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Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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Look at me King Empty Look at me King

Mon Aug 13, 2018 8:51 pm
How many times are we going to do this? Back again, you always say. Another return, no... That stops now. Roy's gonna stroll up. And act like nothing happened. Yup. Sounds like a good plan. A well-thought out plan. Let's see how this goes. The quick yet smooth stride through the chambers. Oh he's really here. People would turn their heads as if they've seen a dead man. It was astronomical for Royalty to be walking through the Raikage chambers. 


"YERRRRRRRR," said the ambitious yet lazy Jounin. It was quite rude how he walked in. Whether or not he was acknowledged, someone was getting greeted. That's just how he was. But then again, who couldn't hear that obnoxious outburst?
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Look at me King Empty Re: Look at me King

Mon Aug 13, 2018 9:13 pm
It was a long day of work for the young Hozuki. There was stacks of paper neatly stacked in front of him on his desk. Paper work that had to deal with the village, it was all finished ans sorted out. As for Kyson, his head was laying flight on the desk wit his right cheek against it. His hands hanging down under the desk as he sat in his chair fast asleep. It was a long hard day of work, but what made him knocked out was how boring it was. This was not the job for him. There was no suspense, no action, just writing and a whole lot of reading. When Royalty's rude ass walked in making loud greetings. it didn't wake Kyson up. This man was out of this world. 

But Royalty's greeting Startled Shrimp, he would jump out of fear when he heard it. He had been holding stacks of paperwork before he walked in. And when Royalty startled him, he accidentally dropped it all on the floor. "W-whoa.. Wait what are you.. O-Oh no... the papers.. N-no.. Kyson, wake up.. y-you gotta visitor..." Shrimp said. His huge nervousness coming out as he was trying to pick up the papers he had dropped. But all that could be heard was loud snoring. And small bits of drool coming out of the Hozuki's mouth.
Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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Look at me King Empty Re: Look at me King

Mon Aug 13, 2018 9:37 pm
Looking at the flustered lackey, Roy would sigh. This was more embarrassing than his abrupt entrance. Royalty would glance over at the man. Look at those Gucci Flip Flops. Oh that has to be Kyson's idea. This man wearing all black too. He think he really out here doing something. This was atrocious. Royalty had to hold back from roasting his boots. Turning his attention to Kyson, Royalty couldn't believe this man. Sleep? On the job?

"Oh it smell like disappointment in here. Kyson! How you drooling on field trip permission slips. You should be ashamed. Let those kids go roller skating. This is outrageous," Royalty said in the most playful tone. He was happy to see Kyson finally relaxing. He used to be so stressed out about things. But this assistant, he really was corny.
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Look at me King Empty Re: Look at me King

Mon Aug 13, 2018 11:23 pm
As he was taking his beauty sleep, his body quickly shot up as he heard "Kyson!" After sitting up immediately. His eyes were squinting, as he vision still a bit blurry after waking up. Seeing a blurred face before him, he couldn't see who it was exactly. But he saw the white hair, and he only knew one person with white hair in this village. He used both his hands to wipe his eyes as he looked  at Royalty in front of him. "Damn for real?" He said as he looked down on the pages. Reading the details seeing it had nothing to do with field trips. "Oh you a liar liar."

"And for the record I wasn't asleep. Was practicing my Hydrification drool technique. When it touches you it... it... I don't fucking know. So what's up with you?" He said as he made sure his paperwork was in order. Its been a year since the two seen each other. God knows what this man has been doing over the amount of time that has passed. "Gotta wife? Kids? A little Royalty walking around?" Kyson would say in a joking way. Looking towards shrimp. Kyson had his chin resting on his hand as he just shook his head. 

"Shrimp.. what are you doing? You can't be startled every time someone walks in.." Kyson said. Then turning his attention back to Royalty. Was it really a year since the two seen each other. It was a bit weird considering they were always seeing each other almost every day. But then again, life hits you and responsibility tend to grow. He seemed like he was doing well since his depression from coming to this village and the death of his family. It was hard for the young Hozuki as well, but he had been substitute leader for the village. So he couldn't carry those feeling into the village.
Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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Look at me King Empty Re: Look at me King

Mon Aug 13, 2018 11:54 pm
Royalty found it quite amusing how Kyson was acting. It had sure been a while. Growing up really separated you from the people you love. It was weird how their relationship had sustained through extended absences. The two were still as close as ever. Hearing Kyson's speech filled his energy. The Yuka hadn't felt as lethargic as before he appeared. 

"Wow... Kids? You know how it be out in these sckreets. It's brutal. Can't be on child support. I have other things to worry about. Besides, my mother isn't ready for another family member. These things that have happened over the past couple of years. I'm not even thinking about that heh," Royalty let out a faint laugh.

Details of the decor were becoming clear to him. This was fancy fancy. All that paperwork Kyson had to endure. This had to be boring. That's why Roy was here, to relieve him of this torture.

"Come on, we're out. You need some sun." Royalty would turn around and walk away.
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Look at me King Empty Re: Look at me King

Tue Aug 14, 2018 4:32 pm
Poking a little joke about Royalty having a family. No matter how much the two of them were, the chemistry was always there. At this point the two weren't kids anymore. They were both grown adults who had personal things to handle. Kyson chuckled a little as he listened to his response. But the laugh wasn't as big as he wanted since the boy was exhausted from this paperwork. He insisted Kyson needed a break and see some sun, but he still a little bit of things left to do.

"I would like to.. but I can't. There's still a bit of work l-"

"I'll finish it for you. Besides, you did more than enough for today. Its not much to do left, so it'll be fine." Shrimp would say to Kyson. He smiled as he looked at all the paperwork before him. "Very well.." He said as he got up from his seat and made his way around the desk. Well, the two would be on there way where ever they were going. "Right behind you," he would say as he followed Royalty out. As he was walking with Royalty, he was honestly relieved to get out that office. Everyday it was almost the same thing. Paperwork, meetings, etc etc...
Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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Look at me King Empty Re: Look at me King

Tue Aug 14, 2018 10:15 pm
Once outside of the office, the two of them would walk through the streets at a regular speed. With Kyson following him, he slowed down until they were side by side. The size difference between the two were still there. Royalty still donned the suit that he had previously worn before arriving in Hoshi. It fit him. This military-like get up grew to his liking. 

"You know, I still find it weird being here. We went from young kids, to fugitives, to Sand's second line of defense just to end up back here. We've definitely learned a lot. That's all I can say to be honest." Royalty was looking up as he spoke. The clouds surrounding them high into the mountains were moving exceptionally fast. The two of them walking couldn't keep up. 

After bringing his attention back to earth, he continued again. "I have something to show you, I'm not sure if I know how to show you. What would be a good method.. Hm let me see." Royalty's right hand grazed his chin. He did look a bit puzzled by the situation. Here wasn't the place for it though. "Forget a training ground. I just want to go somewhere quiet. Maybe on the outskirts of Kumo? This time when we leave, we won't be running."
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Look at me King Empty Re: Look at me King

Tue Aug 14, 2018 10:54 pm
The young Hozuki would grab his coat and leave everything else up to Shrimp. He was getting better at being Kyson's assistant in the office. Making sure he was getting things done on time, he was always a big help whenever he was around. As he followed Royalty, walking until he was side by side with him. He mentioned how the way they ended up here was still ironic. Kyson could smirk his eye's lurked towards the ground a bit. "Maaan, I'd be rich if I got a ryo for every time I tell myself that. You never know where life takes you I guess.. You either die a hero or live ling enough to see yourself become a villain. Who knows which one we'll end up as." He said as his vision would look back towards the view in front of him.

Royalty claimed he had something to show him, Kyson was a bit curious as to what it was. He hasn't seen his best friend in a year. He couldn't guess what he was going to show him. Turning his gaze towards him, he mentioned a training ground. He assumed it was a technique since he said forget a training ground. "What are you yappin' about now?" He said. 

"And what do you mean by 'this time'?" He said out of curiosity. He should know Kyson wasn't planning on leaving for a second time. Especially after everything he's been doing in the village so far. So he was wondering what he was trying show him and what he was getting at.
Royalty <3
Royalty <3
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Look at me King Empty Re: Look at me King

Wed Aug 15, 2018 11:19 am
Figuring out what the best way to do this, Roy smirked at the curiosity from his friend, Kyson. It was spectacular what a year could do. Especially when you don't sit on your ass every day. Actually getting up and pushing yourself was the only way to ensure you stay on your toes. That's exactly what Royalty had been doing. Alongside taking care of his mother and her companions of course.

"Don't worry, I don't mean leaving the village indefinitely. We should just go somewhere the two of us can not worry about destroying stuff," Roy said as the two approached the gates. He would gesture to the guards which would undoubtedly let them through. 

Once the two were on the other side, if Kyson were to still be following that is. Royalty then turned to him and looked puzzled. "Not gonna hold you, I didn't plan on making it this far. Do you have a good place in mind?" 
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Look at me King Empty Re: Look at me King

Wed Aug 15, 2018 1:12 pm
He was relieved he had no plans on leaving the village. But it was also very clear to him that he was showing him the results of some of his training he had done in the past year. He was curious to see what he has accomplished in the past year. He assumes his mother was doing okay since he was always there making sure things were going good. The last time he spoke to him, was when the two moved his mother out of the village. It was a depressful moment at that time, since a lot was going on. But its what they signed up for when they became shinobi. Things were almost never going to go according the way you wanted it.

"Oh, seems like somebody's been doing a little working out since the last time we saw each other." He would say with a slight smirk. They were approaching the village gates and were approached by 2 guards. Seeing Kyson, the guards would let them through with no problems seeing as he was the highest rank in the village at the moment. As he continued to follow Royalty outside the gates. He noticed Royalty having a puzzled look on his face. "What is it now?" He knew that look to well. Either he forgot to do something or he has no idea what he is doing.

When he said he had no idea where they were going to go. Kyson face palmed himself as he should've guessed. "Aren't you suppose to be the brains of the group? You are something else." The boy would let off a sigh. Being temporary leader of the village. He would learn the lands of this country for multiple reasons. "Follow me then." Kyson would say now that this time, he was the one taking the lead. Looking around at all the mountains around them. He thought to himself what would be a nice open area to be at. When he thought about it, the one place that came to mind was a place he had been not too long ago. The jasmine field that he fought Kinkaku on would actually be there perfect spot. It was open for miles with nothing getting into the way. 

"I know a good place.." He would say as he was heading towards that direction now. If Royalty was following, it would take some time to get there. Not too long, but a good amount of time since it was a bit ways from the village.
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