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Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 42970

Putting a Stop to Animal Cruelty (Inv only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Putting a Stop to Animal Cruelty (Inv only)

Sun Jan 13, 2019 12:44 pm
Higuto Aburame
Higuto Aburame
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Putting a Stop to Animal Cruelty (Inv only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Putting a Stop to Animal Cruelty (Inv only)

Sun Feb 10, 2019 6:30 pm
Higuto was ready as he heard the confirmation from Kinzoku that he was going to go ahead with the plan. Placing a palm along the ground he would thus slowly allow all the male insects within him to crawl out and along the ground while keeping separated enough to not produce an easily seen swarm. He would give them each the command of surrounding the targets with females on them while keeping low profiles. The fact that there was going to be a commotion was probably going to help mask the insects from sight. After all 250 insects moving in seeming synchronization would make anyone nervous upon seeing them. Taking that into account he had the feeling that the ensuing fighting down in the rings would make the perpetrators too focused to be watching the ground. As such his insects would evenly enter the base, crawling towards their targets, as all five of them would suddenly become swarmed as Higuto focused his chakra as the insects started to bite all along their bodies. 50 insects apiece would not only reduce their chakra significantly but also drain them of any stamina as they got on their knees.

Higuto would make his way to the entrance, all the people inside clearing out due to seeing the criminals being completely swarmed by hungry insects, as he made his way to the animal pins as they all were getting upset from the chaos. He looked at Kinzoku.

"We'll keep them in the pins for now. That way at least they're contained. In the meantime we need a way to calm them down or put them to sleep. Animals have pressure points, too, and we're both faster so I'm sure a nice little massage will be enough to put them to sleep. Don't worry about our targets. My insects will keep them down."

He would thus jump into a pin with a lion as he used his speed to prick at a point in it's neck to put it to sleep. He would keep at this pattern against all of the bigger and more dangerous animals until it was certain all animals were down.

(WC 361)
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 23500

Putting a Stop to Animal Cruelty (Inv only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Putting a Stop to Animal Cruelty (Inv only)

Mon Feb 18, 2019 10:04 pm
It didn't take long for the real show to begin. While Kinzoku watched as the scuffles were dealt with he could feel Higuto's chakra begin flowing bit by bit into the room. Knowing it was his insects, he simply watched from his lone position as the five culprits got swarmed by a horde of the insects. Each one swatting at the air in a futile attempt and getting rid of them. But the bugs went on and drained them of what little chakra they had in the process. Kinzoku could see them falling to their knees as their bodies got weaker with every passing moment. Seems as though everything was going according to plan for the time being. 

The Nazar's eyes shifted over to Higuto as the Genin entered the building and approached the Jounin. Before Higuto arrived Kinzoku was engulfed by a small puff of smoke. It cleared to reveal the Nazar back in his regular attire, no longer needing to be under disguise as another man. He listened to his student as spoke, explaining that they would keep the animals in their pins while they put them to sleep. "You can take care of them" Kinzoku told Higuto, "They're mostly in cages so won't be too much. I'll go outside and make sure nothing happens out there." If Higuto was alright with the Nazar's suggestion Kinzoku would proceed outside while leading people out. A lot could go wrong when people panicked and were in a hurry. People could get hurt. As he made his way out he checked to make sure no one was injured and that everyone had made it out safely.  Only once everyone had made it out all good and well, Kinzoku made his way back into the building. If Higuto had no finished in calming or putting the animals to sleep he would help the Genin.
Higuto Aburame
Higuto Aburame
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Putting a Stop to Animal Cruelty (Inv only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Putting a Stop to Animal Cruelty (Inv only)

Wed Feb 27, 2019 4:58 pm
Higuto nodded to Kinzoku's suggestion of him taking guard outside the club as he looked to the animals in the pins and cages. Any animals that were inside the cages didn't really need to be put to sleep as he looked over to the ones in the pins. There were a few big animals and they were pretty rowdy as Higuto watched a tiger charge towards one of the smaller animals. On instinct he hopped in and moved faster than the tiger as he summoned a few more insects from within himself and made them circle around the tiger in a sphere. He would see the tiger run into a wall and fall back in pain as he went to work with putting the other animals to sleep by gently pressing into points of their bodies. After making certain that all the animals had been put soundly and quickly to sleep he returned his focus to the tiger that was currently trying to fight it's way out of it's insect prison as he walked over to the sphere's exterior and straight through it as his insects simply flew around their host. When he got inside he saw the tiger had tuckered itself out and was on the verge of collapse though still aggravated to where it was still wanting a fight as Higuto shook his head and moved faster than the tiger could react as he pressed a point along it's neck.

"Sleep now. We'll get you back where you belong in no time."

The tiger fell onto it's side as Higuto allowed his insects to return into him. The sphere slowly shrank and dissipated as his insects flew and crawled back under his jacket sleeves as he wiped his forehead and gave a small sigh. [I]'Mission accomplished!'[/b] Picking the tiger up he walked it over to one of the bigger empty cages as he set it inside and locked the cage before rubbing his neck and cracking it in satisfaction before moving over to the other animals to put them away in cages as well. After making certain that all the animals were safely put away he would go over to the five criminals and see that they had been knocked unconscious by his insects. With a swipe he would summon them all away and back into himself as he brought up a hand seal and summoned five more of himself. They each would pick up their own bodies and start rushing out of the door with them while heading over to the Hokage office so that they could be put to jail.

Walking out of the underground lair he noticed all the civilians that were in on the betting rings were clambering away to safety. He gave Kinzoku a nod.

"All the animals are asleep, sensei. I also went ahead and moved them all into their cages so that they don't get the opportunity to take any pent up frustration out on other animals. My clones are sending the criminals back to the office for judgement and will make certain they don't pull any fast ones or try to escape."

With that he put his hands behind his head and relaxed as he looked up to the sky with a smile.
"I'm glad our plan worked out so well. I hope you don't find me presumptuous or too hopeful for saying so but I think we make a good team, sensei."

He respectfully bowed before Kinzoku upon saying this. He certainly was happy he got to not only work alone alongside his teacher but a teacher who was also well on their way to getting the Hokage title as well. There was certainly a lot left to learn from being around such a worthy ninja.

"Is there anything you wish left of me or shall I leave the rest to you, sensei?"

Upon an answer Higuto would either be leaving back to his home to fill out his report of the mission to turn in later or staying to see what else Kinzoku would like. Either way Higuto was happy at the good day's worth of work he'd gotten done.

(WC 702/ TWC 4,172)

{Potential exit}

{Claiming mission completion and rewards (1,500 ryo and mission AP). Also claiming techs Water Trident and Water Replacement (2,250 wc and 750 wc with 25% disc.) and putting remaining wc (1,172) towards my mask to fully pay for it (1,150 wc required).}
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Putting a Stop to Animal Cruelty (Inv only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Putting a Stop to Animal Cruelty (Inv only)

Thu Feb 28, 2019 1:31 am
Actually, you get the full ryo reward when completing a mission regardless of the people doing it with you. It isn’t split between the team.

That being said, you get 3,000 ryo not 1,500

Approved for the rest of your claims as well
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 23500

Putting a Stop to Animal Cruelty (Inv only) - Page 2 Empty Re: Putting a Stop to Animal Cruelty (Inv only)

Fri Apr 19, 2019 12:20 pm
Before long Higuto had made his way out from the building to where Kinzoku was, making sure everyone had gotten out safely. Fortunately everyone had, with exception to the criminals. Once everyone was gone Kinzoku turned his attention to his student to hear how things had gone over on his end. Of course, things had gone smoothly on his end of things as well. All the animals were asleep and back in their cages. With that done he had also sent his clones to bring the criminals in and likely be put in jail. He gave Higuto a nod of approval, happy to see his student having taken care of the situation as good as anyone could have.

"I think we do as well" Kinzoku replied, agreeing to the Aburame's statement about making a good team with a smile. After his bow, Kinzoku gave the Genin a pat on the shoulder while saying "You can head home. You did good work today. I'll take care of the leftover work. See ya around." With that Kinzoku tipped the rim of his hat before the two went on their own way. Kinzoku headed over in the direction of the post office the inform them of the completion of the mission before heading back to the Hokage's office where he was likely needed. After all he had been away for the whole day.


542 words into  Flying Thunder God: Guiding Thunder (3188/4000)
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