to time, before suddenly sighing and walking back inside. "The sight was actually really good, but I have to get back to work." The woman said, before walking back into the building, taking one last look at Keita and waiting a second, before Keita simply nodded back to her and made a humming sound with his mouth, indicating that it was okay that they parted ways there. If anyone else was there at the time and saw this, they would probably beat him for being incompetent.
WC: 608
Kizmaru Senju
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Ryo : 0

Myriad Training Empty Re: Myriad Training

Wed Aug 12, 2020 11:33 pm
Arriving at the military training facility, Kizmaru found one of the people he was expecting at the entrance of the facility. It looks like he didn't get bored waiting for him to arrive. Maybe the fresh Genin that appeared out of nowhere had arrived before him too and they had been training or having a conversation while Kizmaru was busy with his laundry. He didn't see the other guy around so maybe he was the second one to arrive and they still had to wait on the third. Walking towards Keita smiling, he pulled his right hand out of his pocket in order to wave at him in an attempt to grasp his attention before calling to him. "Yo Keita, sorry I'm late. I had a wardrobe malfunction. Is the newcomer here already or are we still waiting on him? I can't wait to 'meet' him for the first time," Kizmaru said jokingly. He already met the rather tall Hyuuga but was the hyuuga aware that he met him? Kizmaru couldn't be sure. This was the second person he's ever met with Byakugan and he wasn't sure if when he turned on the Byakugan at one point, if he had peered at him to see what was under the veil.

Nonetheless, Kizmaru decided he would reveal his identity to him so it doesn't come out at a time when he didn't need it too. The way Hibana greets him when he's in his Mizukage persona was as if he was a soldier on the front lines listening to the every word of his commander. He'd either make a great soldier capable of doing even the dirtiest of jobs or a psychopath that he would eventually have to put down. Either way, it was all on what steps he'd take into grooming the boy. Putting his thoughts aside, if he was going to wait for the third guy anyway, he figured he'd might as well go and get himself a drink, they were here for training after all and Kizmaru didn't have time to eat anything. The least he could do was get one of those nutrient skim milkshakes that was so popular to drink while working out. Once he decided on the flavor he wanted he'd ask Keita if he wanted one before he walked off to grab the drinks or drink if Keita declined. "Hey Keita, since we're waiting and all, I was thinking about grabbing one of those milkshakes that replaces a meal since I haven't eaten anything today. Do you want one or anything else while I walk over there," he had asked. 

Regardless of the answer given, Kizmaru would walk over to a vending machine to make the purchase before returning back to the entrance to check and see if the third person had shown up. Aside from training, he wanted to have a meeting with these specific two as he had plans to do multiple things but he needed advice and key shinobi to play certain roles.

W.C: 504
Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
Stat Page : Sayaka's Stats
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Myriad Training Empty Re: Myriad Training

Tue Sep 22, 2020 3:48 am
[Skipping to my post]
The rain was fiercely making the pitter patter sounds as it was heavily pelting the ground and surrounding buildings, and Keita loved the noise it made just as much as he loved the sight and smell of it. He was glad he lived in an area where this scene was fairly common, as it was something he could witness every other day if he wanted to, which was a very fantastic thing in his mind. Keita soon heard something else that had broken the monotony that was the rain splashing to the ground around him, and when Keita heard this, he was immediately brought back to his senses, recognizing a familiar voice to his right. His friend Kizmaru had finally arrived, and it seemed that he had some trouble, but Keita did not mind at all, and instead brushed it off and simply nodded to Kizmaru as he showed up and greeted him. "Hello Kizmaru, how are you doing tonight? It seems the weather is a bit adverse for what we wanted to do today, but that doesn't really matter right now, as it seems that our friend had not yet arrived, and I was thinking that we should just call this off for today, and let whoever comes here have the time that I had paid for instead, so that it is not wasted." Keita said with a knowing smile as he looked at his close friend, making sure that nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Kizmaru seemed healthy, and Keita was still very concerned for the well being of his friend, so that was a given. 

Keita stood up as he heard his friend say that he was going to the vending machine to get some sort of meal supplement shake out of i, and Keita agreed, although he was not one to miss any meals, as his days were far too planned out for that to happen right now, but he was fairly thirsty, The best thing on a cold rainy day such as this was some sort of hot tea that he could sip[on, the warmth from the tea spreading through his stomach sounded like a divine way to enjoy his current day right now. He did not feel like training any more today after all, as the day was simply too good to be used on training, and although he did not want to disappoint Kizmaru, who was also really busy, they would simply reschedule, unless Kizmaru was adamant about practicing today, then Keita would have to choice but to think of something and do a bit of training with him today. Still, Keita simply nodded to his friend when he got back to the topic at hand, which was if Keita wanted something to drink, and Keita simply responded nicely. "Sure, if you would grab me a hot green tea, that would be perfect for today's weather." Keita responding in his usual soft, gentle voice. He was currently studying something important right now, and that would most likely determine the rest of his shinobi career, but right now he just wanted to enjoy the rest of the day. And so, he simply sat there and sipped his hot tea, chatting with his friend about his days and wants currently, and when the tea was gone, he left, bidding Kizmaru farewell, and making sure to reschedule their training.
WC 563
Military Training Facility <- Using this for extra ap
Claiming 114 ap (per 100 words: 2 ap for max stats, 1 ap for training area)
Total Word Count: 3831 (1026*2 from event, 608*2 from event + 563)
Using 2000 words for One Handed Seals 2000/2000 complete
Using 1800 words towards Nature Chakra Proficiency  1800/2000
Kizmaru Senju
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Ryo : 0

Myriad Training Empty Re: Myriad Training

Tue Sep 29, 2020 8:08 pm
Continuing to disregard the rain that fell to the ground, Kizmaru continued to walk towards the vending machine in order to get the drinks requested by himself and Keita. They had been waiting for a long time for the newcomer to show up but all that's happened was some rain and of course, the waiting part. Giving a small sigh, Kizmaru was feeling a bit agitated at the time he wasted today as time was a very precious commodity for him in this period of his life due to all the work he had piled up over the months. Reaching the vending machine, Kizmaru began to insert some ryo into the machine and punched in some letter and number combinations before a milkshake meal supplement and a green tea bag and a hot cup of water had begun to push itself off of the rack into the tray below him. Bending his knees, he reached his hand into the tray in order to fish out both of the drinks he had set out to get before turning and making his way back to his buddy Keita.  It wasn't all bad, Kizmaru thought to himself. He at least got to see Keita for a little while as his friends of late kept disappearing for long periods of time. 

Arriving back to Keita with his drink, he handed it to him, leaving him to prepare it however he'd like and watched him drink before he decided to drink his beverage he brought back with him. After taking a few sips of his drink, Kizmaru was no longer in the mood to train today as he's wasted a bunch of time already. It seems Keita felt the same way about this so instead of training, they decided to just chat it up for the rest of the time until deciding to go their separate ways. 

W.C: 312
T.W.C: 1699 (x2 August Event for Posts 1&2 = 3,086)

Stat Claims
Claiming 90 AP. (Military Train Facility +1 additional AP per 100)

Ability Claims
Using 1,700 into learning Divine Breathing Technique 
Using 1,300 into learning The The Seven Heavenly Breaths (Breath of Chastity)
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Ryo : 500

Myriad Training Empty Re: Myriad Training

Tue Sep 29, 2020 11:19 pm
Approved or Keita and Kizmaru's exits and claims!
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