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Takeshi Hyuuga
Takeshi Hyuuga
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A lateral pass of the torch, NK Empty A lateral pass of the torch, NK

Mon Oct 28, 2019 1:25 am

Takeshi had been training so much in the training grounds, that he had been neglecting to carry out any missions lately. Knowing this, Takeshi had decided that he was going to make today a day dedicated to carrying out a mission. No matter what it was, he was doing it. Takeshi was sleeping through the night, his night terrors had subsided for the most part. The nightmares of his mother that he was having on a nightly basis were beginning to turn into dreamless nights with occasional nightmare, which Takeshi took that as a giant step forward. Takeshi began to stir in his bed, the sun was coming into his room at the perfect angle that filled his entire room with the golden light coming from the sunrise on the horizon. The sunrise used to remind Takeshi that he was alive, and it would make him depressed. It would remind him that he had to get out of bed, and deal with his mother again. But now, while he still needed to deal with his memories, he knew that he was finally safe. Something he had never been before that night with his mother.

Takeshi started to open his eyes, the sun beaming directly into his face he held his hands up to his face until his eyes could finally see straight. Takeshi rolled out to the side of the bed, placed his feet onto the wood floors that covered the majority of the house. It felt cool against his already cold feet. Takeshi pulled his feet back into bed and threw his covers over him. “Come on, man. Gotta get up and do something with your day.” Takeshi told himself. Takeshi threw his blankets all the way off the bed, to discourage him from picking them up again. Takeshi grunted and groaned and slowly lifted his body out of his bed.Takeshi threw his blankets all the way off the bed, to discourage him from picking them up again. Takeshi grunted and groaned and slowly lifted his body out of his bed. He set his feet on the wooden floor one more time, let his body acclimate to the coolness of the floor of the room, and the room itself. Takeshi stood up, stretched his entire body, and headed over to his dresser.

Takeshi looked into his dresser and found the clothes that was going to wear for that day. Takeshi took his clothes out of the dresser and laid them all out onto his bed. Takeshi inspected his clothing, ensuring that there were no holes, flaws, or weak spots. Once he was finished ensuring of this, Takeshi ironed all of his clothing and made sure each corner was square, and everything was tidy. Once he finished with his clothing, Takeshi moved on to his weaponry. While Takeshi had in fact overlooked his weaponry every single night, Takeshi strongly believed that you could never look at your weapons enough, you can only look at them just enough or not enough. Takeshi also loved the feeling of the weapons in his hands, he always felt so comfortable with them. Takeshi continued to sharpen them until they were at an absolute razor’s edge. Takeshi grabbed all of his weaponry off of the top of the dresser and began to place them in their rightful spots in his weapon’s pouch. Takeshi ensured they were all secure in the pouch, and began to put his combat gear on. Takeshi started with combat shorts. These shorts are black shorts with plenty of pockets. Takeshi put these shorts on, then he would continue with his weapon’s pouch. Takeshi wold wrap his left leg with a black and gray wrap, so to prevent the rubbing of the pouch against his thigh. Once Takeshi had his weapons pouch secured and ready for battle. Takeshi moved on to his shirt and combat vest. The shirt that he chose was a dark gray colored shirt that had no insignia on it. Takeshi put on his all black combat vest and made sure everything was on tight and functional. Takeshi grabbed his backpack and looked at himself in the mirror. But just before he headed out of his bedroom, he grabbed his one last thing. He grabbed his headband protector and tied it tight against his forehead. Now he was ready to get going for the day.

Takeshi left his house and darted directly for the Hogokage’s estate. Once arriving, he saw a mission on the board with the title “Passing the Torch” Takeshi began to read and he saw that the mission was for the one who takes the mission to actually teach another person a technique that they know to one who doesn’t. That’s obviously how that would work. So Takeshi decided that this was the mission for him today. Takeshi grabbed the contract off the board and headed toward the training grounds, hoping to find a ninja that Takeshi could teach a technique to! Takeshi got to the training grounds and he started looking around for anyone looking as though they could use a brand new technique!

WC: 850
Kuniko Hyuuga
Kuniko Hyuuga
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 21445

A lateral pass of the torch, NK Empty Re: A lateral pass of the torch, NK

Tue Oct 29, 2019 12:15 am
Kuniko was still at the Training Grounds after practicing through the night on his medical ninjutsu. He was receiving the help of the beautiful Tsubaki Senju in the art of mystical palm. His thoughts dwelled on her for a moment longer than he would usually permit. She was indeed a beauty, with impeccable style and grace. Her fluid movements and fashion put Kuniko's own simple wares to shame. Not to mention her mastery of medical ninjutsu. Kuniko shook his head while standing there. 'Enough of such thoughts. I have training to do.' 

He tried practicing with his basic medical ninjutsu for a while longer as the sun rose higher in the sky. He was slightly tired and in need of bath from being out all night, or at least he thought as much. His actual training wasn't so rigorous as to make him exhausted. There was a little bit of dust on his hakama, but the color of his clothes was already a muted purple. But while out in the Training Grounds he saw another figure beginning to approach. Suddenly Kuniko's eyes lit up with recognition. He wore a bright warm smile and stood up on his toes waving as he gave a shout. "Takeshi!"

If the other ninja noticed and approached him, Kuniko would then run over to his teammate. After a polite bow, Kuniko would then say in his usual calm tone, "Takeshi, it's good to see this morning. If I may ask, what brings you to the Training Grounds?" After asking his question, Kuniko would then look back up at Takeshi's face. It was always a surprise to him at just how tall the other shinobi was, and Kuniko would always be restrained to this life so close to the ground.

TWC: 294
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

A lateral pass of the torch, NK Empty Re: A lateral pass of the torch, NK

Tue Oct 29, 2019 5:12 pm
Sakuragi had learnt so many power gentle fist techniques, but he had not learned the basic jutsu. Basic jutsu although weak may still be helpful in battle. Sakuragi wanted to learn one particular asic D rank jutsu, the body flicker.  It is a very useful tech that helps the user to move very fast in a blur to a designated position or area.  Sakuragi got dressed in his usual ninja attire and carried his ninja bag across his body.  He would head towards the training ground as he walked out of the house. 

The black spiky arrived at the training ground, luckily for him, his teammates were also there to train,  kuniko and Takeshi. Sakuragi would wave at the two from afar as he walked into the arena. “ Kuniko  , Takeshi , how are you guys doing today ” he would say to them once he reached a respectable distance towards them. The black spiky would walk closer to his team mates, as it was rude to be yelling words on them from distance. Once he was like a meter away from the two, he would asked “ can any of you teach me the body flicker jutsu? , I ought to have learned it, but I haven't”. The black spiky knew at least of one of his mates knew the tech and that they would teach him. He stood there waiting for a response from the two, hoping for the positive. 

WC: 243
Takeshi Hyuuga
Takeshi Hyuuga
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A lateral pass of the torch, NK Empty Re: A lateral pass of the torch, NK

Tue Oct 29, 2019 11:22 pm
Takeshi hear a familiar voice call his name, Takeshi whipped around and saw that familiar face to match the voice. “Kuniko! My comrade and friend!” Takeshi was always happy to see his new friends. Kuniko ran over to Takeshi, which was strange. Takeshi never had someone who felt the need to run over to Takeshi for positive reasons. Takeshi smiled as his friend came nearer. "Takeshi, it's good to see this morning. If I may ask, what brings you to the Training Grounds?” Takeshi smiled and responded, “Well today I have taken on a mission from the mission boards. They had one that was to train another ninja technique! I thought it was a win-win. I get to help someone with their shinobi journey, while another ninja gets to learn a brand new technique from someone who already knows it! Instead from reading it from a scroll or book. What about you, Kuniko?” Takeshi happily awaited a response.

Just then, he heard his name once again. “Sakuragi!” Takeshi yelled when he saw his other comrade walking up to Kuniko and himself. “can any of you teach me the body flicker jutsu? , I ought to have learned it, but I haven't” Takeshi smiled the biggest smile, the body flicker technique was one of Takeshi’s favorite techniques. “I would absolutely love to!” Takeshi smiled and was already 100% on board with training his new teammate. But before that, Takeshi turned back to Kuniko and asked his question again, “What brought you here to the Training Grounds, Kuniko?”

WC: 255
Kuniko Hyuuga
Kuniko Hyuuga
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 21445

A lateral pass of the torch, NK Empty Re: A lateral pass of the torch, NK

Wed Oct 30, 2019 11:27 am
Kuniko looked towards his comrades as they approached. How fortuitous that they would all be here right now. Kuniko closed his eyes as he bowed his head to his two comrades for appearing at the training grounds with him. Thinking back on it, he hadn’t spent much time with his peers over the past several years. Most of his time was spent on the road with older people who were professionals at things other than ninjutsu. Perhaps spending so much time adults had made Kuniko more mature, or perhaps more modest. 

He lifted his bow to the other shinobi and spoke softly to Takeshi before Sakuragi arrived. “I was out here training with Tsubaki Senju earlier. She’s a majestic woman and one of the best medical ninjas in Hoshigakure! I’m learning how to specialize in medical ninjutsu. But I could always use help learning other skills as well.” Once Sakuragi appeared, Kuniko turned his attention to his other comrade. He gave a slight bow to him as well before saying “Sakuragi, how interesting that you would also show up here. And you wish to train? Perhaps the three of us could have our first official training session of Team Summer? Well, what do you say?”

Kuniko looked at both of his comrades with wide, hopeful eyes. He wanted the three of them to strengthen their bonds together. After all, looking at his two companions, Kuniko could sense something amiss with both of them. Takeshi always looked like he was walking on glass. Sakuragi always acted like the world was his doormat. One took things too easy, one was too high strung. But it was not Kuniko’s place to judge them. He didn’t know them well enough yet. He came up with a plan though, if the three of them trained together, then he could get them to behave more naturally around each other. 

TWC: 607
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

A lateral pass of the torch, NK Empty Re: A lateral pass of the torch, NK

Thu Oct 31, 2019 4:47 pm
Most Hyuugas are specialised highly in taijutsu. Sakuragi couldn't reason out why Kuniko would want to focus on medical jutsu to the extent of meeting someone to teach him. The way he described the shinobi, she seem to be a pretty skilled ninja . Medical jutsu aren't sakuragi favourite  , he may learn them later but now he hasn't got time to focus on medical. His focus is on improving his taijutsu techs and enhancing his skills. 

Sakuragi would kinda excited, though he tried not to show it. “I'm glad that we threw are training together for the first time. shall we get this training started already” he said to his teammates standing close to him. Even if he didn't learn anything today, he was certain that he would learn the body flicker technique. Team summer on their first training session, this is about to get lovely and thrilling!

TWC: 392
Takeshi Hyuuga
Takeshi Hyuuga
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A lateral pass of the torch, NK Empty Re: A lateral pass of the torch, NK

Thu Oct 31, 2019 6:43 pm
Takeshi smiled and responded to Kuniko. "That's wonderful. Every team needs someone skilled in the art in the art of healing." Takeshi was happy that his friends had all been in the training grounds at the same time. "Alright Sakuragi I will teach you the Body Flicker technique. Kuniko, do you already know this technique?" Takeshi asked Kuniko. Even if Kuniko did know the technique, he knew plenty of other techniques that he could show Kuniko.
Kuniko Hyuuga
Kuniko Hyuuga
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 21445

A lateral pass of the torch, NK Empty Re: A lateral pass of the torch, NK

Thu Oct 31, 2019 8:40 pm
Kuniko smiled as the sun rose higher above the training grounds. It was getting warm out today, and the young shinobi had already trained quite a bit, but he was willing to continue since the other members of his team were here. Kuniko tied his hair up so it wouldn't get in his way during training. He calmly explained to Takeshi, "I do not know the 'body flicker' jutsu. Would you be so kind as to teach it to me? If so, I thank you my friend." Kuniko would give a slight bow to Takeshi to show not only that he was serious about learning, but that he valued Takeshi's role as mentor today. 

With that, Kuniko would stand at the ready before his teammates. He wiped a bead of sweat from his brow and silently hoped to himself that the training would not be long. The sun's light was murdering Kuniko's skin, and the heat was starting to creep upon them as the sun continued to rise. 

TWC: 775

Last edited by Kuniko Hyuuga on Thu Oct 31, 2019 8:45 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Fixed a few words.)
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

A lateral pass of the torch, NK Empty Re: A lateral pass of the torch, NK

Thu Oct 31, 2019 9:34 pm
It is always fun to have a get together training. Takeshi was the only one admist the three that knew the body flicker technique. It was good that Sakuragi wasn't the only one here who didn't know it as he wouldn't have to look foolish and weak to Takeshi. Kuniko too hadn't no idea how to use the tech.  So the two would be learning it together or easier said Takeshi would be teaching the two of them. Sakuragi's face lightened in excitement of learning the body flicker. He had read a lot about it in jutsu books and what it does. It would be a great jutsu to have  in combat . His master ayato should have taught him a lot of things, but ayato is a busy man. As the clan lord, he is busy with a lot of work. Sakuragi wasn't sure when or how, but someday he was gonna meet ayato and force him to train him. He would not mind having to fight him for it. 

As per what lies in front of sakuragi now are two hyuuga, one of which would teach him the body flicker technique. Sakuragi shut his mind from everything that might want to distract him here, he focused all his attention to everything Takeshi was about to say in a hope of learning the body flicker technique. 

TWC: 618
Takeshi Hyuuga
Takeshi Hyuuga
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A lateral pass of the torch, NK Empty Re: A lateral pass of the torch, NK

Fri Nov 01, 2019 7:56 am
Takeshi was surprised that neither one of his companions had learned the Body Flicker technique. This fact of course didn't make them any less of ninja, this was just Takeshi's favorite technique and he couldn't imagine that he could ever live without knowing it. Takeshi smiled and figured the best way to show his teammates this technique was to show him. Similar to when he dropped the giant Fireball genjutsu onto Master Ayato. Learning from lecture is boring is what Takeshi always thought. Better to have it performed and observed. So Takeshi got into a fighting stance and within a second, he was gone, as if he had vanished into thin air. Takeshi was directly behind Sakuragi, he poked him in his back and before he could react to it. He was directly underneath Kuniko, combining the body flicker with the hiding like a mole technique. Then Takeshi flickered back to his starting position.

Takeshi chuckled and began to explain the technique. "The key is to know where you are going, focusing your chakra to that place and have your chakra move you. When using this technique, it combines your physical speed, and chakra potency, and uses the power from both to move your physical body to an extreme degree of speed. But if you don't have a destination point in mind, there's no telling where the technique will take you. So if you use this in a fight just to escape, it could take you only a few meters, if it works at all. So always make sure you know where you're going." Takeshi then gestured both of his teammates to give it a try and see how they like it. He pointed to a few rocks in the far side of the training grounds they were training in, it was about 20 meters away. Takeshi continued to say, "Flicker to those rocks over there. That should be within range, even for your first time using the technique.

WC: 321
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