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Tenshi Duro
Tenshi Duro
Stat Page : Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Kirigakure
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I've Got This! Empty I've Got This!

Tue Jun 02, 2020 9:25 pm
Dust no longer rose from the spot on the ground Tenshi's sandal thudded against, as that precise spot had been beaten by so many repetitions that no loose earth remand, only densly packed soil.  With each step, a breath exhaled and a hand shot forward, curving from right to left and palm down to palm up, attempting a cross body block.  Then the boy would reset and try again.  It was imperative to step exactly with the strike to get maximum speed and force, coordination of the body making up for any imbalance in muscle or fast reflexes.

That would be the last time that genin from the other team would be able to knock him off balance.  101.  102.  103.

His large backpack, full of gear and scrolls and various books and other assorted goods, leaned against a nearby tree, one of the few sparse ones in this courtyard abutting the academy.  Surrounded by stone walls, it was a great place to practice, when the academy wasn't using it.

As the brown haired teenager continued his training, through the gap between the academy and the closest wall he saw a figure pass by on the road.
With that white hair and short stature he was pretty sure who it was, one of the older genin.  Perfect!  Someone younger wouldn't be an adequate test.  Tenshi grinned and activated the surface walking justsu, sprinting up the wall to lean over it above where the white haired boy was, looking down on him.

"Yo!  Yuki!  Yeah you.  Come on, help out a fellow genin for a bit!"   Tenshi, using  his hands to prop himself up while he leaned over the wall, cocked his head back towards the inside of the courtyard.

Furozan Yuki
Furozan Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6000

I've Got This! Empty Re: I've Got This!

Tue Jun 02, 2020 9:43 pm
Furo Stat sheet:

Furo was excited. He could not wait to get home and read his book. He was right at the end of it and the climax to the novel was going to be amazing. He had earned it as well! He spent the day training and was excited to be lazy for the rest of the evening. Slung over his shoulder was his brand new Katana and his new Flak Jacket. He needed to practice with the added weight on him. He also carried the usual stuff, his kunai, shuriken, and a few random things he often kept around. Again, it was all about training to get used to the weight. Going into battle while only training with lightweight clothes on did not benefit him. One could find themselves in quite a precarious situation if they got hung up while in a life or death situation.

He stopped, however, as he heard his last name ring out and he glanced up in the air to see a fellow Genin who he vaguely recognized. His name was, he believed, Tenshi. They had met in passing a couple of times and were slated to train together at one point. He let out a sigh and placed his hands in his pockets and looked where the boy was pointing. "You really want to do this right now?" His voice was lazy and almost full of contempt.

However, the more he thought about it, the more it made sense. He was just ranting to himself in his head about how he needed to practice with his new gear to get used to it. If he could not hold himself accountable then what was the use? "Fine. Quick spar." He smirked to himself and then jogged over to the courtyard and he took his Katana off and gently set it on the ground. It was a spar, after all, there was no point trying to chop his teammates head off.

Furozan placed himself with his feet sturdy on the ground and his hands out in front of him in a traditional stance indicating that he was ready. He figured he would start the fight off with a little trickery and he quickly made the hand seals in order to use the Substitution Techniqe and replace himself with a nearby block of wood. He guessed they were laying around for situations just like this. He would allow his first attack to land and then he would cockily stand to the side with his arms crossed as he realized his first attack had indeed missed.


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Tenshi Duro
Tenshi Duro
Stat Page : Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Kirigakure
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I've Got This! Empty Re: I've Got This!

Tue Jun 02, 2020 10:34 pm
As Furozan complained Tenshi almost rebutted him, but held his tounge for a moment as the older genin looked to consider the spar anyway.  Furozan might seem boring on the outside, but from what Tenshi had seen of him he's probably come through.

Sure enough, the agreement came after a moment, and Tenshi hopped back down on the training side of the wall, taking a fighting stance as Furozan set down his weapon and made some preparatory hand seals.

"Alright, Furo.  Hit me in the chest.  I think I've finally got the answer, so just TRY and hit me in the chest.  Don't be sore if you can't do it though." Tenshi taunted a bit, his muscles flexing at the excitement to see if his practice had really helped solve this particular problem.

Furozan Yuki
Furozan Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6000

I've Got This! Empty Re: I've Got This!

Wed Jun 03, 2020 11:47 am
A bit of disappointment washed over him when he realized that Tenshi was not going to attack him. He was excited to pull that trick as he had spent a lot of time perfecting the Jutsu. But, he guessed he could not blame him, attacking first was not always the best option. None the less, it was now up to Furo to attack, and he guessed he did not want to go full speed ahead in a spar. He did not want to risk hurting himself or hurting Tenshi. Spars were about honing their craft not trying to kill each other. 

He stood still for a moment and stared out across at Tenshi. "What good would it be if you knew exactly where I was going to hit you?" Furo inquired from across the room. "It defeats the purpose. In a real battle your opponent will not announce that he is going to hit you in the chest." He smirked to himself and then, trying to demonstrate his speed, he rushed forward at full speed. Hand to hand combat was not his forte, he was short and had very little reach, so he had to make up for it with his speed. 

Furo spun in the air and attempted a spinning heel kick. Despite his argument that he should not attack where his opponent wanted him to, he did exactly that, and aimed his kick directly at center mass. Though he approached him extremely quickly, he did slow down the kick quite a bit, and put very little power into it. If it did even land it would maybe knock him backwards a bit but it would not do much damage. He did not, however, expect it to hit. It was the opening move of the fight to test his speed a bit. 

WC: 303
TWC: 730
Tenshi Duro
Tenshi Duro
Stat Page : Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 0

I've Got This! Empty Re: I've Got This!

Thu Jun 04, 2020 7:16 pm
"Well yeah but" Tenshi's rebuttal was cut off as Furo rushed in.  His opponents were quick, but tenshi's movements were tight, and the fabric of his clothing snapped in unison as be pulled off the move exactly as he had prepared.

And he did manage to connect with the block.  Well sort of.  As the kick that hit his chest sent him spinning away, his crossing block managed to just slightly nudge the yuki's sandal that tenshi's body was separating from, before Tenshi's ass hit the ground with a thud.

"BIG. *breath in*    OOOF." He said in between deep breaths as he sat where he landed, catching his breath before standing back up, keeping slightly bent with his hands on his thighs. "See.  I.  Told you.  I'd.  Get you."  As he recovered he moved fully upright, putting a grin on his face and a flashing a thumbs up at the white haired boy.  

"Alright, come on, this time you wont even be that lucky.*  Tenshi took up another combat stance.

Furozan Yuki
Furozan Yuki
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6000

I've Got This! Empty Re: I've Got This!

Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:41 pm
Furozan froze with his leg in the air and a look of fear came over his face as he realized he hit him a little too hard. Tenshi was sent spinning away and slammed to the ground. Furozan planted his foot and was about to rush over to him before Tenshi jumped back up and continued. Furozan smiled and put his hands on his hips and shook his head. “You call that getting me?” Furozan said with a chuckle as he watched as he bent over panting. “Looks more like I kicked you across the room.” 

He pushed him further and goaded him into attacking him again. Furozan preferred to sit back and let the fight come to him but he really did not have much of a choice here. He did not want to just beat up on Tenshi but he also knew that sometimes words would not work and he would have to cave to his demands. So he did, he approached much slower this time, getting across from him instead of sprinting at him. 

He attacked, much slower this time, but with a flurry of jabs. He was really not trying to hurt him but was just throwing relatively quick punches at him to try and open him up. He was not the best at hand to hand combat but he knew a few combinations. You did not jab to do damage, you jabbed to open the opponent up, and when you saw an opening you used one of your more powerful attacks. “Didn’t you get enough of this at the Academy?” Furozan said through breaths as he attacked. 

If an opening was given he would launch a decently hard right hook followed up by a similarly powered upper cut meant to put him on his butt again. It was not to do damage but more to test his mettle and see how quickly he could react to an opening.

WC: 323
TWC: 1053
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