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Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

An Evening at Dr. Hyde's Mansion Empty An Evening at Dr. Hyde's Mansion

Sun Nov 04, 2018 12:13 am
Mission List:

Chapter 1: The Mark of Dr. Hyde

Our tale continues where we left Hikari Namikaze in A Night at the “Inn of Twilight,” where our Heroin had just discovered strange mark on the backs of two strange homicidal creatures. The Pale beings appeared to be human in size, build, and anatomy, but their bodies were far too pale to be a living human. Allong with that, the two creatures the girl had fought showed no signs of needing to breath, nor the need to pump blood through their veins as Namikaze could hear no pulse in them. This event wasn’t natural, and it was a possible threat to the village, a threat that the Akari Kunochi was about to figure out.
Anyways, with the recap out of the way, let us continue to weave the tale of the young Maiden’s adventure. The Jounin would reappear inside of the office of Valen Akari, the desk still being covered in the paper work that the Kunochi had left on it. Looking around the table, the woman would cast her gaze upon that of the Hogokage’s empty chair. The Chair that Hikari had been sitting in for far too long. Where had Valen gone to? The male Akari’s team had been gone for about a month now, for a mission that would probably only last a week or two at max. There had to of been something that had gone wrong… no, The Young Maiden had to scratch such a thought from her mind. Valen, Kenshin, and Kotetsu were strong shinobi, the finest in Hoshigakure. With the three of them together, nothing would be able to stop them. The discussions must have been taking longer than originally anticipated. The three of them would return. They. Would. Be. Just. Fine. Hikari just needed to keep the village up and running until that day came.

Shaking her head in an attempt to shake these uneasy feelings and Hikari would force her gaze away from the kage’s chair and start to go through several of mission reports, looking for the symbol that she had found on the assailants. Seconds of searching would turn into minutes, and those minutes would slowly turn into hours themselves…. At about fifteen minutes after two ‘clock in the morning, the Akrai would close the final mission file she was going to look through. At this late hour, the girl had gone through every mission report that had come in from about the last month or so, none of which had the mark that she was looking for. Placing the final file back into its proper cabinet, the blonde would walk over to the kage’s chair and collapse into it. Nothing. Hours of searching and she had found nothing.  Dread would fall upon the girl’s consciousness. Perhaps she had imagined the symbol being something familiar, perhaps it had resembled a Fuinjutsu seal that the girl had been working on or who knows what. Hikari was just going to have to wait for Mrs. Oasis’s report on the matter, it might take a few hours before she heard anything though.

Lazily getting up out of her chair, the Jounin looked at the time, Two Twenty Five in the morning…. It had been a long night, perhaps The Deputy Kage could take the rest of the night off and just go sleep? It had been a few days since the Maiden had been able to lay her head down on a pillow and be gifted the sweet release that would be given to her by her dreams.  The only issue was that if Hikari returned to Lux Atrhena, she would be unable to be contacted during that time. Back when she was just another Jounin, this would be no problem to the young maiden since no one needed to get in contact with her for something that was absolutely pressing. However, now that Akari was basically running the village, she needed to be able to be contacted within a minute’s notice, so she had to figure out a place to stay in the village. Perhaps trying to see if she could stay with Genevieve was a good idea? No…. she was out on that mission and would probably not be back for the rest of the night, and she and Hikari were not on the terms of friends that she would feel comfortable with asking the rainbow colored hair Chunin to let her stay at her house without her present. The thought of staying at Shiroi’s house also crossed the blonde’s mind for a second, but then hikariton specialist scratched that image from her mind. Hikari had never returned to that place since the loli jounin had died in child birth. While Hikari helped support the child, giving the orphanage extra funds in Hoshi’s budget and even offering her own personal funds for the child to be given extra care, the girl had never seen the child since its birth, it had been to painful to look at the child since it reminded Hikari of her first friend’s death. If looking at her child caused that much pain, how much pain would it cause her to spend a night in Shiroi’s house? No, Hikari couldn’t possibly do that…. Prehaps she could stay at a traveler’s rest house……?

At that point, the answer to the Jounin’s question would dawn upon her. Travelers! Hikari had been reading the list of big name incomers a few days ago, that had to be where she saw the symbol! “Zane are you still here?” The girl would call out, hoping that her secretary was still around, however the village leader doubted that as she had told him to check up on the child that had been witnessed to the assault of the queen’s men in the training ground. The girl would wait no more than a few short seconds before moving to Valen’s desk and looking through the top draw.

“Ok, I know Valen keeps a note card of where every file can be found in Hoshigakure somewhere in here….. Where are you boy…… Ah! Here you are!”

The Jounin would pull out a small card and reveal a note card with a table scratched in with the smallest handwriting you could imagine. Namikaze would have to put the card right in front of her face, slowly reading the small, carefully crafted print on it.

“The files that compile the gate reports can be found…… in Hoshigakure’s mission room?” The Jounin would moan in displeasure, why did it have to be in there? Sure, that was in the building, but it wasn’t in the room she was in currently. On top of that, Hikari doubted it would be open at this time of night. She could probably still get in, but it would be a lot of work figuring out exactly where in the cabinet room the files would be. That being said, the girl didn’t want to waste any time on this case by waiting for morning, so the girl just figured she should deal with this here and now, so she teleported to Hoshigakure’s mission room.  

Within seconds of the woman’s form starting to disappear from the Hogokage’s Office, Hikari would find herself inside confindes of the mission record room. However, when she was summoned in, the woman’s vision didn’t show a dark room full of filing cabinets like she had thought. On the contrary her vision only showed one thing, and that was a single wooden plank that blocked anything else of her vision. “EAP! The Jounin would back quickly seeing the latter that she had only barely missed with her teleport. If she had teleported inside that ladder when she had come back into reality…. Well….. the girl wouldn’t still be here…..
That being said, before the girl could regain her composure or slow the beating of her heart, another sound would ring through the still night.
The Jounin would cast her gaze straight up, attempting to see what the commotion was about, but the moment the Akari looked up, her view as once again blocked by something, a mere Inch from her face. With no time to react, the girl would feel the soft tenderness of skin press up against her face and start to push her down. Hikari, who was known for not being as physically strong as most shinobi, wouldn’t be able to hold up this new weight that came crashing down on her, and before she knew it the girl was being forced off her feet.

Thankfully, the Akari had trained her body to be durable to the point that the combined force of whatever it was pushing her down and the pressure of her own body falling backwards on her head wasn’t enough to bust the girl’s head open, that being said, when the girl felt the back of her head hit the hard tile floor, should could tell that something got messed up inside the head of the Young Namikaze. She felt Dizzy, and it was hard to think as well. Her Memories was Fuzzy….. where was she again?

‘Guh….. wh…. Huh?’[/i] The Jounin would try to think, trying to recall her basic thoughts. ‘Ok…. My name is Hikari Namikaze…… I am 18 years old…. I am the Deputy Kage of Hoshigakure….. I feel….. I feel in pain…. I can see….. I can’t see…. Something is blocking my vision…… it looks….. its to dark to tell but it looks like it is some sort of white cloth? I hear…. Guhh… I can’t hear…. My ears are ringing from the hit….. I smell…..’ It would be at that point that the girl would try to take a deep breath through her nose…. However…. no Oxygen would come through her nostrils and grant relive to her oxygen…. ‘I….. I can’t breathe!’

Fear would slowly start to creep into the mind of the young maiden. She tried to shake off whatever it was that was covering her face, but as she moved her shoulders left and right, the blonde would feel the weight of whatever it was on her not budge, holding her face down and denying it the precious oxygen that her body so desperately desired. The girl would try to reach out and grab whatever it was that was on her face with her hands…. But no… the girl could feel some small length pressing her biceps to the ground, the girl used the freedom her elbow joint’s gave her to try to feel what was holding down…. It was…. Fleshy….. what was this?


The little air that was left in the girl’s lungs would attempt to escape her body as a force came down and connected with the girl’s soft stomach area. A punch? What had connected to the girl’s stomach did feel like a fist, not a strong one mind you like a punch from Lord Snow, but enough that would make the girl want to let the little bit of oxygen still in her body escape her lips.


Four more Strikes would connect with the girl’s midsection each of which would force the girl to allow a little bit of air out of her lungs, and make a noise up against the fleshy thing that as smother the girls face. What…. What was going on! As the girl felt her vision going dark, she would start to grow desperate, starting to flail her legs. She would try to reach into her weapon pouch to try to get a kunai, but her weapons pouch was on her back hip and a such was pressed down by the rest of her body, and there by inaccessible. Whatever was holding her down would strike at the woman’s midsection, more and more air escaping the girl’s body. She would try to summon a blade to aid her, but with the head injury she had sustained from the fall was stoping her from focusing her chakra correctly, She could feel one of her holy blades attempting to manifest in this realm, but not enough that it could be used. Hikari’s flailing legs would start to lose strength in her kicks, thinking was becoming more and more difficult….. what…. No… this couldn’t be the end….. Her vision that all she could see was darkness would be come darker… and even darker…. And darker yet even still…… W….wa…. this….. couldn..t…. be… the…. end…..

The Deputy Kage didn’t know how much time had past from the time she had passed out to the time that she had awoken. Her vision was blurry and all she could hear were the bells ringing in her ears. Had… had she passed away? The girl would slowly try to sit up from her downed position, but with an audible moan of pain, she would stop after feeling a sharp pain in her midsection area… Pain, probably a good sign, meant she was alive, right?

At this point, slowly through the ringing of bells, Hikari would start to hear a muffled voice break through. A woman’s voice…. “Huh…? What…?” The voice would to try to talk to the maiden, her voice coming in more and more clearly.  The Voice seemed…. Flustred? Turning her head toward the woman’s face, Hikari would see the cause of the voice. It was a younger girl, probably a year or two younger than the deputy Kage herself, she had short dark hair, a little bit shorter than shoulder length, wearing a set of glasses. She wasn’t in a combat outfit, instead she dawned more of a secretary’s outfit, complete with a mini skirt and a pair of leggings. She was a good bit shorter than the blonde, however… she appeared to be a little bit overweight, however, most of her weight appeared to be contributed to her…. Well…. lets just say any guy that was dating this girl would be quite happy with her body type.


The Akari would slowly start to sit up, this time expecting the pain that came from her stomach, area, which she would brace for. Her head got dizzy as she got up though, but not to the point she wasn’t able tough it out.
“Please…. Stop talking so loudly…. Your just too loud….” Hikari would say, placing one of her hands over her face. With a quick fluter of her words, the girl would stop talking and try calm down, her shoulder’s slumping a little bit. “O…OK……”
“So…. What happened…. Where am I? The last thing I recall I was teleporting in to the mission room, and then…. I got attacked? I don’t really understand what happened….” The Jounin would look toward the woman. “Also…. I am sorry, but I can’t seem to recall who you are, but you seem familiar. Who are you again?”

The girl would fumble over her words a little bit before she calmed down to the point she could respond. “Ok…. Well…. My name is Sylvia, I recently obtained the rank of Chunin here in Hoshigakure. I… I’m not much of a fighter, instead my job is to help hand out missions here. It’s my job to keep everything well organized. I’m super good at it! But… I overslept this morning…. Forgetting to set my alarm clock last night. So, I only came in super late, so I had to stay late to finish this. It kinda sucks……

“Ok….. what happened?” The Jounin would ask.
“Well….. Ok. So, I was on the ladder organizing some files on the very top shelf. I was organizing by numbers, so I was having to focus a little bit more. So…. I didn’t see you come in or notice you until suddenly you yelled out. It shocked me and I lost my balance off the top of the ladder…. So… I fell….. and I just… landed on you….” The girl would bow her head franticly “I’m sorry! I am super sorry! I just didn’t know you were coming for a visit! My supervisor didn’t tell me!”

Hikari would shake her head (Which hurt, but she was going to have to deal with that.) So… she had been… wait… did Sylvia land on her face with her butt? Ew, Hikari didn’t even want to smell her face right now, she probably needed some perfume before she went anywhere else. “Ok…. That makes sense….. but why didn’t you let me up when I was struggling? Also, I think I got struck in the stomach a few times.  That was you right? Why did you do that?”
Another blush would cover Sylvia’s face. “Oh… um… yes… so….. I… you…. Well… you see…… I…. I didn’t know it was you at first, I just knew that someone with a powerful chakra network who was here super late….. so… once I landed on you and had a moment to think, my mind just kind of presumed you were a villain trying to get your hands on the documents…. So…. I just kinda attacked you to try to protect the documents… I’….I’m Sorry.”
The Jounin would sigh, “Well…. at least you were doing the right thing…. however, please be more careful in the future if you notice something like this. Now, help me up.”
It took a few seconds, but between the two girls, they were able to get Hikari back on her feet. With more of her wherewithal, Namikaze noticed that someone (Presumably the secretary.) had bandaged up her midsection and her head. “Ok… thanks for that and taking care of me…. By the way, how did you tape up my stomach? Did you take off…. You know what? Never mind, I don’t want to know. I have some information I need. Tell me, do you have access to the traveler’s logs of all the shinobi that have been here over the last few weeks?”

“I…. I mean yes, why though?” The jounin would reach into her weapon’s pouch and pull out a copy of the symbol that she had drawn. “I am looking for someone with this symbol on their person. It might have been a tattoo, may have been a brand mark, a seal, or any other number of things.”

The chunin would take a look at the paper. “Huh…. Yeah, that symbol looks familiar…. Hold up a second.” The woman would head over to a file and cabinet and start looking through it. While this was going on, Namikaze would look up at the clock, ten minutes to three. It looked like Hikari had only been out cold for…. Maybe twenty minutes? Not too long, but still, the Deputy Kage was hoping to solve this mystery tonight. From her understanding those killers had been out for a long time, and if there were more of them or some sort of strange plot involving them,  the young Namikaze  didn’t want to wait another minute before stopping whatever nefarious plot was at work here.
It wouldn’t take long before the secretary Chunin would make her way back to Hikari, a file in hand and reading the book “Here it is! Here is the file. An individual with a high chakra level entered the village about 2 months ago. He claimed he was a medic from Sunagakure, a member of the Hyde clan. The symbol is the seal that the clan symbol.” The girl would keep reading. “According to this, the man went missing 2 weeks ago. In addition to this, the man had bought a house in the Middle district. A few civilians passing by have also claimed that as they pass the location, they saw pale white figures in the corner of their vision, but when they turn to see, the figure is gone. A team was going to be dispatched to check up on it soon, but with the low shinobi count in the village currently, it has been labeled as a low priority mission.”

A mysterious medic who has gone missing…

“Well… it just went up on our priority list. Where is the location, I’ll head over right now.”

The woman would look at the deputy kage in shock “Bu….but Lady Namikaze! You are injured! You need to go to the hospital and be looked at!”

“There is no need for that…. I want this mystery solved by dawn, and we don’t have time to go get other shinobi to help us, If you wouldn’t mind telling the Queen’s Guard the location and send back up when they can spare the men. What is the address?”

The girl would hesitate, debating whether or not she wanted to tell the blonde, but eventually she would tell Hikari. “Thank you. That will be all. Hope you get out of here soon!” And with that Hikari would teleport back to the location that Sylvia had just given to her.

Chapter 2: The Hyde Residence
Atmospheric Music:

A full moon illuminated the dark sky as Namikaze’s essence was formed in the middle of a road in the middle district, a part of Hoshigakure that was held by those who had acquired a fair bit of wealth, but were not nobles or of royalty, and therefore barred from living in the High Ward or the Royal Palace. Many of the houses in this district were amazing, seeing how Hoshigakure’s Wealth was far beyond that of what any other village held, so those among the middle class was obviously able to afford such amazing houses. That being said, a thought crossed the girl’s mind, how was a medic from wind country able to afford such a lavish home? Even if he had a high level of chakra and could perform S class medical jutsu, there was a limit to how much money a traveling doctor could make, and that was probably a lot more than what this man could afford.
Activating her golden eyes, the girl would look to her left and find the address she was looking for, and shivered. The house…… (Or should the girl say mansion?) Looked ancient, a lot older than any of the other residences on the block, the rotting paint faded wood that made up the walls giving the mansion an eerie feel to it. Various Knicks and dents were spread across the room. What… what was this? Why did this house look so different from all of the others? A light wind would blow from behind the girl and come in contact with the mansion, the weight of the light wind causing mansion to creak loudly. “Ok….. Investigating a super creepy house by myself.….. fun….” and with that, the Jounin would make her way toward the door. As she stepped onto the front door of the three story house, the girl would take a minute to listen and try to listen to hear if anyone was around. Silence. No hearbeats. No Breathing. No movement. No Chakra Sources. That didn’t mean for sure that no one was in the house, but if they were, it could only be someone trained in the arts of being an assassin, and that this person was most likely a waiting for someone.

The girl would attempt to silently open the door of the living space. The thought of being polite and knocking had crossed her mind, but with the owner of the house having gone missing, the girl decided that would be a waste of time. After all, if someone had been around to hear the knocking, it was unlikely that said person would be willing to reveal himself after going through all the trouble of hiding himself.

Even with the girl’s experience at moving quite, the rotting wood beneath her would creak from her weight as she walked through the house. The House opened into a small greeting room, with immediately to her right was a stair case that went up, looking like it skipped the second floor and went straight to the third. The girl would walk into the house about 4 meters until she was in the center of the room.

‘Ok,’  Hikari would think to herself. ‘If I was a foreign medic with a secret to hide, where would I hide it….?’ The best place would probably be in a hidden room, which could be anywhere on the property, in which case the best place to start would probably be on the ground floor. Their might be some sort of trap door underneath something that would lead to a secret basement….. That would give a lot of room for the doctor to work.  Then again, perhaps there was a secret attic that was hiding some juicy information? This was going to be difficult, the possibilities were never ending, and presuming there even was something here. It might take forev….


Hikari would quickly form the sign of the ram as she turned  to her flank, and stuck her arm out that had started glowing with pure radiation ready to blast it at whatever stood there. That being said… nothing stood in the doorway that the girl had just come from. What….. had the girl just imagined the events?


A child’s voice echoed through the room. Hikari aimed her hand to the top of the stairs, but once again, there was nothing there.

“Hello?” Hoshigakure’s Guardian Angel would call out. “My Name is Hikari Namikaze. I hold the rank of the Deputy Hogokage of Hoshigakure! I have come to investigate a connection to some murders that were happening around the village!”

No Sound could be heard besides the echoing of her own voice. No movement, no breathing, no laughing.

“If you come out with your hands up, I give you my word you will not be harmed! However, if I need to come up there, I will not be able make such a promise!”


Not moving her aim from the stairs, Hikari would take a quick look around the area to see if anything had changed. There hadn’t been any movement… but the room had become cold….. like… almost freezing cold…. Normally when she had started using Hikariton, the room would start to heat up. That being said though… it was doing the exact opposite right now for some strange reason.  The girl’s bare left arm that hadn’t been lit up with light started to shiver slightly….. what was going on?


The Laugh was much fainter this time. It was coming from…. Upstairs?

The maiden would waste no time dashing up the long winding stairs, hand still outstretched to be ready to shoot the radiation seeping through her arm. Once she arrived on the third floor, the girl would look down the long hallway that went on for about 15 meters. Dozens of doors lined the hallway, any one of them being where the voice had come from, but where had it…..?

“Mommy….. come and find me….”


There was no time for questions, the Jounin had gotten a good read on where the voice was coming from and was not going to let it get away now. It seemed like the voice was peering out of the back door in the furthest back. With her long blonde hair flowing behind her, the Hoshigakure’s Fuinjutu mistress of light would dash through the hallway, reaching the end of it in the time it would take the average person to blink and opened the door to reveal a bedroom, holding a queen size bed with the covers on it rotted and flea bitten. There was an eerie looking full body mirror in the corner of the room, and a wardrobe right next to it. No more noise could be heard, not a breath, no more words, no heart beats.

“Wh….Who are you?” Hikari Namikaze called out, attempting to put on the façade that she was a brave shinobi, even though deep down, she felt like the young teenage girl that she was.  Prehaps it was a mistake to come alone? Or at night, definitely coming at night was a mistake.


The mood had finally gotten to the woman. As soon as the stained Oak Dresser started to shake, 4 Golden portals of light would surround the dresser, two above it, one to its left and one to its right.  The Holy Chains of Purity would fly out of the portal, piercing through the rotten wood. Small wooden chips would soar through the air, the debris not hitting Hikari but going every other direction. The uncanny movement of the wardrobe stopped, silence filled the room once again, only the light from the chains illuminated the room. Every nerve in the blonde’s body screamed at her to run away, to abandon the mission and just to return at dawn with a full team of Nova operatives. However, what was Hikari supposed to put on the mission reports to call the elite operatives in on short notice? ‘Hiya! My name is Hikari Namikaze, the new Deputy Kage of Hoshi. So, I know you guys all have lives and families you need to deal with, but I was out investigating a creepy house last night, and I heard this super weird kid that called me ‘Mommy’ so I blasted an evil shaking wardrobe with a S-Rank jutsu, left the house and called you guys in. So yeah….. need help with checking that out. Let’s go!

Holding her breath, the Jounin would make her way to the wardrobe, it was still standing from the attack. The chains were starting to fade, but the glow still illuminated the room. Reaching out her arm toward the door, the woman would slowly open up the doors to the door holder.


Hikari’s gaze would focus on the inside of the closet, the light of the chains fading, but still bright enough to give light to the darkness of the inside the closed container. The inside that revealed nothing. Inside the once rocking storage space held nothing. Not even old clothes worn by whatever poor soul that once lived in this location. How? There was no way something could have escaped that quickly! Even if there had been some sort of incredibly fast teleportation jutsu used, there would have at least been a chakra signature that would of appeared while the user of the jutsu had started to disappear. The blonde would close the door, causing the entire furniture piece to crumble and fall apart.

Sighing, the Jounin would start to turn around, attempting to listen in to see if she could hear something, but then suddenly froze. As she turned around, her line of sight met up with the full body mirror that she had taken note of before, looking into the dusty reflector, Hoshigakure’s Maiden of Light took notice of something.

Hikari wasn’t alone.

Looming behind her the woman saw a figured that appeared to be human like in body, standing at about a foot taller than Namikaze (Who was taller for a female already, standing at about 5’8) the figure looking shirtless, his tone yet semi-buff muscles gave himself a very tough looking presence, further giving him that tough guy look was the slightly faded pair of blue jeans he was sporting. His feet were dawning a set of dark army style boots, muddy and faded as well. In his hands he wielded a weapon that Hikari had never seen before, a double bladed axe that had what appeared to be dried harden dark crimson liquid dirtying its fine blade. The Weapon had overall was about 60 inches in height, standing almost as tall as Hikari herself did. About 45 of these inches were made of mahogany wood, with the very end of it being coated with metal, and the tip of it having a sharp point that could probably be used for extra damage. Each of the ax blades were about 15 inches long, the blade dirtied as stated previously, but still looked as sharp as the Hogokae’s Twilight blade. For the most part this man looked your average muscular lumberjack that had lost his normal axe and was instead using a double bladed war axe. The exception being the creature’s face, which was not that of a man, but the face of a black bull. Due to the angle of the mirror and how Hikari was looking at him, the girl couldn’t see both of the creature’s eyes, however, the one she saw had a dark evil red glow to it, giving the man an ominous feel to him, almost as if it was possessed by a demon.

Hikari didn’t move an inch as the man started to raise the axe above his head, the axe barely not scraping the top of the house, before he suddenly brought it down toward the Jounin’s head. Calling upon the holy barrier, the shield of heaven would form around the girl’s body, about a meter away from her body. (The health of the barrier being 155, 125+30 from the master of ninjutsu skill.) The Axe would connect with the barrier (Sharpness of 170) And woudn’t be enough to break the shield, but the pure force behind the strike would be enough break the rotting floor Hikari was on and send her flying down to the first floor, where she would impact with the ground below her, the force sending her into a tail spin and having her land on her back.

“Guh…. Wh… what was that?” The Jounin would ask, looking up toward the hole that she had been sent down through. The monster was looking down it, weapon in hand, looming over the Akari. “Who…. Arrrrrrreeeee yyyyyyooooouuuuuuu…?” Hikari Namikaze would start to ask, but to her surprise, the woman’s voice slowed down as the entire world started to appear to move strangely to Hikari, she started to get up, but her body seemed to move much more slowly than what she was used to, her voice seemed to move more slowly as well, what was going on?

“You don’t need to fear, Daddy isn’t going to kill you, Mommy……”

‘What in the world?’ Hikari would turn her head slowly/quickly toward the doorway, standing there was…. A child? No, the child’s body glowed with a bright green and was intangible….. some… some sort of ghost? It looked like the child was, well it was younger than Miyamoto, about four or five years old?

With her shield still up, the woman would ask the child. “What is going on? Who are you? What is that thing!?” As she spoke, her words would continue to act like it was going in slow motion.

The child would smile looking at it…. Wait…. The child reminded Hikari of someone…. But who could it be? “Don’t worry Mommy, Daddy can look like a brute, but he can be a gentleman as well. You told me that! He won’t kill you until he finishes raping you, and even then he won’t unless you refuse to give birth to me.”

….What in the world?

The sound of metal against solid light would ring through the house as Hikari would turn to face the sound of the noise. Daddy…. No, the creature had at some point jumped down without making a single sound and swung at the young maiden, trying to break through her barrier again. The shield would hold, but a large crack would form, splinting it down the middle. As the creature held his weapon there, he would try to force the weapon to continue forward, the ground beneath the girl’s feet would start to give way, cracks forming in the wood beneath her. Hoshigakure’s Maiden of Light would out reach her hand toward the barrier, attempting to force more chakra into it and make it hold.

“Mommy, please don’t fight it.” the young child would say, “The Dungeon you will be kept in will only be cold for the first couple of nights. Then Dady will remember that normal people need warmth to live, and the nights are super duper cold. He will get you some blankets.”

The wooden floor would give way started to fall, what was going on? The Jounin was on the ground floor? There should have been nothing but sand beneath her? But no, the girl could feel herself starting to fall. The ground of the entire room giving way and forcing the creature to fall more. The Minotaur –like man would raise its axe again and swing twice more as the first one would break through the shield, causing a large opening to appear, but the blade wouldn’t reach the girl. The second one would be aimed at the girl’s stomach, but Hikari was able to throw up her Fuinjutsu barrier in time, and stop the sharp blade from piercing her flesh. That being said, the weight and the force of the blade would connect to the girl’s already injured ribs, cracking most of them and forcing the girl to start falling at a greater speed than the creature. She would start to fall at a speed of…. Lets ay 60, while the creature itself was falling at speed of 20, so the two would be separated pretty quickly. By the time that the girl regained her wit, Namikaze had been separated by the creature by about 10 meters, still falling out of control. ‘Guh! This makes no sense!’ The Jounin would say, the remainder of her shield having disappeared, so she went into her weapon’s pouch and pulled out a kunai. Throwing it at the man, she would then start to make the handsigns required to duplicate the metallic shinobi tool. Ram → Rat → Bird → Boar → Tiger! (At a speed of 125) The blade would clone itself into 1000 copies of itself, all jam packed into a space of about 10 by 10 meters, flying at a speed of 102 and with a sharpness of 81. The girl had honestly thought this was overkill, and almost regretted it the second she had cloned the kunai, but to her horror found that the attack actually wasn’t only not overkill, but wasn’t strong enough. The kunai broke as the blades collided with the monster’s skin, not being nearly enough to piece through its flesh. How durable was this thing?

She had already revealed her holy shield and chains of virtue to this creature, as much as Hikari didn’t want to continue showing this creature more of her abilities, the girl also didn’t want to let the few seconds that the creature was up in the air go to waste. She would summon 5 of the holy blades of Hoshigakure, all of which being various weapons that the first Hogokage had possessed. The blades would one at a time blast out toward the monster. (Speed of 187, Sharpness of 221). The creature appeared to have some trouble with keeping up with the blades, (As most Jounin class shinobi would). That being said, he was able to raise swing his Axe fast enough that he was able to block the 4 of the five blades. The last however would do some damage. It would come in as he made a wide arc to redirect the oncoming strike, but the movement would leave him open to the last blade coming in at him. The monster would readjust his body to avoid a fatal blow, but blade of light would cut across the man’s left bicep, the blade cutting deep into his muscular flesh. His arm would fall limp, probably making it useless for the rest of the battle. A deep bellow of pain would escape the creature’s lips as it’s own blood flew out of the wound.

‘I got you.’ The Jounin would feel a sigh of relief however, this moment would only be a passing one, as the girl would land hard on her back on the ground. A cry of pain would reach through the girl as she took 60 points of fource damage after falling about 100 meters down into the secret laboratory.  The girl didn’t have any time to tend to her wounds or look at her surroundings, as the creature was about to fall on her. The Jounin would roll out of the way of the falling beast, barely able to get out of the way in time.

The girl would stop rolling about 2 meters away from the beast, way closer than what she wanted to be from this monster. Adrenaline would rush through her veins as she quickly took a look around the area. She had no time to really take in her surroundings, but needed to confirm how far she had fallen. It appeared like the depth of this pit was…. Well over 50 meters.

Knowing no one else would get caught up in the cross fire, the Jounin would allow her essence to evolve into pure light, as she exploded into pure radiant energy, the dangerous technique she had developed known as the holy sun would erupted from her body, the burning light engulfing the creature (Power 130, speed 120) After some time, the light would fade, the burning fire leaving Hikari in a creator in the middle of this….. underground area…. What was this?
The Jounin would slowly start to rise to her feet, taking a look around the area. Where the heck was she?

[OOC: The story isn’t finished yet, but I wanted to post and get the missions rewards, since I have finished the WC requirement and would like to claim Halloween rewards. There will be another post explaining what the heck just happened.]

Claiming all three Halloween event rewards, first part of the mission can be found here

TWC: 3522+ 7041 = 10,563

(9,667 WC required for all three missions, since the first one I did with 3 people.)

Claiming Halloween reward from all missions.

Edit: I know that the coding on this is messed up, I'll figure it out and post it.
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

An Evening at Dr. Hyde's Mansion Empty Re: An Evening at Dr. Hyde's Mansion

Sun Nov 04, 2018 9:17 pm
Rolling 3 times for each mission
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An Evening at Dr. Hyde's Mansion Empty Re: An Evening at Dr. Hyde's Mansion

Sun Nov 04, 2018 9:17 pm
The member 'Hikari Namikaze' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

#1 '6-sided dice' : 4


#2 '6-sided dice' : 5


#3 '6-sided dice' : 2
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

An Evening at Dr. Hyde's Mansion Empty Re: An Evening at Dr. Hyde's Mansion

Sun Nov 04, 2018 9:29 pm
These Claims:

Set B: Roll 3-4
Black Licorice
Ghost Costume
3x Pumpkin Bombs
2500 Ryo

Set C: Roll 5-6
Inflatable Dinosaur
Velociraptor Toenail
4000 ryo

Set A: Roll 1-2
Blood Bag
Nurse Costume
Empty Syringe
3000 WC
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
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Clan Focus : Byakugan
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 75700

An Evening at Dr. Hyde's Mansion Empty Re: An Evening at Dr. Hyde's Mansion

Sun Nov 04, 2018 9:41 pm
Approved of Halloween mission sets, Hikari <3
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

An Evening at Dr. Hyde's Mansion Empty Re: An Evening at Dr. Hyde's Mansion

Mon Nov 05, 2018 2:48 pm
Ok, going to make some claims on the jutsu's I have right now.

TWC: 10,563 - 2,431 (For Claims in the other thread.) Meaning 8132 WC is left unclaimed for Words

3000 Words into Blink at max discount, learning it. (Through the Kozai Yuuki Archives.)
1024 Words into My Ring completing it. (Links if you want to check are on my stat page, I'll link them if you would like to confirm me on this, but there are quite a few so it might be a bit of a hassle.) 

4108 Words still needing to be claimed.
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Ryo : 23750

An Evening at Dr. Hyde's Mansion Empty Re: An Evening at Dr. Hyde's Mansion

Mon Nov 05, 2018 4:03 pm
As it is now, Blink would need to be changed to be jutsu speed or bumped to S rank to allow RT. I'd recommend choosing something else or you can message Maku about it and ask which he'd prefer.
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

An Evening at Dr. Hyde's Mansion Empty Re: An Evening at Dr. Hyde's Mansion

Mon Nov 05, 2018 4:08 pm
So, is the jutsu under denial at this point? Cause if not, I'll take it and just change it if we ever fix it.
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Faded Glory
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Ryo : 23750

An Evening at Dr. Hyde's Mansion Empty Re: An Evening at Dr. Hyde's Mansion

Mon Nov 05, 2018 4:13 pm
It is.
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 276150

An Evening at Dr. Hyde's Mansion Empty Re: An Evening at Dr. Hyde's Mansion

Mon Nov 05, 2018 4:18 pm
Could you post a denial on it then?
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