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Akki Senju
Akki Senju
Stat Page : Akki's Stats
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Clan Focus : Wood Release
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 600

Dead Bite (io) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dead Bite (io)

Wed Feb 26, 2020 7:30 pm
Akki’s eyes suddenly grew wide! A feeling of fear overtook her as his words seemed to echo in her mind as he put a Kunai up to her neck! Her breathing became shallow as her heartbeat began to race! Then she heard that name. She held her breathe then she let it out with a gasp! She knew Jason had green eyes, just like the eyes she looked into. Was this...
"Jason? Why didn't you just come forward and talk to me? You are one of my clan members and I have always respected you! You were the best Hokage, and when you died, I cried! I don't know how you came back to life! I won't question it but I will do anything you ask of me! I will send a letter now sir." Akki said as she agreed to write a letter. "Is there anything else you need to know?Because I know for a fact that Megami, Sephora and Prim will be happy to see you! They will answer any questions you have " Akki assured him. "They want peaceful relations with Konoha for Funkagakure." She said feeling the ground vibrate because of the thunder.
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Dead Bite (io) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dead Bite (io)

Sat Mar 07, 2020 9:48 pm
He couldn’t keep the smile off his face any longer, though it remained hidden beneath the mask he wore. He slowly removed the kunai from Akki’s neck and backed up a step before removing his mask, letting the girl see his face for the first time.

”Because, little Akki, you need to learn to be more careful. And also that under normal circumstances you’d probably already be in jail, or dead. Most ANBU won’t be as lenient as I was.” He relaxed a bit, lessening his presence so as to not overwhelm the child, and smiled at her. ”No, I only need you to write the letter telling them to expect me in three days time. Be sure to mention that they need to keep the letter on them until I arrive. It’s very important. The paper I’m about to give you has my personal teleportation formula inscribed on the back in a corner. Once I know they’ve received the letter I can simply teleport directly to them.

Jason turned to the ANBU in the room, finally addressing the silent operative. ”This girl isn’t a threat, and as you can see I will be dealing with the others personally. You can report back to the Hokage now and let him know I have things under control.” The former Rokudaime Hokage watched until the man disappeared before turning back to Akki and handing her the piece of paper with his seal on it. ”This is the paper I want you to use.”
Akki Senju
Akki Senju
Stat Page : Akki's Stats
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Clan Focus : Wood Release
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 600

Dead Bite (io) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dead Bite (io)

Thu Mar 12, 2020 2:50 pm
Akki nodded giving Jason a quick hug before taking the paper from him to write the letter. The rumbling of thunder outside had lessened meaning the storm was coming to an end! A fitting scenario since the issue in the lab had been resolved! As Akki sat the paper down to write on it, sh had remembered she wanted to go to Volcano as well.
“Jason can I go to Volcano with you? I was wanting to go anyways and well I would probably be safer traveling with you!” Akki asked as she began to write the letter to her friends.

Dear Volcano friends,

It’s me Akki, please hold onto this letter, Jason Senju is going to be visiting you in three days and keep a hold of this letter until then!
Don’t forget, there are some others heading your way shortly to!

Akki Senju

Akki folded the letter up to prepare it to be sent! She looked back at Jason to ask him a question.
“Anything else I need to do Jason?” She asked him as the lights flickered with the second roll of thunder. “I’m not in trouble am I?” Akki asked curiously.
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Dead Bite (io) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dead Bite (io)

Wed Mar 18, 2020 12:11 pm
A deep sigh escaped Jason's lips as he closed his eyes for a moment, shaking his head at the naive girl. Wanting to travel to Volcano, probably to see Sephora and the rest was clearly something she should definitely not be voicing interest in. Unfortunately for Jason, and a secret he had kept from her and everyone else for years, was that the young Akki Senju was actually his very own little sister. Their parents had no choice except to give her up at the time, and it all but killed them to do so. By the time Jason had found out, however, it had already been years later and Akki had been adopted into a nice family. He had done his best to keep tabs on her over the years, but his unexpected death had certainly made that much more difficult.

After returning to the Leaf, one of the first things the former Rokudaime Hokage had done was go and check up on her, making sure she was still well from the shadows. Looking at her now, and how easily it seemed she got herself wrapped up in things way above her head, dangerous things, he felt there really wasn't a choice at this point. He would have to bring her with him when he went to confront Primrose. "Alright, Akki. You can come with me. Be here in this lab packed and ready to go in 4 days. That will give the letter enough time to reach them plus the three days I've given them to prepare for my arrival."

She glanced at him after folding up the finished letter and asked if there was anything else he needed her to do. Yes, there was. Stop being so damn naive. He couldn't actually tell her that at the moment, though. He took the folded letter from her. "No, Akki, you've done enough. You're not in trouble, but you still have a lot of growing up to do. There's still a lot you have yet to understand about the way the world works, apparently. I'm going to be placing my teleportation formula on you now, just in case I need to get to you quickly. I'll have to place it on your skin directly so that it remains intact. Turn around and lift up the back of your shirt please." With that, expecting his orders to be followed explicitly, Jason would form a quick series of seals and then place his right hand on the small of her back to place the seal before stepping away from her again. "Good. Now I'm going to send this letter out. Remember, be here ready to go in 4 days time." Without any further warning, he was gone, instantly vanishing before her eyes.

[WC: 461]
[TWC: 2,586]
claiming 25 stats
2,586/6,000 for 3 tomoe sharingan
memorizing Akki's chakra signature
placing FTG seal on Akki
Akki Senju
Akki Senju
Stat Page : Akki's Stats
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Clan Focus : Wood Release
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 600

Dead Bite (io) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dead Bite (io)

Tue Mar 24, 2020 1:28 am
Akki listened closely to Jason as he spoke. He didn’t seem exactly thrilled that she wanted to go to Volcano, but he didn’t deny her the opportunity! As a matter of fact he told her she could go with him! This made the girl extremely happy. Even though she was unaware of the fact he was really her older brother, she had always looked up to Jason in a way. Maybe because he was a Senju like her and because he was one Hokage. She had a very deep rooted respect for him. Or maybe deep inside her, she knew he was related to her somehow. Akki, even though young and naive, still had her senses about her! Four days was long enough to get her stuff ready and to let everyone know she was leaving. She raised her shirt in the back revealing a couple of more tattoos. Yeah, she had an obsession with them! There was a small tingly feeling when he put the seal on her. She then put her shirt down. FTG, that meant flying...Akki wasn’t sure what the other words were, but she did remember this was a very high ranking jutsu. Maybe she could do it someday!
Akki left the lab and went to get her stuff ready to go to Volcano.


wordcount: 3533
Claiming 35 stats!
1,000/1,000 words Water needles
500/500 words [url=V]Hidden Mist[/url]
1,000/1,000 words [url=V]EFlying Thrown Stones[/url]

Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
Stat Page : Primmys Stats
Mission Record : Prims Missions
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Ryo : 12000

Dead Bite (io) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dead Bite (io)

Tue Apr 07, 2020 2:28 pm
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