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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Konoha Holiday Party! (Open to All) Empty Konoha Holiday Party! (Open to All)

Tue Dec 17, 2019 2:26 am
Konoha Holiday Party! (Open to All) Sdfsdf11

Konoha's Open Holiday Topic!

Fu pushed hard on her apartment door to force it open- trying hard not to mess up the small festive Christmas reef which was positioned perfectly around the peephole. The cold winter air caused the door to stick- making it somewhat difficult for a ‘normal’ person to open, but at last she succeeded. The door flew open and a rush of warm air from inside her apartment greeted her along with the smell of pine needles and cinnamon.

Fu quickly entered her modest living space to escape the cold- which only consisted of a bedroom, a bathroom and a small living area which occupied the front portion of the house, but also doubled as a kitchen on the other end. There was a small pine tree nestled in the corner of the living area which bore a few ornaments which she had acquired over the years. She moved towards the opposite end of the room from where the Christmas tree was to a small fireplace. All that was left was a smoldering lump of ash which Fu proceeded to add fresh firewood to in order to keep the room warm.

Now that Fu had tended to the fire- she moved to her bedroom where she removed her gear which was dirty due to her long day of tracking in the woods. Fu had been in search of a rare salamander that was only native to the forests of Konoha. Despite her efforts, she proved unlucky- another day she thought. Fu was as stubborn and determined as she was eccentric and quirky. After showering, Fu would get dressed in something rather festive. She was wearing her typical black shirt and pants, but this time she added a red-velvet cloak and a cream-colored scarf. Now that she was dressed- she decided she would take a stroll to the center of town to admire the decorations and grab a bite to eat and potentially a drink or two. It was the most wonderful time of year, was it not?

Fu exited her second-floor apartment and made her way towards her destination which was the center of the village. The closer the Genin got, the more festive the environment became. She now entered the market district where the streets truly came alive. The streets were crowded with jovial villagers in the Christmas spirit, some doing some last-minute Christmas shopping, others drunk and enjoying their time with friends and family. The long and crowded street was littered with decorations. The soft yellow hue cast from the halogen Christmas lights matched perfectly with the light snowfall.

Fu now exited the market district and entered the center of the village where a rather impressive tree stood as the focal point. She had made it just in time for the grand lighting. There was a large crowd gathered around the base of the large spruce which was bedazzled with multi-colored ornaments. The crowd began counting down from 10 and at the conclusion, a burst of light would erupt from the thousands of lights which were draped tightly, but neatly around the tree.

 Konoha Holiday Party! (Open to All) Sdfsdf10

Fu looked past the beautiful tree towards the horizon to find that even the villages historic Hokages’ Rock was decorated for the holidays. Fu giggled because she thought it looked funny before pressing onward to the real reason why she was here- to drink!

Konoha Holiday Party! (Open to All) Asdasd10

Fu entered the main bar to find a similar theme of decorations and live Christmas music which echoed through the building. Fu pushed her way past the jovial patrons and made her way to the bar. There was a singular bar in the establishment which was shaped like an oval at the center. In the middle of the bar was a pyramid shaped shelf of sort which housed all the liquor. On the top was a bright star which was like the one atop of the tree outside.There were currently two bartenders working who were busy trying to satisfy the needs of the customers.

Konoha Holiday Party! (Open to All) Sdfsdf12

Fu pushed her way to the front and grabbed a seat. She then made eye contact with one of the bartenders, a male with a slender build and a funny mustache. “Fu!” He would say- stopping what he was doing and making his way towards the kunoichi. “It’s good to see you again. What will it be?” In unison he would begin making her a drink as if he already knew the answer to his question. The bartender would pull a bottle of whiskey from the highest shelf and begin pouring it in a glass over some ice. He then placed the glass on the table and slid it over to her in the style you would expect of a master bartender. The glass came to a halt in the girl’s palm and she raised it to her lips and allowed the aged liquor to slide down her pallet causing a warm feeling to spread throughout her body.

She would sigh with pleasure before responding, “That’s the stuff!” Fu made quick work of her first drink and her bartender friend proceeded to accommodate her with another. Fu swung around on her bar stool so that her back was now towards the bar table and leaned back so that the tips of her elbows also rested on the table. She was now looking at a crowd that was growing more festive by the moment as the drinks continued to flow. She wondered if she would run into anyone she knew? Or maybe she would get the chance to meet someone new!

Wc: 955
Kamari Uchiha
Kamari Uchiha
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Konoha Holiday Party! (Open to All) Empty Re: Konoha Holiday Party! (Open to All)

Wed Dec 18, 2019 9:05 pm
Kamari Uchiha had woken up late again. He had been training the prior day until midnight. Looking in the mirror, he saw that he looked like a hot mess. His hair was caked with dirt, he was covered in scratches, and his trench coat was ripped. Remembering the Konoha Holiday Party, he took a shower, applied healing cream to his scratches, and changed out his trench coat for another of the many identical ones he possessed.
Kamari exited his apartment in the Uchiha compound and proceeded down the street to the party. He could see the decorations on the faces of the past Hokage all the way from his front door.
“Now that’s true taste right there,” Kamari chuckled to himself, the image of the great Hashirama Senju with a Santa hat burned into his brain. Kamari began leaping across rooftops to get to the party. In the middle of his awesome parkour however, he made a bad step and fell on the ground . Kamari groaned before standing up and dusting himself off. Suddenly, he got an idea.
“I have the transformation jutsu. Maybe I could sneak into a bar?”
Kamari grinned mischievously before hiding behind a dumpster and using the Transformation Jutsu to make himself look older. Kamari then went to the nearest bar and entered without any trouble. Wanting to know what booze tasted like, he sat at the bar right next to a woman in a red velvet cloak and ordered a beer. He turned to the woman and greeted her.
“Hey, my name’s Kamari Uchiha”
He extended his hand.
“You look pretty strong, and I need someone to train with. What do you say? Drinks on me.”
WC 282
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Village : Hoshigakure
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Konoha Holiday Party! (Open to All) Empty Re: Konoha Holiday Party! (Open to All)

Fri Dec 20, 2019 1:46 am
Fu made quick work of her second drink. She finished so quickly that she didn’t even give the ice a chance to melt. In fact, the bartended didn’t even have time to put the bottle back from where it came. He motioned the bottle back towards Fu’s cup and topped her off. By this time the warm feeling had started making its way to the ends of the rest of her body.

Continuing to face forward towards the crowd, she watched as a person she had never met before approached the bar next to her and request a beer. Moments later- he turned to Fu and extended his hand and offered up his name, “Hey, my name’s Kamari Uchiha”, he said. Fu studied the man’s face for a moment and then his hand. Another Uchiha? Fu thought to herself reminiscing of the first time she had meet Minato of the same clan. “You look pretty strong, and I need someone to train with. What do you say? Drinks on me.” He went onto say. It was then she accepted his greeting and shook his hand.

“Nice to meet you Kamari, the name’s Fu. You’ve made an offer I can’t refuse. Bartender! One more round- on the new guy.”

Fu would yell- now clearly inebriated. The bartender would provide yet another drink to the Kunoichi. “So what are you into, Kamari?” Fu would say looking to stir conversation. “I like to fight and hunt things. I also love food.. There I went first.”

WC: 252
Kamari Uchiha
Kamari Uchiha
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Konoha Holiday Party! (Open to All) Empty Re: Konoha Holiday Party! (Open to All)

Fri Dec 20, 2019 7:57 am
The woman turned to Kamari and shook his hand.
“Nice to meet you Kamari. My name’s Fu. You’ve made me an offer I can’t refuse. Bartender! One more round on the new guy!”
She seemed friendly so far, but Kamari could tell straight up that she was quite drunk.
“Well what are you into, Kamari,” the woman, Fu, asked.
“I like to fight and hunt things. I also love food. There I went first.”
Kamari paused to sip his beer. He almost choked at the taste, but his will of fire allowed him to push through it and continue drinking the bitter beverage.
“Well,” Kamari started, pausing to take another sip. “I’ve always had a thing for Genjutsu. I love using it to mess with people. It gets pretty funny.”
Kamari then gestured to his bandolier and the multitude of kunai attached.
“I also really like weapons. They make me feel protected since my parents...” Kamari stopped right before he said “my parents died.”
“Never mind that last part.
Kamari wanted to continue the conversation more, so he asked another ice-breaker question.
“What’s your favorite jutsu, Fu?”
WC 187
Kamari Uchiha
Kamari Uchiha
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Konoha Holiday Party! (Open to All) Empty Re: Konoha Holiday Party! (Open to All)

Mon Dec 30, 2019 12:03 pm
Claim: put 71 words from topic to ephemeral
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Konoha Holiday Party! (Open to All) Empty Re: Konoha Holiday Party! (Open to All)

Fri Jan 03, 2020 11:41 pm
Now that Fu had responded to Kamari’s question, she waited for him to respond. He pulled a sip of his beer and as he did, she pulled a sip from her glass of whiskey. As he sipped the beer, the boys face twitched as though he had never taken a sip of alcohol in his life before. Fu did not care to react, instead she was more interested to see what the Uchiha had to say.

“I’ve always had a thing for Genjutsu. I love using it to mess with people. It gets pretty funny.” He said.

He then motioned to his bandolier and the multitude of kunai attached.

“I also really like weapons. They make me feel protected since my parents...” he paused, “my parents died.”

And just like that things went from interesting to dark quick. Fu’s parents had been gone or dead since as long as she could remember, but she had long since gotten over that fact. Kamari, the boy in front of her, was most likely still holding onto feelings from the occurrence- that being said, she was unsure how long ago it was they actually passed, but felt as thought now was not the time or place to be asking such questions. Instead, Fu raised her hand and signaled the bartender who noticed her gesture and approached the pair.

“We will take two whiskeys please!” Fu’s voice beginning to sound more excited the more inebriated she became. She was now on her third, or was it her fourth? Drink of the night and she was going strong. Fu grasped the newly poured drink and took another swig before returning her thought process to the boys last question of what was her favorite jutsu.

“Well.. that is a good question. I am still trying to figure out what it is I am actually good at. I’m good with weapons, yet I don’t have my own sword so I guess I’m not really a swordsman yet.. but I want to be! I am going to be the best swordsman and hunter there ever was!” Fu stated her intentions into the world, smiling the entire time with a sense of courageous will power shrouding her voice. Fu raised her drink to her lips once more and killed it, slamming the glass on the bar counter making a ‘thud’ sound that would be associated with thick glass meeting hardwood.

Turning her attention back to the Uchiha, “I guess that didn’t really answer your question did it. Well I did a mission at the hospital a few weeks ago and we found that I am not half bad at medical ninjutsu, however not sure how I am going to use that to my advantage in terms of attacking power since I am more of a fighter than someone playing a role on the sidelines. So you said you like Genjutsu.. tell me more about that.”

Fu made a hand gesture to keep the rounds of drinks coming as long as she was still standing... or in her case sitting.

Wc: 510
Kamari Uchiha
Kamari Uchiha
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Konoha Holiday Party! (Open to All) Empty Re: Konoha Holiday Party! (Open to All)

Sat Jan 04, 2020 12:42 pm
Kamari just listened intently while drinking his beer. He had managed to get used to the taste and was starting to feel inebriated at the exact moment that Fu pushed a glass of whiskey over to him. Apparently, this Fu lady was very good at medical ninjutsu and sword combat, two things that would not normally go together, but the idea of chakra draining quickly came to mind.
“Well, medical ninjutsu does give you a combat advantage. You can block chakra points and even drain chakra itself. Considering you seem to enjoy melee combat that could be very useful. You could also use chakra scalpel to cut tendons and immobilize your opponent.”
Kamari paused to finish off his beer before moving on to the whiskey that Fu had ordered for him. To put it bluntly, it tasted like stomach acid, but Kamari has to keep up his act. He wasn’t going to drop his subtle transformation jutsu until he was outside of the bar and knew that Fu could be trusted.
“As for Genjutsu, how about a demonstration.”
Kamari pointed to the bartender and snickered.
“What do you want to put this guy through?”
Kamari then casts Ephemeral on the bartender, placing him under whatever illusion Fu suggests.
WC 208
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Konoha Holiday Party! (Open to All) Empty Re: Konoha Holiday Party! (Open to All)

Sat Jan 04, 2020 5:45 pm
Kamari responded to Fu by saying, “Well, medical ninjutsu does give you a combat advantage. You can block chakra points and even drain chakra itself. Considering you seem to enjoy melee combat that could be very useful. You could also use chakra scalpel to cut tendons and immobilize your opponent.”


Chakra points… chakra draining. These were things that she did not consider nor though were possible with medical ninjutsu. It was apparent there was still much to learn on her journey, but she was mostly interested in completing more missions and ranking up so she could earn more ryo which in return meant that she would be able to spend more money on weapons to achieve her goal.


“As for Genjutsu, how about a demonstration.” He snickered whilst pointing towards the bartender who was doing a fantastic job of keeping Fu on the path to blackout. “What do you want to put this guy through?”


Fu knew that Genjutsu was a type of jutsu that focused on the targets main senses- such as eye sight, smell, hearing, touch and so forth, but she had never seen Genjutsu used on another nor has she had Genjtusu ever used on herself so the boy definitely had her attention. The unsuspecting bartended had a cloth in his right hand and was polishing a stack of glasses that had just been washed and were ready to be staged on the bar for patrons who planned to order more drinks.


“I got an idea, make him think that those glasses he is polishing are snakes!” Fu was excited but she made sure not to speak loud enough for the bartender to hear- that would ruin the surprise after all. Now that Fu had put in her two cents- she waited for Kamari to produce. Of course, she continued to drink in anticipation. 

Wc: 307
Kamari Uchiha
Kamari Uchiha
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Konoha Holiday Party! (Open to All) Empty Re: Konoha Holiday Party! (Open to All)

Sat Jan 04, 2020 9:58 pm
“I got an idea. Make him think that those glasses he is polishing are snakes!,” Fu whisper-yelled to Kamari. It was a bit loud, but thankfully the bartender didn’t notice. Kamari really hoped she would come up with something far more creative than snakes, but he didn’t want to disappoint. Therefore, Kamari decided to go with the old classic. He could see the bartender’s reflection in a glass pane, and after careful observation, Kamari concluded that the bartender would be able to see his hands, the trigger for Ephemeral. Little did the bartender know what was going to happen.
Suddenly, the bartender screamed in terror and immediately threw the glass he was holding at the wall.
“SNAKES!!!,” he screamed. “THERE ARE SNAKES IN HERE!!!”
The bartender took a bottle of wine from the shelf and immediately went to work smashing all of the shot glasses with a terrified look in his eyes. Kamari managed to stifle his laughter before amping up his illusion. One of the hallucinatory snakes bit the bartender, who screamed in pain as more and more snakes piled in. Kamari made him see snakes pouring out of the vents, in through the windows, and even through some places that shouldn’t be possible, all surrounding the bartender and filling up the room. By then, a group of Jonin had gathered to watch the show, with the leader being Kamari’s girlfriend, Mika Momochi of Kiri. Mika had her black hair in four buns (like Temari,) and her pale skin shone in the light of the bar. She had a teardrop tattoo under her left eye to match the one Kamari had. She wore a standard flak vest and uniform with a jacket tied around her waist and had a very long odachi sling over her back. Around her head was a Konoha headband, and around her neck was a Kiri one with a slash through the symbol. She leaned in to Kamari’s ear and whispered.
“Nice one babe.”
She kissed him on the cheek and blood began to slowly exit his nose.
By this point, the bartender had fallen unconscious from the shock of his illusion and was carried away by Mika and the Jonin, who were all chuckling and giving Kamari subtle looks of approval.
“So, what did you think, Fu? Pretty funny am I right,” Kamari spoke softly.
WC 391
OOC Note: Mika is an NPC don’t worry about her.
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Konoha Holiday Party! (Open to All) Empty Re: Konoha Holiday Party! (Open to All)

Tue Jan 07, 2020 10:35 pm
Fu watched as Kamari delivered on his promise. Before her eyes she witnessed, what would like to a normal person, the bartender having a mental breakdown. He had been completely convinced by Kamari’s genjutsu, that the glasses he had been polishing were now all poisonous snakes. Of course, he was the only person who could see this- maybe Kamari as well, but none the less the Bartender had completely lost his cool. He eventually became unconscious and Kamari’s girlfriend and friends would drag him off.


“So, what did you think, Fu? Pretty funny am I right,” he said to Fu now that the scene had cleared.


What did she think? Was it cruel? Yes.. was it funny? Very so. The shinobi world they belonged to was truly something else. “Very clever Kamari.” Fu would say. “You will have to teach me some more about this genjutsu of yours some other time. For not, I must get back to doing missions so I can buy that sword we talked about. Feel free to join me if you aren’t busy.” She would say as she tossed back what was left of her drink. “Now that the bartender is gone there isn’t much else reason to be here. See you around!”


Fu would get up from her seat and wrap her cloak around herself then proceed to the exit where she search for food. 

Wc: 231

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