Until We're Legend (Jaye)
3 posters
- BalthazarCitizen
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Ryo : 500
Until We're Legend (Jaye)
Mon Mar 25, 2019 4:08 pm
Until We're Legend
Mission: Lost to the Ages
The morning desert air was, well, dry. She wasn't entirely sure what she expected, but she had never been in so arid an environment previous to the last few days. Her legs, much longer than she was used to, walked neatly on sand, dust, and ash covered pavement as she wandered her way about Sunagakure no Sato. Many thoughts passed her head, and in order to think them through, she had called Toshizou over to talk them through. However, she had arrived at the intended area a few hours before the meeting time was supposed to take place. A sharp inhale interrupted her thoughts, and she held her breath for a few moments before exhaling. Who was she? Was she a villain or a hero? She didn't particularly care, she told herself, but her thoughts and feelings said otherwise. She didn't particularly care if she hurt other people, of course, but she DID care if they didn't remember her in exactly the way she wanted. A myriad of thoughts and accusations passed the forefront of her brain. Saint or sinner? Honest or deceiver? Deep down, Amaterasu knew which way she was leaning, but... A huff passed her lips. If only this shit was easier to work through... She leaned her back against a sandstone wall, scratching the side of her head. Her hair was silky and black, having darkened from its previously brown hue. She supposed that's what happened when you had nine aging pills... She shook her head and flexed her fingers, bright blue fire running in between her nails. It hurt less than it normally did- was she getting stronger, or were her nerves just dying? Her hands looked like they had been horribly sunburned, with peeling skin and reddened blisters. In reality, she had accidentally burned herself with a fire jutsu the other day during an attempted cremation of a former Sunagakure no Sato shinobi. A heavy sigh passed her lips. Maybe she could try meditating a bit before the older sibling figure arrived?
She pressed her hands together and focused inwards. Slowly but surely, the outside world faded away, leaving naught to be heard but the subtle beating of her heart. Ba-thump. ba-thump. Her fire chakra thrummed softly, filling her entire being with heat and warmth. If she just reached further... Her eyes opened, and everything seemed sharper, more acute for just a moment before fading. What was that? It sorta felt like she had leaked fire chakra into her body, but... at the same time, she wasn't burnt to a crisp like expected. She swallowed, looking up at the sun. Around thirty minutes had passed- Toshizou would be here in a bit. Until then, she supposed that she should train a bit... She walked onto the sandy training ground before inhaling, clasping her hands as she did so. Amaterasu had been holding on for so long... And she just needed to let go. Heat shimmered around her body, not unlike a mirage, before emanating in thick blue sheets of flame. The instant it touched the sands below, it crystallized into razor glass, frozen in place as the flames blew it backwards and melted it. She reached out her hands, flying through hand seals she wouldn't even remember later, and shot forward a single sphere of fire that upon contact with the ground exploded vibrantly. She didn't really care that she was wrecking the place- she just needed to cool off. The invasion of Sunagakure had gone smoother than expected, which was a plus, but everything else had piled stress onto her back. She needed to get stronger. She needed to burn them. She needed... To understand. A shill screech left her lips as she swiped her hands downwards, and all the fires went out instantaneously, leaving only smoldering and smoking ruin behind. She took a few careful steps forward. She was surrounded by rings of spiked glass, emnating outwards from her position. She thought about what would have happened had a person been standing there, and pretended that she wasn't curious enough to make that happen.
When Toshizou arrived, there were a few things she wanted to discuss- first, there were lots of abandoned clan compounds that could stand to be lightened of their possessions. Second, she needed a training partner. Third, she just needed a shoulder to lean on, and the older woman had always been able to provide one when she had been in need. A sigh left her lips and she sat down. Her chakra was running a little low, but not as low as she had expected from such a rage induced display. She pressed a single finger into the remaining sand, and began tracing little patterns. Swirls, flowers, whatever came to mind. Flames licked around her fingers, and soon she was left with little glass designs. A thought crossed her mind- how was Toshi going to get into the training grounds? She carefully stepped through the rings before using the Tree Climbing technique to carefully scale the glass, jumping down at the other end at the entrance to the grounds. She tensed her muscles before relaxing. It was a tedious exercise, but ultimately she felt a lot better for it. Her rage was no longer as murderous, and her chakra no longer as blistering beneath her skin. She made a mental note to let loose more often, far away from prying eyes. They wouldn't be able to see her break down, and besides- they wouldn't be burned alive. That seemed like a win win in her books. She looked up at the sun. It was nearly time for the two to meet... She ended up reclining on the remains of a sandstone bench (or half wall?) that was towards the end of the grounds. Her fingers drummed against her thigh, Amaterasu's new red dress shimmering in the sunlight. She didn't quite know what to do what else while in wait, but she really hoped that the older woman would arrive sooner than later.
WC: 1,003
Total WC: 1,003
Mid thread claim: 1,003 words to http://naruto-role-play-rpg.forumotion.com/t37357-breath-of-the-cinder
- BalthazarCitizen
- Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
Ryo : 500
Re: Until We're Legend (Jaye)
Mon Apr 29, 2019 12:08 pm
(Exit, because Jaye is slow af. Claiming 5 stats but nothing else due to a previous mid thread claim.)
- Hikari NamikazeCitizen
- Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150
Re: Until We're Legend (Jaye)
Tue Apr 30, 2019 5:01 pm
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