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Nuraihyon Shinkou
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Stat Page : The Red Shadow
Mission Record : Cookbook
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 159

Baroom Blitz (Masashi, Ask to Join) Empty Baroom Blitz (Masashi, Ask to Join)

Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:21 am
"Well what are we doing today?," One voice said as they walked down the streets of Hoshi. The feminine voice waved to a few of the children that had stared up at her and smiled, probably because she didn't know about Hoshigakure's "prejudice" against shinboi. "I know what Raikou is going to go do." Another voice, this time masculine rose into the air with a small chuckle before looking at the male in question. From the female? A small, but to the point sigh came from her lips. She knew what this would mean and she didn't like it. The only thing she had to say before she turned down a street and pulled her brother with him," If you get thrown in jail we are not bailing you out. Sleep there for a night. Tata fearless leader."

Left alone in an unknown village. Very little funds. Yep. This was going to be an amazing time to get in trouble, but that wasn't his intention nor his plan. For the next few minutes he went about asking the denizens of this seemingly peaceful village about where the best areas were to enjoy a pint or two of beer, all of which had pointed to a single tavern- The Rusty Nail. The look on the crimson eyed male almost went ecstatic as he nodded and hugged the elderly woman who had given him the directions and even proposed a few of their signature drinks to him. No more cheap Sake for him. He was finally going to try something different and hopefully not get into any bar fights.

On nimble feet he took to the Rusty Nail, a slight smile on his face as his cloak moved in the wind behind him. It was almost weird seeing a semi grown man hop around the village and some of the kids were definitely laughing at him, but when you were happy about something what else would you do? Raikou continued to look for this "legendary" bar, almost getting lost along the way but after an hour of searching he had finally found his destination.

Ahh the smell of genuine booze and cards were the right thing to smell in the afternoon, the quench for adventure being what this male needed to get rid of the rust of the everyday wandering shinobi life. Raikou pushed the doors open and looked around with a smile on his face. The first thing he had done? Went right up to the bar and slapped a few coins onto the wooden surface with a smile," Give me three cups of your...Oh this one. Definitely the ale," to which the bartender looked at him weird and knew this was his first time here. Taking the coin he would return with two cups, rather tall and stout like you would expect from a tavern like this.

"This cup is...different. But screw it. Here's to good times and getting paid!," he didn't expect anyone to hear him, but as he finished the tavern was overtaken with the cheers of its patrons. Drinking almost in sync with the other patrons he made it a quick habit to slam the cup onto the table and down the other one while yelling," Hey barkeep! More of whatever this is!," while the grizzled man only looked at the wanderer, someone had sure enough bought him two more. Well...This was going to be a rather interesting day indeed.

Masashi Uzumaki
Masashi Uzumaki
Stat Page : Click Here
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Clan Specialty : -
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35650

Baroom Blitz (Masashi, Ask to Join) Empty Re: Baroom Blitz (Masashi, Ask to Join)

Tue Sep 04, 2018 3:13 am
It had been a particularly long day for Masashi today. He had recently come across a new jutsu that allowed him to experience what someone or something else's body was feeling at a particular given time. That one technique broke down barriers upon barriers in his quest to find the best combinations of chemicals. Making the best medicines, the most lethal poisons, or the most potent drugs, for lack of a better term. It had given the Uzumaki Genin a whole new energy to his research, which had recently started to slow down, because it seemed like it was going nowhere quickly. This new technique allowed Masashi to write down extremely detailed and accurate notes about what particular combinations caused what kinds of effects based on what he could feel from the test subjects. With the kind of breakthrough he had come across, he felt it was time to celebrate. Normally he would sit at home in his study with a small glass of any of the high quality alcohols that were stocked by his staff. Today however, he felt like going out and being social. He had found a bar not too long after returning to Hoshigakure called "The Rusty Nail". It wasn't the fanciest bar in the village, but it was clean, it catered to almost everyone, and they kept a good selection and kept it reasonable with the price. Masashi felt that tonight was a night to go and visit the bar.

It was getting dark by the time he had left to go get himself a drink, around the time Masashi figured the crowds would be in the process of visiting their favourite local spots. This was not a fancy occasion, so Masashi had decided to keep his gear simple for the most part. The Uzumaki Genin wore a brown leather duster that reached to his mid calf. Underneath he wore a black bodysuit with what looked like a fitted purple breastplate. He wore plate greaves on his feet, fingerless gloves on his hands, and wore his Hoshigakure hitai-ate traditionally on his forehead. He wasn't expecting a fight, but he wore his weapon pouches just in case it got rough and he needed to defend himself.

The Rusty Nail was getting crowded when Masashi arrived, which suited him fine. He shouldered his way inside and got himself a seat at the bar. Surprisingly there was a couple of stools open. Masashi shrugged, he wasn't going to turn down a golden opportunity such as a front-row seat at any festivities. At the bar, he ordered a whiskey and turned to watch the crowd as he enjoyed his drink. This was definitely the high life indeed. As if on cue, the moment Masashi had his drink in hand, someone had said "This cup is...different. But screw it. Here's to good times and getting paid!" Masashi chuckled. "Here here." He said quietly, his own voice drowned out in the vocal eruption that could be heard from almost every other patron of the establishment. It would seem that same man was eager to get shit-faced, as he heard the same voice again. "Hey barkeep! More of whatever this is!" Masashi laughed and finished off his own first drink. He called the barkeep over, who made his way over quickly on account of knowing who Masashi is. "Another please, and a round for the house on me." Masashi said quietly to him. The barkeep nodded and smiled in response before making his way back to serving drinks. The bill would be put on his tab and settled at the end of the month as always. 'I wonder what else is going to happen tonight.' Masashi thought to himself as he continued to observe the other patrons.

WC: 626
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Baroom Blitz (Masashi, Ask to Join) Empty Re: Baroom Blitz (Masashi, Ask to Join)

Sun Sep 09, 2018 1:21 am
As he continued to drink in simple happiness and drunken bliss, out of the corner of his eye he could see it. A table for playing cards and subsequently his bane when it came to testing his odds. Standing up he acquired the free drink paid by a patron and went on over to the table, sitting down in an empty chair and smiling to the blokes that been sitting there. Each one gave our jolly wanderer a weird look until he had smiled and spoke," So which one of you are leaving me with their money today? I can almost assure you that you're going to leave here with only your pants and shoes...if that's allowed," the men simply took this as prideful boasting, and eagerly took the male up on his offer to play the game. Setting his ryo pouch onto the table he sat down, taking the stout of ale to the head with no remorse and picked up his cards after they were dealt. Within his first hand he had the opportunity to win, but because he knew how to play the game at least somewhat to the point where they would think he was a novice, he folded and continued to do so for a few games until he was on his last leg.

The men boasted toward him saying that he was full of talk and soon he would have only his mother to sell. The comment alone was enough to punch them in the throat, but Raikou only retorted back," Only if you put the whore of a mother you have up on the table...if she isn't already up on one," and there it was. The complete silence of the table. Maybe Raikou shouldn't have said that so loud, but the group of men had it coming. Calling for the table to "nut" up or shut up, Raikou put his pipe, and a few other things on the table as an all-in and challenged them to do the same.

The men all looked at him like he was stupid before accepting his challenge and doing the same. Dealing what they thought would be his last hand, Raikou internally grinned at the irony of the world around him. Looking down he had what was probably the best hand of the table, and when the rest of the men slammed their cards down on the table pridefully claiming themselves the winner? Raikou gently slipped his cards onto the table and smiled," Looks like your money...and your mom is coming with me," a smug smile that would soon come with repercussions. By now the men were calling him a cheater and saying that he didn't win, demanding their money back to which Raikou simply smiled and shrugged," Shouldn't have went all in now should you? Now when should I pick up your mother," there was a small laugh before everything went quiet. The man, namely the one making the mom jokes initially had punched Raikou in the face and everyone had seen it.

Raikou himself stood there stunned trying to figure out if this guy had literally hit him in the face. When the small drop of blood fell from his nose he looked down at it and then to the man who had begun to gloat, saying something about him not talking big now. The silence wasn't him being scared. He was putting his pipe up. As he finished the man went for another swing and when he thought he connected? Raikou decked him in the face with enough force to put him on his ass," Alrighty then. Guess we're doing this right?," to which his friends looked. Now to many this should have been stopped there, but you know how friends are. Within seconds a small brawl began between Raikou and the four with Raikou seemingly holding his own until he's kicked in the nads.

Down he goes, but after a small break he kicks one of the dudes in the back of the kneecap dropping him and then elbowing him in the face. What he didn't expect was one of them going behind him and grabbing him, allowing one of the others to get another shot at his sack. With a small grunt he looked up, obviously not enjoying this as he spoke," Would you PLEASE leave my testicles alone?," a true quote my only men fighting in a bar. The fight continued before Raikou escaped the grab, giving his own groin based justice and beating one of the other dudes in the head with a chair. As he went to throw a punch and...holy shit did he miss. Now what would the recipient of his misguided punch do?

Masashi Uzumaki
Masashi Uzumaki
Stat Page : Click Here
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Clan Specialty : -
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35650

Baroom Blitz (Masashi, Ask to Join) Empty Re: Baroom Blitz (Masashi, Ask to Join)

Sun Sep 09, 2018 11:32 pm
The night was going fairly well for Masashi. He had been sitting at the bar for the entirety of the time he had been there, enjoying a few drinks. He had a light buzz, but nothing more than that. Masashi wasn’t the kind of person to lose his ability to reason in any situation if he could help it. He had turned his stool around so that he could see what was happening in the establishment as a whole. One of the other patrons sitting at the bar had gotten up and made his way over to one of the gaming tables. ‘Looks like someone is eager to try their luck at some extra ryo.’ Masashi thought to himself as he watched the man sit down. It wasn’t Masashi’s cup of tea. Gambling was a good way to lose one’s ryo if they weren’t careful. He’d watch from afar with amusement, he didn’t need to earn more ryo.

The men at the table appeared to be eyeing the man that just sat down with something close to disproval. It didn’t seem like they were going to complain though, since he did have some ryo to bet, and he was doing a fairly poor job of gambling with it. Masashi chuckled as he watched the men playing at the table. Masashi had attracted the attention of a young lady sitting at the bar, who had proceeded to make her way over and the two had started chatting. At the same time, the gambler had gotten to the point where he was gambling the last of his things on a final bet. Turns out he had ended up with a lucky hand at the end, and was in the process of cleaning up when the men he had played against protested rather vehemently at the newcomer. One in particular was especially incensed, so much so that he threw a punch at the man’s face that connected. ‘Oh, this is not going to end well.’ Masashi thought to himself as he put a hand on the lady’s arm that he was talking to. “It might be best if you head home right now Cherie. This looks like it’s going to get ugly fast.” Before she could say anything, one of the men had thrown another punch and the new gambler had returned the favour by knocking him to the ground. The rest of the men at the table waded in on the newcomer, paying particular attention to abuse the man’s genetalia for some reason. Masashi couldn’t help but flinch, it’s never a pleasant experience to get kicked in the balls.

The man was fighting back though. He managed to knock another attacker to the ground before they grabbed him from behind. "Would you PLEASE leave my testicles alone?" The man said as they continued to abuse him. He’d finally managed to break free and beat down a pair of the men, one with one of the bar’s chairs. He then swung at one of the other men and missed, the punch heading right for Masashi. With the girl still standing beside him, Masashi didn’t want her to get hurt, so he used the man’s momentum along with one of his hands to redirect the man’s punch towards the other of the man’s assailants that was still standing. Of course immediately after that, the other two had recovered and starting to move towards Masashi, thinking he was in cahoots with the newcomer. Masashi rolled his eyes and looked at the barkeep. “I’m sorry for what’s about to happen, and I will pay for all damages.” He said to the man, as he roughly grabbed the lady beside him and lifted her over the bar, placing her in relative safety of the wooden barricade. He then turned back to the men approaching him. “Alright boys, if you really want to throw down, we’ll fight. But you’ll regret it.” Regardless of whether or not they decided to back down, Masashi took up a fighting stance, ready to fend off any incoming blows.

WC: 676
TWC: 1302
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Baroom Blitz (Masashi, Ask to Join) Empty Re: Baroom Blitz (Masashi, Ask to Join)

Sun Sep 23, 2018 12:53 pm
Whoops. What he didn't intend to do was get someone involved in his own little pow-wow, but here it had been that a lone shinobi (not that he knew that at the moment) had been brought into the problem, but maybe he could help be the solution. Of course since another combatant had been brought in, the trio....or was it the quartet of men? Anywho, the men had brought in some additional help to combat the two men. There had been a rather long sigh as Raikou looked at them and then to the strange Shinobi as he gave him a thumbs up," Hey if we survive this the next few rounds are on me alright? ," whether or not the male had agreed, the fight was now on. The moment Raikou finished his sentence a free jab went toward his jaw, of course being abused in the testicles sobered him up only slightly so he staggered out of its way and grabbed the males arm. With a swift movement, Raikou had pushed the side of his hip into the male grounding him and with a nice display of strength threw him around his hip like a fucking rag doll.

Throwing him into another table, the two at that area started to beat up on him....Oh dear this was becoming a clusterfuck. A smile appeared on his face as he continued to fight through the men, one of them knocking him upside the head with a bottle, disorienting him for a bit but not enough to stop an elbow from going into his throat. This certainly wasn't what he was expecting, but as another tried to jump and elbow him, Raikou just grabbed him from the air and tossed him in Masashi's direction," JUMPING'S FOR IDIOTS YOU TWAT," who jumps in a bar fight anyway? Any who the fight would rage on as patrons who had been only watching joined in because fuck it why not right? It was something that wasn't common for Raikou to do and having this happen in a place he wanted to work wasn't going to be so...productive for him. But hey if the only people who would remember his face were the conscience ones maybe he would persuade or at least talk to them about it.

All the while the entity within him only sat quiet, almost in disapproval of the young Shinkou's actions. While the male (presumably) was a calm individual, to him this was just a waste of time. He wouldn't voice his opinion at this moment but as the fight came down to an end, Raikou stood above those that started the fight with blood slowly running down his cheek. Standing triumphant he looked down to them wiping the blood from his lips as he spoke," I'm Raikou fucking Minamoto, and i haven't lost a fight to man nor fucking beast. Now...Where can i get some food?," of course as he said this the distinct cracking of a chair along his back echoed through the bar and he went down. Gloating about something usually got you smacked, but in this case it was with a chair. Standing up slowly he punched the man in the balls and then kicked him in the face before walking out and slumping over on one of the walls of the tavern," Crap that hurt....," well...what now then?


TWC: 1926
Masashi Uzumaki
Masashi Uzumaki
Stat Page : Click Here
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Clan Specialty : -
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35650

Baroom Blitz (Masashi, Ask to Join) Empty Re: Baroom Blitz (Masashi, Ask to Join)

Tue Oct 02, 2018 2:08 am
His newfound ally sighed, before giving him a thumbs up and an offer of a free drink. “Hey if we survive this the next few rounds are on me alright?” Masashi couldn’t help but laugh. It wasn’t because he of the free drinks, he didn’t mind not having to pay for things when he didn’t have to. He was rich, not an idiot after all. What caused the Uzumaki Genin to laugh, was the thought that there was a possibility they would not make it out alive. That being said, almost immediately after the man had finished talking, another fist had been thrown at the other man’s face.  The man beside him had grabbed the offending arm and thrown its owner into a nearby table.

At around the same time, a couple of the others decided to charge Masashi. The two men were barroom brawlers, but not very good ones. Masashi decided to have some fun with them, deflecting their own attacks back to strike each other.  The men were not moving fast enough to make this much of a challenge to Masashi, but he tried to make the most of it. The two attacking men were definitely not enjoying themselves, but they were drunk and furious now, so they really had no option other than to try and land a hit on the man in front of them. Luckily for him, his back was to the bar, so it’s not like they would be able to circle behind him, so that made the fight less of a hassle. One of his attackers finally got himself knocked out on his friend’s fist, which gave Masashi a little breathing room. It was short-lived however, as another man was flung towards him by his ally. Masashi would toss his other opponent in front of the human projectile and watched as the pair both fell to the ground, the fight clearly knocked out of them.

It would seem that more people would try joining into the brawl. Masashi would keep out of it for the most part. Barroom brawls with drunk thugs was not a real fight. Besides, He didn’t want to tire himself out when there was the potential for more entertaining activities currently hiding behind the bar. Her head was peeking out from over the top of the bar, making sure it was safe.
Not long after, the fighting had all but died down. In the middle of it all, the newcomer was standing tall, blood running down his cheek. He wiped a fist across his face before saying “I'm Raikou fucking Minamoto, and i haven't lost a fight to man nor fucking beast. Now...Where can i get some food?” Almost immediately after that, he received a chair across the back which knocked him to the floor. Raikou immediately responded with a punch to the man’s crotch and a kick to his face before stumbling out of the door.

Masashi helped the young lady he was talking to earlier get out from behind the bar, and the two of them made their way towards the door, Masashi's arm around her shoulder. As they walked outside, Masashi would see Raikou leaning against a wall and the two would walk over. "Not a very interesting brawl if you ask me." Masashi said nonchalantly, which elicited a giggle from his new friend. "If you're hurt, Mister Fucking Minamoto, I can offer some medical assistance. That is, of course, assuming you would like the assistance." Masashi wasn't one to go out of his way for everyone, but since they shared a brief bond of camraderie inside the tavern during that fight, it was the least he could do.

WC: 613
TWC: 1915
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Baroom Blitz (Masashi, Ask to Join) Empty Re: Baroom Blitz (Masashi, Ask to Join)

Fri Oct 05, 2018 4:43 am
He hadn't registered the fact that Masashi had walked out of the tavern with a lady at his side, too busy trying to reel in the feeling of having his testicles knocked about like a soccer ball. After the feeling of nausea came and went along with his sense of balance he stood up and wiped any spare trace of blood from his mouth as he sighed and looked over to the male," Tell me about it. At leas you got to leave with a rather good looking female. Good...afternoon?," after looking up to the sky he smiled and nodded," Good afternoon indeed madam," to which he just looked at the male and scoffed. Sure he had said something pretty corny ( cool in his mind), he wasn't expecting the male in his vicinity to say something about it. The crimson eyed male huffed a breath of air before standing up," Minamoto is just fine if you ask me. As for your medical offer its fine. I've had way worse and once my men downstairs stop feeling so abused i'll be right as rain. What's your name by the way?," of course the real reason he had elected to decline the males' generous offer was the fact of he didn't know exactly how he was going to heal him (Hopefully not by touch).

Whether or not the male had given his actual name or not, Raikou would stand tall and smile, pushing the fur cloak properly into place and hum to himself," So since we did make it out alive from there i suppose I owe you a drink. Happen to know a place where we can eat and drink? Preferably a place without a crowd like that? I don't think I could handle another brawl like that...Correction, I don't think they could handle another brawl like that. Bar brawls- only place you will get punched in the testicles," even though the female had still been in his presence, his overall sense of humor didn't change.

Reaching into the depths of his cloak he would emerge with his trusty pipe, packing it and lighting it before taking a rather long puff as he spoke," So. What's your village like? I've heard that the citizens here don't particularly like ninja. So what's the deal with that exactly?," until he had fully known the truth he would not necessarily go about showing everyone he had been a ninja, but if he was told everything truthfully then it would mean that he would need to be much more careful about how he did things here. He would slowly listen to the males explanation as the walked, taking a hit or two every so often and blowing the smoke in a way that it would not inhibit the other male or the female present, unless she had been dismissed or left early in which case he would take the other male into consideration. Given this village was a grey area in terms of knowledge to him, he would ask any question that would give him a better scope as to how they operated here. Knowing that would make it that much easier for him to gather and do jobs.


TWC: 2,460
Masashi Uzumaki
Masashi Uzumaki
Stat Page : Click Here
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Clan Specialty : -
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35650

Baroom Blitz (Masashi, Ask to Join) Empty Re: Baroom Blitz (Masashi, Ask to Join)

Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:27 am
Raikou was looking a little haggard before straightening up and looking over at the Uzumaki shinobi. "Tell me about it. At leas you got to leave with a rather good looking female. Good...afternoon?" He had paused for a moment before confirming his initial statement. "Good afternoon indeed madam" Masashi couldn’t help but smile at the comment, and looked over at his companion with mock surprise. “Why I do believe you are correct. She is rather good looking, now that you mention it.” Which would elicit another giggle from the girl beside him.

In regards to his offer of help, the man responded with “Minamoto is just fine if you ask me. As for your medical offer its fine. I've had way worse and once my men downstairs stop feeling so abused i'll be right as rain. What's your name by the way?” Masashi smirked. “Name’s Masashi Uzumaki-Akari." He would shrug at Minamoto's rejection of his offer. "No problem. I'm a doctor and I'm familiar with medical ninjutsu, so I figured I would offer. Raikou would stand tall and smile, pushing the fur cloak properly into place

“So since we did make it out alive from there i suppose I owe you a drink. Happen to know a place where we can eat and drink? Preferably a place without a crowd like that? I don't think I could handle another brawl like that...Correction, I don't think they could handle another brawl like that. Bar brawls- only place you will get punched in the testicles.” That was an excellent question. There were several establishments around. Masashi, being familiar with most of them since his return to Hoshi, knew of one nearby. It would not be as busy, due to a lull between lunch and dinner service. 'That would likely be the most ideal place.' Masashi thought to himself as Raikou pulled out a pipe and lit it. He would beckon the man along, and they would start the walk to the restaurant. Masashi would walk with Raikou on his left, his right arm still around his female companion's shoulders.

"So. What's your village like? I've heard that the citizens here don't particularly like ninja. So what's the deal with that exactly?" Masashi chuckled at the man's question. "Religion does funny things to people's way of thinking." Masashi would say in response. "The various religious factions here are not a fan of shinobi, thinking they would be better off without having us in the village. Obviously they are mistaken, but there's only so much discussion that can happen that goes nowhere." It wasn't a subject that Masashi knew a lot about, since he had only recently returned himself, but he had no reason to provide his own thoughts and opinions on the subject. Since there really wasn't much else to go on with that particular topic, Masashi changed the subject. "What brings you to Hoshigakure anyways? You don't seem like you're from around here."

WC: 491
TWC: 2406
Masashi Uzumaki
Masashi Uzumaki
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Clan Specialty : -
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35650

Baroom Blitz (Masashi, Ask to Join) Empty Re: Baroom Blitz (Masashi, Ask to Join)

Fri Oct 26, 2018 1:37 pm
Masashi had looked over at his new companion, then looked back at Raikou, only to find that the man had disappear, almost as if he had vanished into thin air. He couldn't be imagining things, he was literally right there a minute ago. Masashi would shake his head. He would turn to the girl he'd brought along from the bar. "Since it's just you and me now, how bout we go back to my home. I'll make us some food and enjoy each other's company." he said to her. She would smile and nod. With that, the two would make their way back to Masashi's home near the Water Gardens

He had sent the rest of the staff away for the rest of the night. He knew how to cook, and it was just the two of them, so he didn't need any of the kitchen staff at least until morning. His butler would normally be around, but Masashi had known that he wanted some spare time so he let him leave as well. The rest of the night disappeared in a blur of food, drink and pleasurable company. Highly unlikely that he would recount the night to anyone but his new friend.


WC: 203
TWC: 2609

13 stats
2554 WC towards Body Replication (3000/3000)
55 WC towards Basic Medical Ninjutsu (55/500)
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Baroom Blitz (Masashi, Ask to Join) Empty Re: Baroom Blitz (Masashi, Ask to Join)

Fri Oct 26, 2018 1:59 pm
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