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Hiroaki Gekko
Hiroaki Gekko
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The Mysterious Wanted Poster Empty The Mysterious Wanted Poster

Wed Jan 01, 2020 7:01 pm

Walking down one of the main roads a hawk with a scroll in its talons grasp circled above Hiroaki. The scroll dropped from the hawk’s talons and fell below directly towards Hiroaki. With one hand, Hiroaki grabbed the scroll. The hawk with its mission now complete, flew off heading east. Hiroaki un-did the knot that was holding the scroll together and revealed a wanted poster with a Lord’s face on it. Hiroaki stopped in his tracks to really understand what he was looking at. It was not everyday someone of nobility had a wanted poster of them so casually flung about from the air. ‘At least it’s not my face on this scroll’, he thought.

Meeting up with Shiro at the merchanting district, he showed the old man the scroll he had received. “This is something, huh? A contract for assassination landed straight into the palm of my hand out of no where”, said Hiroaki. Shiro took the scroll from Hiroaki, replacing it with a letter. Shiro’s eyes strained trying to read all that the scroll contained. “A lord too, no less. That is surprising. You sure this isn’t a set up of sorts? You sound like you have a lot of enemies out there.”, said Shiro. Hiroaki tapped the letter he had received against his thigh while he thought about that. “It isn’t impossible. There are a lot of people out there that would like my head. To be honest, I was surprised that it wasn’t my own face on that scroll when I opened it. I thought my past of petty thievery had finally caught up with me. It would be a bizarre thing to hunt me for though. Then again, I did cut up a few people traveling. I really do not know”, said Hiroaki. Shiro’s eyes got wide.

Shiro put the scroll down on the table of his stall. “My, oh my. The reward for killing this Lord is quite tempting”, mentioned Shiro. Hiroaki took the scroll back with his free hand and read even more thoroughly. “How did I miss that? Six thousand ryo is quite a price”, he stated. Hiroaki tugged the scroll back into his pocket. He brought both of his hands around the letter that Shiro had gotten him. The letter was from Ember and Inoshishi. Apparently they had received the same request. ‘I wonder if it was the same guy they had worked for. Maybe delivering him the gem had caused him to think us trustworthy enough to handle such a task. This mission had to be S-Rank’, he thought. 

Shiro raised his brow at Hiroaki, clearly wondering what the letter had said. Hiroaki folded the letter and tucked it away under his overcoat. “It’s from a couple of friends of mine. They want to meet up. Apparently, this scroll of mine had not only been delivered to me.”, mused Hiroaki. Shiro folded his arms in concern. Hiroaki ruffled his hair not knowing what to say to the old man. One of his coughs had pushed its way out of him. Hiroaki never liked showing his illness to other people, but he didn’t always have control over it. “Take care out there. I expect you to come back alive”, said Shiro. Hiroaki nodded to the old man. “You can count on it.”, he said. Hiroaki walked to the meeting area that was mentioned in the letter.

If Ember and/or Inoshishi was there he would greet them with a nod and ponder with them about who may have sent out the letter. Additionally, he would inquire on their course of action. If neither were present, Hiroaki would wait there for them, cautious as always.

(WC: 613)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 3250

The Mysterious Wanted Poster Empty Re: The Mysterious Wanted Poster

Wed Jan 01, 2020 8:02 pm
Inoshishi's letter is unmarked, recognizable as hers from the outside only by the green wax seal bearing the image of a boar. Her handwriting is surprisingly tidy.

The Letter wrote:Hey. I was sent a weird contract. Not sure why I'd get one unless it's from our previous client, but I don't take anonymous jobs from birds. If it was intended for the three of us, sorry.

Good luck,
Your friend in the fog.

Ember Uchiha
Ember Uchiha
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The Mysterious Wanted Poster Empty Re: The Mysterious Wanted Poster

Fri Jan 03, 2020 4:42 pm

Last edited by Ember Uchiha on Sun Jan 19, 2020 4:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
Hiroaki Gekko
Hiroaki Gekko
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The Mysterious Wanted Poster Empty Re: The Mysterious Wanted Poster

Fri Jan 03, 2020 5:43 pm
Going to the meeting place, he had found Ember the mysterious woman who he had gone on a mission with in the past. They had worked together, but that didn’t mean Hiroaki knew much about her. ‘Is she my friend? Do I even have any friends? Maybe. I’d like to think of my crew at the Chunin restaurant as friends. And there was always Shiro, that old geezer at the merchant district who took good care of me’, he thought. There was a lot to be said and a lot to be uncovered for Hiroaki to fully trust anyone. Too often growing up had he been misled, betrayed and used. The thing that has changed is that now Hiroaki started to figure out how to profit from any bad situation. 

He walked from one end of the rooftop to where Ember was. “So….you too, huh?”, he asked her knowing the answer. He looked down on the roof to find another letter with a rock on it. It was from Inoshishi. She must had arrived ahead of them, dropped this off, and left. Hiroaki bent down, never turning his back or eyes off of Ember. He picked up the rock and chucked it off the roof, not caring if it hit anyone below. With his other hand he had grabbed the letter before the wind could send it flying. He read the note and chuckled. “What a coward”, he said. He flipped the letter in his hand still holding it and showed it to Ember. 

When Ember had finished reading it he crumpled it up with the one hand he had been holding it from. He let it drop and let the wind kick the letter away. “Looks like it’s just the two of us this time around”, he stated. He thought of sending Gurimu to go harass the missing Inoshishi as she had to still be nearby, but he didn’t need her help. “This just means that there is more money in it for us”, he stated. He stretched out his arms and cracked his fingers, making a big display of it. He looked down towards the streets below. This is where they had first met each other. ‘Lorenzo…’, he thought. 

A voice from below shouted to the two of them. “Hey! What did I say about standing on my roof!? You’re going to put holes in it or something!”, shouted a man with a hat. It was the same man as last time. Hiroaki leaned a little over the side. “Are you the one that called for us? Who are you to be sending hawks directly to us, to know where to look, to have this kind of money to enlist our help?”, he asked. Hiroaki coughed into his hand. He was tired of all the talking, but he had to ask. He had to. He placed his hands on his hips and gave the man a death glare, telling him to answer wisely.

The man clearly was angered. “My name is Shinsaku. Don’t ever question me again. Do you want the job or not”, he replied snarkily. Hiroaki’s knuckles started to turn white from his own anger flaring up. Hiroaki backflipped off of the rooftop and landed in front of the man. “I’ll take the mission”, said Hiroaki. Shinsaku nodded at him. “Then get to it. I don’t know why you all decided to come here instead of the location mentioned”, he responded. Hiroaki beckoned to Ember and strode down the alley to where the location specified. He wasn’t going to speak anymore. He was done with it. ‘That man will have to be silenced, but I don’t know where his stash of ryo is so I will have to wait’, he thought. 

Going down the path, if Ember were to ask Hiroaki any questions at this point, he would not respond. He had become rather silent. There was always a lot on Hiroaki’s mind. ‘Akatsuki. The Crew. The Restaurant. The Pirates…’, he pondered. At one point on the journey to the mansion they were heading to, he would tap his Jump Pack. It was a new item of his that had been made to increase mobility. ‘I need to get stronger. I need to--’, he thought. He shook his head, clearing his mind. If Ember looked at Hiroaki’s eyes from beside him, she would see that he was staring straight towards their objective. His eyes would be stone with determination. 

Usually, it was dangerous to walk straight to their destination, but they were far enough away for this not to matter. When they did get closer however, Hiroaki would change directions a bit until he found a new more covert path. Crouching he would signal to Ember to the mansion. They had finally reached their objective, the mansion to which the Lord they were hunting was invited to. Assuming Ember would try to head to the mansion first, Hiroaki would put an arm out in front of her. “Wait”, he would finally say. He coughed into his arm, muffling it. ‘This could very well be a trap. That man had a lot of intel’, he thought to himself. 

Scanning through the windows he could see shadows moving about inside. There were a lot of people there. He beckoned Ember to follow him once again. Currently, they were at the back of the mansion. Hiroaki took Ember with him to the side to peak at what the front of the mansion would look like. Along the way, Hiroaki spotted a guard outside. He signaled this to her with his hands. He did this by displaying a number and a direction with his fingers. If they wanted to get through this, they would have to be sneaky. If they got caught, their mission would be over before they knew it.

The guard started to walk along the side of the mansion just out of reach. He didn’t notice the two of them in the bushes, but it was possible that he could at any moment. Hiroaki grabbed Ember’s shoulders. He put a finger in front of his mouth with one hand and in his other he pointed at the guard then wiggled his fingers at him. He wanted her to put him under a genjutsu to knock him out. If she did this, he would drag the man’s unconscious body to the bushes they were in. If not, he would kill the man with Akai Kumo and drag his dead body to the bushes. They would continue on what they could do from there.

(WC: 1096 | TWC: 1709)
Ember Uchiha
Ember Uchiha
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The Mysterious Wanted Poster Empty Re: The Mysterious Wanted Poster

Mon Jan 06, 2020 5:08 pm

Last edited by Ember Uchiha on Sun Jan 19, 2020 4:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
Hiroaki Gekko
Hiroaki Gekko
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The Mysterious Wanted Poster Empty Re: The Mysterious Wanted Poster

Tue Jan 07, 2020 11:44 am
Ember had put one of her genjutsu on the guard that had been walking by. He quickly grabbed a hold of the man’s ankles and dragged him into the bushes. Hiroaki planned for them to be gone before the man had woken up from her illusions. Seeing no one else along the side of the mansion he would beckon for her and move outside the brush. He would keep alert making sure no one was secretly looking at them. From time to time he would even check with his chakra sensory to see if the numbers of people coming were increasing. From what he could tell, they were.

Peeking out to the front of the mansion, Hiroaki could see there a buzz of excitement outside. There were a bunch of Lords, servants, guards and the like coming out of caravans heading towards the mansions doors. Scanning through them he could see no sign of their target that was there. He reached into his pocket to withdraw the wanted poster to match them up with those that were in sight. He shook his head the Ember who in return tugged at his arm and pointed to the window along the side. Hiroaki shrugged. ‘Might as well give it a shot. What’s the worst that can happen’, he thought before thinking of the possibility of a guard standing right on the other side of the window they selected.

He shoved the wanted poster back into his pocket and scaled along side the mansion to the third floor window. He presumed there was a balcony of sorts that would look over the people like most mansions he had read about had. Ember would follow close behind him as he went from window to window climbing up. (Whether she would climb along the side as he would or would apply her chakra to her feet was up to her.) He was able to do this as the windows themselves were large and were close enough together where their body could stretch to the next possible thing to grab. Additionally, all of the windows were curtained to keep the lighting on the inside to a relaxing level. The only thing Hiroaki worried about were their shadows being seen as he certainly saw the guards and the random people roaming about on the other side. That’s why he climbed the windows at an angle where his body wasn’t over the pane itself and along the side, using the sticking out window sill as a ladder. 

Once Hiroaki reached the third floor he tried to make sense of what he was seeing from the outside where he hung from the window sill. He didn’t think he saw any shadows, but even at that he couldn’t tell if there was anyone walking down this particular hall. ‘It would be likely that there would be people on the other side’, he thought. He made an attempt to tug the window open to no avail. He unsheathed his Akai Kumo and jammed it into the bottom of the window and shoved the window open. 

Rolling onto the hallway flooring he saw a guard at the worst possible position for him to be in. The guard was rounding a corner and had witnessed him breaking and entering. As the guard was about to shout Hiroaki casted his hand signs and put the man to sleep under a genjutsu of his own. The man fell asleep while staying in a standing position. Hiroaki sighed keeping an eye on him as she entered. He would walk up to the guard and look around the corner to see if there was anyone else. There wasn’t, but there was a lot of noise coming from one of the rooms in that hallway and a couple of shadows appearing from the other end of the hall as well. Hiroaki grabbed the guard and pulled him into the hallway he was in. 

Slowly opening a door he checked to see if it was an empty one. It was, and Hiroaki shoved the guard inside with him as he was terribly heavy and closed the door on accident in the process. From the other side of the door he would whisper, “He’ll be asleep for a while. You should transform into that guard there. As for me I’ll be close behind. We should head to a balcony or something to try to find this man”, he said. From inside he would cast the Tiger hand seal and turn invisible, open the door, walk out, close it behind him, and follow the guard who was Ember from behind.

(WC: 769 | TWC: 2478)
Ember Uchiha
Ember Uchiha
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The Mysterious Wanted Poster Empty Re: The Mysterious Wanted Poster

Wed Jan 08, 2020 5:09 pm

Last edited by Ember Uchiha on Sun Jan 19, 2020 4:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
Hiroaki Gekko
Hiroaki Gekko
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The Mysterious Wanted Poster Empty Re: The Mysterious Wanted Poster

Wed Jan 08, 2020 8:39 pm
Ember had taken the lead down the hallway. Hiroaki had let it up to her to have a crack at tracking down the Lord. Hiroaki knew the man could be anywhere in this damnable mansion that was the size of a baby whale. Ember’s transformation was pretty spot on. She had looked just like the guard they had knocked out. He followed the ‘guard’ down the hall to where Ember thought the Lord might be, a room that was full of noise.

They had passed a few people along the way, but none of them had given them any trouble. Hiroaki was sure no one wanted to be mistaken going on a scenic route around the mansion for trying to trespass so they could steal. The guards here would surely not take that lightly. Usually there were also the kind of rich people that expected the guards themselves to serve them when they so needed it. They didn’t run into any of those types along the way though.

Arriving in the room, the host was there surrounded by beautiful women. Ember approached him head on, Hiroaki tailed close behind. He could see she was nudging to the side, making an opening for him to strike. Ember talked to the Lord about a Shinobi that had come to bring him a gift from a far off land. ‘Sounds like a gift of murder if I ever heard one’, he thought. The guard thought so too apparently as the guard had mentioned how some of their men had died. Seeing one thing leading to another in a bad snowball effect, Hiroaki performed his seals. 

‘Bad. Evil. Something. I have to to-’, he thought. Hiroaki wasn’t tough enough to be able to take everyone on at once in a fair fight. Good thing that Hiroaki wasn’t planning on fighting them fair. Rather, he would bluff his way into completing their mission without anyone being able to report back. Dog -> Boar -> Ram. Hiroaki turned into the most evil creature he could think of which was… a humanoid version of Gurimu. Turning visible in front of Ember Gurimu versioned Hiroaki shouted, “You dare insult me, worm!?” 

Hiroaki un-sheathed his blade and sliced it through the guard’s neck and into the Lord’s chest. This killed the guard before he got the chance to cast off his last seal. With Ember in Guard transformation diving out of the way, the remaining people looked frightened. With that he started casting the signs for Demonic Illusion Descending Hell on everyone in the room. “Burn! Perish! DISAPPEAR!”, shouted Gurimu versioned Hiroaki. The sun itself seemed to descend on everyone in the room. The people fell to the floor in horror screaming. 

Hiroaki killed the remaining people (with Ember if she was unaffected by the Genjutsu and was willing) before they could run away or worse try to put up a fight knowing that his illusion was fake. They were regular non-shinobi people, but still. With that, Hiroaki locked the door, hearing people running towards the room they were in, and un-did Ember’s own illusion if she was affected by it. “Let’s get out of here. We made a lot of noise. We got real sloppy, but no one will know it was us. Come on”, he implored as he picked her onto her own two feet. He opened the window and walked along the side of the wall until he came to the ground and left the mansion alongside Ember. 

On the way back, Hiroaki decided to speak to Ember. “Things got out of hand”, said Hiroaki trying to start up a conversation. He shook his head not sure what else to say. When they got back to the location of where their employer was supposed to be at, there was no one insight. Hiroaki tugged on the door knob of the man’s house. Locked. He took out his sword and cut his way in slowly, but surely. It was made out of one heck of a piece of wood. When he finally got into the building he realized the man was gone.

Hiroaki walked up to the desk that had both of their payments and a note. “I figured you would try to kill me, Hiroaki. Cheers”, it read. Hiroaki crumpled the paper up and threw it behind him. With his other hand he took his share of the payment and nodded to Ember. “Until next time”, he said. He headed towards the door-less exit and out into the alleyway. He decided that he would go back to the Chunin, a place he could grab a bite to eat and rest his head at.

(WC: 775 | TWC: 3253)


3253/400= 8 stats
Fire Release: Great Fireball (1k WC req)

Fire Release: Phoenix Fire (1k WC req)
Fire Release: Hiding in Fire (1k WC req)
Fire Release: Flickering Lantern (250 WC req)

Reward: 6000 Ryo and 15 AP
Ember Uchiha
Ember Uchiha
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The Mysterious Wanted Poster Empty Re: The Mysterious Wanted Poster

Thu Jan 09, 2020 2:53 pm

Last edited by Ember Uchiha on Sun Jan 19, 2020 4:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Fri Jan 10, 2020 1:39 pm
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