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Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Stat Page : Shitai
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 22000

The Basics [P,Mizuki] Empty The Basics [P,Mizuki]

Thu Jan 09, 2020 9:12 pm
There had been a lot of developements within the village of Kumogakure. Following the recent invasion and subsequent takeover of the Kage mantle from max, the supposed rumors of a familiar figure or two coming back into the village the now lone Anbu Captain felt himself running around trying to piece things together. He had felt signature of a very familiar person, one that had still been avoiding him for some reason. Today he found himself in the recesses of the training grounds wearing a Yukata with his three swords to his side and an additional on his left side. With his right hand he would begin to unsheathe and strike the training dummy in front of him, moving from its side to another with a fluent motion. With each strike he began to continuously strike training dummies with the same fluid motion almost like a dance of sorts. The swift sheathing and unsheathing created a small ringing sound as he moved and his breath synchronized with it. As he moved his Yukata showed more of his right side until it was completely down to his side, his arm slipping outside of it as he continued his exercise.

The males black hair was sleeked back into it usual ponytail as he stopped for a moment to regulate his breathing, and once done he would head back to the first dummy and continue his training. His swordsmanship was by no means terrible, but one had to continually work on their basics to fully master a fighting style. So here he was continually practicing. There was a lack of things to do in the village honestly, and with the death of one of his students it left him with more time than he needed. Along with his ANBU duties, which at the moment were on pause until the new Raikage came back, he found himself often visiting the room of Maximilian to check up on his condition. It was one thing to lose someone, but another to watch them idly lay around. He had hoped soon that his condition would stabilize, but the sound of someone entering the area he was caused him to shift his train of thought and slowly sheath his sword. Turning to the person he would look upon them with his amber eyes and blink," What brings you all the way out here?"
Ikigai Horaana
Ikigai Horaana
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The Basics [P,Mizuki] Empty Re: The Basics [P,Mizuki]

Wed Jan 15, 2020 4:14 pm
The day had brought… nothing. Slamming her book on herbal remedies closed she gazed out into her backyard, boredom seeping into her bones as she idly watched some of the insects flit through her range of sight before giving a large sigh and pulling herself from the table. Stretching as she came to her full height, what had it been… 3 hours since she sat down that morning? ,and to read the same information simply reworded by new authors - falsely offering new information. She had had enough, turning on her heel from the table she went upstairs to gather some things - empty jars for collection purposes, her usual notebooks being tied around her waist, and finally her bag of kunai and smaller throwing knives. On days like this she needed to get a good sweat going before focusing her energy on experimentation - If the books won’t provide the answers, I’ll make them myself.

Waving goodbye to her mother she headed toward the village’s training grounds, she had been placed in a team but they hadn’t gotten very far in their training yet. Plus Iki believed wholeheartedly in physical and mental balance, changes the way you experience life. 

Coming around the corner brought the full training grounds in view and it was a sight she didn’t expect. Long Lost Anbu Captain Kiseragi, it had been an even longer time since she had seen him in person, having been in his graduating class at the academy there was a high possibility he would remember her, had she been more remarkable as he was. He had blown through the ranks quickly - same in age as they were he was miles above her in power. Their predicaments were different, but here he was practicing as she was about to. She smiled as she halted her approach - now a few feet from him - his question posed to her an interesting one. “Same as you I would suppose.”her voice was a little nostalgic, she wouldn’t have called them friends but it was hard not to feel a connection from an old classmate. Dropping her bag at her feet some of her knives would spill out proving her point a little further, dropping down into a crouch she would come closer to his eye level - once more crossing a usual persons’ personal space. “You know you could always wear less bulky clothes when practicing, might help this situation.” she waved her left hand over his exposed side, laughing a little at how ridiculous being half dressed looked. “Though it does suit you I will admit. Long time no see, if you don’t remember me, which is hard to obviously, its Ikigai.”, she flashed her matching amber eyes at him playfully, “Swordsman huh?”

[WC 456]
Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Shitai
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 22000

The Basics [P,Mizuki] Empty Re: The Basics [P,Mizuki]

Wed Jan 15, 2020 8:09 pm
Kiseragi looked over toward the person speaking to them and remembered them for a moment, someone from his old class in the academy. There name had not been forgotten and this had been the first time in such a long one that he had seen a classmate from those days. He made it a point to seclude himself from the day to day of the village for a good reason, but seeing a familiar face never hurt right? What she meant by she was here just as he was caused him to raise a small brow, the clattering of kunai hitting ground made her point quite clear. Leaning down he would pick one of them up looking over it for a moment before handing it to her handle first. He wasn't afraid of being cut and it was proper etiquette to hand someone a knife handle first. When she had commented on his clothing choice, Kiseragi chuckled and shook his head for a moment," They help when it comes to strength and speed training. The heavier the items, the stronger and faster you become with them off. Though the only reason my right side is exposed is because its sort of a tradition when one is training in their own dojo, something I lack at the moment," what she meant by it suiting him obviously flew over his head though.

When she reiterated who she was he nodded for a moment and rested an arm on the set of Katanas on his side," I remember you. We were in the same academy class a long time ago. How have you been lately?," though when she mentioned he was a swordsman he shrugged lightly," The way of the sword helps clear my mind. I'm more of a...Hybrid I guess since i use both swords and ninjutsu when it calls for it. So need any help with your training?," it was as good as any to conversation anyone has gotten from him in quite a while.
Ikigai Horaana
Ikigai Horaana
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The Basics [P,Mizuki] Empty Re: The Basics [P,Mizuki]

Fri Jan 17, 2020 10:10 pm
Slowly her eyes would Rove over his form, skilled and taunt was his body and a sense of jealousy surged over her for a moment, she had spent so long training her mind that she had let her body go untrained, a fact that being in his presence only heightened. Blushing slightly at the comment she made going over his head she would grip the handle of the knife -both of them holding it on opposite ends- before pulling it gently from his fingers, careful not to cut him even though she was sure he wouldn't be so careless. "You seem pretty at home out here... maybe this is your dojo for the time being? Seems as good a place as any boarded up building dont you think?" Twirling the knife carefully in her hand her bright amber eyes would glance around the training grounds - honestly with some small changes she could easily picture some indoor/outdoor hybrid dojo being built. Possibly even plant a medicinal herb garden to boot - many people often overlooked the medical practice since it lacked combative application but Iki had spent years trying to figure out how to turn something that heals into something that wounds.

Having still been twirling the knife in her palm her eyes refocused on his, having heard he remembered her was a shock in and of itself but the offer to train her was an even further shock, which made a small laugh of disbelief escape her lips before nodding a bit in acceptance. "You know Captain Kiseragi that sounds lovely. I fear my aim might be off and I lack.... discipline." Now her aim wasn't lacking in the slightest but she couldnt help but tease him just a bit - she didnt take him for being the most observant when it came to women so this would be a good lesson for both. "Lead away captain."
Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Shitai
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 22000

The Basics [P,Mizuki] Empty Re: The Basics [P,Mizuki]

Sat Jan 18, 2020 12:04 am
As the knife began to leave his hands his fingers would slowly glide over the grey metal feeling its every movement as it returned to its owner. The rugged metal felt sort of at home to him as his eyes were kept on Ikigai until she had fully retrieved her kunai and his hand returned once more to one of the pommels of his swords. When she had mentioned that he had felt pretty at home out here a small chuckle escaped his lips as he slowly looked toward the mountains themselves," Being down here feels pretty out of home to me honestly. Since I moved up into the mountains recently and stayed there being within them sort of feels like home. Though you could be onto something about this being a dojo of sorts. Plenty of people come out here and treat it as why shouldn't I?," it wasn't real question just a simple musing to himself as he slowly went back to looking at her. Every rotation of the knife caught his attention for just a moment almost as if he had been counting each one.

It was odd for him to even want to do such a thing, but even a kunai was a sword to him and his attention when it came to them was sort of scary. Her words did not go unnoticed as he pulled a kunai from inside of his yukata and with a single, precise motion he would throw it behind him and into a training dummy that he was striking earlier," Well you came to the right person for it I guess. So what do you want to learn first mm? I can teach you some basic ninjutsu or some basic weapon handling and training. Also? Just call me Kiseragi alright?," the whole "captain" thing was weird in itself, but having as little people as possible knowing it was even better.
Ikigai Horaana
Ikigai Horaana
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The Basics [P,Mizuki] Empty Re: The Basics [P,Mizuki]

Sat Jan 18, 2020 3:24 pm
Her eyes flickered along with his, gazing in wonderment at the carving the mountain range made in the beautiful blue sky. To live in the mountains this whole time and to come back to this… the world was a whole new place down here in the village it must have been a real shock for him. As she glanced back at him, she was still holding the knife in her hands, he might not have noticed it when he handed it to her but the blades she enjoyed using were different than your usual kunai. Having had years to learn her own unique throwing style she crafted knives that better suited her - much lighter in weight with a single heavy point at the very end of the handle. Really it was just a much thinner knife and the ring on the back of a usual kunai had been removed too. The handle end was in her palm when he grabbed one of his kunai from his own person - the signature hole in the handle identifying it as a traditional kunai - was now lodged in the dummy directly behind him. Without turning in the slightest and with fluidity like that of water had flung it behind him, she couldn't help but be impressed.

 Right… you’ve got mad aim I’ll give you that, but it would have been slightly disappointing if it weren’t amazing, wouldn’t it?” her tone was becoming more playful the more time they spent together. Leaning slightly to the right - her eyes still locked on his - she would throw her own knife ; a soft thud echoing as it embed itself in the dummy next to his. “Weapons handling would be nice. Though maybe not so basic. I do also have plans to introduce toxins into my "medical practice"… pairing it with short and long range weaponry would only make me better ready for combat.”, she had said all of this in a very matter of fact tone, narrowing her eyes suddenly in mock assessment, “So Kiseragi where do we start?”

[TWC 1112]
Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Shitai
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 22000

The Basics [P,Mizuki] Empty Re: The Basics [P,Mizuki]

Mon Jan 20, 2020 11:47 pm
The chuckle escaped his lips for a moment as he pulled out a few more Kunai and shrugged," I'd bring some shame to my clan if shurikenjutsu wasn't among one of the things i'm good at. It was told to me that a lot of the Uchiha in the old days were masters of this and fire techniques, but who knows how true that is now. Now if you want to see amazing I can show off a little more as we train and go through the motions. Your call of course," Though as she threw her own Kunai and hit her mark, the male's smile only grew a little more. Hearing what she wanted to do with her fighting style he took three kunai in each hand, tossing one into the air as he thought about where they could start in terms of what she wanted. Maybe a little chakra infusion would help her in her path, but only time would tell with that.

Kiseragi moved to her side so he could see the field a little better, the amber in his eyes turning a crimson shade as he began to truly focus on what he was going to do,' So you have the basics down which is good. Less explaining on how to throw, but we could add some things into that to make it a deadly art as well. When you get down to it, when it comes to wanting to add "toxins" into long range weaponry it depends on two things. Your choice of weapons and your ability to infuse chakra into said weapons. Luckily i'm good with both. Now," as he spoke one kunai would be held in his left palm, the other two being pushed between his fingers with expert precision. "Basic kunai right? Now on its own its a threat. Under infusion by chakra," and to make a point he would infuse his chakra into it causing it to glow a blue hue," It becomes deadly," to make his point he would throw the kunai into a nearby tree, its sharpness carrying it through the other side and landing in a nearby dummy.

"With a base in chakra infusion you can begin to infuse your actual element into it," taking another one into his hand he would begin to infuse it with lightning chakra causing it to shimmer and flicker a bit," Not too impressive but as a medic I am sure you can find multiple uses for it. So take one of your kunai into your hand and imagine it as an extension of your body. Let your chakra flow into it nice and slow. You don't want to go too might get some less than desirable results," and to make a point he'd overload his causing it to shimmer brighter and throw it, watching it shatter as it hit a dummy just to provide an example.
Ikigai Horaana
Ikigai Horaana
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The Basics [P,Mizuki] Empty Re: The Basics [P,Mizuki]

Tue Jan 21, 2020 1:13 pm
Uchiha huh. The legends did tell a lot of the clan as a whole - having resided most of its time in the Village Hidden in the Leaves - over time it had stretched out across the world much like the roots of an infectious plant. She watched as he moved to her side, careful to pull in every detail he was willing to provide to her - noting that his eyes which were the same color as her meld into a brilliant crimson red. Narrowing her own pair in curiosity they shifted to his fingers which held two kunai and one in his palm - simple enough - and then it glowed a beautiful blue hue as his chakra was 'infused' into it. Raising an eyebrow she would nod in understanding. Laughing a bit as the simple addition forced the regularly sharp kunai through an entire tree and into the dummy behind it. He repeated his explanation with one of the other two kunai he had been holding - the flickering and sparking nature of lightning dazzling her eyes for a moment before it was promptly overloaded and thrown - shattering against the dummy instead of piercing it.

Doing as instructed she took one of her kunai in her right hand, "Oh I can think of several ways to make this devastating... just have to get the basics right first." She was stalling, feeling only the heavy metal handle in her hand instead of focusing on pushing her chakra down through her arm and into the blade evenly. "My base chakra is water... Maybe poisoning my own chakra and infusing it into the weapon would be the way, of course basic toxins could also just be soaked into the blade themselves-" She looked up at him sharply, realizing how much she was stalling -something that came naturally with her talkative personality- sighing and closing her eyes to concentrate.

She focused on the feeling of her chakra - the flowing nature of a whirlpool in the center of her stomach growing in more intensity the longer she focused - now to connect the two - taking it as slowly as she could she could feel the cooling sensation extend from stomach up through her shoulder and down to her fingertips which were still clasped firmly around the kunai's handle. Her chakra flowed over the kunai with as much ease as if it were as he described an extension of her hand - unlike the sparkling matter that had surrounded Kiseragi's example hers looked slightly distorted and the edges seemed blurred though the color was the same - a beautiful blue glow. Looking out into the training yard she would snap her wrist back and forth, throwing the now charged blade into one of the dummys 10m away. Shocked to see the clean hole it made through the dummy's head. Unlike her now teachers' gaping hole in the tree with its erratic edges as if lighting had bored through it her damage was clean and almost clinical with its precision. Shaking her hand slightly she would look up at him in expectation, "Okay... I think i might have gotten that far." A slight breeze had crossed through their space and the air cooled her forehead which had gotten a bit sweaty in her concentration and effort.

[WC 543]
[TWC 1655]
Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Stat Page : Shitai
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 22000

The Basics [P,Mizuki] Empty Re: The Basics [P,Mizuki]

Sat Jan 25, 2020 12:36 am
The male crossed his arms carefully so that he didn't cut himself with the remaining kunai, musing to himself over what the woman had just said. For a moment he had an idea that would probably help her with the path she wanted to take, but the issue was finding a conduit for it," You could also find a base for your Kunai. Making it to where there is a container within the blade. Upon contact the poison can be administered by as little as a cut. Alternatively you can have it explode within the kunai, sending shrapnel and poison. I know someone who can make such a weapon if this is what you are going for," he would ultimately leave this up to her for later thought, though if she wanted it he could easily set something up for her. As he watched her begin to throw her kunai he was impressed with how fast she gained the concept.

" Well well, look who appears to be a little prodigy. Keep this up and you'll be the one teaching me. Since your element is water I don't unfortunately have any jutsu in my repitoire that might help you, but i can teach you a new element should you want to. As you know one of my elements is fire, but my other is Lightning. I can also teach you some basic ninjutsu unless you just want to throw around these Kunai until you get a full mastery of chakra infusion," he would ultimately leave her training path up to her and he would easily facilitate any learning within his ability.
Ikigai Horaana
Ikigai Horaana
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The Basics [P,Mizuki] Empty Re: The Basics [P,Mizuki]

Mon Jan 27, 2020 4:55 pm
Her mind began racing a mile a minute at the thought of his kunai idea, like an exploding poison bomb and such a small scratch could cause as much damage as if it were a direct vital organ hit. It took Iki to come back from her dark hole of thought that had opened for her, shocked to realize her medical background taking a sharp and definite turn from helping and healing to long lasting and irreversible damage, that in time she would rein with a benevolent hand. Could it be from the new Kage's stance on their life as shinobi, or even from the fact of how he had come to hold the title in and of itself, but the innocent and ever hopeful Ikigai was shifting her view of the world - if slightly. Clearing her throat and her mind of that thought, her sunny and eager demeanor never faltering - "Both of those ideas sound very promising, especially the kunai that could explode, that one sounds the most effective.Who did you have in mind?", her tone had risen slightly in interest. 

Laughing slightly she elbowed him playfully, "When I have something to teach you , you'll be the first to know - I promise.", jokingly placing her hand over her heart as if she was vowing to honor his last wish. "Hmmm, I like the idea of lightning and water combos, they can be their own show stoppers. I need to learn a balance, I can practice my knife throwing and poisons on down time, I do need to balance out my lacking of ninjutsu.Having herbalist parents can come in handy sometimes but this isn't one of those times. Lead on.", she flashed her now deep honey colored eyes at him, placing her hands on her hips expectantly.

[twc 1952]
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