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Sebastian Mikaelson
Sebastian Mikaelson
Stat Page : King of Hearts
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 517000

Sebastian's Event Thread Empty Sebastian's Event Thread

Sat Aug 01, 2020 1:20 pm
How does one decide about being good or bad? It was one of the many question that kept Sebastian awake. Regardless of his still young age, he had already experienced both sides of the coin during his early life. Unaware of his heritage, not knowing who his parents were, abandoned and left at an orphanage where he would eventually be picked up by a man whose blood would end up on his fingers. Even back when he was a little boy he could already feel a certain darkness taking over. And on that fated day the monster inside had finally woken up. It made the young Tau wonder whether or not part of him was still human.

His search for humanity had brought him to the Land of Wind, more precisely Sunagakure. Rumors of misfits being accepted had peaked his curiosity and left him wanting to find out if things were true for himself. Sebastian couldn't remember the last time he stayed somewhere for longer than a couple of days, but there he was. Perhaps the cycle of hatred could be broken and replaced by something else, something different. But what exactly that would be he didn't know, yet. So far the only people he ran into was a women acting as gate guard and some bypassers here and there. Nothing that would make him go around and cause any trouble. 

But the night was still young, so who knew what kind of trouble the Tau could get himself in? Only Sebastian knew. 

(WC: 253)

Day 1
Black Lottery Ticket
Sebastian Mikaelson
Sebastian Mikaelson
Stat Page : King of Hearts
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 517000

Sebastian's Event Thread Empty Re: Sebastian's Event Thread

Sun Aug 02, 2020 9:52 am
An apple a day keeps the doctor away, or so they say. Although he had been doing his fair share of experiments on his own body, Sebastian still made sure to follow the principle of eating nutritious food in order to stay healthy. So it would come as no surprise that the young misfit could be spotted eating a couple pieces of fruit every single day. Currently his choice had fallen on a green apple, not only did it taste good, it also had his favorite color meaning the decision was made pretty easily. Unfortunately for the Tau he wasn't really walking around with pockets full of money, which meant Sebastian sometimes had to use other methods to get what he wanted. In this case using his quick hands to grab some necessities from the different food stalls at the local market. He always made sure his actions went unnoticed to avoid getting himself into trouble.

Taking a big bite from the apple, the juices started running down his face which he would quickly wipe away using one of his hands. Once he finished the piece of fruit, he would simply take a seat before looking around him to see what's going on in the village. There weren't that many familiar faces,  considering he just arrived in Sunagakure it only made sense everyone and everything was still new to him. Not that he planned on getting all buddy-buddy with the locals. But it did remind him he still had to pay a visit to the Kazekage, something he would be doing anytime soon. 

(WC: 263)

Day 2
5000 ryo
Sebastian Mikaelson
Sebastian Mikaelson
Stat Page : King of Hearts
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 517000

Sebastian's Event Thread Empty Re: Sebastian's Event Thread

Mon Aug 03, 2020 5:34 am
One, two, three, four, five, six,.. and so on. It weren't sheep he was counting, although he still had trouble sleeping. Waking up in the middle of the night, sweating and breathing heavily. So it wouldn't be that out of the ordinary for Sebastian if he was looking for ways to fall asleep. But fortunately the young misfit was wide awake and walking around the streets of Sunagakure once again. If it weren't sheep he was counting, then what exactly was he doing? Well, he simply counted the amount of times people passed him with a smile on their faces. Most of the time it was because they were accompanied by their friends or loved ones and that right there was what bothered him. 

Not that he didn't want them to be happy, to be honest he could care less about other people's happiness. No, the thing that was really bothering Sebastian was the simple fact that he was alone. He never really cared about stuff like that, but now that he didn't have any jobs to keep him busy he couldn't help but think about these kind of things. On his many travels Sebastian came upon more than a couple of people who accompanied themselves with an animal. Perhaps that was what the Tau was missing, a companion. But what kind of animal would fit someone like him? He remembered an old tale about a king and a lion, what was it called again? Ah yes, the Lion King!

(WC: 250)

Day 3
2500 WC
Sebastian Mikaelson
Sebastian Mikaelson
Stat Page : King of Hearts
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 517000

Sebastian's Event Thread Empty Re: Sebastian's Event Thread

Tue Aug 04, 2020 6:29 am
Still looking around, watching everyone who was passing by, Sebastian started to wonder how it would feel to be part of a village and more precise, a shinobi one. Of course not every person was going to be proficient in the ninja arts, they also needed civilians, merchants and whatnot to keep the village flourishing. But witnessing how a village was run would be interesting to say the least. The young misfit grew up in an orphanage after being abandonded, so he never got the chance to experience a certain lifestyle as the one the people of Sunagakure were living. Things like camaraderie and frienship were almost unbeknownst to him. 

Which would bring him back to what he was thinking about earlier, an animal companion. Perhaps something like that would be exactly what Sebastian needed. But considering his, for a lack of better words, strange personality finding a suitable partner could prove to be rather difficult. The Tau was never one to be good with words, let alone other people, so maybe someone who couldn't talk back or didn't understand the shit he was saying would be the perfect fit for someone like him. Of course this shouldn't withhold him from working on his social skills, nor did it mean he didn't have to improve his relationships with other people. But many paths lead to the same goal, and piece by piece it would surely help him develop. 

His legs were starting to feel numb after not moving for a while, so he figured he might as well take another look around the village.

(WC: 264)

Day 4
10 Legacy Senbon
Sebastian Mikaelson
Sebastian Mikaelson
Stat Page : King of Hearts
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 517000

Sebastian's Event Thread Empty Re: Sebastian's Event Thread

Wed Aug 05, 2020 10:39 am
Green eyes were penetrating his surroundings as a tall and tanned looking individual was traversing the streets of Sunagakure. It would be none other than Sebastian Mikaelson who was busy exploring the Land of Wind, home to the village he currently resided in. As would often be the case for the young misfit, he made sure to remember each and every corner in case it would come in handy somewhere in the future. Not that he had planned anything, but he never knew when he would be needing to make a quick escape. After all, these were unfamiliar places and people he was dealing with so he figured better to be safe than sorry. 

During his many jobs as a mercenary, no matter where, he always made sure to get accustomed to everything, to prepare a plan b and even a plan c in case things took a turn for the worst. Sebastian had come across way too many untrustworthy people and had learned his lesson the hard way. There were still a great deal of things left for him to do, one being formally introducing himself to the Kazekage. Who knew what that meeting would bring him, perhaps the man atop of the village had something in store for the Tau. But for now he would simply focus on getting used to the environment where he was temporarily spending his time. 

As he was walking, making his way to wherever the road would bring him, Sebastian began to wonder.

(WC: 250)

Day 5
10 Legacy Kunai
Sebastian Mikaelson
Sebastian Mikaelson
Stat Page : King of Hearts
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 517000

Sebastian's Event Thread Empty Re: Sebastian's Event Thread

Thu Aug 06, 2020 5:02 pm
100 pushups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats and a 10km run everyday. That would be the training regimen Sebastian used to stay in shape. In his search for an ideal workout program, the young Tau stumbled upon this particular schedule that would help him build the impressive physique he always dreamed about. But considering it was a high risk high reward approach, it of course was without a doubt there were certain side effects regarding said method. The biggest downside being the fact that his hair started to fall out. Not that he was completely bald but he wouldn't be winning any haircut contest anytime soon.

Maintaining good form in any exercise is essential and Sebastian would begin with the push ups. First he placed both hands directly under his shoulders, feet slightly wide and apart from each other on the floor. Tensing every muscle in his body to form a straight line he would then lower his chest to touch the floor, aiming to go as low as he could. Finally he'd push both of his palms into the floor and extend his arms to press his body back up to the starting position. Repeating this until he hit a hundred before he would stop and take a small pause after breaking a sweat. 

The push ups were targeting his chest, shoulders as well as his triceps so it was safe to say it got rather intense as he felt the burn in his muscles. Up next: sit ups.

Day 6
10 Legacy Shuriken
Sebastian Mikaelson
Sebastian Mikaelson
Stat Page : King of Hearts
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 517000

Sebastian's Event Thread Empty Re: Sebastian's Event Thread

Fri Aug 07, 2020 6:02 am
Next exercise: sit ups. Once Sebastian was finished catching his breath he would prepare himself to begin the next one. Although sit ups are a powerful exercise, they are also considered to cause back pain when not done correctly, which is why it's important to use good form while executing them. The young misfit would lie on his back on the floor, bending his knees before putting his hands behind his neck. He then bent his hips and waist to raise his body off the ground, followed by lowering his body back to the starting position. He would repeat this until he hit exactly a hundred of them, similar to when he was doing push ups.

Once Sebastian was done with the last of the repetitions, he would simply lie down on the ground, arms spread wide as he listened to his heartbeat picking up speed. The increase of the tempo of the beating of his heart made the Tau chuckle for a moment. "Guess I'm still human after all." He would remain in this position for a little while longer before eventually standing up again. The young misfit felt rather comfortable under the sun and warm temperature of the Land of Wind, meaning he had to be careful not to fall asleep while lying down unprotected. 

Sebastian would finally get up, considering and remembering that his workout was far from over. Stretching his muscles to prepare his body for the next exercise and the third part of his training.

(WC: 250)

Day 7
Anbu Arm Guards
Sebastian Mikaelson
Sebastian Mikaelson
Stat Page : King of Hearts
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 517000

Sebastian's Event Thread Empty Re: Sebastian's Event Thread

Sat Aug 08, 2020 4:10 pm
Fully rested up after the push and sit ups, it was now time for Sebastian to continue his workout with a hundred squats. Where the previous two exercises were focusing the upper body and core muscles, the next one would be targeting the lower ones and more precisely, the legs. It is very important to train those body parts as well considering they are what holds the rest of the body together and stops it from falling down. Not only did do squats hit just the legs, it also trains the rest of the muscles as you tighten up your muscles during the entire movement. So it was safe to say the exercise was pretty crucial if you wanted to build an impressive physique.

Unfortunately the young misfit didn't have any bar to use so he had to settle for bodyweight squats. He began standing with his feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart, extending his arms out straight in front of him, parallel to the floor, palms facing down. Sebastian would then bring back his hips slightly, making sure his chest and shoulders stay upright and his back stayed straight. Keeping his head facing forward with his eyes straight ahead. He then lowered himself, hips sinking below his knees before finally exploding back up to standing, driving through his heels.

Similar to the other exercises he would repeat it until he hit a hundred of them. Once he was done there would be only one left, the 10 kilometer. 

(WC: 250)

Day 8
Dice Roll Ticket
Sebastian Mikaelson
Sebastian Mikaelson
Stat Page : King of Hearts
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 517000

Sebastian's Event Thread Empty Re: Sebastian's Event Thread

Sun Aug 09, 2020 12:09 pm
The young misfit would be stretching his legs as he prepared for his 10km run. His muscles still burning after the first three exercises Sebastian hoped he was going to complete the entire distance he set out for himself. Once he was done warming up, he finally began running. Not only did he plan on using it to increase his stamina, the main reason people do cardio, but there was also another part why Sebastian enjoyed going for a long run. He always took it as an opportunity to clear his head, to free his mind of whatever would be troubling him. 

And today's run was no different. Everything that was bothering him, every single thing that was occupying his mind, all of it would be removed and cleared while he was running. The worries about whether or not he was still human, the idea of not being able to find a place he could call home, being lonely and on his own, each and every single one of them he intended to get rid off today. Keeping up his pace, making sure the tempo didn't drop, the young misfit continued his run through the village. After the last couple of days he had gotten used to the streets and was able to remember the best spots one should go to for a run.

After about fifty minutes he was done running and had finished the 10km. Not too bad considering he wasn't the most experienced runner out there. With the workout completely done, Sebastian would be heading back to his own place. 

Day 9
Skip Travel Item
Sebastian Mikaelson
Sebastian Mikaelson
Stat Page : King of Hearts
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 517000

Sebastian's Event Thread Empty Re: Sebastian's Event Thread

Mon Aug 10, 2020 6:41 am
Having arrived at his place after working up a sweat from the intense workout, Sebastian was about to grab a quick shower before he would start on dinner. The young misfit lost track of time while being out, fortunately for him it was still pretty early in the afternoon. The warm, yet comfortable temperature in Sunagakure combined with his sticky clothes from training made Sebastian go for a cold shower instead of a warm one. Nothing more relaxing than feeling the water run over your body, listening to the beating of your heart and your slow breathing while clearing your head. 

He would remain in the shower for about fifteen minutes before preparing himself to go out on a search for food. One could only survive on apples for so long, so Sebastian figured it wouldn't hurt to pay a visit to the local market to see what kind of ingredients they would have to make a delicious meal. Not that the Tau was a genius when it came to cooking, far from it. But regardless of not having a future as a chef, he still knew how to hold his own in the kitchen after having to fend for himself these last couple of years. Putting on his hoodie the young misfit then set out on a journey to find some food. 

He would pick up some vegetables, green ones of course. A couple pieces of fruit, but most importantly, some nice juicy meat to get that proteine in.

Day 10
Skip D-Rank Hunter
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