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The Annual Fighting Fangs Parade (IO) Empty The Annual Fighting Fangs Parade (IO)

Tue Sep 03, 2019 3:07 pm
Life was a funny thing...........sometimes the things that made no sense, made the most sense out of everything. This thought accompanied the smells of frying meats and vegetables. The restaurant was open early for the annual parade that would come through town later that morning. The place couldn’t raise up a shinobi a lick, but Maku had to admit they had some half way decent athletes.

The “Fighting Fangs” was the name of the team that resided in the village. They competed in all manner of athletic comparisons from relay races, to more organized team sports. Their sports complex up the road had provided Maku with many paying customers since he’d taken over the restaurant, honestly he had no idea how the place could have found itself in such a low position with all that right up the road.

Meat pies, waffles, bacon, and a little bit of everything else was all coming together. He’d called in ever cool he had, and had put himself to work to even have a hope of keeping up with the anticipated orders. Currently he was dressed in chef whites, that had stopped being white around 6am, and his chakra Reservoir mask on-top of his head. While it still provided him its true function, he’d used it as kind of a mascot for the shinobi theme of his restaurant, repacking the traditional Chef Hat. The waiters moved through helping prepare what they could and setting up the outside seating, all adorned in pseudo flak jackets, napkins around silverware replacing kunai.

Wiping his brow he allowed himself a breath and stepped back to lean on the doorframe that led to his office. It was perched within the kitchen, what had once been a broom closet. Only enough room for a small desk, a smaller chair, and adorned with many herbs to dry. It wasn’t a lot, it Maku had found it to his liking. A stark contrast from the leaders quarters, places, and even underground tunnels he’d do often found himself in......yet it felt more like home than anyplace he’d been so far in his life.

“Aye, Sarah.....”. He’d say shouting out to his head chef. “Going out for a bit. Going to check in at the market, see if them fish came in from River.” As he spoke he was already removing his chef jacket, and hanging it on his chair. Grabbing up the white robes he’d had dyed black and red he’d set off out the kitchen only to finally hear her response.

“See if they got them shallots to boss, running lower than the tips in yer jar.” Her voice pierced the loud kitchen and prompted Maku to merely put up His hand and wave off the comment, with only a minor scoff. Low tips.......

Walking through town he caught a glimpse of himself in one of the shop windows. Why a sight. His riru no robu hadn’t been activated in some time, and he hoped to keep it that way. Though regardless he wore them for safety in this land that may be home, but was still dangerous. The robes dyed black, and styled with red clouds, homage to the last group he had been apart of. Though here, most thought it a play on on his shinobi themed restaurant. The purple crystal necklace bounced on his chest, the mask sat atop his head. His left hand moved up, to run across his face, a light blue ring seen were a wedding band would normally be. His hair cropped short and combed over, the makings of a beard just a little longer than his hair covered his face. If one knew Maku, this would be the first oddity, as he lacked the blonde hair that had been a signature. Instead it was jet black and beard to match, keeping up the charade hair color hadn’t been as important here, and it probably helped his hiding. Eyes of blue rather than black stared back at him......and he couldn’t help but crack that half grin even he couldn’t hide.

Making his way through the market he chatted and joked with the local merchants he’d come to know over the past several months. Denkitiki and himself had made a home. The brothers where popular, one a healer and one an entertainer. In a place like this, folks didn’t ask about the past. After all, what kind of person with a past such as the Brothers have to land them here?

Picking up the slabs of fish covered in salt, and a bag of shallots Maku loaded them into his wicker backpack, and set back off towards the restaurant. As he did he looked down at his left hand......a quizzical look adorned his face. For a moment he’d thought he had felt a twinge from the ring......something he hadn’t felt in a very long time.....

His mind moved several places over that glancing look....the first time he’d received the ring, Youka’s office, meeting with that strange Missing Nin, the siege of Amegakure, Xyxer, and a simple alexandrite ring he’d given away a long time before. Shaking his head, he let the memories faded. Best to let ghosts sleep, rather than run in ones mind. His left hand open and closed several times, as though to stretch away the feeling that he had had.

As he moved back through the streets he found himself finally back in front of the restaurant and the other small business he ran next door. It hadn’t been easy finding chakra sensitive individuals that could help him run the shop, but they existed out here. The ones he found happy to use their gift, but not for bloodshed. Maku trained them in genjutsu, and In return they worked for him without questions of their past. He’d gained their loyalty in this way, and the operation moved successfully. He only had 2 employees that could pull the genjutsu off, the final worker typically worked the desk, still not developed enough to utilize the techniques. It seemed to be a slow day, but that shop wasn’t the money maker on a parade day.....

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The Annual Fighting Fangs Parade (IO) Empty Re: The Annual Fighting Fangs Parade (IO)

Wed Sep 04, 2019 11:23 am
As easy as it would have been to remain unaware of the outside world while she slept, Akihana Akari-Tau had not been so. Whether by Katsuyu-sama's design or by her own innate will that refused to turn its back to a world that had forsaken her, the blonde felt the world with every heartbeat, ever pulse of blood that ran within her sleeping form and every soft breath she took to keep herself alive. The details were blurry, the sensation all consuming and the pain surging through the universe demanded to be felt. personal tragedies mattered little when the earth was weeping and it was the nature of Akihana's sleep to feel and experience that pain. Personal tragedies were swept aside as mass destruction took its place and in her sleep, the Kunoichi silently wept.

The sorrow of the world far outstripped the changes her own body went through. Makona's anguished screams as the bijuu was ripped from its sedated Jinchuriki manifested in her dreams as yet another child being torn away from her. Youka's death took the form of an empty, dark hole that begin somewhere deep in her soul and swallowed her whole from the inside.

Arata's final breaths stopped her heart still.

And yet there was more. Thousands of mothers had lost their children, their grief culminating in a innumerate sharp spikes aimed straight at her fragile body. The stain of hundreds of thousands of innocent lives lost moved to cover the sheer white gossamer gown in which she rested, expelling the hatred, violence and greed of the universe upon her slender frame and a heart broken far too often for her age.

And through it all, the kunoichi did what she was instructed to. She purified it all. Waves upon waves of evil, trauma, humiliation and grief rained down upon her where she lay in Shikottsu Forest, watched carefully by the slugs. All the darkness the universe could not handle on its own was directed to her still form, attacking her from all sides until the golden light inside her found a way through. Month after month the blonde continued her slumber, battling the deepest evils of the world using nothing but tiny slivers of light. She had been placed high on a cliff, in a coffin of glass and bone right underneath the sun and even then, it almost wasn't enough. As radiant as she could be, Akihana was still not bright enough to keep out the dark.

Or so she had thought.

When the blonde finally woke up, she knew she had not done so of her own free will. Someone else had willed her conscience into being and that someone had been waiting to greet her. She had been asked to feast, a cornucopia of bounty at her leisure yet the kunoich had shook her head. She had been asked to dress, offered priceless gowns and invaluable jewels but Akihana had settled on what most closely resembled the servant's garb she used to don in Hoshigakure. Finally, she had been asked to listen, to understand.

And she had.

For what choice did she have? Her captors had known this, even she had known this. Even in ehr sleep, the blonde refused to give up so she certainly couldn't do so while wake and in a position to help. her efforts might be in vain but the kunoichi would never forgive herself if she didn't try. After experiencing all the evil of the land in the last few years, Akihana was more certain than ever that there was good out there.

And no matter how little of it there was, it was worth preserving. It was worth giving her life for. For hollow as it may be, her existence could still be of good to someone, and that realization was what gave the blonde the strength to stand up, to nod in acceptance and to leave Shokkotsu Forest. The slugs were instrumental in guiding her most of the way, and then her feet and depleted chakra senses did the rest, leading the young woman to the land of River.

Akihana appeared on the main street like a ghost, her dark green dress and matching cloak at odds with the bright colors of the parade. The only part of the kunoichi that matched her vibrant surrounding was the stubborn gold of her hair, a few tendrils snatching at the light breeze that played with her hood. The a bit of covering her hair from back in Hoshigakure remained but was less instant now. Everything was a little less instant now that it was overshadows by he grey clouds of loss.

And yet she was supposed to find something here. Her chakra sensory wasn't of much help, picking out minimal forms and rejecting them. The signature she needed could outshine the sun itself, it held always outshone her...

In the end, it was the ring on her finger that directed her. It had been a simple gem once, held together by cheap metal, shoddy workmanship and a promise. Only the last had not withstood the test of time, the trinket now just an ordinary Alexandrite on her finger. And yet it pulsed somehow as a flash of black and red past somewhere at the edge of her vision. Almost blindly, the blonde followed her feet, her path leading to an eatery and an office space. A travel agency, the sign above advertised and Akihana found herself numbly walking in, her hood still covering most of her shimmering locks and her cloak wrapped completely around her slender frame.

"Genin Travel Agency, where would you like to go today!" Someone spoke from the front desk, making her realize she was at the reception area now. Her golden eyes searched the young man with a bright smile on his face. Where would she like to go? Unsure at first, Akihana replied the only way she knew how: honestly.

"To the past, please."
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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The Annual Fighting Fangs Parade (IO) Empty Re: The Annual Fighting Fangs Parade (IO)

Wed Sep 04, 2019 12:36 pm
Watching the latest customer, he couldn’t help but think he saw a flash of gold....a reminder of forgotten times. As he turned from the green cloak talking to reception, he’d head the next door over, only to feel that same families feeling in his hand. Looking down, he was confident this time the ring had reacted. It had been so long, it was almost as if the power of it had been drained. Whatever was happening, was breathing new life into it. Shaking his head, he’d enter the restaurant and drop off the supplies.

He worked for some time, trying to ignore the energy. He knew the past would catch up to him, but he had hoped not for some time. An optimist might thought it someone pleasant, but optimism wasn’t a luxury of many shinobi. In his own state, he doubted he could fend off elite hunter nin, and more so he found himself turning from the idea of anyone around him paying for his sins.

Marking off the ledger, he’d shut the door of his office. Sitting on the cushioned chair, he’d close his eyes. A calming breath, as he opened up his chakra. The training with Den had been laying off, what had been rusty and clunky was returning to ease and grace. Still not as potent, he at least felt the control again. A different power had also awakened, and while it was still new to him, he found himself drawn to it, as if it had been there the whole time....shut off for an unknown reason. He didn’t count breaths, he just breathed, focusing on the lives around him. He could feel the power radiating from each individual. From high to low, each individual slowly flickered into existence under his sensory gaze. It didn’t take long for a spike to appear. His brother coated in a green glow, clearly tending to patients. His chakra spirit was some 3 times brighter than the two that worked for Maku, whose own was three times brighter than a normal citizen.

It was there that he found what he was looking for. His nose crinkled, he couldn’t understand why his own cooks were making cookies......but where they? It wasn’t on the menu. Focusing back on this new....thing the smell remained. A deep sigh, and he picked up a ring. It was undoubtedly an akatsuki ring, or was it two....he could see why his own had started to activate. This required further investigation, though it wasn’t something he was looking forward to. Mostly likely a trap.....alas perhaps it was time to give up the charade

Rising, he’d sneak out the back in a way he hadn’t done in some time. The ways of stealth, coming back to him. Doubtful it would have been enough to trick an academy student, but on the average villagers here it was enough. Moving through the alley and into the back of the shop, his eyes scanned the room. One customer, hood up was being led to one of the recliners that they sat in during the genjutsu. It was here he froze. He couldn’t help but think his imagination was making him see ghosts.......perhaps he was the one under the genjutsu, and yet he couldn’t move. Finding Den had been one thing, but another ghost in the back of the store he was moderately hidden, though he wasn’t confident that would keep him from her notice. his worker explained what’s was going to happen, he didn’t move.....just watched

TWC - 1606
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The Annual Fighting Fangs Parade (IO) Empty Re: The Annual Fighting Fangs Parade (IO)

Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:34 pm
"I'm sorry Miss, where would you like to go?" The boy looked confused, and Akihana didn't blame him. She doubted many people came through the doors of this establishment looking for anything more than a brief escape. Ironically, the Kunoichi was here for just the opposite. However, this was not easily explained to the receptionist who continued to show her brochures of various destinations he could take her to in the blink of an eye. Akihana saw lush green forests of Konoha, the icy mountaintops of Yuki, even what looked like a palace underneath a star strewn midnight sky.

The attendant spoke at length while Akihana listened, trying to understand the chakra signatures in the building. It had been a while and her own presence had always mirrored her personality, benign and unobtrusive. To now use it to identify long gone ghosts was more than a little difficult. But it had never really been his chakra that she had known him by.

No, Maku Jemuzu had a connection to her that defied all logic, and apparently it had withstood the test of time. She knew he was here with more certainty than she knew herself to be here. Silently, she laid a finger on a random brochure, making the receptionist breath a small sigh of relief. "If you'll wait over there, someone will be with you in a minute," he encouraged, motioning the blonde towards the recliners that lined one wall of the office space. Once again, the kunoichi did as she was instructed though sleep was the last thing on her mind. Akihana had slept enough to last her a bit yet.

And just as a new employee approached her, ready to take her on her exotic vacation, it happened. She heard the door creak slightly but didn't look up. She didn't have to. Not until she could sense him looking at her. It wasn't hard to recognize him even without his usual get up, partly because she had been looking for him and partly because a stubborn, incorrigible part of Akihana refused to give up that association with a boy who had once sang her a song in the Water Gardens of Hoshi.

"Are you ready Miss, just lie back and relax," the attendant begin, making her shake her head slightly.

"Could I have a minute please?"

Looking nonplussed, the boy nodded and left, leaving her alone with the only presence in the room, or across the room. Reaching up to her hood, the woman slowly pushed it back, revealing shimmering gold hair spilling over her shoulder. Golden eyes sought out their mark, well adjusted to the darkness given their innate ability.

This had been the easy part, finding him. Now she had to figure out what to say. Searching her still unreliable memory, the kunoichi said the first thing she remembered him saying to her a lifetime ago.

"I like your hair like this, it suits you."
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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The Annual Fighting Fangs Parade (IO) Empty Re: The Annual Fighting Fangs Parade (IO)

Wed Sep 04, 2019 2:33 pm
Damn........this place got anymore ghosts it’d be a haunted house. His eyes briefly moved over her to look towards the door. Perhaps Echo was going to walk in next and blow down the house like the proverbial big bad wolf. The humor in his mind helped drown out the conflict of emotions that had surfaced within him.

When was the last time they had really spoken.....the water gardens, or in the palace. Had he been the kid who had told her of the impending invasion, or was that a dream. He found his memories weren’t as sharp as they could have been. Was it because he couldn’t remember, or because he just didn’t want to. In truth, it had been a long time, and he’d started to try and forget as it made the rest of life easier. However now presented with a corporeal ghost that acknowledge him......well it seemed memories wanted back in.

Her words brought back a flash of memory, and it even caused him to crack a smile. Tension that had been built was shattered as if by a wayward stone. His shoulders visibly relaxed, and he felt himself fall against the doorframe. Arms folded, and he met her golden eyes with his own blue. “Well you know, got to mix it up now and again. Blondes have more fun, but.......I’ve had my fair share of that. Give the other guys a chance.” He’d finish with a wink as though all those moments hadn’t went by while they were apart. A spell seemed to have broken and he could now feel her chakra like he couldn’t before. She was standing plain, how odd. “Den will be excited to see you.......he even needs a doctor for himself. I just told him we should go pay one, but as always your helpfulness finds a way.”

It wasn’t an unkind tease, but he still felt his walls up. He’d mourned for a life he didn’t have, he’d mourned for what he did to her, so there was a part of him that had a tough time letting her in. His face turned serious for a brief moment as he really looked at her, he even felt a twinge as chakra instinctively tried to surge to his eyes before he denied it. “It is aren’t an assassin come to finish what so many have aren’t a ghost to haunt me, I’ve already had my fair share....”

The atmosphere came very tense for a brief moment, his own chakra seemed to finally be coming to life. The density of it became more radiant. Difficult to control, almost as though he actually was a kid again. A faint gold outline started to form......and then the kid working the desk walked by and clapped him on the back. The chakra sucked out like a vacuum as he regained control. “Who’d want to hurt you boss? Ain’t no body got time to mess with a weakling like you.” The kid would laugh as he put in some rolls of paper they used to keep the chair clean. “This guy couldn’t even lift a box of onions the other day....assassins bothering you...hahaha.....I think you are letting that shinobi kitchen go to your head.” With that the young boy would walk out still laughing. Clearly he had no idea who his employer was, or what he’d done in his life.

With the moment broken, Maku would let out a sigh. “Want a bite to eat? Could make a baked Alaska. Been awhile since I made one, but been awhile for a lot of things.” He’d wait for her to respond with that, a crooked smile. Perhaps there would be tension, but at the moment one thing at a time.

TWC - 2230
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The Annual Fighting Fangs Parade (IO) Empty Re: The Annual Fighting Fangs Parade (IO)

Wed Sep 04, 2019 3:14 pm
“Well you know, got to mix it up now and again. Blondes have more fun, but.......I’ve had my fair share of that. Give the other guys a chance.”

How could so little have changed in what seemed like a lifetime? If Akihana closed her eyes right now, she would almost be back in the bustling streets of Haven, watching him joke and flirt his way through the crowd without a care in the world. Like a blanket of comfort she never wanted to associate with the man, his familiar chakra merged, enveloping her much tinier presence in its cloak of familiarity. It was this very nature, the bubbly, fun loving yet unstable nature that the kunoichi had found herself drawn to. Akihana had seen Maku at his best, at his worst and at his all the in betweens and yet it hand't been enough. Perhaps she was the one lacking? The kunoichi found herself genuinely wishing he was happy now.

At the mention of Denkiteki, the first glimmer of warmth showed on her features. Things didn't age in Shikkotsu Forest and neither had she in the years she had been asleep there. There was some kind of chronology to ehr existence. The blonde was ware she had been born nearly thirty autumns ago to a small but proud clan in Konohagakure. And yet none of it showed on her face. Where laugh lines or psychical sorrow naturally developed, Akihana's forehead remained smooth and porcelain, the only sign of her age in her weary gaze.

"Den-kun's here?' she asked, the first genuine note of delight, or something close to it, she could muster ringing through the room. unfortunately her query went unanswered as they ere interrupted by the boy who had served her earlier. Watching him playfully jostle Maku about while commenting on his strength made Akihana's golden gaze soften. Perhaps he really was happy?

Perhaps she had made a mistake in coming here?

"I... haven't eaten in a while," she admired truthfully, returning ehr gaze to his. Despite his dark hair, he looked nothing like his brother. But than again the Hayato siblings had never been similar appearance wise. "Maybe something simple to start with? I have cookies." The picnic basket she carried had been placed discretely by the counter when she had entered, and the kunoichi gestured to it now. Though she hadn't baked them herself so offering them to him felt a little like cheating.

"Or if you have access to a kitchen, I can make us soemthing?"

Yes, that felt normal. or not, but if they acted normal and did normal things and said normal things then maybe, just maybe, things would start feeling normal again?

Perhaps they could leverage just a few stolen moments of normalcy, before she plunged his world into chaos again...
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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The Annual Fighting Fangs Parade (IO) Empty Re: The Annual Fighting Fangs Parade (IO)

Wed Sep 04, 2019 3:42 pm
“Yea Den’s here. Been playing doctor don’t cha know. Still good at it.” Maku would say still leaning against the wall. “I imagine he will be pleased to see you. I can ring for him here in a few, after we eat.” He still has a smile. The last time the three had truly set out they’d changed a nation, a nation that was still growing, one that had become a dominant power in the world where not long ago it had been isolated and alone. Truthfully if he asked himself......had they done good or had the sullied that place. It was for historians to decide, if they decided to leave the trio in the narrative at all.

With her fully looking at him and the tension broken, he really looked at her now. Den hadn’t aged a day. Looked the same as he did when they’d set off for Haven. Now looking at Akihana he noticed the same. Same face, same features, as though frozen in time. He dreaded passing a Mirror as their own agelessness would highlight the fact he had not done the same. Hair cropped, a sort beard grown, and undeniably he had been left to aging. Still a young man perhaps, but he was aging all the same. The time in Yukigakure had been hard on him and his body. Living in the ruins, foraging and putting up His own shelters without the aid of the shinobi gifts had left their mark.

Running his head over his hair in a familiar habit he’d think on her request. Certainly he had a kitchen available, though it was presently being worked on. The thought of cookies however, didn’t do much for him either. “Not in the mood for cookies, but we can go upstairs. Den and I have a small flat above my restaurant. Can make something there.” He’d say matter of factor. He wasn’t sure how much she knew, if she’d been watching. The only thing he was certain of was that he wasn’t certain of anything. Yet the thrill of just being for a moment overtook him, and he’d let reality crash against the rocks of ignorance a little later.

He’d lead her upstairs, allowing time for her to get her bag. The receptionist took down the name she gave and logged it under rain checks. Once upstairs they’d come across a small very modest flat. It possessed two bedrooms, a single bathroom, and a living area that was half living half kitchen. In truth, it was almost comical how the brothers Hyato now lived. Both had been leaders of major villages, both had made great names for themselves and the ryo that came with it, and both had wielded dimensional rifts that allowed their powers to be unrivaled. Creating worlds of their own imagination and they lived in a space that even a middle aged bachelor would look down on.

While the place wasn’t dirty, it was unmistakably cluttered. Nothing matched, and most had been bought second hand or bartered for so that they could be at least furnished. Some fifty thousand ryo lay piled in a corner, at contrast with the rest of the place. Maku’s own money that he still had. Taken mostly from the Sunagakure vault. He’d vowed to now spend it unless they truly became desperate. Their mission was still to garner as little attention as possible, and random rich people tended to get questions asked. Everything had to be bought with what they earned, and what they earned had barely started.

“Not much, but it’s home.” Maku would say gesturing around. “The tour then, living room, kitchen, bathroom, Den’s room, my room.....and that’s it.” He’d say pointing to each place as he said it. Below them they could still hear the hustling of the kitchen, a drown of voices form the dining area . It was clear the place rarely saw silence regardless I. If they were in or not. “Ummm might have to help you do some dishes if you really feel like cooking.....pantry’s stocked though.” He mutter pointing towards a cabinet with no doors, but plenty of fresh ingredients stacked. As for himself he’s busy washing the miss matched pans and plates putting them on a towel to dry while she busied herself.

“How you been Akihanna? Where have you been? I’d heard you we’re dead to be honest, ashamed to say I believed it.....”. He didn’t look at her with those questions, he just watched bubbles pop in the sink as he scrubbed the big wok. It was the most simple of questions that could be asked. Yet still, it was a simple start he supposed

TWC - 3000
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The Annual Fighting Fangs Parade (IO) Empty Re: The Annual Fighting Fangs Parade (IO)

Wed Sep 04, 2019 4:35 pm
At the confirmation that the raven haired doctor was indeed here, Akihana nodded. She had not known that this path would lead her to her old friend and comrade but perhaps this was the universe's way of telling her that it was trying. The blonde listened quietly as he explained they lived upstairs, once again giving Akihana a glimpse of his life now. From the vast planes of Sanctuary to the palaces and underground pleasure houses of Haven, Maku now lived above a business that was literally in the business of putting people in a dream like state. Perhaps later, she would wonder if what he id was provide a service or something less beneficial in the long run but as always, the kunoichi settled on her first instinct: That no one effectively wanted to harm someone.

Somewhere behind her vision, a far off bar exploded, a younger Akihana sobbing hysterically as Yaju held her back because Echo had to make it out. He just had to...

"Thank you very much," she replied, peeling her thoughts away from that day. It still hurt, but it was now a hollow, pulsating, constant kind of hurt that blended in with all the other forms of grief swirling through the kunoichi on a regular basis. When she had first woken up, her hands had automatically reached her body, fingers glowing green with chakra because there had to be some kind of physical wound to justify all that pain. It had taken a few moments to realize that there really wasn't. No actual wound or injury could result in the dull ache of her heart, the hollow emptiness of her mind.

Collecting her lone picnic basket from the counter, Akihana followed him up the narrow flight of stairs and into the apartment above. It was neither large enough nor her eyesight poor enough to require much of a turn but she appreciated him giving one nonetheless. This place was only slightly bigger than her own apartment in Kumo before they had become mortals trapped in the war of Gods. It looked comfortable.

"Deal' she agreed to his proposal of her cooking and him washing the dishes. Moving to the pantry, the blonde took stock of her inventory for a moment before deciding. Her first time cooking in years, she should probably not try something too ambitious. "Omelette sounds okay?" Should Maku agree to that, she would go about selecting eggs and cheeses and start piling ingredients on the small but relatively clean kitchen counters.

It was while she was separating the whites and the yolks when Maku asked the question he should have about ten minutes ago when she had first shown up. The kunoichi took a moment, draining all the egg whites into a glass bowl before she reached for the whisk. "You don't have to be ashamed," she reassured him, judging the viscosity of the whites before reaching for some sparkling water to add to the mix. "Everybody did, like they were supposed to." he the dil, thyme, chives, pepper and other assorted spices went in next before the whisking began for real.

"Even I thought I was dead at certain points, but here I am." the declaration wasn't one of pride, it was one of defeat. At heart, Akihana was simply tired, if not of being alive than from the knowledge that she had to live longer still. "I was asleep in a different dimension, I suppose that's a way to put it. My slug summons felt I would be safer there, they... didn't exactly ask for permission." It was brief and somewhat vague as far as explanations went but Akihana couldn't think of another way to put it that wouldn't come out too unkindly.

With the first batch of whisking done, she moved to the yolks, adding them in one by one and then repeating the process before folding in the thee different types of cheeses she had managed to acquire from the pantry.

"You lost Khurama, didn't you?" it wasn't really a question, more a statement. The blonde would have known even without the massive chakra of the Kyuubi present by Maku's side. More than a hostile being at odds with his host, the man had treated his bijuu like a pet.

Makona's screams rang in her ears, her still body feeling every iota of pain felt by the once bouncing child as she was stripped from ehr host and incinerated in the same flames she had once drawn her powers from.

"And Den lost Kokuo-Sama?"
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The Annual Fighting Fangs Parade (IO) Empty Re: The Annual Fighting Fangs Parade (IO)

Wed Sep 04, 2019 5:31 pm
“Yea that sounds alright.” He’d say without looking at her. Instead opting to just focus on the work at hand. Washing the dishes, He’d once heard it was a type of meditation. If one truly just.....washed the dishes. Overall, he found it to be true. Something about the water to relax, the heat to sooth, and even the struggle and accomplishment of removing grime and having a completed piece of work in front of you. It wasn’t something he’d say allowed, but yes Maku Jemuzu Missing Ninja enjoyed washing dishes.

He’d listen to her story, without interruption. There were parts that seemed vague, and details that didn’t make to much sense. Yet he believed it all the same. She was many things, things he agreed with and things he didn’t, either way though she was far from a liar. She hadn’t asked what he happened to him, and he briefly wondered if he would just say it to spew the expense. Their last meeting he’d been plotting a celebration. Then he vanished forever, he was sure she wondered, but maybe just to polite to ask.

As he finished, he was able to sit back and just watch her cook. She was good, no doubt. Could maybe even be a sous chef downstairs, he still thought himself better, but it was a close race to be sure. It was with these thoughts that she penetrated the fortress of musing. Yes he had lost the fox of legend, and his brother it seems he’d lost the bijuu from within as well. Two of the most powerful entities in existence, gone from them like children. As he looked into her eyes he searched, and was left without finding. “Yes.....both seem to be gone. Mine I thought maybe he just slipped away, I left him in a long leash in the end. Brother dearest though, that was a shock......I’m guessing the silver beast is gone too.....”. He would say it as a question because he wasn’t sure, but he was almost that way.

“Have something to do with why you came back?” It was a blunt question, but they were entering into blunt territory. Maku wanted to know why she was here, why former ghosts were all choosing now to reappear. It also caused him to truly wonder about all their places in the world. Ghosts leaving the grave, but to what purpose. He’d hand over a pair of mismatched plates, one a gaudy yellow, and another seeming to be from a fine China set though chipped away. A small table with just two chairs sat on the inbetween of the unmarked kitchen vs living room space.

Taking the finished meal on plates they’d sit and Maku would take a few bites while Aki said anything else on the matter she had to say. At stark contrast to the topic of energy monsters and the rising dead, Maku would let her in on his own mission. “Caught word of some new ingredients.....I own the restaurant downstairs as well as that little shop next door.....supposed to have a unique breed of deer, as well as some vegetables that only grow in this country........Den already agreed to go with me....if your in the moose for a “mission” then I could use your eyes.” He would put mission in quotes, making a jest of their former lives. He’d hitch back up a half smile. It was always all in serious or a joke, Maku had never liked the inbetween.

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The Annual Fighting Fangs Parade (IO) Empty Re: The Annual Fighting Fangs Parade (IO)

Thu Sep 05, 2019 12:25 pm
“Have something to do with why you came back?”

The Munich paused in her dicing, turning her head sightly to look at the man before she formed a reply. There was a simple answer and a complicated one and Akihana being Akihana was choosing the correct one not based on ease of explanation but whichever rang the most true. Yes, seh was here because all the beings were gone, in a roundabout way. But the far more accurate reason for her being here was that she had nowhere else to go. Theblonde had made several homes over the years.From her flat in Urban Kumogakure to the Palace of Hoshi to the Raikage's building in the lavish district. And yet when she had woken up, non of those places had called to her, not least because there wasn't anyone waiting for her at those places now.

But then again, no one had been waiting for her here either. So why had her instincts brought her to this place, to someone whom she had no right to expect anything from?

'Kind of," she settled on saying before returning to the parsley. The nonstick pan had been adequately greased with butter and her omelette now lay bubbling atop the surface. When Maku confirmed that the beings had indeed been lost and asked her of Makona's fate, she nodded. "In more ways than one," she added, folding the omelette in the pan and flipping it carefully over. "She couldn't survive the extraction... she is truly gone from this world, unlike your and Den's beings." The kunoichi wasn't sure if Maku was aware that a bijuu could die, but if he wasn't, then he knew now.

The kitchen table was tiny, big enough for two but far too small for everything they had to say to each other. Still, some things needed to be said. Cutting the parsley strewn egg dish into two pieces, Akihana place the bigger portion on his yellow plate, reserving the small part for her own chipped crockery. "How did Youka deal with it?" she asked, looking at Maku across the small table, her food untouched for now. There was little about the former Raikage she hand't known, and now perhaps the man opposite ehr could help fill in the gaps.

"I know his entity was... hurting him. He was always in pain..." It took physical effort to form the words, the blonde closing her eyes briefly against the image of Youka in pain, Youka screaming, Youka telling her to go away and then clinging to her just as tightly. "Was he contented... in the end?"

The young woman would silently listen to what Maku had to say, not uttering a word as her late husband's final moments were discussed. Once again, the fresh pain of reliving his death fell dull and throbbing against her heart. She only managed to speak when he changed topic to that of a mission for fresh ingredients.

"I don't know how much help I would be... But I would like to be of assistance," she agreed, still ignoring ehr food and studying Maku intently. One day, she would work up the courage to ask him if he was happy here. But that day was not today. instead she only added "I don't have any proper mission supplies though. Just my basket, some cookies and... " And a stuffed wolf Arata used to hug to sleep. It was the only thing she had left of her son, and she wasn't ready to share it with him yet.
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