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Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Work Work Work Work (P)(IO) Empty Work Work Work Work (P)(IO)

Sat Aug 24, 2024 8:57 pm
Passing on The Torch:
Rampaging Wild Animal:
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Work Work Work Work (P)(IO) Empty Re: Work Work Work Work (P)(IO)

Mon Aug 26, 2024 12:15 am
Busy as ever, the bustling streets of Tsukigakure came to life as the sun began to crest over the horizon. As usual, Junko had gotten a bit of a headstart on her paperwork for the day. Her days had grown longer due to her ever-growing hunger to raise the village up in status. She also, alongside Takehiko and Nariko, had begun to make a few special techniques only accessible to a chosen few. There were a few ideas that she was trying to mull over for their next attempt, though she found herself too preoccupied with other things to dedicate the time to the project.

Another thing ever looming in her mind was the disbandment of Otogakure. She had met their Kage, a man named Kaito, who had gifted her a decent amount of Ryo to upstart the village. Though she was thankful for his contribution, she couldn’t help but find their interaction quite odd. She couldn’t help but wonder if something had happened to him, or if the village had simply dispersed for other reasons. Regardless, a major village was now gone, and she was unsure fo how to feel about it other than it stressed her out.

Thankfully there were only a few things on her to-do list for the day, so she’d be able to potentially go home early if nothing popped up. One of the things on her schedule for the day was a meeting with Hasu, Isamu, and Kiko. Hoping to bolster the strength of those around her, she requested that the three of them meet her at Shinoda Springs for some training. Though they all had vastly different skill sets, Junko believed that the four of them could teach each other a thing or two.

Time passed as she continued to work on the various tasks for the day, though thankfully it wasn’t anything too stressful. Occasionally her dear pet Ku would find her way in from the balcony to check up on her, and after accepting some head pats she’d return to sunbathing once more. Junko had only recently gotten her new pet, though she immediately became attached. Though a 300lbs Komodo Dragon was an unusual companion, she found herself charmed by the creature.

After some meetings and completing her various other duties, it was time for her to make her way to the training grounds. She’d compile a few supplies, then start to head out.  Leaving her office with Ku in toe, Junko would greet Nariko who had been posted outside the door since that morning. The three of them then made their way to Shinoda Springs and seemingly arrived before the others. After finding an area with a few tables, along with a large, flat ground, Junko would ask Nariko to wait at the entrance and bring them to her once they arrived. Ku would find a large patch of grass nearby to curl up in, cruising a handful of beautiful white flowers in the process.

Once the three of them were in front of her Junko would happily greet them, and thank them for coming. She’d explain that there were a handful of things that she wanted to teach each of them and answered any questions they had. Soon they’d move on to the lesson, she’d start by instructing both Isamu and Kiko to take a lap around the springs in order to get warmed up. Once alone with Hasu, Junko would inform her that she was going to teach her the technique that Takehiko assisted in making.

She’d explain that the key to the technique was mastery over one's body. Junko began leading her through a series of breathing exercises and after activating her Ketsuryugan she’d assist in helping her mold her chakra. Once Hasu seemingly got the hang of it, Junko activated Potential Unlocked. Her muscles and features became a bit more defined, causing her veins to bulge out slightly. Upon close inspection, the chakra infused with her body seemingly caused her blood to glow a dull red color, similar to her eyes. After deactivating her technique, Junko would beckon her to do the same.

Once the others returned to them, she’d turn her attention towards Isamu. After showing him the required hand seals for Fuinjutsu Amp up to S Rank, and explain what the technique did. Thankfully it was far simpler than Potential unlocked so it didn’t take her too long. She then would request that he teach both her and Kiko how to infuse things with chakra, she had been meaning to learn that for some time now. If he agreed, she’d listen intently to his direction, and soak up all the information he presented to her.

WC: 781
Isamu Hayato
Isamu Hayato
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Link
Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13700

Work Work Work Work (P)(IO) Empty Re: Work Work Work Work (P)(IO)

Sun Sep 01, 2024 8:50 pm
Isamu had been summoned to the training grounds, this time at the behest of Lady Tsukiko, it seemed he and a few others had been chosen to meet with the leader outside of her office. The wannabe samurai was curious as to what she wanted from him, wondering if she wanted a demonstration of the bloodline possessed by him and Hasumi or if perhaps she wanted a showcase of his abilities. Isamu still was uncertain if he was meant to join Tsukigakure, but he still wished for his progress to be acknowledged. He wasn’t quite on the level of Lady Tsukiko or her general Azuki, but the budding pride he was beginning to foster wished to be offered the rank of Chuunin for his efforts and growing skill.

When he arrived at the training ground, dressed in blue robes with his light weight armor underneath, the middle aged looking man was greeted by a white haired woman with large horns. Though intrigued by her unique appearance Isamu made no mention of it, instead following her instructions as she led him to the village leader.

Isamu gave a respectful bow when he was brought before Lady Tsukiko, noticing he was the first to arrive of the group she had summoned. Waiting for his sister and one of Lady Tsukiko’s clones, the wannabe samurai leaned against a tree and reached into his robe, producing one of the last of the joints that Sota had given him during their last game of poker.

“Either of you have a light? Apologizes, but I seem to have forgotten to bring one.” Isamu spoke before Nariko returned to her post at the entrance of the grounds, hoping that either her or Lady Tsukiko flcpuld help him out of his predicament. If neither of them proved able, the aspiring swordsman sought out others within the training ground until he came across as fire release user who could produce a flame from their fingers.

Upon getting his joint lit, the wannabe samurai relaxed against a tree not far from the meeting area, taking slow puffs as he felt his normally anxious mind grow calm.

Once the others arrived Isamu took note of Kiko, she seemed to possess the same gorgeous visage and physique of her creator. Isamu wondered if The Masked Man had attempted something similar but had failed, seeing as Isamu and Hasumi seemed to possess the same colored eyes and hair.

Isamu was a bit disappointed to see that they were just training, though he knew he had many areas to improve in. The wannabe samurai extinguished his joint and joined Kiko as the pair were sent jogging. Possessing a high speed and endurance already the wannabe samurai found little to gain from the exercise, so he simply matched Kiko’s pace.

Hasumi got her own private lesson as the two ran, and by the time they were finished it seemed it was time for Isamu’s lesson. The aspiring samurai was thankful for the lesson on amplification. He was somewhat well earned when it came to infusing his weaponry techs but had been completely unaware of the fuinjutsu variant, realizing he could have empowered his curse marks to be difficult to remove. Isamu didn’t think that he would be able to understand the jutsu so quickly, and nearly asked Junko fo show him a low ranked variant, but he was surprised with how simple even the S rank variant seemed to be. By the end of his lesson he hadn’t quite figured out how to amplify a technique to the extent that Lady Tsukiko could, but he was close.

After his lesson came a third in which it was now Isamu’s turn to be the teacher. It seemed neither Kiko nor her creator knew how to infuse chakra into a weapon, a skill that Isamu himself had learned from The Masked Man’s memories. This lesson proved even simpler than Lady Tsukiko’s lesson on amplification, as infusing chakra into an object was simply a lesson in shape manipulation and put an emphasis on Yin energy manipulation over Yang.

Isamu used his sword to demonstrate, stepping away from everyone and slowing drawing his katana with his left hand so that the blade would be visible to the stunning twins as he channeled his chakra through the weapon. “If you can sense chakra then you should notice that I’m covering the blade with mine. It allows me to strike things resistant to physical blows, and is the basis for other more complex techniques such as this.”

As he finished speaking Isamu swung his blade upward, aiming for the sky as he his chakra ruptured forth from his blade and toward the sky. A crescent blade composed of his chakra skyrocketed upward before dissipating far above the tree line. “While the technique is meant for Bukijutsu users, a skilled Ninjutsu user could make use of the basics by relying more on their chakra than the swing of their blade.”


Junko Tsukiko likes this post

Kiko Tsukiko
Kiko Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Record
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 21500

Work Work Work Work (P)(IO) Empty Re: Work Work Work Work (P)(IO)

Thu Sep 05, 2024 4:05 pm
Pulling herself from her bed, Kiko would begin her tedious morning routine. Starting off with a brisk shower and a hearty breakfast, she’d tend to her various tasks. Her days had grown quite lonely as of late due to Ren suddenly becoming distant from her, so she attempted to hold on to what she could. Going from being Junko’s favorite to Rens center of attention, and now being left alone to do as she wished was quite the emotional roller coaster. She wasn’t Jun, nobody sought her out to spend time with her, and recently she had begun to pain of isolation.

These thoughts rushed through her mind as she attempted to begin her day. Though she tried to push them aside, they nearly consumed her. She needed to find something she enjoyed doing, or somebody she could at least tolerate being around. When she was with Ren, she felt as if she as is he cherished her, and admittedly she missed that. Though those days were now far behind her so she could do nothing but move forward and attempt to pick up the pieces that remained.

Today she didn’t have much on her schedule so she was unsure of what to do with her time. She could drink like her sister, lounge away in the sun, and forget about her worries but that would get her nowhere. Perhaps she could help Junko with her paperwork, though she was sure she’d be turned away and told to “enjoy her day” instead. With a huff, she’d flop down on her bed once more, trying to figure out what to do to fill the time. A few hours passed and she remained in this spot, doing nothing but thinking and looking up at the ceiling.

A knock would break the silence in the room, along with the voice of Nariko standing behind the door. She’d announce that Junko wished to meet with her at Shinoda Springs in roughly an hour, then after saying goodbye, the horned woman would leave once more. Peeling herself from the bed, she’d get dressed in her normal training attire. A simple black sports bra, along with some grey sweatpants that had the waist rolled down to sit on her hips and black slip on sandals. Once ready, she’d make her way out of the Kage Tower and head to Shinoda Springs. Stopping briefly she’d grab a small bite to eat before arriving at the springs.

Arriving at the entrance, she noticed Nariko awaiting her and the others. Kiko would ask the horned woman for directions to the group before then heading off towards them. She’d note Isamu’s glance as she joined them and simply gave him a light smile with a nod. Soon everyone would arrive, and Junko would begin giving out directives. Kiko and Isamu were told to take a lap around the springs, which admittedly peeved her off a bit. Hasu seemed to be getting a personal lesson from Junko, while she got stuck running with Isamu.

Thankfully she at least got along with him, between the two of them Kiko favored him more anyway. Whenever she had encountered him, he always seemed so relaxed and laid back, something she wished she could emulate herself. Though visually he seemed a bit older, they were created roughly around the same time so she wondered if he was struggling like she had been. As they ran, she’d remain mostly quiet, not wanting to bother him with idle chatter, though if sparked up conversion she’d indulge him. Soon they returned to the group, and once Junko showed Isamu a technique, it was Kiko’s turn to learn something.

Activating her Ketsuryugan, she’d watch as Isamu taught them how to infuse things with chakra. Thankfully it wasn’t just her learning, so she didn’t feel like a fool for not knowing this basic skill. Moving on from that, he’d pull away from the group before drawing his blade. Her eyes would inspect his chakra as he molded it over the blade and she watched as he shot his attack up into the sky. Admittidly she couldn’t help but be a bit jealous, he seemingly had far surpassed her in swordplay, though maybe there was something she could teach him. She knew he halso had been learning from Azuki, maybe getting him to teach her a few things would be worth doing.

Once he was done, it was now her turn to teach him something if he wished.

”Isamu, I’m not sure how good you are with manipulating water, but I could show you something similar to the infusion process. I picked up a pretty basic breathing skill… if you’d like to learn it.”

Though her voice lacked the melodic tone Junko and Jun spoke in, she sounded genuine in her offer. Should he agree, she’d begin by leading him in a guided meditation. She’d speak of infusing one's chakra with the water around them and using the destruction behind the element to deal devastating blows. Once he understood, they’d shift their attention to the group once more. Should he not wish to learn it, she’d simply give him a nod and await further instructions from her creator.

WC: 870
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