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Shin Kenshin
Shin Kenshin
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 8500

Bringer of Bad News  Empty Bringer of Bad News

Wed Feb 06, 2019 10:45 pm
Okami was out of the house, getting some grocery for his home. There had been a lot on his mind. Training, Family, his bloodline and now this missing ninja that is threatening his village, his home. In deep thought, he almost bumped into a person moving the opposite way. "Watch it," He shouts rudely. "Oh sorry," Okami apologizes and keeps walking. Passing by the gates on the way to the shops, he saw a group of Shinobi on the way from the gates, he recognized Zyxis and Hato. They were both coming back from the Chunnin exams. This meant the kage was back. The missing ninja information flooded into his mind. Okami instantly ran back towards his house to grab his notepad and his head band. He just explained to his mom that he had important shinobi things to do.

The young lycan arrived the to kage office with his notepad in hand. He walked up to the receptionist. "I need to see the Kage right away, this is urgent news coming from the Hidden Rain village outpost." He gave his best serious voice. It was pretty convincing. After all, it was a scary situation.
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Bringer of Bad News  Empty Re: Bringer of Bad News

Fri Feb 08, 2019 3:49 pm
The first day back at the village was a busy one. Being away for just a short period of time can cause work to pile up. His office was located in the kage building, but it was no longer in the actual Raikage office. Finishing up dome work as he just finished filing some papers. Kyson strolled through the hallways, heading back to his office. He overheard s voice that came from the direction of the Raikage's office. He gave off a confused expression as he mentioned the Rain Village outpost. Walking towards the young shinobi, he was curious to hear the information.

"Sorry, the Raikage is not in his office at the moment. But what urgent information do you have?" Kyson would ask the young shinobi. The village was already going through it at the moment. It'll take a while for it to be back on its feet and get everything situated.
Shin Kenshin
Shin Kenshin
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 8500

Bringer of Bad News  Empty Re: Bringer of Bad News

Fri Feb 08, 2019 5:48 pm
Kyson, this black haired man, appeared from one of the halls. Apparently he had overheard the words of a grave danger that came from Okami and was interested. Unfortunately, Kyson said that the Raikage was on in office at the moment. The young Lycan wasn't sure to share such valuable information with someone he wasn't sure was trust worthy. However, there was no alarm within the building, so Okami really didn't have a choice.

After hesitating a bit, Okami would inform Kyson. "There was a shinobi coming back from the Rain Village, he was in ruins and exhausted. After a hospital day of recovery, I was able to ask him what was going on since all the higher ups were out at the chunin exams." Okami took a deep inhale and then exhale. "He explained that there was a Shinobi that attacked four outposts, single handily. He was the only survivor of the attack on the outposts." He allowed another pause to let it sink in before relaying the message Kenshin had said, "He also said that the man who attack had this to say: “You village dwellers truly believe yourselves to be safe behind your walls. Believe yourselves to be stronger than those that dwell within the shadows of the world. That may have been true once, but no longer. While you stagnate we grow more powerful. Because we have no other choice. We must be strong or we will die. and now the same rule will apply to you. Kumogakure shall be the first to face this test. and should the people hidden behind your walls be found as wanting as you they shall suffer the same fate.' The shinobi that told him this said that the message was ingrained into his head, Okami understood that now, it was basically ruined in his head."I asked him to relay some information on the shinobi that attacked them." Okami handed the note pad that he had used to take the notes. On it was the list of abilities that the man was able to see (all of it is listed on this)  "S-sir, this guys could take down 4 outposts with nearly one hundred shinobi each and he's threatened our village. What should we do?" Okami had a bit of shake in his voice but it quickly straightened up after he asked what they should do.
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Bringer of Bad News  Empty Re: Bringer of Bad News

Sun Feb 10, 2019 10:31 pm
He heard rumors of the Hidden Rain outpost being attacked. It wasn't long since he got back to the village, so he didn't get a chance to look into it yet. But the rumors were obviously true, it was a shame that all of this went down while they were at the exams. It made the young Hozuki curious because it would honestly be the perfect time to attack. Having one shinobi take out an entire outpost was something that had to be dealt with immediately. Not to mention he lost his right hand recently, it seemed things were just not going into Kumo's favor. After hearing the news this young shinobi gave to him. Letting off a huge sigh because there was already things he had to worry about. But this was now on the top of the list of things the village had to focus on. Many shinobi lost their lives in the incident and Kyson couldn't ignore it. The village must get ready for combat because the way it was looking at the moment; a lot of blood was going to shed soon. 

"Go on.." He said as he awaited to hear the message the mysterious man had for them. As Kyson listened to the message, it seemed it was a missing ninja that had a grudge on shinobi from major villages. Not worried for his reasons nor what his intentions were. But killing almost hundred shinobi was unforgivable. It was clear they were showing up eventually, but it was unclear how much enemies will arrive. According to the information, only one person was involved in the incident. But others joining him wouldn't be farfetched either. He said Kumo would be the first to take the test. Which meant he planned on coming for all the major villages.

"Well we definitely have to prepare and I want to speak to this guy myself. I need to get a little more information out of him, this is crucial for the village. Also, thanks for relaying this information to me. I know your a shinobi, but you must know; Things might get serious. But you probably knew that from the moment you decided to wear that headband of yours." He would say to the young genin before him. Not trying to scare him but just telling him the situation.
Shin Kenshin
Shin Kenshin
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 8500

Bringer of Bad News  Empty Re: Bringer of Bad News

Tue Feb 12, 2019 9:24 pm
Kyson took the information with much respect. After Okami was done explaining the information, Kyson gave his response. First was obviously that he wanted to speak to the man in person about the whole ordeal. "He's in room 314. I'm sure he'd be happy to see someone other than a genin interview him." Okami joked nervously but then snapped back into the situation. 

In response to Kyson's words of caution however, Okami lowered his head to think. "I might be really afraid right now..." Okami inhaled and looked into the eyes, the soul of Kyson. "But I have courage. And that will drive me to give it my all to protect this village." He wanted Kyson to notice his will to fight. "I became a genin for a reason. I have a duty to the people I love." Okami met every word. The young lycan practiced the whole speech on the way over. Now he had a request for Kyson, "Allow me to help me the village in the best way I can." 
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Bringer of Bad News  Empty Re: Bringer of Bad News

Tue Feb 19, 2019 9:47 pm
Kyson nodded as the young genin ave him the information on where the survivor was being kept. It won't be easy trying to get a good amount of words out of him. After seeing his entire base destroyed right in front of him, it most likely took a huge toll on him mentally. But it was essential to get any useful information out of him. "Would you mind if I borrow your notes, I believe they will be useful to me." Kyson asked the genin. It seemed he understood the situation and was ready for anything. Sad someone who just became a shinobi had to endure a situation like this. But it couldn't be helped. The village is low on shinobi at moment and we need all the help we could get.

"Keep that mentality and you'll be fine. You aren't fighting alone, the entire village is beside. So don't ever forget that." Kyson would say with a gentle smirk. It was indeed a serious battle that was approaching. And the state of the village is probably not prepared for it. But backing out was out of the question. During Suna, he stayed back and watched everything be taken away from. This time he was going out swinging no matter what. It was ironic that his chance to redeem himself would happen at the village he was born in. It honestly couldn't have been a better time to test his honor as a shinobi and for his home. "Sorry for skipping the introductions. I have been really busy as of late. The name's Kyson, may I ask what your name is?" He would ask the young boy before him.
Shin Kenshin
Shin Kenshin
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 8500

Bringer of Bad News  Empty Re: Bringer of Bad News

Wed Feb 20, 2019 9:07 pm
Kyson then kindly asked for the note pad that Okami had been keeping all the notes on. The genin handed him the notes without hesitation. The older man seemed to understand that Okami was going through a lot mentally at the moment. Okami hasn't gotten much of a break from this arduous world. Only about 2 years ago, Okami was living with his mother in Suna. He was attending the academy and he had plenty of great friends. It all changed however, and now he was living Kumokagure and without many of his previous friends and a psychopath trying to attack his fresh new home. He still had his mother and his new friends. He wasn't about to lose another home. 

Next, the Storm operator reassured Okami that he wasn't alone in the battle. They were a village after all. There were many shinobi in the village that were loyal enough to also defend what he loves and what they love. Okami beamed with pride and inhaled. "You're right." 

In the midst of conversation, Okami and Kyson both forgot to introduction themselves. The man introduces himself as Kyson. "My name is Okami Lupinus." Okami flushed a bit in embarrassment that he had forgotten to do something so simple. 

Okami then shifted his position. "Well, since you and I are the only ones that know of this, should I start telling people?" The young lycan was a mere genin and his responsibilities didn't quite reach that level. However, this was a state of emergency and the smallest of help would benefit. "I hadn't told anyone about this just encase it would bring panic throughout the village with the kage being gone." 
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Bringer of Bad News  Empty Re: Bringer of Bad News

Sat Mar 16, 2019 2:54 am
As the young genin introduced himself, Kyson made sure to remember the name. It was true the two of them were the only ones who knew of this information so far, but all of that would change shortly after their conversation was finished. What happened at the outpost needed to be known to every shinobi of the village. Civilians not so much since it could cause a huge uproar and he wouldn't want things to get more out of control than they already are.

"You can if you want, but I already plan on letting every shinobi know right after this conversation. Just make sure not to tell civilians, things could get out of control if the public knew about this." He wasn't the type that liked keeping secrets, but it was for the best. It was as if the young Hozuki can't get a break. Every time things began to slow down, his hands always seemed to get full somewhere down the line. "That's good, and you made the right decision to do that. We'll talk later, my hands are kind of full at the moment. Plus I need to visit the survivor and see if I can get any type of information out of him." Kyson said as he proceeded to handle his business. 


TWC: (1038)

1038 words towards  Kyūshū Seal
Shin Kenshin
Shin Kenshin
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 8500

Bringer of Bad News  Empty Re: Bringer of Bad News

Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:24 pm
The older man explained that it was a good thing that Okami didn't tell anyone about the threat and how it should stay that way with the citizens of Kumokagure. The young lycan nodded in agreement with his choices and was glad that he made the right call. However, Okami wasn't sure if he liked that they couldn't tell the people, they should have the right to know. But, he wasn't calling the shots and he had no experience to state his objection. 

Kyson also explained that he was planning to have a meeting about this later that day, letting every shinobi know. Okami liked that idea and he hoped that the village, as a whole, could figure out a plan. 

As Kyson and Okami went their separate ways, more thoughts popped into the young mind's thoughts. What if this missing ninja wanted something of them, using a threat as a way to distract them from the main plan? Or what if he wasn't coming alone, there might be an small ensemble of shinobi that could easily take down an entire village. What was his real end goal? These questions wouldn't be answered until it was too late. 
TWC: 1245
6 stats 
1245 WC towards Werewolf mastery (1245/5000)
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Bringer of Bad News  Empty Re: Bringer of Bad News

Wed Mar 20, 2019 11:18 pm
Approved @Kyson

Ryou, approved for the stats, but would you mind linking me werewolf mastery? I haven't even heard of that before.
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