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Stat Page : Jet Stream
Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 171500

Putting an End to It [Mission] Empty Putting an End to It [Mission]

Mon Oct 30, 2023 2:27 am
Mission Details:

Zraix stood atop a building that was so tall villagers said it scraped the heavens- he looked on from this vantage point at an outpost or encampment that had been set up by a group of individuals dedicated to crime and causing trouble. "These fools have no idea what's about to happen to happen to them. I almost pity them.." He thought to himself as he readied himself to descend and make his way through the outpost so that he could dispose of the leader in this outpost. He figured that if he got rid of the leader he would be able to make the other bandits disband and scatter- he was ready either way to take out as many bandits that he needed to in order to accomplish his mission and bring peace back to his village. He surveyed the ground below and noticed 15 bandits patrolling the perimeter- it seemed to be more than the regular amount of patrol guards which let the Hoshimura know that the main concern was ensuring that no one managed to make their way into their base of operations.

He pondered as he could go in and attack the bandits, taking them all out and alarming their leader to his presence- this would be the quickest way to ensure that the leader was taken down but it would be far from the most efficient. He thought to himself as he didn't have many other options but there was one that stood above the rest and would accomplish his goal of making his way in while also ensuring that he was able to make his way into the hideout undetected and with that he could possibly take out the leader without leading the trail back to Hoshigakure. The shinobi hailing from the Hoshimura clan would leap from the top of the high building he scouted from making sure to land in the rear of the encampment in the bushes where no one would see him- he would survey the area around him to ensure that none of the bandits were circling the base before leaping towards the back entrance and letting himself in.

Upon entering he was met with a hallway that led straight down for 40 meters with many doors on both sides of the hallway- Zraix would sigh as he  activated his Kenseigan and began scanning for any traces of space time chakra or chakra in general. At that moment he began to hear voices from down the hall as one of the doors was opening and this led him to leap to the ceiling and begin channeling chakra to his feet so that he would be able to stick to the ceiling. Three guards walked out and began speaking about how they hated the fact that they were stuck on guard duty and that they wished something interesting would happen for once- Zraix smiled to himself as he could get behind the idea that guard duty was quite boring and he figured he would give them exactly what they were looking for as far as making their night more "Interesting". So without wasting another moment the Hoshimura would land gently behind the three men waiting for one of them to notice his presence and it took a full sixty seconds before one of them looked back from the corner of his vision and signaled the others to turn around. Zraix with his katana already in his right hand would dash at the one who made the signal and split him open from naval to collar bone, watching as he dropped to the ground- he followed up this slash by slicing at the jugular of the man standing to the right of the first one, taking him out swiftly as well. The third and final bandit that had been the one complaining of the monotony of the night gripped at the short sword at his hip before speaking. "Shit! How did you even get in here? This is not what I had in mind when I said I wanted to liven things up. Jack and Melian are goners.." He said with a somber tone as he directed his vision down to them slowly before returning it to the Hoshimura whose blade was now drenched in the blood of the mans comrades. "Listen. Im not here to take out you or anymore of you lower leveled bandits. Im simply here to take out your leader and ensure that the crimes being committed come to an end. So give me his location and you can go free." He said to the man who seemed to be shaking just slightly with fear. A moment would pass and it seemed the bandit was considering the offer but before he had a chance to think it through fully, he would shake his head and belt, "How can I just walk away from this?! You killed my best friends and youre after the woman I love. Ill end this and you right here and now!" He said as he dashed at Zraix with pain in his eyes. The ronin would sidestep the incoming downward slash from the incoming downward slash from the bandit and at the same time would slash at a speed of 150 to remove the arm that held his blade from his body. The bandit would attempt to let out a loud scream but Zraix would halt this by stabbing his blade through the back of the mans throat, ending his life immediately.

Having found an empty room with a large vacant supply closet Zraix sat inside of it waiting for another set of men to enter so he could question them- he was positive now that the leader of this bandit group was a woman and that she had the full support of these men, some of them had even fallen in love with her. Thinking to himself he wondered if she was a person who had a lot of charisma or if she was simply the most powerful and thus commanded the respect and admiration of these bandits. Whatever the reason might be, it was clear that they had no intention of simply allowing him to find her and if he did she would not go down without some sort of struggle. It was amidst these thoughts that the door to the room he was in finally opened and in walked one man of a slender build and the same height as the Hoshimura- he had a blade at his hip and had short black hair, iron armor head to toe and a scar over his right eye. He walked over to the table that was in the center of the room and began to scan over a document that was located on the table- he did so for a few minutes before his gaze shot up and he looked forward, then left and right before looking back at the document. The man would smile as he rolled up the document and put it behind his chest plate before speaking, "You can come out now intruder. No one knows that you're here and I already took care of the bodies that you tried to hide." He smirked and looked at the supply closet that sat in the back of the 15 meter by 15 meter room and out of it emerged Zraix Hoshimura with an impressed look on his face. "So I take it you're a cut above the rest of these men to have figured me out and tracked me into this room. So do I need to prepare for a welcoming party or are you planning to take care of me all by yourself?" He said as he drew his katana.

The armored bandit would throw both of his hands up as he chuckled, a kind hearted expression on his face as he spoke, "Im not here to fight. Though by the look of it you would prove to be an entertaining opponent for me. Im actually here to help you. Im not a bandit.. or at least im not really a bandit. I infiltrated their ranks a few months ago and have been waiting for the best opportunity to dismantle it from the inside. I thought I would have to wait a few more months before I began but your arrival has changed things. I believe that you could help me in ending this here and now." Zraix was skeptical about the man's proposal for them to work together so that they might defeat a "common" enemy- this could be some sort of deception for him to gain the upper hand, but something about him yielded the Hoshimura to believe that he was genuine about his intentions. Sheathing his blade he would respond, "I dont mind working together if thats truly your goal. To be honest your help would shorten this endeavor for me by quite a bit. I could be here for a week trying to find the leader of this organization. Ive deduced that its some woman but I havent had any luck in locating her. Maybe you could help me on that front?" He said as he walked up to the knight, now 2 meters from him. The man lowered his hands and then extended his right in order to shake Zraixs "My name is Rykard and im from a neighboring village. The warriors in my village follow the old way of battle. You can basically think of us as knights from another era. But yes I can help you find her. Though ill be the first to say that she wont be easy to take down. Normal attacks wont work on her due to her specialized techniques.. so were gonna have to think of something else." Zraix would shake his hands before replying to him. "How about we find this woman and you let me handle the details of how to take her down. I have a knack for this sort of thing." He said with a smile.

The two men had been going room to room for a few hours taking out any guards that they encountered as the searched for the leader of the bandit outpost- the words of the knight Rykard had been true, he had infiltrated the ranks of the bandits and was taking them down from the inside. This became apparent to the ronin with every encounter of another bandit and their surprise by his betrayal- it was both relieving and painful to witness in truth. The two finally reached a small door that led to an inner chamber three levels lower than the entrance of the encampment- if it wasnt for the inside information provided by Rykard, Zraix would have never even known there was a secret passage that would take him lower. "She should be right behind this door. Are you ready to face her?" He asked looking at Zraix. "Lets put an end to this and get out of here. Im ready." He said as they forced the door open both men holding their blades in their right hand.

Upon entering they would see a young woman with red hair and a long black dress- her eyes were a deep blue and she was accompanied by two large guardsmen who carried war hammers and full plated armor. "Nice of you to join us boys." She said before turning around, her eyes glaring at Rykard with disgust. "I knew we should have gutted you the second you stepped foot here. But I took a chance on you at the request of Salim.. who died just a few hours ago by my reports. Im assuming you're the one who did it? Either you or this mystery man." Stepping forward Rykard would point his blade at her "Salim was a good man but I cant help what happened to him. He was willing to die for you and that was his undoing. Now you'll join him and this entire operation will end." Zraix remained quiet as he allowed the scene to unravel. He didnt want to interrupt his newly found ally but he was also ready to put an end to all of this.

The Hoshimura would interject before the woman had a chance to reply by sheathing his blade and clapping his hands together- the result being 10 swords made of chakra surrounding the woman and her body guards. Each blade was 5 meters in length and 5 cm in width and the blades spawned 5 meters from the woman and her guards. "I heard you have an interesting defensive ability. But these blades are going to turn you into a pin cushion." He said as he raise his right palm and pointed it at her and the guards. As he did so two of the blades flew at the guards at a speed of 150 immediately piercing them through the neck and dropping their bodies to the floor. The woman was now surrounded by 8 blades and normally Zraix would ask if she had any last words but decided to send all 8 blades at her stabbing her throughout her entire body before dispelling the jutsu.

Rykard was shocked to see the situation handled so quickly and came to realize that he stood no chance at beating the Hoshimura. He bowed giving his respects and swore that the two would meet again. Zraix nodded and agreed taking his leave, the mission now complete and the bandit forces dismantled.

WC= 2,254


[Will make Claims Later]
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Putting an End to It [Mission] Empty Re: Putting an End to It [Mission]

Sat Nov 04, 2023 1:05 pm
Zraix wrote:

WC= 2,254


[Will make Claims Later]

Approved for Mission Completion!
Stat Page : Jet Stream
Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 171500

Putting an End to It [Mission] Empty Re: Putting an End to It [Mission]

Tue Nov 21, 2023 3:55 pm
Utilizing one Strawberry cake to multiply TWC from 2,254 to 4,508 WC.
  • Purchasing Sensory Specialty for 2,000 WC
  • Purchasing Lightning Element for 2,000 WC
  • Purchasing the rest of Rapid Blade Thrust [B-Rank] 1,125/1,125

Previous WC for rapid blade thrust is Here

Leftover WC 276, choosing to discard.
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 181150

Putting an End to It [Mission] Empty Re: Putting an End to It [Mission]

Tue Nov 21, 2023 4:41 pm
Zraix wrote:
Utilizing one Strawberry cake to multiply TWC from 2,254 to 4,508 WC.
  • Purchasing Sensory Specialty for 2,000 WC
  • Purchasing Lightning Element for 2,000 WC
  • Purchasing the rest of Rapid Blade Thrust [B-Rank] 1,125/1,125

Previous WC for rapid blade thrust is Here

Leftover WC 276, choosing to discard.

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