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Akki Senju
Akki Senju
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Clan Focus : Wood Release
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Dead Bite (io) Empty Dead Bite (io)

Mon Feb 10, 2020 10:32 pm
It was a rather dark cloudy stormy looking morning in the Village of Konoha. Akki Senju woke up and walked through the family room and spoke to her father who was sitting at the desk working on papers for the clan. Her Mother Azha Senju-Kuoga was sitting in the chair next to the desk helping him as her twin brothers ran amuck through the living room! She heard her father take a sharp tone to make them stop, and of course they listened. They were getting ready for their first day at the academy because they were now five years old.

“I am heading into town today, I will get the mail when I head out, do we need anything from the store?” She asked as the thunder rolled. Her mother nodded before telling her father she would be back with him in a minute. Akki went and brushed her teeth and hair as she slipped on her ninja uniform. Something she had not worn in a while. The Senju clan tattoo on her neck reminded her she needed to have a sense of Pride in herself. She had gotten the clan crest tattooed on her neck while she was traveling through the borders on a mission,at a seedy tattoo shop. She had to admit they did good for a seedy place near the black market. The lotion she put on smelled really good as well! Lavender and Strawberry mix! She washed her face then pulled her hair up on top of her head in a ponytail.

She walked back out and got a list from her mother. Only four items but she knew she had to help out since she was going to town. She hugged her parents then walked out the door. Right before she headed out, she did a small water jutsu to pull a prank on the boys. All she did was pull the water from the glass vase to create a puddle on the floor in front of them so as they began to run they slipped. Laughing she shut the door. “Serves you boys right.” She heard her father holler as they whined about slipping.

She went by the mailbox and found two letters addressed to her. They were from Volcano, she could tell by the smell of sulphur on the envelopes. She opened the first one which appeared to be from Megami according to the first line...

 Akki Senju,

Hey sis, I love you! But we have a teensy tiny problem!

Remember back in our missing nin days when Sephora Hyuuga took our DNA and hair samples and stuff like that? Well I gave them along with our log books and everything to Jason Senju when he and Yensung Aburame caught me one night running to my lab! Yeah well Sephora wants them. Just tell her you can't find them! Wish you were here with all of us we love you!

Megami Kuoga

Well Damn! She took the other letter from Sephora and opened it since both came at the same time….


Either find my DNA samples and log books or come here with Hotaru Aburame so I can get all my samples again! I really don't want to take your hair, skin scrapings, bone marrow and blood again but I will if I have to!

Much love (yuck)

Sephora Kaguya Hyuuga


Primrose uchiha may leave here soon with Talon Tau she is bringing back Jayden Terumi and Zim Nara. 

"Now what do I do?" Akki said crying slightly nervous! " I would never leave my home again even to help them. I wish they were back here! Why did they all have to become missing nin? Wait I might need to destroy these letters before someone finds them!"

Akki quickly turned to leave as the rain began to fall. "I wonder if I should just pay them a visit maybe.” Akki suddenly stopped herself. She had to think rationally. She knew where Megami’s lab was and she had access to it. Yeah she had built a second laboratory since her first one was granted public access!

It was about to storm heavily, she would be able to head to it without much interruption because no one would be out in this weather and the part of the village she would be going to was full of mostly elderly residents and unless someone was doing a mission no one would really be on the streets in this! “I could destroy the letters in the lab and see if there is anything to really use in that lab! I know my DNA is in there and so is Megami’s only because we willingly gave it to her, if she has anyone elses it was more than likely not given willingly.” She said to herself.

She immediately took off running as quick as possible to the part of town where the lab was!
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Dead Bite (io) Empty Re: Dead Bite (io)

Fri Feb 14, 2020 5:15 pm
Coming back to the village had been very trying, for lack of a better word. He had been demoted to the rank of Genin by a Hokage who hailed from Sunagakure of all places. He had been rejected by his former friend and student, and ordered under constant surveillance even after having his mind read to confirm his identity and intentions. Luckily, the Deputy Hokage had at least some sense, or respect, or both, and had granted him much more authority and leniency than the former Suna-nin had. Unfortunately, the former Rokudaime Hokage’s past seemed to follow him home.

Two letters had been intercepted by the village’s intelligence unit, which had apparently been sent by different rogue kunoichi previously associated with the village. One of which had actually mentioned Jason by name. That was the reason he had been greeted so early this morning by one of the current ANBU knocking on his door. At first there was some brief tension, of course, considering Jason’s history with the Leaf’s special forces, but after reading the letters he relaxed a little. Though only a little.

He still couldn’t help glancing over his shoulder at the shinobi as he donned his own old ANBU uniform from when he undertook Echo’s training. It was the only thing he managed to salvage before hiding away after coming back to life. His bow was tucked snug into the quiver slung over his back, and the mask he wore resembled a fox. His weapon pouches were attached to his lower back, side-by-side, just below his quiver. Fully equipped and preparing himself mentally for the task at hand, he stepped out into the dark, cloudy morning and made his way silently across the rooftops to his destination, ANBU shadow in tow.

The letters he now had in his possession were only copies made by the intelligence unit. The real ones were resealed and delivered as normal. Along with the copies, the Senju has also been given documents with Akki’s age, rank, home address, and the names and ages of all of her direct family members with pictures for each including herself. By the time they had arrived at their destination, the roof of a building nearby the Senju girl’s home, the skies had darkened even more than they were before. They would have waited as long as necessary for their current target, but luckily it ended up not being more than a few minutes after they had arrived before Jason had spied the girl leaving the house and stopping at the mailbox. The letters were in there, and from the girl’s reaction she had just opened one of them. Then the other.

When she suddenly took off running in the direction Jason remembered Megami’s lab to be, he signaled the ANBU to follow him silently as he shadowed her from the rooftops.

[WC: 475]
Akki Senju
Akki Senju
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Dead Bite (io) Empty Re: Dead Bite (io)

Sat Feb 15, 2020 5:13 pm
Akki was not thinking apparently, she just kept going and rushing through the now rain soaked streets! It was quite wet out, the storm had hit, but the water was not weighing the girl down any at all! The lightning struck a tree near her, she dodged the falling tree and stopped to make sure no houses had been hit! Seeing no dama or people injured she continued on a fast pace towards the lab. She had so much on her mind she didn’t notice she was being followed! Maybe she should have, but considering who was following her, she probably wouldn’t have known anyways.
She finally reached the abandoned building as she heard a crack of thunder overhead and was slightly startled. Of course she was rather jumpy anyways because she was doing something she shouldn’t have been. She paused outside the back of the building under the cover of a porch awning! It was made of tin, and she could hear the heavy rainfall hitting it. She took down her hood, the Senju Clan tattoo on her neck very visible as her wet hair was now on the other side of her head opposite of the tattoo! She typed in a code on the back door of the building and walked into what appeared to be an empty room. She walked across the floors as the sound of her footsteps echoed through the building. It felt spooky and haunted in the empty building with her footsteps and the thunderstorm raging outside!
She moved through the empty rooms, until she was all the way to the side of the building and she tapped on the floor twice in the center of the room, causing a side panel to open up on the wall directly to her left. Akki walked over to it and typed in a four digit code and then shut the panel, a series of four beeps sounded as the center floor panel opened to reveal a door with a second security pad on it. Akki tilted her head slightly trying to remember the numbers.
“Oh yeah! Same ones Sephora uses for her lab in Volcano!” She typed in four digits as the door slid open! The reason for so much protection, well her last lab was exposed! What do you expect a person to do? “Damn it Megami, I hate wasting my day to cover your ass!” Akki said knowing Megami couldn’t hear her. The door Slid open allowing Akki to walk down the stairs leading to the lab.
“Damn, this one looks like the last one, but more bare!” Akki said as she looked around the room. She spotted a computer screen with a keyboard and she knew exactly what to do with it! Technology? It’s a lab, of course this was in here! How do you think they run tests?
She pulled up the screen and began typing. ON the screen a box popped up, and surprise, surprise, it was Sephora and Megami!

((Team Fuku is aware of this, they gave their consents to do this for the RP and we went through a mod before proceeding! This was discussed IRL and they came up with replies. Any questions you can ask Sephora and Megami.))

“Hello Senju, took you long enough! What the deuce took you so long?” Sephora asked as Megami just laughed! Akki shook her head with a chuckle.
“Good to see you to Hybrid and Megami! I just got the letters in the mail! That was a very risky move, let’s just hope no one else knows about them.” Akki said back to them.
“Letters? I only sent one...Megami? What’s going on?” Sephora asked as she looked over to Megami who just shrugged her shoulders.
“I sent her one to say hi...alright...look Jason Senju took your DNA samples when he was Hokage. It’s my fault I got busted on my way to my old lab. No worries You have plenty of DNA here in Volcano! For real Sephora. It’s not like we are doing anything bad with it anyways.” Megai said as Sephora made a loud groaning noise and laid her head on the table slamming her fist on the table causing the table to shake!
“He was the fucking Hokage! If he took them back then there was a SERIOUS problem at the time! If a kage is involved or ANBU you should know it’s a serious matter! Besides I can’t get them back NOW, there is no telling what happened to those...or him...he was the only Hokage I actually liked anyways. Yen will probably do a good job but he despises me for some reason...oh yeah I am a criminal not going to lie!” Sephora said with a slight discernment to her voice as she sat her head up and looked around the room in thought. 
“You kidnapped me, Tori Uzumaki and Hotaru Aburame and you held us prisoner and took our DNA and then attacked me...I escaped eventually and came back here. Look all was forgiven, but you are an ACTUAL criminal Ms. Kaguya-Hyuuga! The rest of us however are not! Who all is in Volcano anyways?” Akki asked as she reached down and took a drink out of the mini fridge beneath the table. 
“Primrose is here, She hasn’t been the same since Viper died, why she liked him after he pinned Kirigakures destruction on her I don’t know. Family or not that is fucked up! My twin brother Dante is here, Tori is here, of course me and Megami. Look they are actually turning this place into a real Village now!” Sephora Said.
“We have a Kage now and everything! Several people reside here. Anyways we are getting off of here, contact us anytime you need something!” The girls said as they logged out. Akki sighed as she turned off the computer.

She got up and began to look around. She suddenly realized where the DNA was, in the mini fridge!. She got down and opened it and pulled out two vials, and stood up staring at them.
“So all the fuss over this!” She said as she looked at the labels. One was labeled “Senju” and one was labeled “Kuoga.” Akki decided it was time to burn the letters. She turned on one of the little burners on the table, and reached into her pockets pulling out the letters to burn them.
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Dead Bite (io) Empty Re: Dead Bite (io)

Mon Feb 17, 2020 4:55 am
Jason and the ANBU followed the Senju girl through the the village, watching as she narrowly avoided a falling tree that had been struck by lightning and checking that nothing had been damaged and no one had been hurt before continuing on. These were not the actions of a heartless criminal, not that Jason really expected her to be one.

Soon she arrived at the same lab he had been taken to by Megami years ago with Yensung, and the former Kage had no doubt that the girl had read the same letters he had earlier that day. He and the ANBU watched the young girl silently as she made her way around back and into the building. They waited a moment to be sure they wouldn’t be seen before following her inside, which was easily done considering she had forgotten to lock the door behind her in her haste. Moving slowly so they wouldn’t be heard, the two men made their way through each room always checking to make sure it was clear before moving forward. Eventually they came to a room with the center floor tile opened up to reveal stairs leading downward and into the actual lab. Glancing at each other briefly, the two pursuers cautiously made their way down the stairs.

There was a faint light coming from the room at the bottom of the stairs, so the two men moved slowly and stuck to the shadows as they descended, finally taking up a position on either side of the open doorway at the bottom of the stairs just in time to hear the girl talking to someone else.

’Megami? And Sephora is there too. Following Akki is already paying off,’ he thought to himself as he continued to listen to the conversation going on inside the room. An amused smile made its way into his face beneath the mask he wore at hearing Sephora’s reaction. The only Hokage she actually liked, huh? He could certainly make use of that. It didn’t seem like they knew he was alive yet either. Good. He continued to listen, frowning at the mention of Volcano and the name Primrose. She had been mentioned in the letter, too. If he wasn’t mistaken, she was the one that Yensung had mentioned wanting to take him to go see in order to get more information on the ones who had murdered him under Viper’s orders all those years ago. The fact that all of these people were in Volcano with her, and the news that it’s being turned into a real village after all these years, made him even more interested in the trip Yen had mentioned them taking together.

Another moment or two and he heard the conversation come to an end and the computer turn off. Slowly moving to glance into the room, Jason was just in time to see the young girl turning on a little burner on a table. With her back slightly toward them, the former Rokudaime Hokage signaled the other man using special hand language only taught to Konohagakure ANBU to block the door while he entered the room. He positioned himself leaning back casually against the wall directly behind the Senju girl before speaking. ”I really wouldn’t bother trying to burn them at this point, Akki. I have copies of them right here, after all. That conversation just now sure was interesting though.”

[WC: 568]
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Akki Senju
Akki Senju
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Dead Bite (io) Empty Re: Dead Bite (io)

Mon Feb 17, 2020 1:04 pm
Akki almost jumped out of her skin when she heard the voice! She had dropped the letters as the person spoke and they went up in flames! Not like it mattered, considering that the ANBU standing before had copies of them!  She turned to face the person speaking to her. Akki's eyes were filled with fear at first, but after the initial shock of seeing them in front of her wore off, the fear left! Akki Senju was normally the rational one in her group, she was the thinker, she didn't normally jump to conclusions! And now would be no different. As she spoke to them, she would be analyzing the spaces between them and their surroundings in case things went the wrong way and she had to attempt to escape! At this time he was just talking to Akki. And he had heard the whole conversation and had copies of the letter! He also knew about the lab, otherwise he wouldn't be standing in front of her.

"Okay so you have copies of my letters..." Which were on a table on fire because Akki wasn't paying attention! She poured her drink on them to put them out, now a pile of wet ashes were on the table. And a heavy smell of sulphur was in the room, considering the letters had come from Volcano and apparently had been covered in sulphur!

"And you listened in on my there a point to this? It's not like talking to friends or burning letters is illegal in Konoha! Or anywhere for that matter." Akki said as she tossed her can behind her, and she hit the trash with out looking!

"Why exactly are you here? I'm not exactly a criminal and I am not doing anything illegal!" Akki said as she kept her eyes on the person in front of her, she saw the ANBU in the door way as well and she knew that she would have no way of escaping the lab because the back entrance had a different code and she had no idea where it exited out into.  She had never used it before because she hardly ever came into this lab!
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Dead Bite (io) Empty Re: Dead Bite (io)

Mon Feb 17, 2020 9:41 pm
Jason couldn’t help but smile at the young girl’s reaction, though she wouldn’t be able to see any sign of his amusement past the metaphorical and physical mask he was wearing. Sure, he knew she wasn’t really doing anything wrong yet, but the girl did have information that he needed. And, he had to admit, it was actually kind of fun to be back in action again after all these years. His smile grew wider as he saw her eyes dart between them, focusing on the exit for the briefest of instants before returning her attention to the former Hokage. He actually had to stop himself from chuckling as he spoke next.

”If you aren’t doing anything wrong, then why were you trying to destroy those letters? Letters addressed to you, that were sent from known criminals of the Leaf Village. Clearly you’re close to them, since you just called them your friends yourself, and you knew you exactly how to access this lab.” He let his words sink in for a second as he lifted his body away from the wall and slowly walked towards her. He would stop only a few feet away before speaking again. ”Now you’re gonna answer some questions for me. It’s better for you if you cooperate. How long have you been in contact with Sephora and Megami? Do you know if they intend any harm to Konoha or it’s citizens? Who is Primrose Uchiha and what was her connection to Viper Uchiha? What does she look like? What are her specializations as a shinobi?”

[WC: 261]
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Akki Senju
Akki Senju
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Dead Bite (io) Empty Re: Dead Bite (io)

Tue Feb 18, 2020 12:08 pm
Akki felt the roll of thunder peal through the underground in which the three of them stood. The ANBU that was leaning against the walked towards only stopping a few feet from her. She didn’t fear him but she felt extremely intimidated by him. As he spoke to her she began to wonder why he would ask all these questions! As an ANBU wouldn’t they already have certain information on Prim already, especially since she was the cousin to the former Hokage Viper! Well, no use in not giving him the information, it isn’t like it is not already known by most people.
“I will give the information to you freely, but in my own opinion, you should already know the information about Prim, considering she was Vipers cousin! Why she even considered him family after he pinned the fall of Kirigakure on her is something all of us wondered. She was assigned as our team leader by Echo Uchiha, who was also her cousin! Megami Kuoga is my adopted sister! I was adopted by the Kuoga clan along with her from the orphanage here in Konoha. The reason they adopted me is because the head of the Kuoga clan is married to a Senju. That is all you need to know!” Akki said to him as she watched him carefully. Oh she knew way more information, but she was not just going to spill her guts out like their team mate Tori Uzumaki! No, Akki knew better! The thunder rolled again outside, making the ground Vibrate.
“It doesn’t matter if former leaf nin are in Volcano and it doesn’t matter who they are!” Akki said firmly staring back at the ANBU before her! Or does it matter? Sephora was a criminal but Akki is dancing around the question to protect Sephora, yeah they were once enemies but have since made peace and became friends again and was once again a Team Fukutaichou member and she would defend and protect her. Unless something specific was asked. Being ANBU they may have information on some of her team already! 

“What makes you think Megami or Sephora or Prim are criminals?” Megami asked with her arms now crossed. Maybe she could figure out what they knew! Why would Megami be considered a criminal? She had figured the issue with Prim had been cleared up after Vipers death, maybe she was wrong! She hopped on the table, crossed her arms and legs and kept her eyes on the ANBU.
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Dead Bite (io) Empty Re: Dead Bite (io)

Wed Feb 19, 2020 5:12 am
It seemed that this girl was either very prone to random outbursts, intentionally avoiding answering the question, or quite possibly both. The only piece of information she had actually given Jason that he had asked for was that Primrose was Viper’s cousin. Claiming to give up the information he requested freely, and then telling him he didn’t need to know anymore was certainly one way to turn his light mood into something.....less pleasant.


His earlier tone had been replaced with one of complete authority, something easily done for someone who was once Hokage. Natural energy has flooded his body unbidden, and to the Senju girl, it would seem as if the the dark interior of the lab grew darker still as the shadows lengthened, and an ancient forest could be seen looming tall and foreboding over her. They would seem to come from Jason himself, though it was clear these weren’t real trees. It was as if his presence, his very being, was that of a forest of ancient oaks each hundreds of years old with all the strength and power of nature itself.

”Do not think to tell me what I do or do not need to know, girl. You may have information that interests me, now stop playing games and answer the questions I asked. I won’t ask a third time.” The pressure in the room not only remained, but seemed to gradually increase the longer his questions remained unanswered. In truth, he cared little for Sephora and the others apparently inhabiting Volcano. While the information on that subject was interesting, it was Primrose who Jason needed to find out about. Hopefully this time Akki would be wise enough to answer him directly.

[WC: 286]
[TWC: 1,590]

[OOC: I had Jason enter sage mode and then use display of power against Akki. That’s what the pressure and the giant oaks are referring to]
Akki Senju
Akki Senju
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Dead Bite (io) Empty Re: Dead Bite (io)

Wed Feb 19, 2020 11:40 am
Akki felt a sense of fear after he said her name so plainly! After the forest appeared around her and she felt the intense pressure she realized how powerful this person was! So apparently he wante liked more information and he was determined to get it out of her!
Akki was mesmerized by what this person could do! What? How? I need this in my life! She had to learn how to do this! She somehow managed to move closer to him and decided to make an offer. Hopefully one he would take!
"I'm part of a team that Echo Uchiha put Primrose Uchiha in charge of. Team Fukutaichou, it started out just me,Tori, Sephy and Megami were a part of. Later we expanded to Suna then Kiri. But everyone else whose a part of the team have amazing abilities. Sephora is a hybrid, a mix of Kaguya and Hyuuga and she can use both bloodlines. Tori is an Uzumaki and can use chakra chains, Prim has EMS and can create black fire. Megami uses these thin wires, and well to get to the point I can't do anything but create wood. That's it! because that's my bloodline being a Senju! I'll make a deal with you, teach me how to do this jutsu you just did...and I will tell you anything and everything you want to know! All you have to do is ask!" Akki said as she still looked around mesmerized!
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Dead Bite (io) Empty Re: Dead Bite (io)

Wed Feb 26, 2020 2:13 pm
The child in front of him was a veritable fount of information, though she still seemed to be misunderstanding her situation. Why she seemed to think she was in any position to make a deal was lost on Jason, considering he was posing as an ANBU and working with an actual operative with her being a lowly Genin.

”Akki. I don’t think you understand the position you’re in. I make the rules here, and you follow them. You don’t get to make any offers. I could easily lock you in the prison and have you forgotten about. Even easier I could take your head in an instant right now. I do appreciate the information you’ve given me so far, but don’t think you’re my equal in this conversation. You aren’t.” He moved forward as he spoke, pulling a kunai from its sheath as he did so, until he was directly in front of the Senju girl with its edge pressed against her throat. ”I did tell you I wouldn’t ask again. Hopefully now you realize just what position you’re in, little girl.”

His killing intent radiated off of him in waves, directed solely at the Genin before him. There was a fire behind his green eyes, the only visible part of him behind the mask he wore. ”Now,” he began to say, his tone one of complete authority, ”here’s what you’re going to do. You’re going to send a letter to your friends in Volcano telling them to expect a visit from Jason Senju, the former Hokage, in three days time. They are to keep the letter with them until he arrives, and answer any questions he has for them. Do you understand me?”

[WC: 284]
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