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Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Some Seriously Hard Work [IO] Empty Some Seriously Hard Work [IO]

Tue Oct 15, 2019 9:49 pm
Mission Details:

Persona requested a mission, and Risako would deliver to him one day filled with tasks galore, a fun filled time for the boy to learn the basic lesson of hard work.

The sun was trying to take a peek at Konoha over the tops of the trees when Risako strolled onto the lawn of the Hokage Chambers. Her usually unkempt hair was pulled back into a short tight knot behind her head. She wore a dark red haori over her armor, which was layered over her black uniform. Today she carried on her person a leather pouch on her hip, with the strap across her chest and over her shoulder. The contents of said pouch included a pair of scissors, a ruler, one quill, a bottle of ink, and several blank mission scrolls. She took a seat on the stairs of the building.

Seeing no sign of Persona just yet, Risako dug through her pouch to retrieve a scroll, her quill, and a bottle of ink. With a twist she popped the cork out of the ink well, and set it on the stairs beside her. After unravelling the paper, she dipped the feather into the black ink and began to scribe the mission details. After completing such an arduous task, she returned the cork to its bottle and placed her belongings back in the pouch.

For a bit the woman would be content to twiddle her thumbs and stare off into the distance. As of now she still failed to speak with Yensung in regards to their old friend. Maybe that was intended, as the thought of spending a mere moment in his company made her skin crawl for a reason beyond the bugs he housed.

[287 WC]
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Some Seriously Hard Work [IO] Empty Re: Some Seriously Hard Work [IO]

Tue Oct 15, 2019 11:37 pm
     Persona was whistling loudly as he approached the lawn of the Hokage's Chambers. His hands reached out behind his head, letting it rest as he walked. Koeda was asleep inside of his hoodie's pocket as it was still early in the morning and the squirrel was lazy from Persona over feeding him last night. Persona regretted doing that. It was hard to measure out the amount of acorns a squirrel should eat per meal per day and Persona knew that there was in fact a difference from how much a squirrel CAN eat and SHOULD eat from the way Koeda would pile food into his chubby cheeks.
     Persona stopped at the stairs of the building where he saw Risako sitting. She kept her hair pulled back into a tight knot behind her head. "You know, keeping your hair tight like that causes hair loss. It's better if you just cut it short or keep it all out. At the very least you can loosen it up a bit into a pony like how I have it.", he said. Persona knew how to keep his hair strong and healthy because most of his family made it their job to do so. It was like a clan tradition for them, however there were always outliers. Persona for one was in the middle of the trend, as his hair was long, but he kept the back in a loose pony in order to fight without it getting in the way in a fight.

      "So....teacher", remarked Persona, remembering yesterday where Risako had replaced an official rank with an educator role, "What exactly are we doing?" Persona squinted at the pouch that Risako had. It looked unusually filled up so there must be stuff inside related to their mission today -- that or Risako was an over packer. 'You learn new stuff about people everyday', he thought. Persona looked at the giant building and the giant lawn. He took note of all of his surroundings, still confused as to what he was supposed to do.

      Streaming through several different scenarios that could possibly happen on this unknown mission, Persona imagined fighting off a bunch of bandits alongside his sensei. Persona began to smile and then nodded profusely. "I see. I see.", he said, nodding faster and faster. "You have brought me here to aid you in defeating all of the enemies of the great Hidden Leaf! Haha! Lucky for you I am Persona of the Hyuga and will be able to beat down anyone!", he shouted. Persona gave Risako a thumbs up. "What do you say, Riss?", he spoke. 

(WC: 433)
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Some Seriously Hard Work [IO] Empty Re: Some Seriously Hard Work [IO]

Wed Oct 16, 2019 2:47 am
Mission Specs:

It encroached. Persona came onto the scene whistling away with his hands behind his head as he approached the steps. Koeda couldn't be spotted on his person, so she was to assume he was asleep in the usual resting place that was his hood. After taking notice of how her hair was styled, the lad seemingly proclaimed that she would go bald. Risako was dubious of this, and raised an eyebrow at the thought. A bald head would be a shame indeed, but then that meant she would no longer be dealing with pesky, ever growing hair.

"I think I'll keep it how it is," she said as she looked him in the eye. He went on to ask what they were doing, to which Risako produced the scroll she had just finished writing. While he was looking around, and after he claimed that he'd help her take down the enemies of the esteemed Leaf Village, she chuckled. "Suuuure," she said. "Just as soon as you finish mowing the Hokage's lawn, then we'll get to work on that."

Whether or not the boy detested his task, she began to rummage through the pack to produce a ruler, and a shiny steel pair of scissors. As she handed him the objects, she gave him the mission parameters, "You're to cut every blade of grass in this lawn down to the height of one inch. No more, no less." If he went to work with no further questions or comments, she would say "You're to use the scissors to cut the grass, nothing else."

She didn't tell him that the mission was a test to see how well he followed orders, but that would defeat the purpose of the test if he knew what would let him pass.

[583 TWC]
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Some Seriously Hard Work [IO] Empty Re: Some Seriously Hard Work [IO]

Wed Oct 16, 2019 9:35 am
     Persona shrugged at Risako's statement that she were to keep her hair how it was. "It's your choice. I don't know, maybe you can rock a bald head. Though thinking about it, it's a hard thing that many people can't pull off.", said Persona. He began to chuckle as he imagined Risako running around bald, barking orders at him. Like he said, Persona knew there were people who could pull it off, but he highly doubted that Risako was able to be one of them. 
     He had asked Risako about what glorious task he was supposed to do today in his heap of excitement. Risako gave a dragged out "Suuuuure" in response to him which made Persona skeptical of the task a head of him. When Risako pulled out the ruler and a shiny pair of scissors with the task of mowing the Hokage's lawn, Persona looked at him dumbfound. "YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAT!?", he shouted. His voice could be heard echoing off the horizon. The birds in the nearby trees flew off in the distance, startled by the loud noise.

     Zooming back in on Persona, you could see him cutting the grass, beads of sweat pouring down his face. He was cutting as fast as a man could with the tools given. 'Hmph, only use these tools, eh?', thought Persona. He remembered the sleeping squirrel within his pocket who liked to over eat everything that was given to him. Persona had a funny idea that could both be beneficial to him and allow him to get payback against the dastardly Koeda who liked to nap as he was working hard out on the lawn. As Persona cut the grass he imagined:

     ~ Persona looked back at Risako on the stairs, making sure she was occupied with her newly summoned fox. He turned around back towards his task at hand and pulled Koeda out of his pocket. He would hold Koeda, left hand on his ears, right hand on his tail and when he would pull Koeda's tail, there sharp teeth would stretch out. Persona would shout as he ran across the lawn cutting it with Koeda's teeth as he would devour it all. He would go down one row and then the next in perfect lines (like a lawn mower). ~

     By the time Persona zoomed out of his imaginative bubble, he found that he unconsciously cut all the grass with the ruler and the scissors. "Huh", stated Persona. He scratched his head, making sure not to cut himself as the scissors were in that hand. 'It seemed to be not so much of a bad task after all.', he thought. Persona went back to Risako where he put the tools back into the pouch that was next to her on the stairs. From there, if Risako would tell him about the Orphanage assignment, they both would head there.

       At the orphanage, Persona would look at the children jumping up and down the beds. He had a love, hate situation with children. Persona wasn't really old himself, but it was still a thing for him. He cared for the children and wanted to be able to teach new things to them because Persona is a caring person. The thing that could drive him nuts though is when kids start acting out and punch/kick/scream at him for no particular reason.   

     "Get down!", he said. He pointed his finger towards the ground as the kids were still hopping up and down. They would not listen to him, even pretended not to know he existed there. There were known to be two kinds of orphanage kids, the silent mature ones and the rowdy disrespectful ones. There wasn't much of a spectrum in-between when it came down to it. Persona showed no hatred towards any of them and knew their past had to be harder than his own. That didn't mean Persona was going to treat them differently than anyone else, that would be asking for more trouble for them down the line. "I SAID GET DOWN", he shouted, activating his Byakugan for a second.

     The kids got off the beds and rushed to the side of the wall, all of their hands behind their backs like good little kids. "S-Scary eyes", one muttered. "W-We're s-so sorry!", shouted one. Persona clapped his hands together, fake wiping off the dirt from them. Persona would take off the sheets from all the beds and replace them with clean ones. He would take all of the dirty sheets to a staff member, in one easy to handle pile where they would take it to be cleaned. Persona then got to scrubbing down the rooms. Some of them smelled like death from the poor way they have been kept in order. Persona was used to cleaning from his old days at home.

     Koeda finally woke up, coming out of Persona's bottom pocket. He scurried up to Persona's neck hole again, taking his usual place of hanging from there. Persona gave him a scratch on the head. "Now you come out, when I don't need you.", he said to the squirrel. Koeda chittered in a laughter, mocking Persona. The squirrel stuck his tongue out at him too. Persona rolled his eyes at the squirrel and went back to Risako who presumably would be in the room of the orphanage with him.

      If Risako was there in the room, Persona would stretch out in front of him. "Look your hair!", he would shout. Persona would point at the floor where he would trick Risako into thinking some of her hair had fallen out to. Persona would laugh at his successful trick and come to a realization that Risako was actually paranoid about her hair after he had said something about it to her. Koeda would chitter in laughter alongside Persona. If Risako didn't fall for his trick, Persona would laugh it off more awkwardly. Either way, at the end of the trick, Persona would raise his fist in excitement and ask what was next for them to do.

(WC: 1,011 | TWC: 1,444)
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Some Seriously Hard Work [IO] Empty Re: Some Seriously Hard Work [IO]

Wed Oct 16, 2019 8:57 pm
The boys protesting failed to produce even a flinch from Risako, shouting was much less scary than a few of the horrors she witnessed. As such, she reassured the boy that his task for the day was to cut the lawn down to an inch with a pair of scissors. Chop chop, errand boy.

While he went about this glorious task for the pride of the village, she began to work on the scroll for their next assignment. The script would contain the order to go back to the orphanage and give it a good dose of spring cleaning. Coincidentally this was the same orphanage she was raised in, and allowed her to say hello to some of the old caretakers if they were still around. Long after she finished her half of the work, Persona came back to report that the lawn was taken care of.

Her silvery orbs scanned the lawn with an eagle's precision, or at least as precise as a cursory glance can be. Her shoulders raised as she said, "Good enough, our next task is to take care of cleaning duty for the orphanage." An eyebrow was raised when her student had no qualms about her lazing about on the steps or the fact that his next task was also menial labor. Oh well, the less resistance the better.

Upon arrival she would give Persona a push on the back towards the children's as she went into the office to catch up with some old acquaintances. "Good luck," Risako said with a wave as she stepped into the building.

Entering the building gave her a bit of nostalgia, as the office still smelled of the same incense that old lady Miko used to burn. Not to be confused with her secretary, Old Lady Miko was a different beast altogether. She had never seen the original white of the walls, as by the time she lived here they had already been long since stained a sickly yellow due to the amount of smoke that permeated the atmosphere. The room was mostly bare, save for a low table in the center with padded cushions placed around it on the floor. Smack dab in the middle of the table sat a tray with a burnt out incense, and beyond that she could see the shadowy visage of her "mother."

Mother appeared to be resting her head. "Fair," Risako thought to herself. After all, the woman was a good seventy or so years old now. The Young/Old Hokage crept through the room to the table and took a seat across from her. Removing her writing utensils and a new blank scroll from her pack, she began to scribe the details of their next mission. Upon completion she removed another blank scroll and began to pen a letter to her former care taker. The note was short, and it more or less read as a thank you for your service kind of deal. She quietly slid message to rest beside the sleeping woman, before sneaking back out and into the open where she would wait for her student to finish up.

Once Persona found her he proceeded to shout something about her hair. If she was to be bald, so be it. She watched the boy point at the ground, indicating that her hair started to fall out. Calmly, slowly, she looked at the floor, and upon finding no hair she handed the boy the scroll with his next mission on it. "After you're finished, come meet me in the hospital for your final task." After issuing the command she made off for the hospital.

Mission Details:

[1189 TWC]
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Some Seriously Hard Work [IO] Empty Re: Some Seriously Hard Work [IO]

Wed Oct 16, 2019 11:46 pm
     Persona blinked several times, staring down at the scroll. Risako had given it to him, commanding him to complete the task as she strolled off towards the hospital. 'Eh, I guess I can do this by myself. She was doing him a favor with all of the mentoring she had and currently was doing for him.", he thought. It was only fair for Persona to cover the tedious tasks for Risako from all of the times he had exhausted her with his pestering. Persona went to head towards the forest nearby where he would find a surrounding of trees.

     He arrived at the scene where an ax laid down on the ground by a stump. He grabbed the ax and rested it on his shoulder deciding how he would go about cutting the logs nearby. He placed the log on top of the stump, facing upwards. Pulling the ax down getting ready to swing, Koeda began to chitter immensely at Persona, taking him by surprise. With ax still in hand and Persona's footing now being unbalanced from being surprised, he fell towards the direction the ax was leaning towards. 

     "What did you do that for?", asked Persona angrily. Koeda jumped on to Persona's face pointing a crooked claw at him. Chitter. Chitter. The squirrel went off on a tangent, only pausing briefly to smack Persona in the face with his tail in-between his rant. Persona sighed deeply. He lifted up the squirrel, picking him up between his finger and his thumb and placed him down on the ground. Persona would then stand up, brushing the dirt off of him. Lifting the ax back up with his hands, Koeda would climb up onto Persona from his leg, still yelling at him.
     "Listen, Koeda. These logs are already taken from the trees anyway. I'm just splitting them in half to use as lumber!", said Persona. Koeda chittered, replying something like, "You still partake in the system of destroying precious homes. You're just as guilty!" Persona shook his head at this. 'Clearly this squirrel was not getting the fact that collecting lumber was key to any human's survival.', he thought. Persona chopped the first log in half and then brushed them off of the stump to make way for a new log. Koeda shrieked at this.

     "Hey, Hey, Hey. Not every creature was created equal, believe it or not. Us humans don't got the body heat, fur and digestive systems similar to you. We need this lumber to keep warm, heat up our food and for numerous other things.", said Persona. 

     Koeda eventually gave up at yelling at Persona. Whether it was because he fell victim to Persona's logic or he simply knew he could not stop Persona, no one would know. Persona continued to chop the logs in half on the stump, making a sturdy pile of lumber to be collected. Persona's body ached from the hard work, but he knew he would recover in no time. Persona was the type of Shinobi that usually got a second and third wind. Looking at his scroll he had dropped next to the log, he made sure everything was finished. Someone would come by later to collect the lumber so Persona could just leave it there. With everything done, they left to go to the hospital where Risako told them to meet her.

     If Persona was to have a visual on Risako at the hospital, he would greet her kindly this time and once again ask what task was next for them. 

(WC: 588 | TWC 2,032)
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Some Seriously Hard Work [IO] Empty Re: Some Seriously Hard Work [IO]

Fri Oct 18, 2019 2:37 am
Mission specs:

The hospital was hustling and bustling with nurses and doctors running about to treat their patients. Risako sat at a table in the lobby with her head resting on crossed arms. A glistening stream of drool travelled down her cheek, leaving a pool soaked into her sleeve. A nurse came by and nudged the previous Hokage to ensure that she was indeed still amongst the living.

Risako woke with a start and thanked her savior, just as Persona came into view. With her dry sleeve she wiped the slobber away from her chin, before addressing her student. "G'mornin," she mumbled. Reaching into her pack she retrieved the final mission scroll, which detailed how they were supposed to aid some of the hospital staff.

This was likely the most advanced task they'd take on for today which was why she needed the rest, obviously. A hand extended to present the scroll to him, before she said "We're helping with some genin who returned from a mission not five minutes ago. None of their wounds are particularly severe, at most they'll need first aid."

For the first time today she'd actually be helping him with his task. "Follow me," Risako said. She stood and began to walk down a corridor to the left of the entrance, until she reached a room labeled 2B. She didn't feel the need to announce that this would be the room they sought, so she opened the door and gestured for him to enter. Inside were three genin, all of which sat relatively stone faced in their chairs. The occasional quivering lip or grumble was about all they produced, until their aid arrive to which they responded with shy greetings.

If he would, she followed him in and introduce them to the genin, "My name is Risako, and in lieu of proper medical staff, my student and I have been assigned to aid you." She drifted towards the youngest looking of the three. A cursory glance was all it took to determine that he had a, relatively speaking, minor cut from a weapon of some kind on his left forearm. Luckily for her she had the magic hands when it came to first aid, and so she performed the necessary hand signs to activate the only chakra based healing method she knew. A gentle glow was emanating from her hand, and she held it over the crying boy's cut. The glow would cause the boys wounds to practically disappear with nothing more than a clean, faint scar. The other two she would leave to Persona, to see if he could handle the situation.

[1,622 TWC]
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Some Seriously Hard Work [IO] Empty Re: Some Seriously Hard Work [IO]

Fri Oct 18, 2019 12:27 pm
     Persona nodded to Risako who had said that a group of Genins had required their aid. Following Risako, they went up a floor and cut a corner. There in front of them was the room labeled 2B which he presumed to have the Genins inside. Risako opened the door to the room and gestured Persona to go inside of it. Persona entered the room with no hesitance as he knew the mission would not assign him to handle any fatal wounds. Only a very few rare Genin's are capable of being able to heal fatal wounds if not at all.

     Risako introduced herself and Persona to the Genin squadron that waited in the room to which their task of healing them was revealed. Risako headed to heal one of the Genin on the furthest side of the room. Persona cracked his knuckles getting ready to heal the one closest to the door, who was right in front of him. This girl had a small gash along the low side of her rib cage. It was obvious that the young girl had been cut by a Kunai. Persona reached out and began to heal the Genin, she flinched at every movement Persona made. 

     "Don't worry, I gotchu", he said. He sealed shut the open wound and inspected the girl further for any other openings. There were a few bruises on her legs, she must have fallen at one point. Persona scanned his hands over them, healing them too. After he was done with the girl she had thanked him for his assistance. Persona nodded to her saying, "Don't mention it. I know you'd do the same for me if I were in your shoes." She nodded agreeing.

     Persona moved on to the second Genin whose elbows were banged up. Persona made him bend them back real slowly to see the extent of the damage. He winced, but it again wasn't anything too severe. "Hold tight", Persona said to the boy. The boy did what was told of Persona and Persona scanned his hands over his elbows. While working on that, Persona looked over to Risako who had just finished fixing up the Genin on her end. "Well, that's that.", Persona said to her, finishing healing the boy's elbows.

     Persona moved next to Risako as their work there was done. The three Genin inside of the room bowed and took leave. "Make sure to get some rest, okay?", shouted Persona. Persona turned to Risako ready for a new task. He wanted to sink his hands into her bag and grab the list of missions they could do, but he thought better of it. He would continue to let Risako handle the missions she picked because she would know best. That wouldn't stop Persona from asking for better missions however. 

     "Riss! Throw out two missions this time. We can get them done at the speed of light. Oh, oh! And make sure they are something more interesting this time. I'm sick of doing E-ranks, I want to try to accomplish something new.", spoke Persona enthusiastically. Koeda would peek out from Persona's hoodie and chitter in agreement. 
(WC: 523 | TWC: 2,555)
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Some Seriously Hard Work [IO] Empty Re: Some Seriously Hard Work [IO]

Sat Oct 19, 2019 9:58 pm
With a job well done, Risako would see the genin on their way out of the room. Persona mentioned something about being tired of doing all the menial labor, but how are ya gonna get to the top if you can't handle what's on the bottom? "Maybe tomorrow," she said, turning to him. "Maybe next week, depends on when I think you've had enough." Of course the boy could always go pick something else up of his own accord, it helped to have a more experienced hand to guide you.

"I think we've done all that we need to do for today," Risako said. "Unless there's anything else you wish to do, head on home and get some rest." While she would keep the thought of him doing a higher ranked mission close to her, she wasn't sure it was time. She had her own business to tend to tomorrow, come to think of it. Her job in finding the ANBU whereabouts wasn't going over too smoothly, and required her attention.

[1799 WC]
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Some Seriously Hard Work [IO] Empty Re: Some Seriously Hard Work [IO]

Sat Oct 19, 2019 10:17 pm
     Persona looked down at his feet, disappointed. He wanted to continue doing missions, but he realized quite a bit of time had passed since they begun to do their tasks. He suppose Risako was right and assumed she had other business of her own to attend to. Even if Persona didn't know her rank, she was a person and at that she had the authority to promote him to Genin. Training him could never had been apart of her original plans of whatever she was doing. He decided it was best to let Risako depart to wherever she thought her presence was needed.

     Persona nodded at Risako in understanding. Koeda nodded alongside, mimicking Persona. "Alright, Sensei. I suppose you can't be here always to hold my hand. I'll handle things from here and get stronger with Koeda. We'll see each other again anyway,  right?", asked Persona. No matter how Risako answered, he was sure he would cross paths with her again. It was one of those things that Persona felt it was going to happen from the bottom of his heart. If anything Persona could go on the lookout for Risako if she didn't go out of her way to find him. Between Persona and Koeda, their tracking skills are top notch.

     Persona turned his back and took his leave. He left the hospital to go back home to sleep for the day. Tomorrow he would go to work on higher ranked missions of that he promised himself. 'The E-Ranks were way too easy. I can handle some higher Ranking missions than these for sure.', he thought. Persona was eager to prove his worth and show face to the Hokage. Even though Persona knew that Genin were just as essential in the Hidden Leaf's army, he wanted to be more than a common foot soldier. He believed that he had to be the one to stand out, that he had to prove himself.

     By the time Persona reached his home it was dark outside. He entered his house and went straight to his bedroom. He looked at a picture of him and Risako on his dresser and smiled. Koeda was in the picture too of course, hanging off of Persona like always. "Oh, shoot. Where are the mission papers? Ah, I must have left them with Risako. I'm sure she will turn them in. I can pick up new missions to do tomorrow.", muttered Persona as he was patting himself down to find the papers. He decided it was a lost cause and went to bed, tucking himself and Koeda in. "Until tomorrow", he whispered. Persona would place a pillow over his head to muffle the white noise and drifted into deep slumber.


(WC: 453 | TWC: 3008 )

15 stats
Tenketsu Needle D + C rank (WC 500 + 500 rq)
Eight Trigrams: 32 Palms D rank (WC 500 req)
Gentle Step: Front Kick D Rank (WC 500 req)
Eight Trigrams: 64 Palms C Rank (WC 1k req)

The completion of 4 E-Rank Missions

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