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A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari]

Fri Jun 07, 2019 10:26 am
Kutari would smile in relief and appreciation at the words Kenshin said upon learning of the corpses he was offering and his terms, a perfect sum amount of ryo to begin his operations in gaining more power and discovering powerful tools to add to his arsenal, alongside mobilizing his body to carry greater ties to strength through the transplants that he’d soon undergo. Overall, Kutari was getting a great deal, the currency to keep up his good efforts alongside bolstering his own reserves and combative might. To be perfectly honest, he never figured he’d ever reach a point in life when he was much younger to be in the position he was now offering with a great and powerful influencer like Kenshin himself and being recognized as an ally, his childhood prior to being enslaved a mirage he felt dissatisfied to look back upon as it was nothing more than a pipe up dreamed willing with incriminating lies and mental torture, physically illing him at the thought of such a reality. Life was nothing of the sort of nearly as neat and orderly, it was a hell that remained unbroken and death had the slightest death of relinquishing you from this obligation to experience the burning passion of this hell. His time once captured this cruel reality, and every breathing moment upon his initial capture it was reiterated up until this very moment, having little to no moment of luck or gracious happenings, but at the very least he would be given this chance to be redeemed and feel a bit lighter in this scene. He was a weapon, plain and simple, no longer human but a tool used at the discretion of others to kill and watch those needing his talents prevail, he would obtain little to no glory from his victories or feel any passion from them, all he could hope to do is fight a grand battle and continue that streak for the rest of his days. Kutari would at least be content with this thought, as the one he needed to do such a thing with was Kenshin of all people, a man he’s come to respect and appreciate giving him this opportunity so soon and frequently after killing a few hundred people or so. It was the perfect match excluding their similar tastes and qualities, Kutari’s only purpose in life to kill and steal from those he’s already abused, and Kenshin paying him handsomely for his efforts and renowned skills. Now there they stood, overwhelmed by the bearing sun as it laid it’s sight upon the two from above, Kutari couldn’t say this scene was very poetic or would instantaneously change his perception of life and make it seem more green, he was realistic after all and the world was a cruel and unforgivable place, but at the very least at this exact moment, he had clarity and peace of mind to feel truly free and unshackled from his past; despite the fact his past was what directed his movements and decision at this very moment, he could at least be glad in his choice that day and find the joy out of the most unfortunate events.

Kutari would look a bit troubled and crazed, a face he didn’t know how to properly portray as his emotions were disturbed and not properly connected and wired, but it was actually a face of genuine pleasure of a job well done and great arrangements to be had though he hid the face when Kenshin would be looking, he’d speak to solidify their arrangement and begin the next step of actions to start this whole ordeal, “ The amount sounds perfect to me, it seems we have an arrangement. You’re free to have possession of the corpses if you so wish, then I can obtain more space to occupy more corpses for the future to come, plus I personally don’t have the surgical capabilities and prowess to carry out such tasks. I suppose we should get to business then, I’ll gather the corpses first before we depart.” He would begin to once again drop down in order to start retrieving the corpses so it would be easier to disperse and arrive at wherever the warmonger had in mind, typically speaking Kutari would never trust someone of this variety or more so the situation to be had, though after what they’ve suddenly gone through there was little reason not to, or more so he didn’t want to think otherwise. Kutari, for once in his life, was actually obtaining something reminiscent of good luck and fortune before him, not expecting to obtain a sudden wave of good luck to come but these series of events were utterly insane and hectic in all it’s volume and presence. The child form of himself is likely looking beyond the grave at the person he’s become, unable to recognize the form he’s become, how he’s lost so much will to go on and continue his battle with little sense of personal worth, relying on others for his own interest and to keep his weak flame burning. He didn’t even recognize himself when he’d look in the mirror, more so regretting the sight and wishing to get far away from said member and never bare witness to what he’s become, but now he was beginning to grow with at least someone by his side. Maybe it was a trick and Kenshin was intending to cross him, which though Kutari would feel saddened by at the very least would die free and able to retire from this wretched place, or he’d continue to keep Kutari alive and support him through their aligned endeavors now that the offer was on the table, and though Kutari would be forced to accompany this harsh realm have someone by his side to do so with.

As he beckoned time gathering the corpses he was getting prepared to hand off, he thought about how odd it was that all the corpses he’s gathered so far were female, an odd trivia to be had if he was ever asked in the future if there will be any to tell about. He’d look over the three as if they somehow saved his spirit through their lack of life, though it was beyond saving and damned to the farthest corner of the abyss, their death brought him purpose indirectly as they would only aid in his greater development - Shoku, Ashe, and Amaterasu. He regretted nothing in how he handled each situation, though at times he questioned himself if what he did was right or those he crossed should’ve been kept alive for later, but it’s clear now that even corpses have a purpose in this world and can be utilized in a higher purpose. He’d wish to thank them individually from the bottom of his heart, keeping his composure as he shifted them back into the runes of the scrolls before wrapping them up and storing them away, he didn’t want to get out of hand with the sudden floodgates of emotions he wasn’t even able to comprehend, it all happening so quickly as this amount he failed to experience for such a long time. He barely even had words to express, keeping his tone down and feeling a heavy skull as if all that was happening was too much, he truly didn’t know how to handle his overbearing feelings, ones he didn’t even know he still had, likely a response from the perfect situation that was taking place at their disclosure currently. It was just ideal, and a stroke of luck he had needed for quite some time, having wished for so long to have his prior days shifted in some manner, he could all but recall the several dark nights unknowing when the wardens would spontaneously decide to enter his cramped cell and choose him for death simply for fun - having their pickings of the merchandise presented. Those cold, dark and insatiable times were nothing more than a carnival show with them as the tools to be used however pleased, the training he received all up to this point seeming to pay off now, it was still a sad thought to believe it was all necessary to him, but at the end there was nothing else to be done, already fine printed in the book of time.

As he gathered his scrolls and put them back in storage displacement, he’d begin to follow Kenshin as he beckoned the male over, the two traveling to a secluded area that wasn’t just a riddled mess after the two leveled the place. They would traverse the massive village in silence, Kutari gazing upon the variety of buildings and unorthodox structures that they all but passed during their time together as the screams of the village seemed to grow stronger by the second, Kenshin seemed to move with purpose making him seem like he walked along these streets prior, though he reckoned it was more so a villagers intuition of what was going on. Kutari was able to gain his composure once more and keep his emotions at bay, being distracted by the scene around him to even focus on what actually took place and the shock of emotions that came forth, forgetting about their presence at the surreal moment he was placed in. He never actually walked upon a village before and didn’t take into account it’s breathtaking exterior, though he assumed this place was nothing more than a poor comparison to more established villages. Regardless, Sunagakure from afar looked like nothing too special inside, though he was dumbfounded at what he discovered, used to broken down shacks and poor shams of buildings around him in the social zone he resided within for so long; before he was captured  his parents lived in seclusion in the woods and he barely even saw another building. The village was quite the sight to behold, and he took mental images as he continued along the roads in awe as Kenshin navigated, finding themselves in front of a large building that was easily the oddest shaped one he saw yet. Entering the establishment unannounced, this place seemed to be of some importance due to the vast amounts of paper and office utensils spread throughout the place, following Kenshin down the hallway and up the stairs once he looked over some papers and deduced the proper location of wherever his intent lied. Through the suddenly vagued and budget image he saw whip by his memory as they continued walking thanks to spam and fatigue, they found themselves at the top floor, ignoring the secretary as he was more interested in the interior design and how it seemed so compact and properly designed, strange architectural work at that.

Kutari would follow Kenshin’s instructions and unseal the two bodies on the desk as directed, peering out the grand window at the beautiful fireworks of destruction which laid waste before. Turning back, he’d remove his shirt and see Kenshin stab him in the chest, failing to grimace or even budge as he was used to much worse and surreal pain than something of that nature. Kutari would take a seat on the desk as Kenshin told him to do, watching him work his magic as he made an incision in his skin before reaching for the organs the threads he had certainly an interesting sight, removing his kidney’s and replacing them with the two corpses.

From then on, Kutari would listen intently to Kenshin’s words explaining the circumstances, taking it to heart and installing them within his mind, then Kutari would watch Kenshin work his threads and be surprised at the nimbleness of such an ability, making a note to ask more about it in the future when he had the time. After the processes were complete, Kutari would thank Kenshin and talk about looking forward to seeing him with the news about the other transplant, and to call for him if needed. For the time being he would travel around and see just how these new bloodlines he may have instantly gained would activate and operate, and experience their willpower with his own time and disclosure.

He would leave the facility after obtaining his transplants with a new purpose and pleasure to be had, though it would never be of the same quality or amount back when he was more naive and chaotic, surely he could appreciate whatever it is that he just obtained and use it as a tool to defeat his foes and grow in even more power. For now, he would continue roaming around Sunagakure as he waited to see just how Kenshin meant the bloodline may activate immediately and the characteristics it would take with him as it’s host now, though never in his wildest dreams would he have believed this very day would’ve came. He was eager to see what would happen and just how much more powerful he can get after seeing just how strong his body would become and his own intentions to be had, his first transplant involved two kidneys in total and now he could only wonder what else was out there in the world for him to salvage and take advantage of in order to grow his own strength. Maybe now he would begin to focus more on his original bloodline after receiving this gift, he still heard quite some folk tales from his childhood from the renowned parents he possessed about the Uchiha of old and the powers they possessed that went beyond the eyes he currently already had that transcended the typical tomoe patterns. Though it was unaware to really tell and be able to realize what all would happen and how, at the very least he was glad for today’s coming and his travels to these foreign lands and the days to come.

WC: 2315
TWC: 7081


Claiming 6600 towards stats to fully cap being 33 stats. 5 towards health to be 25, 10 towards stam to be 50, 18 towards strength to be 50. 

If coin flips are successful, using 3000 to adjust to Senju and Akari respectively(25% reduction), 3750 to claim Gale's Embrace(25%), 331 towards split second and 2 AP through leftover word count unused towards stats

If unsuccessful post claims later
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari]

Fri Jun 07, 2019 10:44 am
Ok, first dice roll will be for Senju, second will be for Akari
1 is success, 2 is failure
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A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari]

Fri Jun 07, 2019 10:44 am
The member 'Hikari Namikaze' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

'Lucky Coin' : 1, 2
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A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari]

Fri Jun 07, 2019 11:00 am
So, from the 6.6k im allowed to claim without % reduction, i want to put 2000 of that into re flip for Akari DNA, if its successful I'll use another 2k from the 6.6k to readjust, then 2000 to claim yomo's motto, then 600 of that into split second. 

The remaining 400 uh, 2 AP and into Gale's Embrace I suppose with the % reduction.

If unsuccessful, claims afterwards

Let the carnival shit show begin
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari]

Fri Jun 07, 2019 11:07 am
1 for Success 2 for Failure
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A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari]

Fri Jun 07, 2019 11:07 am
The member 'Hikari Namikaze' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

'Lucky Coin' : 1
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A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari]

Fri Jun 07, 2019 11:09 am
Yall heard it here folks, The hikari's are luck magnets. Im effectively claiming the Hikari's of this site for the suna squad's coin flips exclusively
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