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Strange Bedfellows [Zento, NK] Empty Strange Bedfellows [Zento, NK]

Thu Feb 13, 2020 3:08 pm
A deep inhale had his lungs pierced by the chilly mountain air, and his exhale saw a cloud of steam brush past his lips, drifting lazily into a crystal sky above. He was alone- the two meter spear was clutched in his hands, a 50 centimeter tip making up the upper quarter, and a crossguard about 6/10ths of the way up protected a pair of bandaged hands from too much wear and tear. He clenched the weapon, slashing forward a wide angular arc at the motionless log before him. A 45 degree angle clean slice had the upper half fall cleanly to the ground, and... He sighed heavily, feeling the last recesses of a violent anger drift away. In truth, he didn't know what he had come here to accomplish- he knew his way around the weapon, and he was freakishly strong, but he mostly tested it against animals and the like. Human targets, much less ones trained to defend themselves, were much more difficult to predict. He needed a partner of some sort, as reluctant as he was to admit it.

He rested the weapon against his side comfortably, using his other hand to wipe blonde hairs from his eye. Sweat dripped uncomfortably from his brow, soaking an eyepatch below that he knew he would likely have to wash later. The spear in his hands was extremely lightweight and resistant to cracking- it was entirely chakra enhanced Zirconium Oxide, a type of ceramic that never corroded and always retained its sharpness. As a result, it was a whiteish gray in color, stained a strange shade of white-cyan for decoration purposes. He gripped the spear with both hands, leading with his left, and each arm about 40 centimeters apart on the long handle. He made a clean underhanded jab, going upwards at a slight angle to pierce into the stomach of his imaginary opponent. He had no idea where to go from here, but... He could figure it out on his own, hopefully.

[WC: 334]
[Total WC: 334]

(field is flat, no trees, but some sliced training logs to the left side which Zan is facing. 30m diameter)

EDIT: heres a picture
Strange Bedfellows [Zento, NK] 1-falstaff-s-skewer
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Strange Bedfellows [Zento, NK] Empty Re: Strange Bedfellows [Zento, NK]

Thu Feb 13, 2020 3:25 pm
Zento took a breath. His mind feeling foggy. He didn't know what to do or what he should be doing right now. Finishing up a new scythe. A bit weighted down but something that he enjoyed. He liked the design. The scythe a little shorter than he is and the blade extending out about two feet. Where the blade is said to be most effective in that length. A skull on the back of it with a couple spikes poking out. Working like a war mace. He walked to where he would find the training grounds and test out this weapon. He carried this weapon on his shoulders with the blade pointing towards the sky. He slowly made is way to the training grounds. Zento noticing that someone else had been there. He watched the work of this blonde haired person. Seemed to be working on his spear combat. Walking up to him and looking at the spear. Rubbing his chin. Standing a safe distance away but in front of this person so his presence will be known. 

Zento waved with his eyes appearing to be closed but keeping it open just a bit. He couldn't tell what his new friend will do but the feeling he got was that he could be attacked. Zento was hoping for it. A chance to test out some new weapons? What else could he ask for. It wasn't every day he met someone who worked with craftsmanship. The spear didn't look like something you would buy from a store. But, he could be wrong. Zento took the scythe off his shoulders. Holding it in both hands and getting himself situated. Extending the scythe out standing six feet away from the man. His posture Zento was giving showed he was ready to spar. Wondering if his opponent will grant this request.
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Strange Bedfellows [Zento, NK] Empty Re: Strange Bedfellows [Zento, NK]

Thu Feb 13, 2020 7:02 pm
The Boar remained quiet as the stranger approached from the front and a little to the left, effectively at a 10 o clock position from where he was facing. He eyed the scythe he carried aloft, standing six feet away from him with the scythe pointing towards him, yet raised slightly so it wouldn't be completely ineffective should he try to slash. Meanwhile, his spear was held diagonally and parallel a foot from his body, the spear tip pointing towards the ground on the right side. Without a warning, he lunged the spear skywards with an arcing swing, catching the bottom of the scythe's shaft where the blade met the oak. He forced it up higher and higher above his head before quickly stepping forward with his right foot followed by his left, and the two men were now three feet apart with their weapons still in the air.

The back and forward rhythm of combat sparked the rush of adrenaline through his veins, and a single blue eye narrowed at his target. He had a few ideas for what to do next, but as it was currently it would be incredibly difficult to bring the scythe down- it was extended pretty far, after all, so it was even more heavily weighed down on the side in the air. Additionally, his spear's crossguard had little ridges engraved on the end, making it impossible to simply slide the scythe off unless the target physically made the effort to lift it some more... Which would put his arms in a vulnerable position, especially since they were already extended skyward from his thrust.

[WC: 270]
[Total WC: 604]
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Strange Bedfellows [Zento, NK] Empty Re: Strange Bedfellows [Zento, NK]

Fri Feb 14, 2020 10:21 am
Zento watched his opponent. He was going to try and lock down Zento's scythe with the spear. A smart move. He wouldn't give him the chance. Zento quickly took a step back and brought the scythe over his shoulders. Standing a safer distance between them. both of his wrists resting on the pole of the scythe. His hands looking like they were just dangling there. His expression looking interested. His opponent didn't go for a straight attack. He wanted to play a longer game. Zento respected that. He jumped a couple times. Loosening up and popping his neck. His scythe still on his shoulders. A smile on his face appeared. Looking like his friend caught him doing something that he was told over and over again that Zento needed to stop doing it but with a look saying, 'you know me'. Zento thought to himself for a moment. Thinking about the actions to take from this person.

He clearly isn't wanting to do any warming up or take it easy. I suppose that's what I get for just intruding on someone training and not saying a word to them. I deserved that one. The guy seems a little tense. Maybe after this we can share a nice glass of sake. Zento thought to himself. His eyes still on his opponent in case he tried to attack him. Zento took his left foot. Taking a step back. Having him facing his opponent at more of an angle than straight on. A stance like this makes him somewhat of a smaller target from his opponents point a view. Not really an advantage so much here but, made him more comfortable. So he was going to do that. Waiting to see what his opponents next move will be.
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Strange Bedfellows [Zento, NK] Empty Re: Strange Bedfellows [Zento, NK]

Fri Feb 14, 2020 3:34 pm
As the stranger stepped back, the Boar moved his scythe diagonally across his body in a type of bastardized guard as he moved forward with him, this time with the spear tip pointing above his left shoulder in a prime position to counter the scythe's blade should he bring it down. As the stranger began to stretch, he jumped into the air- and that was when he made his move. He swung the butt end of the spear towards the stranger's rib cage at a nearly blinding speed at such a timing that it would still hit him while he was in the air from his jump. It would be hard enough, should it land, to leave some rough bruises, but not any such permanent injury like broken bones. Should the stranger recoil, but not otherwise react with an attack, he would bring his right foot a few inches into the air and stomp on the stranger's left- well, his own right- the instant he landed.

His muscles tensed and his scabbed fingers burned with soreness. It was the stranger's move, now.

[WC: 182]
[Total WC: 786]
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Strange Bedfellows [Zento, NK] Empty Re: Strange Bedfellows [Zento, NK]

Tue Feb 18, 2020 1:22 pm
Zento watched his opponent. He was definitely giving Zento a bit more work than he thought he would have to give out. He enjoyed that thought. Zento watched the placement of his opponents spear. All the subtle stances showing that both were planning for the other. His opponent was having a defensive stance as well as still being on the attack. Zento needed to act fast if he wanted to do something about this. As soon as he could see the spear make its move, Zento had to take action. Moving the scythe over his shoulders and bringing all the weight down. Moving his body to have a much better stance. His scythe on the side of his body as the spear. bringing it down to have the pole to block the incoming wack to his side while the scythe end being a good distance for a direct landed of the skull looking mace side of his scythe.

His opponent was in a good motion now for such a strong attack. Most know those who are trained in combat the strongest attacks come when your whole body is involved in the strike. Keeping this opponent in his attack for the quick second still in a way. No sudden changes to his attack. Zento's mace would crash into his opponent skull and knock him out if it went with a full connection. His opponent could block with a spear tip and hopefully push it away with enough time. Zento's eyes widening a little. Having a look of obsession before it going back to a normal friendly look. Zento would quickly bring a up his foot for a fast kick to his opponents knee before bringing his foot back to it's original resting point. A kick like that wouldn't do any real damage. Just hurt his opponents knee and maybe hurt his leg a little and make him uncomfortable. Zento only letting out one thing in this fight. His voice sounding like it had a hit of excitement but still his carefree expression on his face. "You're good."
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Strange Bedfellows [Zento, NK] Empty Re: Strange Bedfellows [Zento, NK]

Sat Feb 22, 2020 5:30 pm
{Mid thread claiming 786 words towards Meigan: Stage One. Leaving stat claims undone so i can claim them all at the end of the thread}
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Strange Bedfellows [Zento, NK] Empty Re: Strange Bedfellows [Zento, NK]

Sun Feb 23, 2020 11:54 am
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Strange Bedfellows [Zento, NK] Empty Re: Strange Bedfellows [Zento, NK]

Sat Apr 04, 2020 1:08 pm
(Claiming 941 words midthread)
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
Stat Page : Primmys Stats
Mission Record : Prims Missions
Genjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : EMS
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12000

Strange Bedfellows [Zento, NK] Empty Re: Strange Bedfellows [Zento, NK]

Sat Apr 04, 2020 2:40 pm
((ooc: same with this one, what are you claiming please?))
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