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Twins vs Ikari (IO) (Statless) Empty Twins vs Ikari (IO) (Statless)

Mon Feb 24, 2020 12:30 am
Katsu stood in a small arena in the center of the training grounds. His brother Masaru’s head sticking out beside his own making him look rather scary to those unfamiliar with the boys. They assumed it was a very strange experience for anyone meeting them for the first time. They were rather unassuming in appearance, and didn’t look threatening, but two heads tended to cause some weird responses. To top it off Katsu wore a tight black body suit that covered him from head to toe. He had recently aquired this new body armor, and he wanted to test it out in real combat. It was extremely important for him to understand exactly how it  might affect his movements in the battles to come. 

The chuunin exams were fast approaching and they needed to get as much practice as they could before that. They had grown more accustomed to fighting as one, but they knew they needed to perfect it if they wanted to come out on top in the exams. This seemed like as good a place as any to find a sparring partner. They had passed a number of shinobi as they made their way here, so they knew someone would hear them. Katsu didn’t consider that others may in fact be focused on what they were doing when he yelled out, “Anybody up for a spar?”

[WC 229]
Ikari Senju
Ikari Senju
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Ryo : 5200

Twins vs Ikari (IO) (Statless) Empty Re: Twins vs Ikari (IO) (Statless)

Mon Feb 24, 2020 12:52 am
"Pick the fucking rock up. PICK IT UP!!! Weak ass son of a bitch!" Ikari was currently picking up a rock that stood about 20 meters tall and 10 meters wide. The rock was would barely leave the ground before Ikari would drop the rock back to the ground, yelling to the sky. "Damn it!" Ikari, angry and needing to let out some of his excess frustration, he threw a few jabs and crosses directly into the rock, watching it begin to chip and shed the outer layers. With every swing of his fists, more of the rock would begin to sheer and crack. After a few solid minutes of punching the stone, he was launched into a mindset of needing to fight someone. His eyes burning a crimson shine, his hair doing the same. The veins in his arms bulging and his eyebrows furrowed.

He walked into the main training grounds and he began looking around and he saw the same kid that he saw a few days ago when he went sprinting around the village for forty four laps. There was a head poking out of his body, which he thought was very odd, but when he lived in a village that had villagers producing clones of themselves and dragons made out of water. What the hell was normal anyway. He walked up to Katsu at the perfect time, right when he was asking if anyone was up for a spar. Ikari didn't even bother answering the question with words, he only walked up to him and stood in his fighting stance.

"I don't know how many limbs this guy can create if he can already start out with two heads. But I couldn't a shit less, I want to kick someone's ass, or get my ass kicked. Either way, I'm getting a fight right now!" Ikari 's body would practically radiate with anger and aggressiveness, with fire blazing in his eyes while his hair would look as though it was on fire itself.

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Twins vs Ikari (IO) (Statless) Empty Re: Twins vs Ikari (IO) (Statless)

Mon Feb 24, 2020 1:19 am
“Oooooo I remember him. It was… it was… I donno. Big man kid guy!” He heard a cough and glanced at his brother, who was obviously paying far more attention to the fact that this large man was standing before them and definitely ready for a fight. He had never seen someone that radiated so thoroughly with fighting spirit. Katsu taking the hint settled into a fighting stance of his own. His left leg moved forward and his right leg moved back, his weight distributed more on his back leg. His arms up, left arm out ready for anything, right back and ready to strike. His body felt loose and ready to react to anything, that being said, he felt he should probably get this moving, one of the things he generally lacked was the ability to take decisive action and attack. He usually tended more toward letting his opponent make the first move, and his brother covering him if he missed something.

Katsu moved forward as fast as he could, closing the very small distance between himself and his opponent. His movements seemed a bit erratic as he moved forward faster than one might expect. A third leg had grown out of his right thigh so instead of running forward with two legs, he was moving forward with three, changing the normal tempo one would expect from a charge, and adding an extra layer of balance as he reached his opponent, both right legs planted firmly on the ground giving him a strong base, as his left leg stepped in close, his left hand snaking out into a quick jab at his opponent’s face. While from most people this would have been a simple probing jab to the face with little force behind it, a second left arm extended out of the first at the elbow coming around the side of the first attack and curving around as a left hook toward the right side of his opponents face. While this hook had a longer distance to travel, Katsu’s brothers attacks were faster than his own, so both strikes would land nearly simultaneously.  

[WC 355]
[TWC 584]
Ikari Senju
Ikari Senju
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Ryo : 5200

Twins vs Ikari (IO) (Statless) Empty Re: Twins vs Ikari (IO) (Statless)

Mon Feb 24, 2020 2:32 am
With the fighting spirit of an entire army trapped within his body, the moment his arms began to raise, he took it as an acceptance of the fight. Ikari watched the distribution of weight on his opponent's feet carefully, seeing that he was favoring his hind foot. Being that his opponent was already within striking distance, he attacked the hind foot to sweep him onto the ground. Being concerned with a quick counter strike. He swept the right leg that had been in the back of his stance, at the same time of the sweep he would be sending a left cross for the opponent's extra head coming off of the shoulder.

After the sweep cross combo, he would use the momentum from the left cross to roll to the right out of the way of any strike that would be coming his way, going about two meters.

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Twins vs Ikari (IO) (Statless) Empty Re: Twins vs Ikari (IO) (Statless)

Mon Feb 24, 2020 2:55 am
OOC: From the very get go I see! Also, I half expected you to just say fuck it and attack, so I am not disappointed though I did enjoy my fun double attack thing and weird running lol

Katsu had just gotten into his stance when the man in front of him moved. He had wanted to make the first attack, as it was not his norm, but when it came down to it, responding to an opponent was his greatest strength. He was intimately familiar with dodging, or blocking strikes and letting his brother take the offensive. While it wasn’t how he wanted this to start, it played into his strengths. Katsu watched as the huge man came in, his leg shooting out toward his own which against all subscribed methods of defense or strategy he lifted, bending his leg at the knee and pulling his calf and foot up into the air, just before the blow hit. This left him in a state of falling back, his balance ruined, but quickly fixed as a calf and foot shot down from his own knee hitting the ground after his opponents leg would have connected and leaving him once again supported.

At that moment a cross was coming directed at his brother’s face and Katsu brought his arms up as a defensive measure, crossing and slamming into his opponents arm, knocking it up and over his brother’s head. Had his brother not supported him with his leg, he never would have been able to push with enough force to knock that monolithic strike up, diverting its trajectory. 

As Masaru’s right leg hit the ground bracing his brother who had started to fall, he went for an offensive strike. Close range was their strong suit, but the huge man before them was obviously just as comfortable at that range. At this point his brother was in the process of blocking the strike that was coming for his face, and while many may have flinched at such on onslaught, the two trusted each other completely. So instead of letting this strike intimidate him or pull his attention, he let his brother handle it, sending his left leg out of Katsu’s left leg, directing a powerful strike at his opponents shin. Both brothers knew that they weren’t taking this man out in one or two hits, so they needed to make sure they could accumulate damage on his lower body to slow his movements.

[WC 373]
[TWC 957]
Ikari Senju
Ikari Senju
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Ryo : 5200

Twins vs Ikari (IO) (Statless) Empty Re: Twins vs Ikari (IO) (Statless)

Mon Feb 24, 2020 8:49 pm
The first strike of Ikari's was deflected upwards, which was fine with Ikari. Using the newfound momentum upwards he launched his right fist with an uppercut to the chin of the right head, while in the same motion bringing his left arm back down to defend another attack coming towards him. Quickly lifting his right foot to dodge the low kick heading for his shin, to then send a powerful side kick directly into his opponent's knee. Should the kick to the knee actually land, the knee would certainly snap. But with his opponent's ability to do so many odd things with his body, he wasn't sure just how much that was going to hinder him. But it would certainly hurt in the meantime. 

After connecting the kick to the knee, he would keep up his barrage of strikes and counters with another combination of jabs. He sent a jab directly into the throat of both of the heads of his opponent. Usually Ikari would put the joints of his opponents in different locks to cause them to tap out or pass out, if he didn't just break the joint altogether. But he knew that this guy could create more limbs so he would most likely be able to just create more arms to break the lock or to reverse it, so he wasn't sure if this was a good option.

The jabs to the throat should be enough to incapacitate his opponent for a few seconds, allowing Ikari to add more into the punishment of the downed opponent, if it connects.

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Twins vs Ikari (IO) (Statless) Empty Re: Twins vs Ikari (IO) (Statless)

Tue Feb 25, 2020 6:32 pm
Masaru saw Ikari’s uppercut coming toward him, and took an option no opponent Ikari had ever faced could take. Just before it struck, his head disappeared into his brother, no longer an available target. His opponent’s arm hitting nothing but air. His own kick also missing as Ikari moved his leg to send a kick their way. Having missed he pulled his leg back into his brothers.

Katsu having just completed his block, saw his brothers kick miss as his opponent shifted forward to strike. Taking his still crossed arms, he shifted them across his body as he slid his left leg backwards across the ground, moving it out of the way while he placed all of his weight behind his crossed arms, slamming down into the kick, his opponent’s foreleg hitting just at the point his arms were crossed. Even with the strength he placed into this, throwing his weight into it, he still wasn’t strong enough to arrest his opponent’s force completely, and found himself knocked back nearly a full meter. Katsu needed to figure out a better way to face this opponent, he had probably a good eighty pounds on him, and if things continued this way he was going to be thrown around like a ragdoll. His arms ached from the previous strike, but they had options, more options than anyone they had ever seen when it came to a close up fight.

Up till now he had been relying on his brother to pick up the slack, but that wasn’t the correct course of action. He couldn’t just let him make up for his mistakes, he needed to handle the opponent on his own, and let his brother take advantage of opportunities he created, attacking from angles and blind spots his opponent couldn’t see or respond to. Finishing sliding back the meter, his right leg, which had been bent with his brother foot on the ground descended and he was once again on his own two legs again. His arms up and ready for the next barrage, his brother’s head reemerging from the right side of his brother’s neck, the only visible sign that Masaru was there.

[WC 362]
[TWC 1319]
Ikari Senju
Ikari Senju
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Ryo : 5200

Twins vs Ikari (IO) (Statless) Empty Re: Twins vs Ikari (IO) (Statless)

Tue Feb 25, 2020 7:29 pm
Ikari was going with the punches on this one, the ability that this opponent had to grow limbs wherever he wanted was a new one for Ikari. But he kept going business as usual with his fights and not letting up on his opponent for one second, reacting to everything that his opponent would do, making him regret every choice. The head that he was going in for the uppercut vanished and his hand flew straight through it. Ikari was okay with this however because this opened up a new opportunity to do a little research on this new opponent of his. He used the upward momentum from the missed uppercut to bring his right leg directly upwards into his opponent's sternum. 

Should this knee hit its mark, this would knock the wind out of him and make it extremely difficult to breathe for a few minutes. As a combination with the knee going up. He would bring his elbow down on the remaining head with all of his force. Should both of these maneuvers land, his opponent would likely be on the floor knocked out, barely able to breathe.

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Twins vs Ikari (IO) (Statless) Empty Re: Twins vs Ikari (IO) (Statless)

Tue Feb 25, 2020 9:01 pm
Katsu, having finished the block shifted his arms down, ignoring the uppercut and letting his brother deal with that by fusing his head into his body. Not needing to respond to the uppercut, he was able to truly see his opponent, and when the muscles in his right leg bulged, he was ready for it. His weight shifted onto his left leg, releaving Masaru’s right leg of any weight, as he pivoted. Katsu’s whole body was used in this pivot, not only his leg, but the muscles in his stomach bunched and added additional force as he twisted his body, while also putting force into his right leg that was suspended in the air held up by Masaru to jerk his body faster into the pivot. As he pivoted Masaru’s leg was reabsorbed, and his head once again appeared on the right of his brothers. As the pivot ended, his opponents knee striking air right where his sternum used to be, Katsu’s right foot hit the ground and he used all the force he had created with the pivot to fire an open handed blow at his opponents unprotected side with his left palm.

[WC 194]
[TWC 1513]
Ikari Senju
Ikari Senju
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Ryo : 5200

Twins vs Ikari (IO) (Statless) Empty Re: Twins vs Ikari (IO) (Statless)

Thu Feb 27, 2020 6:55 am
His opponent had pivoted to now being Ikari's left side and was going for a strike for his side. Luckily the uppercut was performed with the right arm so he had his left arm ready for a block. He would start coming down from his suspended state and would bring in his left arm to block the strike sent for his left side. He would then shift his body to the right and would bring in his right leg around the back of his body and would send a strong push kick directly into his sternum once again. Due to his inability to use his amazing skill, but having to rely on blocking his attack to his sternum, he felt like he was beginning to understand how he was to fight this supernatural ability that this opponent had access to. 

Whether he would hit this kick or not, he would bring his leg back in so he could not use it against Ikari. Ikari would then roll out of striking range from his opponent, he would then take this time to analyze his opponent to see what his reaction would be to Ikari's possibly figuring out an idea on just how to fight this guy.

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