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Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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nothing  gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv) - Page 4 Empty Re: nothing gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv)

Sat Dec 22, 2018 10:16 pm
Saln was defiantly full of action. His statement did not hide the fact that he weaved a few seals. To active a familiar jutsu to buffer his speed a bit. Still the boy had some solid ideas which is great. But with a quick glance around as the boy took his first step yen made sure area was clear. Keeping the boy in the corner of his eye. 

Well its fine thus far. For the moment. Let us just begin a little test to the boy.

Yen thought as he watched the boy begin his movement backwards.  Towards the tree. Upon saln completing 3 steps footsteps. Making saln reach a 1-meter distance from yen.  Yen would've already have begun weaving his own hand seals.  5 to be exact. And each seal at a speed of 22. (boar, dog, bird, monkey, ram) by the time saln reached the tree 10 meters away. yen would've completed 4 out of 5 hand seals. Unless somehow saln prevented such a maneuver somehow or did something that warrants yen to stop weaving seals.  Keeping his focus on saln, and his surroundings should the boy have been up to something as saln would assumingly decide to step out of yen’s direct line of sight, But this would not prevent yen from still completing the hand seal if saln chose to remain in visual sight. As saln would perform his clone hand seal and created the puff of smoke bringing a simple clone into existence. Yen would’ve completed his 5th hand seal. Allowing the clone to come into existence but yens genjutsu would go off too. Since saln was within the 20-meter range.  Casting the descending hell technique above their position. But would lighten it up a tad bit for the boy. (power:30)

saln would feel the slight discomfort on his skin as it would feel as if  it was slightly hotter on the current day then usual. Perhaps it would seem as if the day heated up, but the discomfort would increase steadily as the light would seemingly flare a bit on the wood of the tree. Growing a brighter and brighter each second. As the heat would become unbearably hotter, and yet hotter. Should sal note the ground would steam a bit like moisture rising up as an effect of the heat and the genjutsu, but worse yet leaves may seemingly turn brown and the tree singe by the look  as it would smoke and turn dark, but the boy if he looked up will see a hellish sight of a molten fireball descending down on their position. The fireball will upon first glance consume the sky for 100 meters, and the boy would upon perhaps first glance be frozen in terror wondering what kind of technique would cause such an grisly effect. Then again perhaps he wouldn’t be thinking nothing at all due to the mere shock. As the realistic ball of fire would scorch the very earth around the area in flames and the earth will crack dry by the look. All the impeding decent of a flaming ball of doom descending at an trackable speed of 40. But then again, the boy would perhaps wonder what and why such a technique any way.

“we better run”

yen would say as his skin would upon completing The seal for “descending hell” . Activating the water trident yens speed and durability would respectively increase and with that he would move at a speed of 52 now thanks to the booster. Making show that he was going to protect the boy, or was he? By this time the clone would be running towards yen. (water trident: speed: +30, health: +30, final speed: 52, final health: 130, final reaction time: 137)

with that he would indeed be moving much faster then the boy saln whom if he was to be looking up at the fireball all but forgot to weave the seal’s for his next technique, and also possibly panic perhaps preventing the boy from noticing yens actions thus far. So with a weave of a ram hand sign at a speed of 52. And with his pathway clear from any obstructions and such.  Yen would perform the body flicker technique with his end point from the high-speed motion being 2 meters to the right of the tree.  Shooting past the simple E ranked clone as it would do a jaw shot at nothing. Due to yen moving away. The body flicker would Place yen  1 meter to the  right of saln.  However, if saln would somehow move towards the left side of the tree. Then yen would appear on the other side of the tree by 1 meter to the tree’s right.  And 2 meters from saln. effectively preventing yen from running face first into the tree. (body flicker: add chakra stat to speed: 175 total.)

Should the action go through then saln would perhaps not notice the aburame appearing beside him and would be to yens right as yen would suddenly appear beside him and smile as if he was there the entire time, and with the quick motion yen would close the gap while saln would be occupied, and he would place his hand on saln’s shoulder. Flowing his chakra through the boy and releasing him from the genjutsu.

“it really is a tricky situation don’t you agree?”

Yen would say as he would grin at the boy. 

Ap: 1,433/1,513

-30 from water trident
-20 from false surroundings (recent post)
-20 from descending hell
-10 from body flicker

nothing  gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv) - Page 4 Empty Re: nothing gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv)

Tue Dec 25, 2018 7:21 pm
Despite the boy being "Full of action" as Yen had observed, he was neither fast enough, nor strong enough to surprise his master with his attempts as genjutsu! Yen seemed to watch him casually from where he stood as the boy BOLTED towards the tree a few meters away, weaving signs that were completed the moment Sal summoned his clone!

Saln had been watching him the entire time... and the moment those seals had completed, the boy had started to feel the heat in the area begin to spike... and it didn't reach a platau! It only grew hotter and hotter and as the boy looked up towards the sun to see if that were it's source... he only saw an oncoming fireball the size of the village hanging over them!

...Instantly, Saln couldn't believe that this was real... Even with all of Yen's attempts to "protect" him, casting barriers and such to attempt to keep him safe... Even if he had believed it, he couldn't do anything about it... Nobody in the entire village could move fast enough to escape this thing now! Tendrils of flame were already licking at the grass surrounding the both of them...

Yen would appear beside the boy, smiling like a doofus with impending doom hanging over their heads, remarking how much of a PICKLE they were in!

"...That can't be real, can it...?" Saln asked through gritted teeth as his blood BOILED beneath his skin, pointing up at the death-fireball heading towards them like a glacier. "It can't be or we're both dead! WhatdoIdo???" He was so disoriented... he couldn't think... he could barely breath... Yen's illusion was just too strong for him!
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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nothing  gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv) - Page 4 Empty Re: nothing gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv)

Fri Jan 04, 2019 12:32 am
The boy was frightened, and rightfully so. The powers of genjutsu were vast, but only if the mind, which it does often. Let the fear take over. For a simple illusion in the complex art. It was a jewle to make a solid point. Still yen simply touched the boy on a hand and released him.

" well that is  what genjutsu does. That was an easy one of course saln. But now having tasted the power. It is simple how even an easy one can make an opening. Plus the danger still persists. What happens if you were attacked at the same time? It would be much harder to react and acess the situation."

Yen stated as he wagged his left index finger at salen and was simply preparing for a second more powerful genjutsu. But this in the contex of speaking yen. 

Still you can do well at this saln. After all you got this."

Yen stated as he casually pointed his left index finger at saln and with such  if salen looked at yens left hand in any way. Saln would be caught under the genjutsu known as ephermal. Thus yen would power it down a bit still. (Power: 30)

as the,scenery would be the same there would not be much a diffrence. The illusion of yensung would drop his hand and pat saln on the head before taking a seat against the tree and glancing behind saln with interest. 

"Interesting. We got company"

 Just as he would say this there would be a set of houses a few hundred meters behind saln.  t
From there would be a boy with  a dog. And then suddenly much like how dogs act. In a playful manner the dog would begin  barking and would run pass saln, and a boy about the age of 6 would be calling for his dog  in the distance behind saln by 30 meters. 

"Wait  huin! Come back."

The boy would trip and cry for a moment as he would feel upset that his dog would not come back imnediatly.

"Well maybe we can go get the dog saln?"

The illusion of yen offered.

Now in reality yen merely patted the boy on the head, but not releasing him yet.he wanted to see if saln could figure it out yet. There was not a boy behind him. And only 2 houses. Thus as such it would be quiet difficult to pick up. However, yen was raising the difficulty. Working the boy to think and as such to play with the boy yen merely walked bhehind the boy to wait and see if the boy could break free from the illusion, before of course breaking saln free.

Due to all his,senses of reality knocked out the time it took for saln to discover the ruse was important. As he still had his water trident on for the moment.

Ap: 1,373

-30 ephermal
-30 water trident

nothing  gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv) - Page 4 Empty Re: nothing gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv)

Sun Jan 06, 2019 3:14 pm
With a soft tap upon Saln's shoulder, the boy was released from the death-ball-fire-thingy jutsu Yen had cast upon them, seemingly saving them both from certain village-destroying doom moments before it connected! The boy blinked as the real, undestroyed world came back into focus, relief FLOODING the child as he realized that they weren't about to die! THEY WERE ALIVE!

"Oh... oh... it's over...." He huffed, running his little fingers through his long dark hair... Ah, but that's where he was wrong... Yen caught the child's attention as he merely remarked that last genjutsu was merely an easy-man's illusion... What's more, were this a battle and someone exploited his panicked state... Saln would've likely been dead right then and there! The child merely stared up at the wide-hatted ninja, his sanguine eyes big with intimidation... before narrowing in determination. Slowly, he nodded, displaying that he understood... And with that, Yen pointed at him...

Saln blinked, surprised by the gesture, the sound of a child much younger... and a dog suddenly blinking into existence behind him! Looking over his shoulder, the boy spotted the kid, calling and running after his pet... before falling to the ground and crying in defeat!

Yen encouraged Saln to help retrieve the dog... and the boy nodded... FIRST running over to the boy to see if he was alright!

"H-hey..." He announced, kneeling down and opening his arms up to offer the child a hug... something to help those tears stop flowing. "A-are you okay...?"
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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nothing  gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv) - Page 4 Empty Re: nothing gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv)

Fri Jan 11, 2019 5:26 am
the boy continued crying as if saln did not say anything. But more so something unusual began to happen as the boy began to cry the water from his tears began to flood the ground, and before the boy knew it he was chest high in water and the barking sounded further and now echoed arund him. There now the day light faded away into darknesz and as such there was an illumination behind saln. A single torch was burning dimmly against a moldy wall. It smelled like a sewer as the scent to the boy was probberly a gagging sent possibly makingbhim recoil. As then the  dog barks seemingly came closer, and closer. Fmthen there the dog was comming around the corner till it came to a stop and stat there quietly itching it's ear and then stared at saln.

Yen in that time quietly monitored the boy as he then kept track of the timer. For the moment saln was undervthevillusion for several minutes. As he was wondering if the boy began to notice the diffrences next. What was truely off by now? 

Many changes occur in a illusion, and as such with all of these changes. Illusions not only are dangerous, but also play a pivitol  role in handling them. He must be discombobulated from the many sequences that are occuring. Still it is nessary to experience and understand this. The sudden release is often the very undoing of a shinobi.

Yen thought as he waited quietly for saln to break free  as best he could but granted he was going to give anothet few minutes. As gen practicioners understand what and how genjutsu tick. It was a sure sign of specialization. He in this case deactivated his water trident technique as well.

Ap: 1313

-30 water triden(ended
-30 ephermal
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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nothing  gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv) - Page 4 Empty Re: nothing gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv)

Mon Feb 25, 2019 5:35 am
The few minutes have passed as yen observed the boy said. Yet seemed as is saln was not quite ready for the challenge. So yen with a hand on saln's shoulder flowed his chakra through the boy to release the boy from the illusion. As with many things yen was running behind on his clan duties. Still, he hastily patted the boy on the shoulder and smiled. Ending his current techniques as well.

"Yep gotta run now saln. Thank you for spending the few moments of quiet with me. But I'll be around ok buddy? And we shall Improve your ability to handle genjutsu"

Yen with that headed off towards the far end of the village with haste.




-16 to health stat in training to reduce stats (3,200 wc used via for stats)

+16 to yen's speed stat. (3200 wc)

(Essentially swapping 16 Points from health stat to speed. For a total of 6,400 words. Still keeping yen at my stats)

Using 6k wc to grab techniques

3k for rain tiger at will (was 4k but -25%  due to max stats)

3k for earth release barrier: earth prison come of magnificent nothingness. (Was 4k but -25℅ from max stats.)

+6 AP from max stats.
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nothing  gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv) - Page 4 Empty Re: nothing gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv)

Wed Feb 27, 2019 10:21 pm
You can have 2ap instead of 6 because you’ve only got an extra 200 words after you hit max stats again.

The rest of your claims are approved
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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nothing  gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv) - Page 4 Empty Re: nothing gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv)

Wed Feb 27, 2019 10:23 pm
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