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[Mission] [Hunter] Hunters Hunted Empty [Mission] [Hunter] Hunters Hunted

Thu May 28, 2020 5:01 pm
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Shibata awoke having planned out a few things and getting some general preparation done for the future so that the Rebel Heart wouldn't have to waste the time or energy to do it when the time properly came that he would need the things that he did need done, done. The young Nara clan member, having gotten out of bed, then moved to the kitchen, where he enjoyed a warm breakfast and went to take a shower in order to truly wake himself up from the malaise of sleep the night before, where afterwards he then went to get properly dressed. Shibata tossed on his leather jacket and then tied on his two weapons pouches, placing all his items, including his newly modified scroll, into them before buckling his belt and stepping out of his hunting lodge and setting himself out towards the village. The young genin knew that his time in the village couldn't be that long anymore, the thoughts of how much he resented his homeland had now began to dominate his dreams as well as his waking thoughts, and his rage began to consume him as he entered the village, giving off a violent, aggressive, and fearful aura that intimidated all that got near him, pushing them away from just the pure sense of hatred he seemed to exude as he stepped through the town on his way to the mission control center.

Reaching the mission board, the young Nara clan member was looking for a fight, and so started looking for a more combat focused mission, when one caught his eye. It was just a D rank, so nothing too special, but it had an interesting premise and an even more interesting payout for it's supposed level of ease, double the usual rate. Shibata grabbed it off the board and started reading it. It was only know that his mind was clear enough to notice it was raining, the droplets of water dampening the slip, the shadows of the clouds darkening the whole village. The title of the mission, "Intruder from Foreign Nation Requires Removal," with a reward of, before taxes, a whole 2k ryo, but with the added risk of fighting another ninja. The Rebel Heart strutted up to the mission control desk and asked the clerk for the dossier on the mission, taking it without an extra word or pleasantry exchanged between the two. The dossier told Shibata that there was a foreign ninja within the ninja of unknown village origin that had stirred up trouble, harassing people and even attacking some of Konoha's citizens, which means that in order to both protect the citizens and prevent the image of Konohagakure no Sato from being tarnished, the foreign shinobi needs to be taken out. In order to prevent political issues for the Village Hidden in the Leaf, the ideal scenario is to bring in the shinobi alive, however, if this is not possible or something happens along the way, the ninja will not be punished for their attempt and will still receive the full reward. The dossier ended with "Happy hunting," and an explanation that the ninja had frequented the western district according to sightings, and was reported to be in a brightly colored purple robe by those that had survived encounters with them. 

Having read the dossier that lacked information on the any of the real specifics on what the foreign shinobi might be wielding in terms of jutsu, Shibata decided that he would have to simply make a quick plan on the fly and headed towards the western district of the village. When Shibata arrived in the district, he had noticed that, although the heavy dark clouds still filled the midday sky, the rain itself had stopped. The Rebel Heart then hopped up a building and started searching every street, every corner, every alley way, every goddamn inch of the district until eventually he found his mark, a person in a purple robe. They were crouching in an alley, standing over the dead body of one of the other genin of the village, hand still on the kunai embedded in the Konoha ninja's chest, hand still blood red. Shibata hopped down into that same alley, about 5 meters wide with a dead end 20 meters away from the starting point of the alley, with the foreign ninja being 10 meters away from both the dead end of the alleyway, and the beginning of the alley was blocked by the Rebel Heart himself.

"Well what do we have here, some fucker ain't where they belong and they are up to no good at all," Shibata said, alerting the foreign shinobi of his presence, when he had formerly not noticed the young yet rambunctious genin. "So buddy," he continued, "we can do this the easy way or the hard way. If you want to surrender right now I can guarantee you'll live, if you are thinking you want to fight, well I'll give one to you but I also can't guarantee your life, after all I am a ninja from the elite Village Hidden in the Leaf, and if there is one thing we are known for around here is being able to kill, god I know that," Shibata paused for a moment, remembering his parents, before continuing on, "Baseline is this, give up now or risk death, or at least the worst beating you have ever had in your life."

Shibata studied the purple clad foreign ninja, sizing them up and prepared to respond depending on how they reacted to his question, cracking his knuckles and making a harsh face. Shibata had never truly been in a life or death fight before, this was going to be his first one, and he was going to be sure that it wasn't going to be his last. Finally, by risking his life, Shibata had completely abandoned his thoughts of his family and only thought about what was going to happen next, only thought about the potential for a fight. "So, what's it gonna be, your pride or your life?" Shibata asked.


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Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

[Mission] [Hunter] Hunters Hunted Empty Re: [Mission] [Hunter] Hunters Hunted

Fri May 29, 2020 3:47 pm
Your Opponent:

"How annoying..." Were the first thoughts that came across the bald Hyuuga's mind once caught red-handed by the other Genin pursuing him. Towering over the lifeless Genin with a gleeful smirk yet not totally visible due to the gaudy purple cloak over him, Junya would relish in the feeling of taking the life of the Genin with the Kunai pierced into him. It served him right. If that Konoha Genin who denied him from entering the village wished to anger the monster that was Junya Hyuuga, then he would rightfully fulfill that wish. After all, who was he to reject a premature death, especially if they were begging for it? As he finished the deed whilst the Genin's eyes flickered back before taking his last breath, the bald Hyuuga would sense a particularly potent chakra signature in the midst of his area, immediately activating his Byakugan once sensing the chakra entering the area. Feeling the unnatural surge of 360 degrees vision within 100 meters, Junya would grin before standing up at his full speed the moment that Shibata entered the alleyway, facing the Nara who dared to block the foreign Genin's exit.

The foolish Genin would begin to give the bald Hyuuga an ultimatum to either surrender or perish. It wasn't something that Junya hadn't heard before yet always made him want to cackle in laughter once hearing those words. Once hearing Shibata's "offer", Junya would take off his cloak at full speed, revealing his yellow jumpsuit, white cape, crimson-red combat gloves, and a notorious bald head that resembled the monks of the Fire Country. The yellow jumpsuit had a left thigh pocket which held 3 extra Kunai with Explosive Tags attached to it and a right thigh pocket which had a Military Rations Pill should he need it, and seeing the brimming potency of chakra emanating from the young man facing him...Junya may need to use it. The Hyuuga would listen calmly to Shibata's words of caution, trying his best not to laugh in the face of the Genin but still keeping his poker face active. As the Konoha Genin finished his last question, a gleeful smile of mere bloodlust would be etched on Junya's expression,

"Instead of my life, how about yours?" The bald Hyuuga asked plainly, still keeping his Byakugan active whilst sizing up the Genin in question. He would remain stationary unless Shibata would attack first, to which Junya would react accordingly based on Nara's movements.

WC: 408

AP + Boring Calcs:
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5500

[Mission] [Hunter] Hunters Hunted Empty Re: [Mission] [Hunter] Hunters Hunted

Fri May 29, 2020 7:16 pm
Shibata looked over the, frankly, absurd looking get up that the foreign shinobi was wearing, struggling, but succeeding to maintain his laughter as the magnitude and seriousness of the situation was reinforced in his mind. The Rebel Heart, ever the one to have a soft spot for trickery, started yammering on, starting by asking the other genin, "So, what village are you from and why are you here in the first place, if I'm gonna die I think I have the right to know exactly where you came from and what you are doing here, there's not much in the Village Hidden in the Leaf for Konoha's own ninja, let alone opportunities for those outside the village. I just want to know those two simple things and nothing elllsssee at allll..." Shibata finished speaking, elongating his words as he the sentence came to a close, while leaning on the alley wall, trying to keep cool and chill as he took out a smoke and lit it, using his hand to cover the cigarette from both the wind and protecting the light from escaping from the match, as it would reveal his plans.

At this point, Shibata had his plan completed, and he couldn't help but chuckle, revealing some extra light being shed in the dark alley revealing that hidden within the shadows that covered the entire area was one shadow not affected by the changing light, one shadow that made a straight line towards the chrome dome adversary of the Rebel Heart. While the young Nara clan member was talking to his fellow genin, he had manipulated his shadow without the requirement for hand seals as he so much experience with the technique, and had connected the two shadows of the shinobi without having a single visual cue that would get a response out of Hyuga clan member, even with their advanced sight, as the Rebel Heart's shadow was truly one with the shadow of the buildings and clouds until he had already connected that same profile to the similar reflection hidden in the shadows of one Junya Hyuga, freezing him. "Shadow imitation jutsu, complete," Shibata said, almost compelled and unable to hold himself from giving that smirk of his that always came up when he thought he was winning. He started moving, first going forward towards the wall opposite him, moving the full five meters, and making the murderer move five meters forward, getting closer to the entrance of the alley way, before turning a full 90 degrees, causing his opponent to do the same, then walking 2.5 meters, running his opponent into the wall and putting the same 2.5 meters between himself and the captured foe, before quickly making the symbols of the rat then the bird, ramming the captive ninja from a foreign land's hands directly into the wall, potentially doing serious damage and breaking at leasts the wrists, at most the entirety of the hands as even when broken they were forced to attempt to move, continuing to ram into the wall. "You had your chance," Shibata warned, "and now I guess it's time for me to start putting you away for good, I gave you the choice to have no pain, but now you done and fucked yourself." Having said this, a noticeable mass of shadow spawned from the ground behind the Hyuga, before 8 distinct tendrils sprouted out, two piercing each foot, two piercing each knee, two piercing each elbow, and two piercing each broken mess of shattered bones that was what was left of the hands, each stabbing into and pinning the body of his enemy to the wall, stretching him out as he released his Shadow Possession Jutsu. "Now, let's take a look at the poor sop you murdered," Shibata said, his victory assured, before seeing who it was and talking to himself, muttering, "No wait, is that, that can't be, oh no no no no. Oh shit, this is... you bastard, you killed Naito Akimichi!"

WC: 664, TWC: 1680
Here is a link to where that npc comes from, a mission shibata did earlier

And I sent a pic of the battle field for clarity in dms through discord

AP costs and Stats:
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

[Mission] [Hunter] Hunters Hunted Empty Re: [Mission] [Hunter] Hunters Hunted

Sat May 30, 2020 9:29 pm
The bald Hyuuga would be on alert at all times, not directly looking at the Konoha Genin in the eyes yet remaining a close visual on his upper body. Junya wouldn't be on edge, per se, as that would be even remotely acknowledging the strength of the adversary standing before the bald Hyuuga which he would not do. Konoha had gotten weak after submitting to Kirigakure from Junya's knowledge, so the Genin shouldn't be that much to deal with. Nevertheless,  The Nara would start to speak, his intentions being to question the Hyuuga's intentions and the land he hailed from. Due to being a prideful shinobi, Junya would have given that information to Shibata anyways, being just before the death the Hyuuga envisioned to occur in his thoughts. However, the moment the Nara spoke, Junya's Byakugan narrowed for a brief moment, immediately seeing the Tenketsu and chakra potency of the Nara fluctuating ever-so-slightly the moment he spoke. It was a no brainer that the Konoha Genin was trying to channel chakra to perform some sort of feat; if it was a jutsu, an inherent bloodline, or even bringing out a summon, Junya would have no answer to those questions. The only thing he knew, was to get out of there. The moment the Nara spoke and his chakra dangerously fluctuated, the bald Hyuuga would attempt to "sink" through the ground just under him, flowing chakra into the surrounding earth a meter in radius around him to become fine sand enough to sink into. 

Junya would attempt to use his hands to burrow through the ground but abruptly, a sudden shock emanated from the bald Hyuuga's body, starting from his legs to the end tips of his fingers. "What the hell? I can't move!" He grunted internally, using all of the force in his body to move, but to no avail. As if controlled by the invisible puppet strings played masterfully by God, the Hyuuga would be forced to remain paralyzed, only having control over his facial movements which would be heavily contorted by his sheer annoyance of the situation. If the fluctuations of the Nara were to be true, Junya would assume that he was put under some jutsu that the Genin activated without any need of hand seals. Through the number of ruminations the Hyuuga had in his mind, he wouldn't be paying attention to Shibata's words, except the last sentence the Genin said with a smirk, "Shadow Imitation Jutsu, complete." Those words especially with the shit-eating grin the Nara had as he said those words would make Junya explode in visual anger. Oh how he wanted to rip the Genin apart, limb by limb at that point as the only thing stopping the Hyuuga was being ensnared in the Shadow Possession Technique. "...You bastard, what did you do to me?!" He struggled to reply, seething his words in venomous rage whilst still attempting to break out of the jutsu but to no avail. However, just after Junya said those words, the Nara would move forward, as the Hyuuga would forcibly copy his movements with eerie accuracy. The two would both copy each other's movements again, Junya turning a 90-degree angle before being slammed into the wall by his own movements which were copying Shibata's. A sickening CRACK would echo throughout the alleyway, Junya muttering hundreds of curse words whilst trying to endure the sharp pain he was in. Despite the fight already being over, he wouldn't let the Genin get the satisfaction of the Hyuuga writhing in pain. Looking down to the area of his wounds with his eyes, Junya's strained optics would observe his wrists being contorted in a rather sickening fashion, red globs and streaks of blood spurting out like a makeshift blood fountain. That wouldn't be the end of Junya's crucible, however, as the Konoha Genin who was playing God in front on him would conjure 8 tendrils out of seemingly nothingness, the tendrils digging and piercing both of the Hyuuga's feet, knees, elbows, and the already shattered mess of blood that were called "wrists."

Junya couldn't help but yelp in sheer agony, biting the opening of his lip as more drops of blood would be exposed to the air once more. Groggily, he would look up to Shibata, his eyes and body alike exhausted from the utter torture he was enduring. If this were the Genin's excuse for revenge against his fallen comrade, Junya would have the sudden urge to spit at him but would stop at the last second. There was no use in trying to fight against an opponent who quite literally can control the movements of the Hyuuga. As the Nara would walk up to the corpse, he would mutter to himself, seemingly in fear. "Did I kill someone close to him?" Junya thought, seeing that the information he got on his mission to kill a Konoha shinobi from Kumogakure didn't have any extra information such as parents or relatives. Nevertheless, upon hearing Shibata's confusing words, the bald Hyuuga would snicker for a moment before firing back at him,

"So what? That...excuse for a shinobi was way too weak for their own good. It was probably going to die anyway in a mission." Junya apathetically stated, referring to Naito Akimichi as an "it" as there was no need to respect someone who died so damn easily.  

WC: 895
TWC: 1303


Last edited by Tadashi Namikaze on Sun May 31, 2020 1:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
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[Mission] [Hunter] Hunters Hunted Empty Re: [Mission] [Hunter] Hunters Hunted

Sat May 30, 2020 11:00 pm
Shibata was damn near brought to tears as he looked over his fallen comrade, it's true that he may not have spent a lot of time with him, it's true that the Akimichi wasn't particularly skillful, but he was the Nara clan members friend, the Rebel Heart had saved him and in a special way the failed genin had saved Shibata, he was the young Nara clan member's only tie left remaining in the village after his father died, now who was there? The greedy shopkeeper? No one, there was not a single person in the village that Shibata had connected with, no one to keep him in the village Hidden in the Leaf, only reasons to leave, reasons like the mother they executed, and the father of his they killed in a way to get that same mother, paired with the fact that they denied to ever tell it to the one who it affected the most, and the fact Shibata's mother was innocent. Shibata had been putting it off for far too long, he knew that he would have to leave the village, not knowing where he would go, but knowing simply that it had to be not here.

The young genin was taken out of his own thoughts by the voice of his opponent, the murderer, the Hyuga, the one who took Naito from this world, the one who severed Shibata's ties to this village, a man who may one day be known as shadow manipulator's liberator, but for now was nothing to him save the man who he would take his vengeance on, no matter the political impact it might bring. "You may be right," Shibata admitted, "You may be right when you say that HE was probably going to die on some mission, you are certainly right when you say he was too weak, but you denied him the chance to change, you denied him the chance to improve, you denied him the chance to make an impact, and all that to the side, you denied a friend of mine his own life, and for that, I have no choice but to take vengeance," he was calmer than he should have been when he said this, given his friend had just been killed. "Disregard the question I asked, I don't care where you are from any more, I don't care why you are here," the Rebel Heart continued, "I just care to do one thing with you, and that is to finish you off, after all you have done far too much to harm, to Naito, to me." The Nara paused for a moment to dig the tentacles deeper into the bald Hyuga's hands, before lifting him off of wall by said tendrils, allowing the man to scream as he was put in a position with his hands and arms straightened out in a perpendicular angle to his body, and his legs close together facing straight down, the tendrils sticking far out of his body and wriggling causing him to writhe even more in pain. "Die quieter than you lived," Shibata requested, before willing the tendrils to start moving once more, shouting "Hiden Nara Technique: Shadow String Crucifiction" as the piercing spears of darkness all turned from their position and pierced the chest of the elevated Hyuga, striking his heart and both of his lungs and piercing through them, and dragging the limbs of the foreign shinobi into the center mass of his own body, tying him together in an impossible pretzel of pain and demise, killing him.

Talking to the corpse, Shibata said, "I doubt even if you surrendered I truly would have let lived for what you did, you deserved this and much worse," before causing the shadows to spread out and tear the already battered and killed Hyuga, popping his arms out of the socket. and confirming by display that he was in fact dead, before the shadows rescinded back into the shadow of the alley, leaving the sprawled out dead body in the same crucifix position he had been in earlier. Having killed his mark, Shibata first looted the body of the foreign shinobi, taking the three kunai with explosive tags, and the military ration pill, then took out a corpse storage scroll, and sealed the corpse within it, leaving to the mission control center to turn in the corpse ready to tell them he had "No choice" but to kill the foreign shinobi, despite that likely not being the case.

AP: 69-15(corpse storage scroll)=54

WC: 750, TWC: 2430
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5500

[Mission] [Hunter] Hunters Hunted Empty Re: [Mission] [Hunter] Hunters Hunted

Sun May 31, 2020 12:42 am
(Tadashi admitted defeat over DMs and will be making a post will death/claims tomorrow)

Shibata grabbed both the corpse storage scroll he had bound the target in, and the target's purple cape before leaving the alley, running through the alley as quickly as he could to get to the mission control center. Exiting the western district Shibata quickly got to his destination, still in a heat and a rush from killing his first person, although something inside him told him that it wouldn't be the last, that somewhere in the near future he was going to do it again. Arriving at the mission control center, he went to the clerk and asked where he should deliver a body should a mission require some killing, to which the clerk responded calmly, "Down the street in the place labeled brick bakery, ask to go to the basement and bring the body down there," seemingly unphased, as if this was her routine (probably because it was). And so Shibata followed those instructions and did exactly that, being led to a dank celer by which they asked him to dump the body, and so, unraveling the corpse storage scroll and summoning back the body to show them. The man who asked for the body from him then handed over a pouch of ryo, tax already deducted of course. Shibata then took that money to the Konohagakure Ninja shop, where he spent all of it on purchasing 5 scrolls before he took it and returned home, having lost both his connection to the village, and his innocence in terms of murder.

WC: 252, TWC 2,682
1000 ryo which I am also using to spend on 5 of these:
C-Rank achieved by means of missions
+21 Speed from mission
+20 Stamina from Rank up
Genjutsu Release
Body Flicker
Chakra Sensory
Generic Sealing Technique
+100 AP
All from rank up
Fuinjutsu 3rd spec 2,682/4k
Stat Page : Icey Healy Boi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 9850

[Mission] [Hunter] Hunters Hunted Empty Re: [Mission] [Hunter] Hunters Hunted

Sun May 31, 2020 1:55 pm
Shibata Nara, you're good, sir. Approved.
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

[Mission] [Hunter] Hunters Hunted Empty Re: [Mission] [Hunter] Hunters Hunted

Thu Jun 04, 2020 10:18 am
[EXIT, Taking the loss and death of the NPC]

TWC: 1303

+13 Stat Points for Enishi Kurosawa
1303 WC Towards Nature Chakra Conversion (2450/2500) for Enishi, previous WC is here

Also claiming all mission rewards due to being an NPC'er and putting it towards Enishi so +2000 Ryo and +3 AP.
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

[Mission] [Hunter] Hunters Hunted Empty Re: [Mission] [Hunter] Hunters Hunted

Fri Jun 05, 2020 6:00 am
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