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The Clouds Part (Max) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Clouds Part (Max)

Fri Apr 26, 2019 12:14 pm
There was but a small smile on the males face as he looked at the boy. Something had been spinning in his head from the information that he had given him, though the look of either loss or jealousy had been present. He couldn't discern which it was and he sure wasn't about to pry into the boy's mind to figure out which it was. In the meantime however he focused on their main topic of discussion, offering a small nod before speaking once more," Everyone isn't born good. Everyone isn't born evil. But there are those that transcend both moralities and are something completely different. Why she ever thought there was good in that is beyond me. I do agree with you though. There are some who just aren't meant for this world and are better off dead and away from the lot of us," this was something he honestly believed. The world was better off with that tyrant dead or alive, but what of other tyrants? Eventually their time would also run out though the true question is when.

A small, quizzical sound came from his lips as he raised a brow for a moment," Is there a threat that you anticipate to come here? That...Mm nevermind that. Do you trust Konoha to hold up to their end of the bargain if this "reconnaissance" mission you are planning with them goes well? I've heard of what happened to them with Kiri, so there is some small chance that they might...also have them hiding in the woodworks as a just in case. And seeing as that could be rather....troublesome we might have an unforeseen issue on our hands," though at the males next words there was some confliction in the jounin's mind. For the moment however he would continue to speak," You could very well be right, but planning for every just in case is also good. I would recommend if we do this mission, that we have an alternate plan to erase our...involvement just in the event that it does go south," soon after those words there was a small nod from him though he seemed to still be in thought.

"Hmm..If we are to be a force to be reckoned with once again I agree with that. If there are genin that still require training I can take up a few and get them back into well as getting myself back into shape. If you have any in mind just let me know," the thought of being a team leader again was a bit jarring, but it was needed if his home was going to flourish again.

441 wc
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
Stat Page : Duncan Crawford's Stats
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

The Clouds Part (Max) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Clouds Part (Max)

Sun Apr 28, 2019 7:15 am
Could Max trust the Leaf to go into this mission with no ulterior motives? That really was the question at hand. Now he could assume that they would work together with Kumo as anticipated and rebuild the relationship between them, but even he wasn’t that naïve. “Kiri claiming Konoha as its own is rather troubling. Of course, I have already planted some seeds, and hopefully they will bear fruit.” Max would shift his body a bit to the left, leaning his head gently to the side. “Not only have I offered a large sum of money, but I also offered them the return of Suna.” He wondered how the Jounin would react to this as the claiming of Suna was typically seen as a symbol of Kumo’s power, but it wasn’t as great as it may have seemed.
“The return of the sister village should help mend wounds of the past, and bring our villages closer together. Not to mention that if they are clever they may be able to use the Sand Village as a second base of operations to plan an effort to break free from Kiri’s bonds. And even if Kiri finds out about it, it will likely force both Kiri and Konoha to split their forces.” The young Raikage would split the stack of paperwork into to smaller stacks. “You see, in the worst case scenario their split forces would likely weaken both.” The boy’s eyes would hold a lack of compassion while speaking on the matter. World politics and war weren’t held dear to young Max, but he couldn’t completely neglect them either. The world was far too cruel to let yourself be fooled that peace would come easily and without difficulties.
“I plan to send a specialist in Space and Time ninjutsu on the mission, that way if things do end up going south we have an easy way out of there. I’ve seen such jutsu in use and they will prove incredibly useful in a quick escape.” Max had not decided exactly who that specialist would be, or even if it would only be one of them. Still, it should go a great way in helping avoid casualties and that was a primary goal here.
“If Kiri rears its ugly head in some sort of ambush, we will understand where we stand with both villages. I only hope that they are intelligent enough to put aside their concerns in order to work towards stopping the more pressing threat.” Max would state, his eyes showing a bit of concern. Would the nation of Kiri truly be foolish enough to do something like that? The missing ninja threat is a concern for all of the villages, and if the others cannot see that this world is in a worse place than the boy imagined.
On the matter of the training Max would inform Kiseragi of his plans, “There are two shinobi that I think would benefit a great deal from training with you. The first is the craftsman I mentioned earlier, Sugimoto. He is a promising Genin, and with the right tutelage I think that he could shine.” Max would then speak on the other person he hoped would do well under the right training.
“The other is Jiro Uchiha. I believe that he, too, could learn a great deal from you.” Max would of course wait and see what Kiseragi thought of this.
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

The Clouds Part (Max) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Clouds Part (Max)

Sun Apr 28, 2019 10:30 am
Kiseragi's features slowly turned surprise as he tilted his head in suspense almost as if he was...confused and perplexed at the young male's thought. It wasn't a bad deal in the slightest and the promise of reclaiming Suna was indeed...a good step, but it would also seem he understood other points in that plan. He only sat there for a small moment and chuckled in a sort of good way before responding," Well..Its unorthodox for sure yet it hails a certain flair that is good as well. Giving them back something that shouldn't have been taken is definitely a thing that could shift the tide of our disposition with them. Adding on if they do take it back and don't back stab us they could very well get their own independence back should they keep this from their...captors. You never know what could happen, which makes me sort of glad you are preparing us for contingencies," it was something that he liked from his past leaders. A conscience decision to make tactful decisions.

On the note of his thoughts of sending someone versed in the arts of space-time along, he understood that as well. The ability to bend one or many out of a situation would prove to be....interesting indeed. Especially if an ambush were to occur. They didn't know how many this rogue had rallied under their banner and that proved distasteful for sure. In the meantime however he thought of maybe offering his own assistance, but he was better of staying here and preparing for future action. "That would do well to give us some semblance of a back-up plan should things go bad. Though might I offer some advice if you do. Keep whoever or in the event of two whomever secret from the Konoha chosen. Just so that if it does become a trap situation between Kiri and Konoha, we have an ace up our sleeve. Allowing one to know all our moves before we use them would dampen our chances of survival," It might of sounded a little dirty or wrong, but withholding a little information to save their own was a crucial step.

On the note of those he thought would do good for training under him, the young Raikage provided a few names for the hat which as he explained them he would ask," Could I see each of their files?," and if he had complied he would go over each file once or twice, particularly over the Uchiha. He had never actually had interaction with another Uchiha, learning of his own heritage from his master and a close friend of his. It would be interesting to teach one, but the other male also had some potential. "A Chuunin and a Genin....That could prove to be very interesting indeed. Very well. If you can assign them to meet me at a certain place...Let's say the old Ametsuchi compound on the eastern side of the mountains. That would do very well and its a very...special training area to me as well," there was something about that compound that sent electricity shivering up his spine, a strong sense to grow and spread his wings.

A small smile once again graced his lips as he slid the files back to the male, sitting back into his chair with his sword in his lap," You should come up to the mountains sometime actually. Its one of the few places that tyrant never managed to perverse with his touch. I think there is an old picture in the home my master once stayed in of your late Akihana and the rest of them. A few other things if you're interested in how the old village was before him as well. Books, pictures and so on," it was rare he even thought of inviting others into his den, but things were slowly changing for the better so he should play the part as well.

655 wc
3,577 twc
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
Stat Page : Duncan Crawford's Stats
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

The Clouds Part (Max) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Clouds Part (Max)

Tue Apr 30, 2019 4:49 am
It would seem that the Jounin sitting across from him had understood and agreed that such a plan could work. “This is a chaotic world we live in, and one must try to avoid getting caught too off guard.” He would say to the man in reference to his words regarding contingencies. One must prepare for anything, or at the very least the most likely scenarios that will play out.
So the Jounin figured we should keep the space and time expert hidden, so as to not let Konoha in on their escape plan if things go south. “I agree, that does seem like the best course of action. Our relationship is just now mending, and some degree of caution is to be expected from both sides.” Max would wonder which of his forces to send. At the moment there weren’t many that fit the requirements, but the Uchiha known as Jiro might be just what he was looking for.
When Kiseragi asked for the files Max would gladly provide them and allow the Jounin to go over everything they contained. When Kiseragi agreed, Max would smile and nod, “I will send word to them to meet you at the compound. Know that the Uchiha, Jiro, specializes in space and time ninjutsu. Considering that he was a native of Suna, he likely has a good grasp of the villages layout and the best points to keep hidden and find out what is going on.” The boy would wait and see if the man had any thoughts on this, as his council was one that the boy was truly starting to value despite barely knowing the man. 

As for Kiseragi’s offer, Max would reply, “I would like that very much. It would be good to see a place unchanged by the plague of that monster.” He would then frown lightly as he considered how little he could recall of his homeland, “Plus having access to information regarding how Kumo once was in its glory should help a great deal. It has been so long that I don’t even remember a time before… before HE came.” Max would also love to see the picture of his mother, to gaze upon her once again. The boy wouldn’t bring this up, as thinking too much about Akihana had a tendency to make him emotional.
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Ryo : 22000

The Clouds Part (Max) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Clouds Part (Max)

Wed May 01, 2019 1:59 am
The smile slowly faded as he turned his head and looked outward toward the village in particular, amber eyes taking in the smallest of details before he spoke," Having a native of Suna puts us in a considerable advantage given the fact that in the event the natural area and geography has not changed since then, we will have everything we need to mount a true subterfuge mission. With that i'll ask the male if he can recall any defenses or otherwise secret passages that lead into the village that many others might not have known. Of course all of this would stay within the council of our own village just to be safe. Knowing passages that could very well save our lives would be beneficial to us....and rather fortunate should things go south. In the meantime however, I shall make sure these two are in a rather good position both for this mission and future endeavors," his eyes slowly turned back to the male, which even he could see the features softening a bit.

Where he once stood indifferent to the young Kage, there had been a bit about him that reminded him of his own master. Though some traits were better not repeated in tandem they could also lead to certain events unfolding differently. With that being said he would stand up and give a small bow before returning the sheathed blade to his side," Whenever you do want to come up to visit, just let me know a few hours in advance. The wolves of the mountains are rather....well territorial to newcomers and those they deem a threat, but you should be fine. Despite your lack of experience and age you have a good head on your shoulders. Don't lose it before you can see your vision come to fruition Lord Raikage," and if there was nothing else to be said between the two he simply smiled and gave a small bow.

The blade that had kept itself dulled and sheathed had finally been given some form of life, though he was still skeptical on what the world would have in store for not only him but this village as well. As he left the office, he would give a simple nod to the one who had been standing outside of the door before leaving entirely and soon walking along the path that would return him to his isolated home. As his steps slowly began to die out due to the bustle of the village, he only wondered what those who came before him would think on his current course.

433 wc
TWC: 4,010

[Exit, unless interrupted]

(Edit: Due to me switching something around, namely my recent claim on my stats page i would now have max stats as of this topic)
20 stats
750 words to learn Plasma Release
1,125 words for Great Dragon Fire
1,875 toward Chidori
250 toward Chidori Katana (250/1125)
which equals 4,000 words. Dump 10 to charity
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
Stat Page : Duncan Crawford's Stats
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

The Clouds Part (Max) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Clouds Part (Max)

Wed May 08, 2019 3:09 am
Kiseragi seemed to have the same thoughts as he himself did. A Suna native would likely know all of the land they once called home. Hopefully Jiro was as capable as his rank suggested, otherwise it may be unwise to send him. Still, it was likely their best course of action considering their situation. The man was able to utilize space and time, and if he was even a tenth as capable as Maku had been in the field he should be able to secure an exit safely. 

"I thank you, as everyone will need all the training they can get." Max would offer in response. The boy would also return the bow, hoping that the Jounin understood that the boy's respect. "I will make sure that I give you warning of my arrival. I wouldn't wish to cause you unneeded trouble." Max would smile and nod, understanding that his bond with the Jounin had seemed to grow, even if only a little. It was a start. "I, too, hope that I manage to see my future unfold. Only time will tell for certain, though. 

Max would then watch as Kiseragi left before returning his gaze to the window and the village below. He could only hope that his efforts would be enough to secure both the restoration and protection of Kumo. Would he fare any better than last time against Kenshin? There was no time or place for doubt. He simply would have to, otherwise his homeland would cease to exist. 

That won't happen...


twc: 3800

WC Split between Max and Napa (1900 each)

Max's Claims:
1900 towards Human Puppetry (making it 2933/3000; prior claims here)
18 AP

Napa's Claims:
9 stats
1178 wc toward finishing Yin Healing Wound Destruction (prior claims here)
500 wc towards Storage Displacement
Remaining WC can poof
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

The Clouds Part (Max) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Clouds Part (Max)

Wed May 08, 2019 5:32 am
Forgot but claiming Max's chakra signature memorized
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