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Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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Mon Dec 10, 2018 8:11 pm
All this time passed yet nothing to show for it. It was now nearly a year since the Uchiha's promotion to Chuunin, nearly a year since Kiri's invasion of Konoha, since Kisuke's quest for power had commenced. Yet he was no different then the red headed Genin that stood at the village gates to fend off the Hidden Mist before their Kage fell and he was made to murder one of his own. He was still just as skilled as he was a year ago, or rather just as weak. His jutsu arsenal remained the same, he possessed no new skills, learnt no new affinities, made no new relations. He quite literally did nothing, for almost a year. Why? Simply because he lacked the motivation to do so. His rival, his best friend, really his only friend seems to have become the Mizukage's pet project which led to the two of them losing contact with one another. Therefore he had no one to compete against, no one to push him and challenge him to be better than himself. He had to bar to compare himself to anymore. Also having failed to defend his village and living side by side with the enemy made him wonder why he even needed to train. Now that they were the property of Kiri, he no longer felt it was his responsibility to protect the village. So for nearly a year, he did nothing. Thank god for his great metabolism.

But that inevitably change, for the blood of the Uchiha coarses through his veins, the blood of a warrior. The lack of training, fighting, and adrenaline was quite literally hurting him. His bones and muscles ached, calling out to be used. His eyes were seemingly soar due to a lack of being used. What a disgrace he was, an Uchiha unwilling to use the natural gifts given to him. The arrival of the Chuunin exams within the village also helped to reinvigorate the inner shinobi from within Kisuke. Watching all these cold blooded, enthusiastic shinobi trying to make it to the next stage of their shinobi careers reminded Kisuke of who he was and why he was a shinobi. It reminded him of his quest to seek out and gain more power. 

Shaking the rust off of his bones, the not so young anymore Uchiha found himself at the oh familiar training grounds, littered with shinobi he had never seen. Some were foreign, hailing from nations participating in the exam, but most were new, younger generations of Konoha shinobi simply trying to improve themselves much like Kisuke. But Kisuke was not just trying to improve himself for the sake of it, he was trying to become more powerful for only with power could one mold the world around them, lest it be molded by more powerful individuals. Opting for a more casual look than usual, the Uchiha wore nothing more than a loose fitting white shirt, thin black sweatpants that were due to be thrown into the garbage and a pair of shinobi sandals. Of course, his weapon pouch was strapped to the back right side of his waist and his village head band was tied around the back of his head, holding his long red hair in a spiky ponytail. 

Cool and calm, the tiny white bud of what remained of his cigarette protruded from his parched lips as he waited in the middle of an empty field for the arrival of his invited guest. He needed a teacher to train him, get him back into the game and he knew exactly who to call upon.
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 23500

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Sun Dec 16, 2018 7:49 pm
With the Hokage back in town from having finished the Gokage Summit, Kinzoku's had just a tad more free time on his hands. But only a tad. He was still required to do most of the same work he had been doing while the Hokage was gone. Now it just that the two of them could share the responsibilities. Rather, Kinzoku could help out as best as he could. The more time he spent in office the more he realized Kageship did not suit the Jounin. He was all about helping people, whether that be training shinobi who needed it or simply doing volunteer work around the village when it was needed. But the more time he spent in the Hokage's office the less opportunities he had to do so. It was more paper work than Kinzoku had thought possible. By the end of day his right hand would be aching, as it was now.

It was the middle of the day, the sun shining down on the village, sounds from people flooding the streets as the day was in mid stride. Instead of heading home, Kinzoku currently walking through the village towards the training grounds. It had been a long time since he had done so, being cooped up in the Hokage's office and all. He'd finally get the opportunity to do what he enjoyed. Helping people. It would also do him him some good to get some fresh air. Even with the sun out Kinzoku felt that it was a little chilly out. Being raised in Suna he had adjusted quite well to the heat, even being able to wear his full black jacket and not getting too hot. But here, even with all his attire on his still got the chills every now and then.

As he strolled through the streets, enjoying the view of Konoha's citizens at work, the Nazar pulled out a cigar followed by his lighter. Very rarely was Kinzoku not smoking a cigar. It was one of the things he enjoyed doing most. Eventually he made his way over to the training grounds where he was asked to be. He looked through the score of shinobi training looking for the red headed Uchiha. It didn't take him long to spot the Chuunin as he was the only on in the vicinity with such air. 

"Been a while" Kinzoku said before taking a puff from his cigar and removing it with is metal hand as he approached the Uchiha. As he arrived he tipped his hat as his way of greeting Kisuke. "You've been silent for quite some time now kiddo" Kinzoku began. Silent in the sense that he's been somewhat inactive as a shinobi. No reports of him on guard duty. No missions being completed by him recently. "What you been up to?" It was a simple question. One that would kick start the conversation into seeing what the Uchiha's current mindset was.
Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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Mon Dec 17, 2018 6:07 pm
The minute the metal armed cowboy entered the training grounds Kisuke caught wind of his chakra. Like a bolder among pebbles, it was the only chakra signature that large besides that of his own. Turning around to look for the Deputy Kage, Kisuke would spot him almost immediately. The advantage of standing right out in an open field. "It has been a while." Kisuke confirmed, turning around to fully face the elder shinobi, taking a puff from his cigarette while Kinzoku simultaneously took one from his cigar. With the same hand that was holding his cigarette, the Uchiha would give a simple wave with his two fingers to meet the Nazar's tipping of the hat. The two of them needed no formalities or introductions. They had met once before, even battled at the gates during the Kiri invasion together. They did not know each other well, but well enough to get some work done.  

Flicking the bud of his cigarette on the ground and stepping on it, giving it a twist to make sure it was put out the Uchiha would answer "Yeah... I've been on hiatus for about a year now? I've been doing nothing really, ever since Kiri's take over. Taking care of my little brother, relaxing, thinking mostly. I've had a lot of time to think. A lot." Scratching his head, Kisuke would ironically think back to all the thinking he had done over the year. All the thoughts, desires and wishes that had come to his mind during his time spent mostly in solitude. Adjusting the ponytail sticking out behind his head he would continue "And Im done just sitting around thinking. I've come to realize that I dont like the world around me. But not like a fucking emo, no. I dont know how to put it into words but..... Im not satisfied with the world I find myself living in, the situation Im in. The situation the village is in, the situation my clan is in... all of it... and I need to fucking do something about it." 

The usually 'take it easy', nonchalant Kisuke was now stern and serious, his fierce gaze locked with Kinzoku's. All this time in solitude had light a fire under his ass and its raging flames were boiling his desire to shape the world around him. But there was something he would need if he was going to accomplish any of his wishes and that was power. "I'm tired of sitting around now, I've done enough thinking. My fucking bloods boiling and my bones are aching. I need to act, but Im way too fucking weak to achieve anything. I need to get stronger, I need to become powerful so that I can shape the world into one where I enjoy living in it. I need to become powerful so that other men cannot shape my world for me. That is why I asked you to come here Kinzoku." Crossing his arms, the Uchiha would finish "I need you to train me."
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 23500

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Mon Dec 24, 2018 3:40 pm
As Kinzoku approached, the Uchiha met him with the same greeting confirming that it had indeed been a while. The two had a knack for smoking it would seem as they both were. One cigar. One cigarette. Although it seem Kisuke was done with his as he flicked it to the ground and stuffed it out. A strange thought popped up into the Nazar's mind as he wondered how many buds had the two of them flicked onto the ground and left remaining there? The thought was a silly one, a brief break from his current state of mind as he quickly reeled himself back in. 

Since the invasion of Kiri it seemed the Uchiha had taken a short term break from being a shinobi. Or long term, depending on ones perspective. During this time he had basically spent it living a life as a regular civilian. Although it was not all for naught as he spent it thinking, contemplating. That was good Kinzoku thought. Time to think could help better ones self. Even be an accomplishment. Only time will tell. 

Kinzoku hadn't noticed the change in the Uchiha's hair when he arrived. But his adjusting of the ponytail brought his attention to it. However the time for thinking was over for the Uchiha and it was time for action. He listened attentively as Kisuke spoke not missing a beat. The fire within was burning once more and Kinzoku was glad to see it. In the end, he was needed to help train Kisuke. What more could the Nazar ask for? But there were things that needed doing beforehand. 

Switching the cigar to his right hand, Kinzoku snuffed it out into the palm of his metal hand before slipped it into his jacket pocket. No point in throwing out a cigar that wasn't finished. Reaching behind him the Jounin unhooked his crossbow before kneeling down and sitting down onto the grass with his legs crossed, Peacemaker resting on the ground beside him. "Sit" Kinzoku would say motioning towards the spot Kisuke was currently standing over. Not until Kisuke sat down would he continue. 

"Having power is more than just strength alone" Kinzoku began before tapping the side of his head with his finger. "It takes a sharp, strong mind to properly manage that power. Step one is to train your mind through meditation." Kinzoku did not know the full potential of the Uchiha clan but he knew it was one of great power. If Kisuke was to one day obtain said power and reach his goals, he couldn't allow such power to corrupt him. He had great ideals, but were they great for everyone. Training his mind would help avoid the corruption. "Close your eyes and relax. Block out all outside noise. Focus on your breathing and my voice." Kinzoku paused for a moment as he sat in front of the Chuunin, watching to make sure his steps were followed. This lesson would be about control. Kisuke had chakra levels comparable to Kinzoku's own, but could he control it? If one wanted to learn to control their power, controlling their chakra was step one. Kinzoku waited a moment before continuing, making sure Kisuke took long and deep breaths. "Your chakra is impressive, Kisuke. But right now it's a raging flame. I want you to focus on that. Bring it down. Mask it. Control your power so it doesn't control you."

Teaching Chakra Suppression
Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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Lets Give This Another Shot Empty Re: Lets Give This Another Shot

Mon Dec 31, 2018 3:02 pm
After requesting that Kinzoku train him, Kisuke watched as he snuffed out his cigar and put the unfinished smoke stick away. If that was not a clear indication that he was agreeing to train Kisuke than he did not know what was. For a split second when Kinzoku reached behind his back to grab the large crossbow he sported, Kisuke thought the Jounin was going to attack him, attempt to surprise him and immediately start the training. In the split second, Kisuke was about to activate his three tomoe Sharingan in order to better react to the speedy bolt that would inevitably be shot by Kinzoku. But only a moment later Kisuke noticed Kinzoku's slow, methodical movement and the lack of intensity which suddenly made it clear that Kinzoku had no intention to attack him. Instead, the Nazar simply unhooked his long ranged weapon in order to take a more comfortable seat upon the ground where he then indicated that Kisuke do the same. "I wonder how this is going to go." Thought the Uchiha to himself as he pulled his hands out of his pockets and took a seat. This was not typically how his training sessions began. Taking a seat was what one did when attending a lecture, not when training.

A strong, sharp mind was to be the first part of this training session. As Kisuke listened, according to Kinzoku he would need such a mind in order to properly use this power he sought. The only problem was, Kisuke did not have the power he wanted. Therefore why was he required to learn how to manage something he did not currently have? "Meditation huhn. I've never done that before." With legs crossed and hands place on both their respective knees, Kisuke would ask "Why are you teaching me how to manage the power I seek first? I dont have it yet. Isnt that like teaching a baby how to run before he can crawl? I need to get stronger, stronger than I am now. Or else whats the point of knowing how to manage anything if I dont have it?" Kisuke was quite confused by the steps Kinzoku was taking to train him. But he was the teacher and Kisuke the disciple. Kisuke had asked him to come here and train him and Kinzoku agreed despite having no obligation to do so. Therefore the Uchiha would listen and do as told.

"Here goes nothing." Closing his eyes as instructed, Kisuke would attempt to due as Kinzoku told him. Inhaling through his nose and exhaling through his mouth, he would take in a deep breath, focusing on the expansion of his legs and chest, feeling them expand and then retract as the fresh air made its way through his body. Methodically, he repeated this process, focusing only on his breadth and how it forced his body to move. In the process he would block out all outside sounds except two. All the clinging of metal, the breaking of wood, the casting of jutsus, shinobi struggling to achieve greater levels of strength, the chattering of plans and discussing techniques, all the training going on around him was blocked out. Kisuke focused only on the sound of the breath entering and exiting his body and Kinzoku's voice, waiting to see what his next instruction would be. 

It seemed the next step of Kisuke's training was to suppress his chakra. Kisuke knew that chakra suppression was a technique that higher ranked shinobi often learnt. A useful skill to have when out in the field to mask one's presence and basically hide their identity for everyone's chakra was unique to themselves, much like a fingerprint. So he knew it was possible but how exactly was he suppose to achieve it. It seemed Kinzoku would offer him no instruction. It seemed he was one of those teachers. He simply told Kisuke what to do, but now how to do it, or how to even begin attempting it. It seems Kisuke would have to do this entirely himself, trial and error.

Kisuke would take a couple of moments to continue focusing on his breathing. With eyes still shut, he would consciously repeat the process that his body unconsciously performed every moment of every day. It was the source of his life and now he had to focus on the source of his power, his chakra. Like Kinzoku mentioned, his chakra was large and powerful like a raging fire. How would he even begin to get a grasp of his own chakra? Perhaps it was the opposite of sensing chakra. Where one would reach out with their own chakra to sense that of others, perhaps Kisuke had to reach inwards with his own chakra, towards the original source. And so, bit by bit Kisuke would grab a hold of his chakra, slowly suppressing portions of chakra on their own. Still focusing on his breathing as he did so, Kisuke would focus on portions of his chakra and then submerge them back to their original source. Slowly, with every breadth Kisuke would suppress another portion of his chakra until none of it remained to be sensed.
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 23500

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Sun Jan 06, 2019 6:04 pm
Kinzoku simply returned a smile to the Genin as he questioned the Nazar's methods. He didn't feel as though a reply was needed. Kisuke was only looking to the future, thinking of the power he wanted and would potentially have. Kinzoku was looking at the power he had now. If he learned to properly control what he had now then he would have the foundation needed to control what came. Baby steps. He would see, or so Kinzoku hoped. Instead of replying he watched the Uchiha sit down in front of him and take up the same position Kinzoku had. He watched the Uchiha close his eyes and start focusing on his breathing as it became more controlled and methodical. Kinzoku did not join the Uchiha in the meditation process. He needed to watch Kisuke to make sure he was focused and not distracted. To make sure he didn't slip up.

Once Kinzoku felt the Uchiha had entered the right state, he began to concentrate on the young Genin's chakra signature. At the moment it felt the same it had when he arrived to the training grounds which meant he had not figured it out yet. Adjusting his hat, Kinzoku was about to offer the kid some advice before something caught his attention and he stopped himself. It was very slight, almost unnoticeable but Kinzoku felt it. Kisuke's chakra had dropped a minuscule amount. With every breath he took his chakra signature kept dropping until Kinzoku could no longer feel it at all. With a smile, Kinzoku remained silent as the two of them sat there. He waited a few moments before continuing just to see if Kisuke had not gotten lucky and to see if it was something he could hold. 

"Now, I want you to fluctuate your chakra. With every inhale you take I want you to bring your chakra up to it's most potent level. With every exhale bring it back down to nothing like you just did." Kinzoku allowed Kisuke a few moments to try this out just to see if it was something he could do properly. By this stage in his career Kinzoku assumed the Uchiha knew what his natural chakra elements were so he could skip the process of figuring it out and move right to the good stuff. 

"Continue doing what you're doing. With every inhale you take I want you to mix in your natural element. Get use to what it feels like. I'm sure you've delved with the use of ninjutsu but you haven't experienced its full potential yet. It can be a dangerous thing if not controlled properly which is the reason I'm having you learn to control your chakra now." If all went well, the process of mixing his chakra with his natural element would be something he already knew how to do. The process of holding it when his chakra was at hits max potential was what Kinzoku wanted to see. "If you have more than one natural element, feel free to mix with both of them. You're going to need to know what both feel like and how to manage them." Kinzoku was unaware of what Kisuke's natural elements were so he could not tell Kisuke what was going to happen. But mixing fire element with his chakra would begin to heat his body up, something Kinzoku would be able to pick up on based on the reaction of his skin. The doton would be a little harder to detect since there would likely be no immediate visual reaction but Kisuke would likely feel a little heavier. 

"This is the first step to learning how to properly and efficiently use ninjutsu. If you can't control your chakra you can't control the power behind your ninjutsu. It could either not have enough power, or have too much power and you end up injuring yourself. Master this and we'll move on to more... exciting things."

Teaching Ninjutsu spec for 1000 words
Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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Tue Jan 08, 2019 2:38 pm
With hands intertwined, legs crossed, back perfectly strait and eyes still closed, Kisuke would continue to focus on suppressing his chakra. Once it was fully suppressed to the point where it was undetectable, the Uchiha would focus on keeping it that way. Like licking an envelope closed and sealing it, Kisuke would seal closed all the openings to the source of his chakra. Then, much like holding down a bucket that contains a captured vermin, Kisuke would hold down his chakra. Keeping his breathing steady and calm, Kisuke would spend the next couple of moments focusing solely on keeping his chakra suppressed for performing the suppression was one thing but being able to keep it that way was another. With his chakra suppressed, he could feel it trying to break free. Kisuke's chakra supply was quite large and since it was the first time he was performing this skill, he was having a hard time keeping his chakra down. Here and there, portions of his chakra would break free, poking its metaphoric head out of the sealing Kisuke had built, making its presence known. Keeping his eyes closed, Kisuke would grimace as he struggled to complete the task. But he would not let this little hiccup affect him. Focusing on his breathing, on the methodical expansion and retracting of his chest as his lungs took in and expelled air respectfully, Kisuke would use the calmness of this action to focus his thoughts and willpower on keeping his chakra suppressed. Pushing back his chakra and plucking the holes, once again the Uchiha's chakra for vanish. This time with superior control, his chakra for remain suppressed. 

With his chakra now successfully suppressed and remaining so, Kisuke would keep his eyes closed in order to focus on concealing his chakra while Kinzoku gave the next instruction. "Shit, thats gonna be hard." Thought the Uchiha, still focusing on holding down his chakra. "It took me forever to conceal it and I had to do it bit by bit. Now I have to do it in one shot. Fuck me." For the moment, Kisuke would continue his methodical breathing and his chakra concealed as he readied himself to begin the next phase of his training.

After a few moments of readying himself, Kisuke would finally try his hand at what the Deputy Kage had requested. With his next inhale, just as his chest expanded to contain all the new oxygen, Kisuke's chakra reserves would expand to contain the influx of chakra. Like a cracked open fore hydrant, Kisuke's chakra would shoot outwards uncontrollably as he simply released his energy to its full potential, flexing his chakra. Simultaneously, Kisukes chest expanded to its max size as his chakra was fully released. "Here goes nothing." He thought to himself, eyes remaining shut while he sat in his meditation posture. Slowly Kisuke began to exhale while simultaneously pushing back his chakra. At first it was like trying to push water with both of his hands. His chakra simply contoured around his hand and in between his fingers. At the end of his exhale, pretty much all of his chakra was still present. "Damn it." He thought to himself, inhaling once more and letting his chest expand. Pretty much all of his chakra was already active so there was none for him to let out while inhaling. "Again." He said in his mind, meditating and focusing on the task at hand. With his chest now fully expanded, Kisuke prepared himself to attempt the task at hand once more however, this time he would take a different approach. This time, instead of trying to suppress all of it at the same time he would do as he did before. He would conseal his chakra bit by bit only this time he would do it at a much faster rate. 

Thus, with his next exhale Kisuke began conceal his chakra piece by piece, bit by bit. Taking his chakra chunk by chunk he would in turn suppress it. However, by the time his exhale was finished, the young Uchiha had no managed to conceal all of his chakra. "Damn. At least I made some progress. But I know what I have to do next time." Kisuke realized that there were a couple of steps that he failed on. One, he was only grabbing single portions of his chakra to conceal where has he could try to conceal several portions at the same time to increase the rate at which he suppressed his chakra. Second, he could only attempt to conceal larger portions of his chakra at the same time. By now he knew how to conceal his chakra portion by portion, so now it was a matter of how fast he could do it to seamlessly conceal all of his chakra at once. 

With his next inhale, as he did before Kisuke would release the chakra that he had managed to conceal into that of which he never managed to conceal. With his chest cavity full and his chakra fully released, he attempted it once more. Slowly releasing the air from within his lungs, the young Uchiha began the process once more. Just as the air was expelled from his body, his chakra would too, returning to his original source. Seamlessly, the Uchiha's chakra was vacuumed away until not of it remained by the time all of the air in Kisuke's lungs and been pushed out. Finally, he had successfully completed Kinzoku's task. Just to make sure, with his next inhale Kisuke managed to keep all of his chakra concealed, showing that he had completed the entirety of the task. 

But now there was a follow up step. Taking what Kisuke had just managed to accomplish, now the Uchiha had to incorporate his natural chakra affinities into the process. With his closed and chakra remaining concealed, he listened to the Nazar's final instruction. Alas, with the explanation of the next step Kinzoku explained why Kisuke was being taught how to control and properly manipulate power which he did not yet possess. It was because the Deputy Kage was going to teach Kisuke how to master the use of Ninjutsu however as a prerequisite to mastering the use of Ninjutsu, Kisuke had to first master his own chakra and the final step to mastering his chakra was to master the successful integration of his chakra natures into his chakra. He had already done so before with low level fire and earth jutsus however he had never done so on a greater level for he did not possess the skill or the knowledge. But now, with a master teaching him, Kisuke could finally take his ninjutsu to the next level.

"Too much and I hurt myself. Too little and nothing happens. Got it." During the entire process Kisuke would remain silent as to not break his meditative state. He would breath several times, preparing himself and getting ready before attempting the final step to master his use and control over his chakra. Once ready, with his following inhale Kisuke would infuse his primary affinity of fire into the chakra seeping out of its repression. At first, he added as much as he normally did when casting low rank fire jutsus, just enough to familiarize himself with the process his was engaging in. Upon exhaling, steam would shoot out of his nose like a dragon preparing to unleash a torrent of flame. With his next inhale, Kisuke would quickly shoot in the same amount of fire chakra and then consistently add in more and more. A steady stream of fire chakra seemed into his reserves to the point where his body began heating um slightly scorching the blades of grass for which he sat upon. "That was easier than I thought." The Uchiha thought before moving on to his next chakra nature. Just as he just did, Kisuke would exhale his fire chakra and then inhale his new chakra, this time mixing in earth chakra into his reserves. Once sufficient chakra was supplied of that nature, Kisuke felt his mass increase, sinking a little deeper into the earth beneath him.

Kisuke would open his eyes once completing the task. Remaining seated in his upright position with hands and legs crossed, Kisuke would say to the Nazar seated before him. "I finally understand your methods. Now that I can control my chakra natures with greater proficiency I'm finally ready to move on to the next level of my Ninjutsu training."
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 23500

Lets Give This Another Shot Empty Re: Lets Give This Another Shot

Sun Jan 13, 2019 11:44 am
The Jounin sat there like a quiet guardian, watching the meditative Uchiha as he prepared to attempt the task laid out in front of him. Remaining seated and un-moving from his position, he watched as the Uchiha methodically took each breath. The Nazar was feeling for the fluctuation in his chakra as he released it all. His chakra erupted, pouring out like a waterfall. Now came the hard part where he had to drop it back to zero concealing it from the Nazar's senses. It took a while for the Uchiha to get it down packed. After all it was a pretty drastic step to take after he had just figured out how to properly suppress his chakra. But for what he was about to learn, he needed to figure this out quick. Patiently, Kinzoku watched on focusing on each breath the Chuunin took and the shifts in his chakra.

After it has taken him some time to get the handle over raising and concealing his chakra, Kisuke managed to understand the process of mixing his natural affinity with his chakra quite rapidly. This lead Kinzoku to believe the young Chuunin had dabbled in the use of Ninjutsu before. Good. That would make the process of learning the list of jutsu a lot quicker. "So fire it is" Kinzoku thought as he watched the steam flow out Kisuke's nose, soon after burning the blades of grass around him due to his body heating up. When Kisuke opened his eyes he would meet the gaze of the Jounin still seated in his original position.

Kinzoku responded to Kisuke's acknowledgment of his training methods with nothing but a smile. He knew in the end the Uchiha would understand. "Very well done" Kinzoku began as he reached for Peacemaker while simultaneously getting back up to his feet. "Let's see if you truly are ready, kiddo" he added, placing Peacemaker onto the magnetic clasps on his back, "because we're jumping right into the fire."  Expecting Kisuke to stand up with him as the lesson in meditation was now over, the Nazar slowly began back stepping away from the Uchiha. Slowly but surely, a gap was being created between the two. "What I'm about to show you is the strongest katon jutsu I know. Focus on what you just learned. Use the power of your chakra but control it. If you just unleash everything you have, you'll burn yourself and likely die. But if you don't put enough power the jutsu is rendered useless. Allow me to demonstrate, Great fire Annihilation."

Kinzoku stopped at about five meters from the Uchiha so that he wouldn't have to yell to instruct him. Clapping his hands together into the horse seal the Nazar began inhaling air. As he did so his chakra levels began to rise as they simultaneously poured into his lungs with the air. The mass amount of chakra filling his lungs had nearly expanded Kinzoku's chest about twice its original size. Looking up into the air Kinzoku began spewing the chakra out from his mouth. The moment it left his parted lips the chakra erupted into a stream of fire shot straight into the sky. As the stream rapidly traveled upwards it began fanning out forming a massive wall of fire to engulf the sky above the training grounds. In a matter of seconds the bright blue skye above them turned into a fire storm, turning the heads of every student at the training grounds. The heat from the jutsu to intense that it scorched the grass around the Nazar. After a few seconds of keeping the steady stream going, Kinzoku cut off the flow of chakra from his mouth as the fire dissipated like cascading dominoes. 

He turned his gaze back to the Uchiha, whipping the sweat from his forehead on his jacket sleeve. "The key is to gather as much chakra as you can in the lungs with a deep breath" Kinzoku began. "Since this may be your first time, a good way to get your lungs use to all the air and chakra is by taking lots of quick, small breaths. Get them use to the idea of holding and releasing chakra. When you attempt the jutsu, do not release the full force of the chakra in your lungs right away. Release it slowly but maintain control over its power. When the stream reaches its climax, let your power explode, under control. Remeber you are not alone here. There are other's training. Watching you. We can't have to taking out Konoha's future" he said with a friendly smile on his face.

"Give it a shot."

Teaching Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation for 2000 words
Uchiha Kisuke
Uchiha Kisuke
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Lets Give This Another Shot Empty Re: Lets Give This Another Shot

Tue Jan 15, 2019 7:50 pm
Kinzoku offered to dispute to Kisuke completing the first steps of his training. It would seem he had successfully achieved the ability to suppress chakra and mastered the control of his chakra to the point where he could start learning enhanced, more powerful Ninjutsu. No longer would he be a one trick pony, a shinobi who could only fight using his Genjutsus and low tear, weak Ninjutsu. Now having mastered control over his chakra, Kisuke could start incorporating high ranked Ninjutsu into his arsenal, which would make him a far more diverse shinobi and a much better fighter. The thoughts of becoming more powerful made the Uchiha anxious, exited for the possibilities. Although this was not the exact for of power he was looking for, it was a step in the same direction. A step that would help him ascend to greater heights on the totem pole of power he found himself climbing. 

With Kinzoku offering no objection to Kisuke's successful achievements, the Nazar stood up as it was time to move onto the next stage of the Uchiha's training. Following suit, Kisuke would also stand up from his cross legged seated position. Once on his feet, he would reach up into the sky with both arms fully extended, hyper extend his legs and slightly bend his spine backwards to stretch out his limbs and body after heaving remained seated for so long. Shaking the rust and numbness out of his muscles, Kisuke would shove in hands into the pockets of his leather black jacket and lock his eyes on Kinzoku. Watching him back paddle, putting space between the two of them while he informed Kisuke that he was about to learn the strongest fire jutsu in the man's arsenal. "Go big or go home." He mumble to himself, the right corner of his lips slightly poking upwards at the prospects of learning a powerful fire jutsu. He always wondered what it felt like to wield such power. To bring to life immense flames and incinerating heat. He wondered what it was like to wield a flame so powerful it could scorch a village and raze its buildings to the ground. What it was like to be one of his dragons and breath an ocean of fire from his mouth. It seemed today was finally the day where Kisuke finally achieved said power.

"Great Fire Annihilation?" Repeated the Uchiha. "Thats a dramatic name for a jutsu. Hopefully it lives up to it." Once Kinzoku stopped back peddling, Kisuke immediately knew he was getting ready to demonstrate how to use the aforementioned jutsu. In a split second, Kisuke's eyes would morph as his jet black iris transmuted into a crimson red and three tomoe spun into creation. Now with his Sharingan activated he would be able to analyze Kinzoku as if he were under a microscope. With extreme clarity and proficiency, he would be able to see every tension and release of the Nazar's muscles, every push and pull of his tendons, and the build up and use of chakra to perfectly analyze the performance of Great Fire Annihilation.

Thus in silence, the Uchiha and his awakened Sharingan monitored Kinzoku perform a single seal Horse seal. "Only one seal for such a powerful jutsu. Pretty convenient." What followed next was a build up of chakra which Kisuke was able to both sense and see. First, with his chakra sensing he was able to detect Kinzoku's chakra signature grow larger as he funneled chakra through and into his chest cavity. With his Sharingan, Kisuke was able to visible see the chakra building up in his chest, watching how much he gathered and stored. This was valuable information for the Uchiha for he could more accurately gauge how much chakra he would have to provide when it came his turn to perform the jutsu. In he process of gathering so much chakra, some of it began seeping into his lungs, allowing them to expand and grow to an abnormal size in order to allow even more chakra to be gathered in the chest cavity of the Nazar. With his chest swelled up like a frog and sufficient chakra store in his chest, Kisuke followed the path of the chakra and the amount of chakra that was being expelled from the chest, up his throat and out of his mouth. Through his Sharingan Kisuke could see that it was only when the chakra left Kinzoku's mouth that he converted it into fire chakra and thus completed the performing of the jutsu. Thanks to his Sharingan he could see exactly how much fire nature chakra the Nazar was imbuing into the chakra being expelled from his lungs. 

Pulling his eyes away from the Jounin not yet Kage, Kisuke's gaze would raise to follow the path of the spreading flames. The wall of fire reached out for and wide, cloaking the sky in embers, razing the very air they were breathing. Almost instantly he began to sweat from the sheer heat produced by the flames that were licking the sky as if they were running up a wall. "Holy fuck." Exclaimed Kisuke, his head craning backwards to watch the flames pass over him. His head would remain so while the flames eventually died away once Kinzoku ceased the flow of chakra after emptying his chest cavity. 

Kisuke's gaze would drop back down to face Kinzoku while he began explaining what Kisuke just watched with his Sharingan, putting the process into more detail. After he finished giving his explanation, Kisuke would nod a couple of times and pull his hands out of their confinement from within his jacket pockets. "Dont worry partner." Retorted the Uchiha, choosing to use the same term that Kinzoku so often used. "I've got this." After having spend so much time focusing on controlling and manipulation his chakra, after so much trial and error and after having seen everything Kinzoku just did through the lens of his three tomoe Sharingan, Kisuke was confident he could perform the jutsu on his first attempt. But that did not mean he wasnt going to be cautious and take his time with it. He just witnessed the destructive power the jutsu possessed and he had no intention of because the cause of a village destruction level event.

Shaking and wiggling his arms a couple of times while letting out a quick short breath to mentally prepare himself, Kisuke would say to himself "Here goes nothing." Before swiftly clapping his hands together into a perfect Hoarse seal. With the necessary chakra paths opened and activated, Kisuke would close his eyes as he began seeping chakra into his chest. Much like the few and weak fire jutsus Kisuke already knew, he would continue pouring chakra into his lung until they reached maximum capacity where he would then begin kneading chakra into the very cellular structure of his lungs. This would allow them to grow and expanded at an abnormal rate which would in turn allow him to store even more chakra in his lungs which is exactly what would happen as Kisuke left the valve to his chakra open. More and more energy filled his lungs, causing his chest to bloat and grow outwards like an overly swollen injury.

Remembering how much chakra he saw Kinzoku store in his chest when demonstrating the jutsu, once Kisuke thought he stored up the same amount he would cease the flow of chakra going into his chest. Opening his eyes, with his chest protruding outwards Kisuke would crane his neck backwards and point his now gaping mouth towards the sky, hoping no bug flew in before he could shoot forth his flames. As Kinzoku instructed, Kisuke would slowly propel his chakra forth like water slowly pouring from a faucet gradually being turned on. As Kisuke previously watched Kinzoku do, just as the chakra exited the confines of his mouth would he convert the expelled chakra into flames by imbuing it with his affinity for fire. 

Much like Kinzoku had done only mere moments before, like a furious dragon an ocean of raging fire would spread out upwards into the sky, widening like a mothers open embrace as it razed the air. The blanket of flames would shoot forth like a broken fire hydrant, blanketing the sky with rushing orange and red flames, licking their way across the training grounds, once again turning the heads of those who could see the marvelous jutsu being performed. Within seconds Kisuke's chest and completely retracted and pushed out all of the chakra he had built up from within. Without its life source, the fire in the sky would disperse and vanish from sight.  

Immediately after the fire ceased to exist, Kisuke would look down to face Kinzoku. With Sharingan still active, he would cross his arms smirk with confidence. "Got anything else to show me?"
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Lets Give This Another Shot Empty Re: Lets Give This Another Shot

Sun Jan 20, 2019 7:55 pm
Kinzoku noticed the Uchiha used the doujutsu passed down from his clan as his eyes took a crimson red, similar to his hair. He could appreciate the Chuunin's willingness to study and observe, using his sharingan to do so and make sure he was catching everything down to the smallest detail. But now it was his turn to try his luck at the jutsu and Kinzoku's turn to watch and observe. With his arms crossed against his chest he studied the Uchiha as he began performing the same steps he himself has done mere moments ago. It allowed Kinzoku to appreciate the power of the sharingan allowing one to replicate another person down to the smallest muscle movement. It was quite fascinating to witness, to see how much superior it was to Kinzoku's own clan ability. Where his allowed him to read people's movements with more clarity and ease, the Sharingan allowed the same benefits with the added bonus of being able to copy said actions. As a result Kisuke had no trouble completing the powerful jutsu.

Much like Kinzoku had done, the young Uchiha began gathering mass amounts of chakra into his lungs. Kinzoku could feel the power of Kisuke's chakra swelling up as his chest did the same. In a matter of moments Kisuke had managed to gather up the same amount of chakra in his lungs that the Nazar had managed. Whether this was due to him being a quick learner of having had practice before, the Nazar did not know. But the Uchiha seemed to be a prodigy. On his first go he perfected the jutsu, mirroring Kinzoku's performance perfectly. He watched with joy as the sky was engulfed yet again by a fire storm. The two jutsu being performed back to back had caused the entire atmosphere around them to shifted. What started as a bright and sunny day had now shifted to a dark cloudy sky soon to turn into rain and likely a thunder storm. 

After the completion of the jutsu, Kinzoku removed his hand to slick his hair back and get the sweat out from his face. Even being a Suna boy and living under the burning sun everyday could not prepare his body for the extreme heat of being around this jutsu two times in mere minutes. He slipped his hat back on with a smile on his face as Kisuke inquired if there were any other jutsu for him to learn. "I've got one more fire based jutsu I can teach you" Kinzoku admitted. "It ain't as powerful as Great Fire Annihilation, but it's got its uses." He took a few steps towards Kisuke closing the distance by a few feet as they no longer needed to be separated. 

"This is Fire Halberd" Kinzoku said simultaneously activating the jutsu. The only visual indication of the jutsu being activated would be his veins in his face becoming more apparent. However with Kisuke's sharingan he'd be able to see the change in Kinzoku's chakra as it traversed his entire body. "This one is fairly simple. Allow your chakra to course throughout you entire body. Mix it with your fire affinity much like you did before. Doing so will increase the rate your body absorbs oxygen increasing your physical capabilities as well as the potency of your chakra." After the brief explanation Kinzoku canceled the jutsu allowing Kisuke to give it a try. Although with his success in learning Great Fire Annihilation he had no doubt Kisuke would have this one in the bag.

Teaching Fire halberd for 1500 words
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