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Alister Yama
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nothing  gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv) - Page 3 Empty Re: nothing gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv)

Sat Nov 17, 2018 9:14 pm
for an academy student yen would've  said this was good for him in the flesh. The healthy dose of reality which meant the boy needed to keep a solid grasp on things as they were, and the ambitious dream. Perhaps that was the problem as growing up. The wishful thoughts merely become the cold gears of logic in the end. The inability to dream freely as a child now only becomes seldom and lonesome. Only to be called upon when  people are imn joy or the deepest sorrows. The rest was grounded routine and perhaps the deepest regret of wishing that the individual made greater and positive choices in life.

the optimistic nature makes it so that it will be a good showing of a strong foundation. Should he keep it then perhaps he will make a great  ideology that others may follow. Good good.

yen thought as he nodded with a smile. The academy student proved to be most interesting. Willing to stand for the ideas in his hope, and hold firmly to them. A grand show of heart and honesty, but surely to be tainted unknowingly by his own devices and knowledge. The thought that made it good that yen met the boy in the solitude was a fun thing. He was certain that with time and practice, and with yens guiding hand. it would be a fun experiment to watch unfold.

"hmm... perhaps there are other way's to stop the killing, but if there was  you will have to see who can guide you to it. But your goal will be met of course. in this case i am curious. Which ninjutsu dicipline would best suit you in the quest?"

nothing  gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv) - Page 3 Empty Re: nothing gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv)

Sun Nov 18, 2018 9:28 am
Yen was finally starting to see it his way! Yes, he was still adamant that he would need a teacher to instruct him in the means of non-lethal take-downs but still! He was starting to convince him! Why was Yen's approval so important? Well it helped build the belief in himself! Some people just naturally had that immovable drive to accomplish something... other people needed some outside encouragement. Saln wasn't quite sure which camp be belonged in yet but getting support certainly helped him feel better about his decisions! Yen had asked what discipline the boy wanted to go into and really there was only one that he could think of that could truly aid him in accomplishing his goals...

"Genjutsu!" He announced!

It was so simple... Gen was the art of messing with people's heads... So if he could modify somethings, make some changes, maybe he could convince people through illusions that they didn't have to be violent anymore! It seemed so simple! He couldn't just beat people unconscious and expect them to be a different person when they woke up! He couldn't just spit fire or cut them up or anything and expect them to be nicer? He really just had one option when it came to spreading the peace...

"I think Genjutsu will be the biggest help! Don't you?" He looked up at Yen, thinking back on the legends of some of the oldest ninja... the most powerful ninja and their crazy powers! If he could only get his hands on a mere fraction of that... then maybe he could make his dream come true!
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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nothing  gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv) - Page 3 Empty Re: nothing gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv)

Sat Nov 24, 2018 8:53 pm
genjutsu? now yen had an interest in the boy as he spoke up. So he sort of nodded his head as he looked away for a moment gathering his thoughts. orokana left the village so he really did not have a personal student of his own he can pass down the secrets of genjutsu to. yet here was a little boy the same as sal in maybe body, but not soul. Perhaps there was use to the boy now further. Not as a simple word, but actual method.

this seems good now that i look at it... perhaps.

yen thought as he replied to the boy as he looked at him with a soft smile.

"genjutsu might be able to do that... but an illusion is only a lie in the end. it is up to the individuals to accept, or simply deny it. that being said. it is closest to the idea, but holds a distinct difference to your goal."

nothing  gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv) - Page 3 Empty Re: nothing gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv)

Mon Nov 26, 2018 7:23 am
Saln shook his head at Yen's conclusion, the two of them seeing the same thing but somehow ending up at different conclusions.

"Illusions are not lies." The boy explained, tilting his head to the side as if confused the man would arrive there. "They're just... pictures and stuff! It's not like I wanna make them zombies or anything, puppets and all that! They got an entire ninja art for that kinda stuff! No, what I wanna do is show them that there's a better way! If I can convince them, then we won't have to do anything to hurt them! Peace! It's not a lie because it's not untrue, ya know?"

The boy smiled hopefully up at his wide-hatted sensei, hoping he would understand what he was getting at. He didn't want to brain-wash people, but help them see the truth! Brain-washing implied dishonesty, showing them a false truth that would get them to come over to your side! ...Okay, in context perhaps it sounded a LOT like that, what Saln was trying to do but no! Peace... true, lasting peace can be achieved without breaking skulls or slicing people in half. He would bring it about with not one drop of blood on his hands, not one person broken under his foot. The only thing that would carry him would be the ground itself, not one person being walked over to achieve his goals. 

...He would not have it!

"Pacification! That's all I want! I'm gonna help everyone!"
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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nothing  gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv) - Page 3 Empty Re: nothing gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv)

Mon Nov 26, 2018 10:18 am
The boy had it sort of correct, but that was where the experienced shinobi needed to clrear things up.

" perhaps thats true."

Yen said with a small smile as he simply weaved a ram handseal and activated the false sorrounding technique in the area. Of 20 meters as a girl came running by. (Power:50 release, noticing the diffrence.)

There was one distinct diffrence here. Which was there was the girl running quickly from down the street a pencil will fly out of her pocket, and harmlessly rolled and stopped by the bench. The girl would tap her side amd go looking around at her feet for the pencil 15 meters away. Visually that is.

"Looks like she dropped her pencol saln. We all must do a good deed. Or she may miss it later."

Yen stated as in reality the girl never dropped her pencil  and walked beyond the 20 meter mark as she began happily chatting up with one of the store clerks.

nothing  gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv) - Page 3 Empty Re: nothing gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv)

Tue Nov 27, 2018 6:44 pm
Saln blinked as Yen weaved a quick seal, a girl suddenly running past them with a pencil falling out of her bag and rolling to the boy's feet! Almost instinctively, the child stooped down and scooped it up in his hands, already making his way over to she who had dropped it... only to stop once he had heard Yen's voice! He observed that the girl had, indeed dropped the pencil and that everyone had to do a good deed! Well... Yeah! That was their job! ALSO! It was just the right thing to do! Ya can't just let this girl go without her pencil? What if it was like Yen said and that she'd need it later?? It just wouldn't do!

"Yuh huh!" He agreed with a nod before running over to the girl while she chatted with one of the clerks! Why... she looked around his age, matching his height with long blondish-brown hair and soft blue eyes... She wore a kimono-like dress of white, a little purse-like bag slung over her shoulder. She wore the typical ninja sandals and even sported a beautiful red flower resting upon her ear! Saln didn't notice it but he was blushing a little... completely unaware of the illusion Yen had cast...

She was cute... Really... really... cute...

He greeted with a smile! Should the girl turn to him, the boy would extend his hand, offering the pencil back to her! "Y-you... uh... dropped this!"
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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nothing  gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv) - Page 3 Empty Re: nothing gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv)

Tue Dec 04, 2018 9:29 am
The illusion would disperse as soon as the boy attempted to pick up the pencil. For it would fade away. As it was unreal and as such the woman was  walking away already.

"Genjutsu naturally tricks the senses. We gather infomation between our five senses, and as such it is,easy for a genjutsu user to alter what is there and not there through the techniques.after all our minds register reality through the five senses. But by compromising even one. You can change the outcome of many situations. A freindly smile. A blade disappearimg, fire fading away, Wounds dissappearing. That can all be fooled by a genjutsu."

Yen stated as he smiled sadly and chuckled.

"You see going for the pencil what if it was really a trab with an explosive tag?"

Yen stated as he placed a hand on saln's shoulder and smiled.

"You have much to learn and i can teach you, but it will be difficult. More importantly when you are geninn ill make sure to train you fully. But you have best be ready"

nothing  gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv) - Page 3 Empty Re: nothing gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv)

Wed Dec 05, 2018 11:35 am
Before Saln could even grab the pencil to bring it to the girl, it disappeared the moment he touched it! The boy blinked, confused, looking around for anything that could vaguely resemble a writing utensil nearby but there was, in fact... NOTHING! Nothing but dirt, rocks... and confusion... As he rummaged around silently, curiously, Yen would take this time to allude that the boy had been under the influence of a genjutsu, explaining how it all worked! Saln looked up at the older boy as he offered a hypothetical... What if that pencil had ACTUALLY been a bomb...?

"Uh... I'd be dead...?" He offered, not quite understanding what he was getting at by that statement. Instead of answering, Yen instead warned Saln that the training under the illusionary arts would be difficult and it would only get harder from the start. He assured him that he would be trained fully, but he shouldn't just hop into it unprepared... whatever that meant. The boy never understood what it meant to be "prepared" for training. Usually all it took was a functioning body, an attentive mind and the will to do something great! He had all those and so...

He was...?

"Well lets not wait then!" Saln snickered, hopping back to his full height as he looked up at Yensung. "I'm ready to learn! Lets start!"
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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nothing  gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv) - Page 3 Empty Re: nothing gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv)

Sun Dec 16, 2018 9:16 pm
the nice simple honesty behind saln's response was a great showing of saln's honesty. But it was good that he was honest with the reality behind it. The important nature of genjutsu was eccential to grasp. As even in failure the effect was a success. Something very few understood until they faced the reality before them.  genjutsu in the flesh was the blade drawn without needing to fully stop an individual. just a distraction is good enough to do the trick.

"good if you are keen then that is good. So now comes the part we shall work on. You must know how to break free of a illusion. Before you use one. The very dangers of genjutsu is commonly the fear that you never break free. But this is a misconception. As i explained when i put you in that one a second ago. The danger could be hidden even in the instants a person is busy breaking free. But should they be unable to. The time in that instant is yours unnoticed, and often in life or death  it plays pivitol. A kunai knives. disarmament, some quick healing. even setting a trap. time bought while they are distracted by the illusion. even if it is easy to break free from."

yen listed out as he spoke to the boy and smiled. 

"you see the most dangerous opponent is an unseen or unheard opponent. The slightest encroachment of focus will indeed break concentration, and saln even your dream and hope wont save you from an enemy that is rushing to attack you while using a weak genjutsu, yet alone no strands of mercy in a powerful one. The genjutsu release method is a simple name sake  method of such an defense. But it is not absolute. As i said. once caught even a second can be costly."

nothing  gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv) - Page 3 Empty Re: nothing gained(Sal, yen, p, nk, inv)

Mon Dec 17, 2018 1:24 pm
"Really?" The boy tilted his head. "Unseen or unheard, huh...?" Saln smiled, glancing over at the various trees surrounding him... Maybe HE could be that threat! All he had to do was go unnoticed, right? He could do that! Suddenly, and without warning, Saln would slam his hands together in a pair of symbols, FLICKERING into the nearest tree 10 meters away at a speed of 30, his form hidden from visual sight among the various leaves and branches, the ninja himself kneeling on one of the higher wooden ledges! He stared out from within his veil, already weaving another bunch of handsigns, this time a clone manifesting into existence besides the child!

Distraction time, lets go!

Suddenly, Saln's replica would shoot out from the trees, FLYING DOWN at Yen at a speed of 20 with a fist aimed right at his strong-jaw line, as if his fist wouldn't break on impact with Yen's iron bones!

All the while, Salzem was weaving ONE last set of signs, two... that would cause Yen's reality to warp in a similarly minute way as the pencil had for Saln... but in a much more terrifying and intimidating fashion!

...Ghastly figures rose from the rock, the trees, the ground beneath Yen's feet, all of them seemingly resembling the child but paler... their eyes wrapped and their mouths bound and gagged. They moved like zombies at a speed of 10, each one clutching a kunai in their hands, slashing wildly at the bug-man! (Mist Servant power 10)

SALN AP: 70/100

-5 Clone
-15 Flicker Movement
-10 Mist Servant
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