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The Clouds Part (Max) Empty The Clouds Part (Max)

Sun Apr 14, 2019 11:50 pm
A new day had set upon the village of Kumogakure. High above the buildings and rot of the village, within the empty caves of the village sat a lone house. The place that had been made into a suitable home of a past flame now held its own flicker of ember. The last student of the late Sandaime Raikage, Kiseragi Onomori, sat looking out of cavern home into the distance of the village with a mild contempt. He had heard the news of the new Raikage that had been given the mantle which to him was almost comical. The village had been on the precipice of many who wanted to the mantle, the responsibility of what this village could become since the infestation of a certain virus who had been finally purged. Though none held a candle to the past that was once a great village. Many civilizations had risen and fallen in times past, but none had such a falling like his home. His hands slowly clenched into a fist as he thought about that day and took a small breath as he reigned in his anger. Remembering those lessons he managed to slowly begin his breathing exercises as he walked back into the empty home and began his journey into the village.

A few moments passed before he stepped out of the house once more dressed for the occasion. A long but frayed black hakama. A black haori tucked into his Hakama to look rather smooth yet presentable with a long sleeved jacket thrown over his shoulders. On his right side sat his blade, Kodomorashi and on his feet were a pair of wooden geta. To assure he stayed warm he wrapped his orange scarf around his neck and began his trek down into the village. As he left the cave two wolves joined him on each side. One was a simple brown wolf with nothing setting him apart from a normal wolf, but the other had presence. A grey ashen wolf with a scar running down its right side along his eye and a small chunk missing from its ear. This wolf was even bigger than the other, easily towering over it and if it stood on its hinds could easily take the male down. Together the three made their way down the trail that lead into the village in silence, nothing needed to be said between any of them. Kiseragi made his home away from the village for a reason and now after so long he would make his way into it.

The last few years had taken a lot from him, but luckily he had a light still this world. Reaching into his right pocket of the jacket he would pull out a small letter sent to him by his little sister, someone whom thankfully kept him level headed in this world. The letter was old and read many times, but each time he read it he found himself amused at how life had gone for her. A small smile began to plaster on his face as he walked through the village with the wolves, determined to ignore what had been going on for the moment. The walk to the Kage building wasn't long given his stride but as the three slowly reached it, the letter went back into his pocket and he looked down to wolves. Each one only gave him a glance before they had split from him, moving to go back into the mountains. Mostly out of the fact that coming to this building brought them nothing but pain, but for him? It was like stepping back into the past. Resting his right hand on the hilt of his blade he began to walk into the building and as he did time almost went back for him. He made it a habit of stopping at the secretaries desk to notify her of his arrival and once he did that? He was off to the office.

He walked the path as if he was walking side by side with his master, each turn taking him closer and closer to his destination. With each step the small smile he had once displayed disappeared until he had reached the office door. He looked to the left of the door where a hole was once made by his master's closest friend and a somber sigh escaped his lips as his hand left the blade's hilt and knocked on the door. For a moment he was remembering the smell of cloves and ash, the sound of an angry man who had no sleep and bad coffee yet none of those sounds were coming now. Now he sat in silence until he had been allowed in and once he did his eyes sat only on the one who would now call themselves the Raikage...and he waited.

800 wc
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
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The Clouds Part (Max) Empty Re: The Clouds Part (Max)

Mon Apr 15, 2019 3:07 am
The Kage’s office was fairly busy these past few days as both shinobi and common folk came to greet and welcome the young leader, many thanking him for taking a stand against idle hands that allowed this great village to rot away. This day in particular hadn’t had anyone find their way to the Raikage’s office, but that was about to change.
Crawford would be seated outside young Max’s office, watching the man approach with intent. He knew that various shinobi were meeting their new leader, and his young lord had assured him to “lighten up” but the Raikage’s safety fell into his hands. It wasn’t easy to see the boy as someone who doesn’t need protecting, even if the man knew that his young lord was sitting on that seat for a reason. Crawford would give the man a slight nod. He was informed to allow any shinobi of Kumo into the office if they needed to speak with Max, and he didn’t wish to disobey his orders. The armed guard would then knock to let the boy know he had company, and then open the door to allow Kiseragi in before closing it again at the request of Max.
Yet another day, and Max still wasn’t accustomed to his status as the village leader. It was a strange sensation, one that he didn’t truly hate but yet would take a long while to get used to. Young Max was handling a large stack of papers, the work piling up despite the shared burden between himself and the deputy. Young Max was weaing a plain white cloak, formal attire or such to go with the hat that he had sitting on the desk. Max would never want to do normal work in garb like this, as keeping it clean would be an absolute nightmare, but paperwork was a fairly mess free task.
“Oh, greetings. Please, have a seat.” Max would offer, gesturing to a chair in front of his table. Regardless of whether or not the Jounin would sit or stand, Max would continue casually. “So, tell me a little about yourself. Your file states that you were of Jounin rank when Mortarion rose to power. If you don’t mind my being direct, what are your feelings towards the man?” Max wanted to say monster, but refused. He wanted to hear what Kiseragi had to say on the matter without bias. “And you can be honest, how do you feel about your Raikage being, well, as young as I am? Some have had their doubts, and I do not hold such against them.” He didn’t know this man well, but as one of his subjects now that he was Raikage he needed to get to know the man a little bit better.
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Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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The Clouds Part (Max) Empty Re: The Clouds Part (Max)

Mon Apr 15, 2019 10:48 am
As he was let into the office he strolled in and stood exactly in front of him...well the desk. Kiseragi's amber eyes sat intently on the child for a moment before a withheld laugh slowly became a breath and he sat down. How some things in the past reflected in the future and it was amusing to him to be honest. He would sit his sword in his lap, hilt pointing toward his right hand and the sheath to his left. His eyes only met the hat once and a bitter look came onto his face, nothing that would alert suspicion in his mental state, but he was very....simple in what he felt toward certain things. The question that the young boy asked him snapped him out of his trance and looked back up to him," Your file on me misleads you. I was Jounin during the time of his so called "attack" on my home. A Jounin under the tutelage of Yaju Hayate. As for my feelings on that monster?," there was a small pause in his speaking, and his eyes had to have looked back to the hat for a moment before he continued.

"If I could properly convey my thoughts and feelings about that...abomination then I could easily cleave the mountains of Kumo in two. I hated that bastard....He came in and stole the peace and tranquility of a once proud village and perverted it. Took our families and loved, killed them and displayed them as if they were trophies. Many of my shinobi brethren and my master as well as his closest friends still still in that putrid trash that he called art," there was no holding back when it came to discussing this man and he wasn't about to. As he took another deep breath he would continue," I'm honestly glad the bastard is dead and we can take back some of that peace, though those of us that lived through it will never forget it...and neither will I. As for how I feel about you?," his eyes would once more set on the male as he almost took the longest look into the man's eyes and shrugged.

"I feel nothing about you or toward you. You are but a child taking the mantle of a King and that bothers me. Great shinobi have taken that seat and steered this village correctly, but what will someone who has only seen so little of life give us?," he allowed a small pause to take root before he continued. Kiseragi was unusually blunt today and yet it was because this was his own test of sorts to the boy," Yet...As my master and his have both told me looks aren't always what they seem. So. I ask of you, what will you do about the plague that the monster before you set upon this land? Depending on your answer I might be inclined to allow myself to stand under you," and he meant exactly what he had said. He sword to himself he would stand under no other after the death of his Master, but fate could easily change that.

523 wc
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

The Clouds Part (Max) Empty Re: The Clouds Part (Max)

Tue Apr 16, 2019 7:53 am
Max would listen to what the Jounin had to say regarding the file, and then his feelings toward the creature housed in a mortal shell known as Mortarion. The young lord would note the passion the man felt when speaking his hatred of their former leader. Max, too, understood what this man standing before him had been through, though Max was fairly young when the takeover occurred. Max barely knew the village before the demon conquered them and turned the village into a hellscape. Max was molded by it, knowing almost nothing other than what he lived in. Still, he was glad to have someone from before the Rot Lord to help guide the village back to its former glory.
“So it would seem that my files could use some updating. I will make sure that the correction is made. I had heard a few different stories about this Yaju Hayate, but my mother painted him in a good light. If he was held in esteem in her eyes, who am I -or anyone for that matter- to discredit his memory and the impact he had on our great homeland.”
So, the man didn’t hold any hatred towards the boy, yet he did have concerns regarding his youth and inexperience. “Your concerns are valid, Kiseragi. That is why I do not bear the burden alone, and I seek council and wisdom from those around me that hold more life experience. Seeing the differing viewpoints allows me to assess the situation and come to what I believe would be best for the village as a whole.” The boy would lock eyes with the man, knowing full well what his last name was and the likeliness of his Sharingan eyes. It was meant as a sign of both respect and trust in his subjects. The boy was kind hearted, and his words and features held a softness to them.
A smile would be on his face, happy to hear the man speak his peace and plainly. Max had no time for battles of words and meaning. He preferred those who spoke to him to be direct, and respected the man more for it.
“While I appreciate your offer, I have one small change to make. I do not seek for you to stand under me. I wish for all of my subjects to stand firmly beside me and help lead this nation to greatness. Despite my title as Raikage, I am still a shinobi just as yourself. I seek to stand among my people, not lord over them.” Max hoped that the man would understand his meaning here. The boy held the title of lord of the land of lightning, but he still held the thoughts and opinions of each of his subjects just as valid as his own. No ruler is perfect, and one might see something that their lord missed or hadn’t considered.
“As for the terrors from the past still haunting our village and plagueing us, I intend to remove all traces of the man that once called himself Raikage. Statues will be torn down, his legacy removed brick by brick, piece by piece. I will remove each and every trace that he ever existed, for I loathe the man a great deal, just as you do.” The boy would gaze over to the window, looking down to his people. “I want the world to know that one cannot become immortalized through the use of atrocities. I will take his immortality away, and he will then be nothing but a distant memory of a failed ruler.” The softness of his voice while speaking about this was gone, a rage bubbling just beneath the surface.

“Will you aide me in restoring this land and removing a monster from even the history books?” Max would ask, wondering if the man would accept his offer.
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Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Village : Vagabonds
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The Clouds Part (Max) Empty Re: The Clouds Part (Max)

Tue Apr 16, 2019 10:45 am
His smile returned as he had heard what the small Raikaga had said about his late mentor through his mother's eyes and yet there was so much more to be held," He was rough around the edges when he first came into his own power, this being when he was under Kurisu Ametsuchi and Misaki Ametsuchi. Over time he became kind and benevolent while still being...a bit of an hardass. He was there at the final moments of this village. That is why I stay in the mountains. Its the only thing unperverted by that monster that I can still enjoy," though his smile slowly faded his eyes could be caught wandering around the office slightly.

As the young male met his eyes there was a brief pause before Kiseragi laughed, something that usually meant things were going in the right direction," Despite knowing about me you still meet me at an eyes height. Either you're fearless or stupid, both of which earn you my respect bit by bit. If you are going to learn through the eyes of your villagers allow me to give you this little bit of advice. Do not readily trust all that is given to you in council. Be prepared to make the hard choice and above all trust your own gut over someone elses." the words came without merit and surely he found himself sitting back into the chair. The conversation was going a lot smoother than he had honestly thought it would, but there were many things that had remained to be seen.

What was said next made the male actually take a moment to process, only hearing the words once before from another man who stood by that. Ironically so he would continue to listen to Max before speaking," Then stand by your word and do that. If you are going to be a leader that these people need, conviction and showing them or rather will be the right way to go. Yet. There's one thing you are missing form this. Do not think of these people as subjects, that is what a tyrant does. If you wish them to stand by you, do so as people," he was sure Max would understand what he meant by that.

His words were thought over very carefully and one could tell by the tapping he was doing on the sheathe of his blade. Many a time had people tried to coax him with pretty words and objects to help do something or join them, but there was none of this in his voice. Something about this made him feel on edge, but ironically in a good way. It wouldn't take him long to come up with an answer and yet it was probably not what the young Raikage would have expected," On two conditions. The body of my former master and his friend be given to me for a proper burial. And the building known as the Drunken Kage also be given to me. Both hold a profound place in my life and i'd like to give both the respect they deserve. If these two things are agreed upon? You have my hand in helping dismantling that monster's legacy. Forever." He would now wait to see if his proposal would be accepted and what the young Kage would do at that point.

558 wc
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

The Clouds Part (Max) Empty Re: The Clouds Part (Max)

Thu Apr 18, 2019 4:24 am
The conversation was going well, something Max was grateful for. He was concerned a bit, as this man could have very well simply discredited the boy for his age alone, but the man seemed to understand that the young lord was genuine in his desire to see Kumo rise above its current status. 

The man held wisdom in his words, and Max would take it all in. He knew that ultimately he would have to make the hard decisions when it came down to that, but would his council truly steer him in the wrong direction? Perhaps without ill intent, for each holds their own views on the proper way to handle any given situation. He couldn't help but wonder if his decisions would end up being the right ones, but pondering such a thing was a waste of time. He wouldn't be able to know whether anything was right or wrong until thrust into the situation. 

"You are right, they are my people, not subjects." He would say, offering a nod. "I used a term I had heard a great deal in the past, but I will no longer." Then the conversation would shift over to the terms of Kiseragi's help. "Someone of your master's status should have been given the proper rites of passage on to the next world, not become some twisted experiment. Such is unacceptable, but honestly not very surprising considering everything that creature did. I can assure you that I will do everything in my power to get his body for you so that your master may be laid to rest properly." 

Max upon speaking these words compared himself momentarily to Mortarion. He took corpses and turned them into weapons to defend himself and the village... A light frown would appear on the boys face, easily detectable by the jounin sitting across from him. He held a great respect for all of the departed that fueled his puppet arts, but did their families and the other citizens see it that way? Perhaps that was why for so long he was looked at like a monster. It wasn't just because of his macabre arts, but because he was also a reminder to them of the tyrant they hated. The color of the boys face would fade, his realizations now tormenting his mind. 

Attempting to shake the thoughts from his head, he would continue answering Kiseragi's request. "And as for the Drunken Kage, you are welcome to open it back up. Considering my desire to make great changes to the landscape around here I know not how many men I can ask to lend you aid, but should you be able to do it yourself you are welcome to." The boy would smile, though this one not as wide as usual, his thoughts still weighing heavy. "If you really do need help though, Sugimoto is capable with his hands. In fact, he helped repair the orphanage. I am sure that should you ask he would be able to help you."

Max would offer his hand for a shake, hoping to seal their deal in a friendly manner. "I look forward to working with you, Kiseragi. So if you have a moment and don't mind my asking, what was Kumo like before the plague struck us down?" The boy was honestly curious, as he couldn't really recall a time before Mortarion.
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Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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The Clouds Part (Max) Empty Re: The Clouds Part (Max)

Sat Apr 20, 2019 1:02 am
The young one before him understood the gravity of the situation and even agreed to his first term. Things were honestly looking up between the two as far as their conversation went, and even though he still did not fully trust the one in front of him the start of a new bond was being formed. As he reclined into his chair a little more, he simply nodded to what Max had said about giving him the body and smiled in agreement. His master would finally know peace and be able to move on into the afterlife. As their conversation continued he held up his right hand in protest about asking someone to help him," No need for any of that. Even if it takes me a few weeks or a month I will have that place up and running again. The ground there has been defiled, but with a little elbow grease and a lot of force i'll get it back to normal. I cannot let a legacy of this village remain in that rundown state for too long. As for this...Sugimoto you have recommended i shall keep that in mind for now." Of course he wasn't going to trust a random person in the task of rebuilding the bar, but a thought for help just in case wasn't bad either.

Kiseragi looked at the hand for a moment almost in a quizzical manner before using his right hand to shake whichever hand Max had given to seal the deal, giving a firm handshake to show he was in agreement with him. His next question threw him for a loop which caused him to chuckle lightly and lean forward a bit. Something like this was probably a topic he could talk forever about and still be happy, but he would thankfully try to keep it brief," Well...It was quite a remarkable place. It was rather rambunctious and rowdy under the leadership of Kurisu Ametsuchi. The walls here were always riddled with holes since...he had a rather strict policy about entering through the door. The villagers were always happy and well taken care of even after he retired and named his daughter as his successor." He would pause for a moment to let the young male take all of that in before continuing.

"With her as Raikage we were given the Dragon's Ravine...Well after she and my master had fought. At first it was just a regular ravine and afterward it became a nesting home for dragons before they were put under by that plague. With my master as Raikage...well things were different. He wasn't strict, but he wasn't relaxed in his ways either. He continued the work those before him left behind and expanded on it. Gave the village new homes and buildings. Helped with the creation of the Black Forest and even irrigated the entire Mountain. Not many people know that within those very caves lies an entire system of tunnels that lead to waterfalls, clear crystal pools and more. It was very....calm. His secretary was nice. She wasn't a native of this village, but she loved it as if it was her true home. Made some really terrible coffee though...," just a simple thought of a taste of that coffee made him shudder, but that was another story in itself.

553 wc
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

The Clouds Part (Max) Empty Re: The Clouds Part (Max)

Sun Apr 21, 2019 8:09 am
The young lord would listen, taking in all of the stories of Kumo’s glorious past. The words seemed to flow out of the man freely, an almost happiness to his demeanor as he spoke of the old leaders and people of note. The stories he had heard of Kurisu were not always so positive, but for this man to have such a fondness in his eyes would have to mean something.
“The Dragon Ravine… that place sounds like it may have once been awe inspiring, but yes. The plague did manage to make its way there. The place is now desolate, devoid of any life at all.” Max’s words hung low, heavy to speak and filled with a sadness that was clear to the Uchiha sitting across from him. His feelings of unhappiness didn’t change when Kiseragi spoke of how his master, the former Raikage known as Yaju, was a good hearted man with his people’s needs in mind. It was a sharp contrast from what he had grown to see from Mortarion, and even Maku. Mortarion cared little for those under him, seeing them more as pawns and pieces to be sacrificed than people to be cared for. Kumo before The Rot Lord really did sound like a nice place. Hopefully Max would be able to fill those big shoes.
A secretary? Wait… “Was your masters secretary Lady Akihana, by chance?” His face would light up at the thought of his mother, only to feel the pain his heart held knowing that she was gone. All he had left of her was memories, and perhaps this man could share some about who she was before she was betrothed to that monster.
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The Clouds Part (Max) Empty Re: The Clouds Part (Max)

Mon Apr 22, 2019 10:27 pm
His words held truth and a sad realization that this once proud village would no longer be able to truly become what it once was. Buildings could be rebuilt and history changed, but as for the things that could not? Those would forever hold a permanent and sinister hold on the present and the future of the village. His hands left the comfort of his blade as they clasped together forming a small arch for his chin to relax on for a slight moment," This is true. With a lot of time and nurturing we could very well bring it back to its former glory, but for it being livable for those who once called its lands their home? Doubtful. It would take many generations, maybe even after us for it to truly become what it once was. The future is bleak and with all of the attacks on these other villages, time is not looking to be on our side," with the situation that happened in Konoha as well as their own outposts....things were not looking too well.

He could see the small excitement in the male's eyes when he mentioned the secretary that had assisted his master in the past and a small brow raised for a moment. How could the boy have known about her if he was not around for it? His posture slowly changed as he began to respond," That was her name yes. A native of Konoha if I remembered right. He took her in to help her raise her son, whom had taken a liking to the Raikage....of course he wasn't much of a father figure given he had no kids at the time. The two were sort of inseparable almost like siblings though she tried her best to alleviate any issues he had. While she was a kind hearted woman her baking was unlike anything i've had...her coffee not so much. It was shocking to see her come back here only to offer herself to that monster. The act spat on the fact of those who had died fighting for her and this village, but that is neither here or there," his eyes slowly closed for a moment as he took in a deep breath and tried to change the subject.

There were other things the two could talk about to ease the mood, however he wasn't much for conversation given he had no one to talk to but wolves. Clearing his throat for a moment he swiftly change the subject," What preparations have you made for the village as far as the attacks on the outposts? I hear quite a bit despite my absence from typical duties as news travels...quite wide among shinboi. I'm curious as to what shall come from this," the thought of the village being attacked once more set the amber eyed male on edge, more so that this time he would stand and defend it.

488 wc
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

The Clouds Part (Max) Empty Re: The Clouds Part (Max)

Thu Apr 25, 2019 3:49 am
Everything that Kiseragi was saying made a great deal of sense. It very well could take generations before Kumo was no longer tormented by the wounds left by Mortarion, something the boy’s head didn’t really wrap around at first. The thought that it may take that long would be a burden on the young lord’s mind. How could he be certain that after he was gone another creature wouldn’t just come and repeat history… no, he couldn’t allow something like that to happen, for it would make all of his efforts meaningless. Max still had his youth, but the Jounin was right. With the volatile state of the shinobi lands right now time wasn’t on their side. With a threat like Kenshin knocking at their door all of this might be for nothing. Max would begin to question if they had any chance of survival in the upcoming fight, wondering if his newfound strength and resolve would be enough to mount a defense.
“I didn’t know she was from Konoha.” Max would say, more to himself than the man sitting across from him. When he began speaking of her son, Max would mutter, “Arata... she really loved him…” The boy would say, jealousy dripping from his tongue as he thought about the boy getting to grow up with mother while Max did not. The young Raikage’s time with her was so very brief… yet she left him with something he held dear. She created an ideal in young Max’s mind, and was a role model of sorts. He hoped that he could rule with even half of the kindness and compassion she had.
Max understood Kiseragi’s feelings towards Akihana. He too felt the same way at first, wondering how she could return to Kumo and wed herself to that monster. “She claimed that she saw the good in him, deep underneath all of the evil. I wanted to believe her when she said this…” Max would shake his head, his soft heart slowly hardening, “But I now see that she was wrong. Not all people are good, and not all life is sacred. There are those that do not deserve to live.” The boys tone while speaking of the evils of the world would hold no joy or pleasantries. It was cold…
When Kiseragi asks what Max was doing to prepare, he would shake his head while tapping his finger on the desk. “It is hard to prepare for the unknown. That is why I intend to send a shinobi out on a reconnaissance mission. I have informed the other villages of the dangers of this man, and Konoha has so far been the most receptive. They want to find out more about the man, but requested that we, too, send someone to meet their team on the borders.” Max would tap his fingers a bit more quickly, unease setting in. “It is dangerous on two fronts. It may be a Leaf ploy. Our relationship with Konoha is not the best, but I am hoping to help mend Kumo’s past mistakes. This joint mission may go a long way in removing some of the resentment that may still be held on to for our claiming of Suna. And of course there is the danger of the mission itself. If the team is found, it may not end well for any of our shinobi involved.” 

Max would shift his gaze to the file cabinet before adding, "I also intend on getting our shinobi as combat ready as possible. Especially the Genin, as they likely have little or no real combat experience. Any thoughts?" he would ask, the man before him someone he was happy to hear out. Kiseragi was a Jounin and had experienced much. His insight might prove helpful in the direction to take going forward.
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