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Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Not on my watch (IO, Kotetsu, Miyamoto) - Page 2 Empty Re: Not on my watch (IO, Kotetsu, Miyamoto)

Fri Jul 27, 2018 10:16 pm
Once they left the guard house, Kotetsu made his way through the city towards the Water Gardens, the next stop on their investigation. It would only make sense to look over the scene of the murders, as there could definitely be something left behind, even this long after the murders. It wouldn’t take them too long to get there, even though the Water Gardens wasn’t really that close to the gates.  The time spent walking gave Kotetsu some time to mull over what potential leads he had come across in the gate logs. The gate logs themselves were extensive, as there was a decent number of people coming and going throughout each day. On top of that, there was a long period of time that needed to be examined. Luckily for Kotetsu, he had been able to make less work for himself. He had started a week before the first murder, and crossed off every individual that had left the village. Of all the people that arrived during the week leading up to the first murder, only three people were supposedly still in Hoshigakure. That could either mean that they were still in the village, or they had left without using any of the monitored exits. Kotetsu was banking on the former, as the latter would be rather difficult, since all points of egress were guarded.

The first person on the list of suspects was Shiroma Akihisa. Five foot, seven inches tall. Solid build, dark skin, dark hair, green eyes, with a scar on his right forearm and a broken nose. He was a traveller whose reason for coming to Hoshi was to visit a friend that lived near the Kozai Yuki National Archives. Not a whole lot of information to go on, but it’s hard to miss a broken nose. He normally wears drab colours of brown, grey, and beige. ‘Easy colours to blend in with…’ Kotetsu thought to himself. ‘Definitely a smart move if he’s looking to blend into a crowd in a desert village…’ The guards weren’t able to tell if he was a shinobi or not. ‘He could have had hidden weapons, or been suppressing chakra…’ There were too many variables and not enough solid information.

The next suspect was Shiraki Chikao. Five foot, eleven inches tall. Rail thin, pale skin, green hair, and two different coloured eyes. One red, one hazel. He had a long scar running down the side of his face and wore several piercings in each ear. He was known to dress in bright, vibrant hues that caught the eye. ‘The exact opposite of the furst one…’ Kotetsu thought to himself. ‘It’s almost like he’s trying to draw attention to himself. The reason for his visit to Hoshi was a “religious pilgrimage”. ‘As if that wasn’t a big enough hint at what he might be here for…’ The religious faction here was not above hiring thugs to do their dirty work. ‘Definitely someone to follow up with for sure…’ The gate logs had him staying in one of the inns near the primary church in Hoshigakure. It wasn’t a surprise, since if he was working for the religious leaders, it would make sense for him to be nearby.

The last suspect, Tsuchida Hidetoshi, was the shortest of the three, at five foot, three inches tall. He had a bigger build, making him appear almost completely round. He had blue-grey eyes, lightly tanned skin, and was completely bald. He had a dark brown beard that he kept closely trimmed. He wore baggier clothes in greens and browns. His reason for being in Hoshigakure was the same as Shiraki’s, a religious pilgrimage. They did not arrive together though, there was a couple days between their arrivals. ‘Strange that two completely different people would arrive on solo pilgrimages so close to each other…’ He had thought to himself at the time.

All of this information he passed on to Miyamoto as they walked. He kept his voice at a regular speaking voice as well. He wasn’t particularly concerned about keeping his findings quiet because at this point, if the assassin was capable enough to fight and kill a Jounin, he wouldn’t likely be going away any time soon. “For all we know, it could be a combination of two or all three of them.” He would say to Miyamoto, almost as an afterthought. “That could explain how they were able to get the jump on a Jounin.” There wasn’t much else in the logs, so they would need to rely on any clues they find at the murder sites, and any information they acquire from the suspect’s rooms and associates. The first place would be the Water Gardens. Partially because there’s always the chance there would be evidence remaining, partially because the Winter Knight of Hoshi was hoping that the assassin or assassins would come to them. ‘If only they could make my life easier…’ Kotetsu thought to himself with a chuckle.

When they arrived at the Water Gardens, Kotetsu looked over at Miyamoto. “We’ll spread out a bit and search the area where the murders took place. No detail is too small. Any little bit will help us.” He said to the younger shinobi as he made his way over to one of the known murder locations and started examining it for clues that were left behind.

WC: 893
TWC: 3173
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Not on my watch (IO, Kotetsu, Miyamoto) - Page 2 Empty Re: Not on my watch (IO, Kotetsu, Miyamoto)

Mon Jul 30, 2018 5:04 pm
"So in the entirety of that log, we have three people to really get too huh?" Miyamoto said with a tinge of annoyance in his voice. He could not really confirm nor deny that Kotetsu was screwing around with this mission, but the people he described seemed just like normal fuck-o's that roamed into the village on a daily basis. He was about to speak out about this whole thing when he began to connect the dots. He smacked his forehead out of nowhere as if to jog his memory and show how big of an idiot he was. Obviously, the info he gave Kotetsu about the monks, and religious nuts made perfect puzzle pieces for the last two to be connected to all of this.

"Forgive me of my ignorance...The last two, on their pilgrimage...If I know anything about those nutjobs, and unfortunately I do...they don't stay in one place too long unless under orders. I agree that this is the right direction to go in this investigation." He began as they walked into the gardens. Miyamoto stretched as he knew at least one of the killings happened here, and that the best course of action would be to see if there was anything that was missed when the body was retrieved. Miyamoto would follow Kotetsu as he kept his eyes peeled for anything that was out of the ordinary. So far though, everything was clean.

Looking over the edge of one of the small walkways he noticed a few things. Areas where the koi seemed to avoid like the plague and some areas where they flocked for food. It really should not be something that one would be paying attention to, hell in his time training and fighting he only noticed it a few times, but there were discarded shinobi tools at the bottom of the waterways. Miyamoto's eyes widened at this sudden realization as he stopped walking alongside Kotetsu to take a better look.

The crystal clear water seemed almost alive as the fish underneath him swam by as if it was nothing, the tools he saw were; a Kunai, rusted and beyond reasonable use. Then there was a tanto, a small blade favored by assassins and shinobi alike, its gleam looked new as if it had never tasted another form of steel to give it a challenge that a blade needed to be useful to its wielder. Finally the last was a meteor hammer that looked worn and cherished. Why was it here? He looked up from the spot and looked in a few directions to perhaps see if he could come by a clue as to trajectory or if there was something that might have been missed like these weapons.

"Hey Kotetsu, found something promising I think..." He said as he looked over towards him when he spotted something that caught the sun at his eye level. He quickly rushed to it, stuck in a floating soil bed that made its rounds in the water was a set of blood-soaked prayer beads.
"What the hell..." He said as he whistled over to Kotetsu as he did his best to keep his findings a secret for now, but he still motioned for him to come over.

If Kotetsu joined him, he would show him the beads, a straight and almost cold look on his face as he seethed with anger on the inside.
"Your theory on the two on their pilgrimage may be right. They should probably be close still since the monk temples are just one hundred yards away." He said as he let Kotetsu take the beads before going to the shinobi tools he saw earlier as he reached in to fish them out. Each of them varying in degree of use, but all are designed for killing. The Kunai was even sharp for its edge, perhaps the murder weapon was one of these three.
"What do you make of this, am I wrong, or are these all connected?" He asked, his body temperature shot up as he began to think about tearing whoever did this to the shinobi of his village to shreds using the power of the Jugo bloodline that now dwelled inside of him.

Inside of his head, he played out the scenario in which he found the killer monk. He saw himself with a fully transformed look on his face and on his body as he held the nameless and faceless monk in his outstretched right hand as he took up nearly three-quarters of his face. Next he watched as he made a spike form at the mans mouth and shoot out through the back of his neck, slowly making the man bleed to death while his other arm through normal, ripped off the monks arm at his shoulder before throwing it before the other terrified monks that sat around and just watched with terror. His maniacal laughter and the blood that splattered his clothes and the floor was like some sort of gory b rated horror movie. There was no speech, just a laughter and look from Miyamoto that shook him to his core. He was enjoying ripping the man to shreds.

When he finally came back to reality Kotetsu would notice as the glossed over look that overtook Miyamoto would dissipate after just a few seconds. He had a smile on his face that betrayed his once calm demeanor.
"Sorry about that, had a weird train of thoughts go through my head, I would let it happen again." He said, ashamed that he spaced out like that in front of someone that could very well vouch for his mental state when it came to increasing his rank in the shinobi world.

WC: 955/3,060
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Not on my watch (IO, Kotetsu, Miyamoto) - Page 2 Empty Re: Not on my watch (IO, Kotetsu, Miyamoto)

Wed Aug 01, 2018 2:18 am
"So in the entirety of that log, we have three people to really get too huh?" Kotetsu could hear the annoyed tone in Miyamoto's voice. Investigation and observation was one of Kotetsu's strengths, and he could understand if the younger shinobi hadn't quite grasped what they were doing, so he said nothing and let the boy stew on it a little. 'I'm sure he'll put two and two together shortly...' the Winter Knight of Hoshi thought to himself with a small smirk. It would seem that Miyamoto had come to a similar conclusion when he suddenly smacked his own forehead as if realising something. 'There we go...' Kotetsu thought to himself with a chuckle. Miyamoto then spoke again, however this time it did not seem that the annoyed tone he used earlier was present. "Forgive me of my ignorance...The last two, on their pilgrimage...If I know anything about those nutjobs, and unfortunately I do...they don't stay in one place too long unless under orders. I agree that this is the right direction to go in this investigation."

“I’m glad you agree.” Kotetsu said to the younger shinobi. "If anything it's at the very least two of the three, but I wouldn't be surprised if we had to deal with all three of them. Numbers are likely what took down our comrades. What I'd like to know now is why. Who sent them, and what they're trying to accomplish here in the village." The Winter Knight had kept his tone as even as possible, but there was a frigid tinge to it. He dislikes people that try to hurt those that he serves to protect.

The Water Gardens were incredibly peaceful when the pair of shinobi arrived. It made life easier as they could just get right to business with no curious bystanders to harass them while they investigated. It wasn't long before Miyamoto grabbed Kotetsu's attention. "Hey Kotetsu, found something promising I think... What the hell..." As the Jounin from the Yuki clan walked over, he noticed the weapons in the water; A kunai, rusted and beyond reasonable use. Then there was a tanto, looking as brand-new as if he had just forged it himself. Finally the last was a meteor hammer that looked as if it had seen a great deal of use. None of those were what Miyamoto had called Kotetsu over for though. The boy had found what appeared to be a set of prayer beads that were covered in blood. Who the blood belonged to was anyone's guess at this point. They would need to find out whether the blood matched any of the victims in order to confirm that it was evidence, the fact that it was here, definitely made it seem as if it was connected. Especially since a pair of the suspects had a religious background. "Your theory on the two on their pilgrimage may be right. They should probably be close still since the monk temples are just one hundred yards away."

Miyamoto made to pass the beads over to him, which Kotetsu accepted and placed in a small container before placing it inside one of his weapon pouches. "Perhaps we should pay the two "pilgrims" a visit." He said to his teammate as Miyamoto went to collect the weapons from the river itself. How these potential pieces of evidence were left there was beyond him, and Kotetsu would need to have some firm words with those that had initially surveyed the investigation. "What do you make of this, am I wrong, or are these all connected?" Miyamoto asked. Kotetsu thought about it for a few moments. "It's possible they could be connected. I highly doubt the kunai would be if it's rusted that badly. It would take much longer than a week to acquire that much rust. As for the other two weapons there, it's very possible that they could belong to either the assailants or the victims. Either way we should bring them with us." It would appear that Miyamoto was not paying attention. He had a strange look on his face, like he was daydreaming. A few moments later the look was gone and he was looking around again. He looked over at Kotetsu and said. "Sorry about that, had a weird train of thoughts go through my head, I would let it happen again." Kotetsu raised an eyebrow but didn't respond right away. He figured that the boy meant he would not let it happen again, especially since they were in the middle of what could be a very dangerous mission. "I would hope not." He said finally. "Let's go. I think it's time we talk with those pilgrims."

They hadn't made much distance towards the inn when Kotetsu picked up three chakra signatures making their way towards them. None of them were signatures that he recognized. 'Welp...' Kotetsu thought to himself as he mentally prepared for what would likely be a conflict. 'I guess I was right about there being three assailants...' a few moments later, a trio of figures appeared roughly 10 meters away from Kotetsu and Miyamoto. Shiroma Akihisa, Shiraki Chikao, and Tsuchida Hidetoshi looked almost exactly like how they were described in the gate logs. Kotetsu would sigh before addressing them. "So I take it this means you know we're on to you and you're looking to take us out before we can bring you to justice?" He asked them calmly. Shiraki was the one who responded. "The Jaws of Grima say hello, Kotetsu Shinogami. We were planning to kill you anyways for what you did to our hideout. It just makes it easier for us that you happen to be the one snooping around." 'I guess it's time to get right to it...' Kotetsu thought to himself.

WC: 967
TWC: 4140
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Not on my watch (IO, Kotetsu, Miyamoto) - Page 2 Empty Re: Not on my watch (IO, Kotetsu, Miyamoto)

Wed Aug 01, 2018 1:17 pm
The look on Kotetsu's face as they gathered the items and began to walk off was of pure calm. So far in his life, he was the fifth person that seemed as though the coming storm never seemed to bother him; The other four were, Valen, His grandfather, Isshin, and Kyousuke. It did not make him nervous, but again the thoughts of killing these monks showed up in the back of his head as if challenging him to make these images come true. As they walked, the feeling of the natural energy around them seemed to change as if acting like an early warning for him but due to his lack of proper training. However, it did not take long for the trouble to find them as ahead of them some 10 meters were the three suspects. When one of them spoke though, Miyamoto absolutely lost his sanity.

"The Jaws of Grima say hello, Kotetsu Shinogami. We were planning to kill you anyways for what you did to our hideout. It just makes it easier for us that you happen to be the one snooping around." The man said with a sinister yet calm tone as Miyamoto was already performing the hand seals at his top speed for what he needed to activate the Temple of Hephaestus technique. Once he transformed into his alternate form he spoke in an equally sinister tone.

He was focused now, driven by the urge to absolutely tear these bastards limb from limb, he did not care about taking a hostage...hell even if he had to he would make damn sure that their life would be hell the longer they had to live and a slow death would follow whoever had to be questioned. Inside of his head, however, he remembered the pain of losing Tsume and costing Satoru his legs...that mission was the most important failure of his life. The bastard that did it was still on the loose too, and these three fucks were probably retaliation for what they did. The weight on Miyamoto's shoulders felt like a ton but now that he was faced with three opportunist killers he was happy about it all as the weight felt like nothing as a manic grin spread across his face suddenly as steam poured off of his body as he never took his eyes off of the three of them. They were prey now, and Miyamoto and Kotetsu were the predators.

"Kotetsu, we probably do not have much time, plus we are in a space with tons of eyes on us in every direction. This was not a coincidence. We should end this quick...we only need one alive right?" He would ask as his tone of voice sounded like a monster.
Some further thought gave him some insight towards what they said before.
"Also I do not think they are alone in this endeavor. The J.O.G. bastards don't send out three lap dogs without a leash." He said as the thought only made him angrier that this was beginning to look planned from the moment he was told that he was to be on this mission.
"I want to bathe in their blood..." He said out loud. If they had not moved, Miyamoto would be the first as he would use the snake hand sign before slamming his fists into the stone under him as he used his Earth Release Flying Thrown Stones to create a shower of to 30 cm stones at a Speed and power of 50 flying towards the three without waiting another minute as he knew that this situation was a matter of lige and death. He would not lose here today.

WC: 615/3,675
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Not on my watch (IO, Kotetsu, Miyamoto) - Page 2 Empty Re: Not on my watch (IO, Kotetsu, Miyamoto)

Wed Aug 01, 2018 8:34 pm
It would seem that Miyamoto was eager to get started as he was performing hand seals. It was unfortunate as Kotetsu was hoping to have their targets make the first move. The Terumi Chuunin immediately changed his appearance, acquiring a black shell around him. It was a very interesting thing to watch happen, not that it took long. 'Curious...' Kotetsu thought to himself. 'I wonder how this transformation affects him...' Either way it didn't really matter as there was a bigger threat to deal with.

Immediately the three assassins split up, with each of them charging at the pair of Hoshi shinobi from different directions. He would sigh softly. "At least they're making this easier for us." He said dryly to Miyamoto. "Kotetsu, we probably do not have much time, plus we are in a space with tons of eyes on us in every direction. This was not a coincidence. We should end this quick...we only need one alive right?" Apparently the change also affected Miyamoto's speech patterns. He came off as a lot more sinister. The tone didn't bother him, but the apparent bloodlust that accompanied the change did. "I want to capture all three of them alive. You never who knows what information. The more we find out now, the better. Besides, whether a scene is caused or not does not hurt us at all, unless the church decides to get involved, which will end poorly for them." The last sentence he said matter-of-factly, to show how little he cared as to whether or not a scene was caused. Immediately after that, he activated his own technique, Winter Knight. He chose the ground mode to start with. His skin lost all colour becoming pure white, and his already blue eyes glowed a bright sapphire blue. In addition to the changes to his body, ice formed on his arms, making a pair of bracers. From those bracers, a pair of transparent round shields appears on the top of each bracer, and a blue-tinted blade grew out from the front of both bracers. All of the Ice constructs have a health of 190, and the blades have a sharpness of 250. All of this happened at a speed of 195, all happening at the same time.

Miyamoto brought up a good point, one that he had thought about briefly, but had kept it to himself. "Also I do not think they are alone in this endeavor. The J.O.G. bastards don't send out three lap dogs without a leash." Kotetsu readied himself as the assassins approached. Shiroma Akihisa from their left, Shiraki Chikao charging straight at them, and Tsuchida Hidetoshi coming in from their right. The three of them were moving at a speed of 100, which was nothing compared to the Winter Knight of Hoshi, but it would be quite fast compared to others. ‘Have I really become that strong?..’ Kotetsu thought to himself as the trio of ruffians made their approach. ‘It seems like I have so far to go still…’ Not that he felt sorry for these three. They had already caused enough trouble in this village. He was glad that he would be able to take care of them himself so that no one else would fall victim to them.

"I want to bathe in their blood..." Yet another statement from Miyamoto. Kotetsu was starting to lose his patience with the Chuunin. “You will do no such thing.” He said cooly, alloying a tinge of annoyance to creep into his voice. “They will be taken alive, and if you go out of your way to kill any of them, I will bring you in with them for jeopardizing our mission…” He hoped that the young Chuunin would recognize the threat implied in Kotetsu’s statement as the assassins closed on them. As much as the Winter Knight of Hoshi would rather kill them all, he knew their strategic importance was higher in terms of what they knew. So they would remain alive for now, and if Miyamoto deviated from that plan, then he would be punished accordingly.

His thoughts were brought to the impending fight with Tsuchida making a couple hand seals and sending a string of projectiles made of compressed air at Kotetsu. He brought one of his shields up and it flared as the air bullets impacted uselessly against it. He had apparently followed up with a different type of wind attack, almost imperceptible had it not been for his mist sonar. Kotetsu again directed his shield to deflect the projectiles away. Then his opponent had closed the distance to him. ‘The poor fool…’ Kotetsu thought to himself as he readied for some close quarters combat. ‘This is going to be quick…’

WC: 786
TWC: 4926
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Not on my watch (IO, Kotetsu, Miyamoto) - Page 2 Empty Re: Not on my watch (IO, Kotetsu, Miyamoto)

Thu Aug 02, 2018 1:58 pm
As he unleashed his attack it was easy to see the men move to dodge, it was not like it was fast or anything, but it was annoying to see that they anticipated a frontal assault. He still had a smile on his face as he felt the release of a massive amount of chakra behind him. Then a cool sensation even pierced his core which was good because it brought him to his senses, even if he felt as if he was in the right about it all. Hearing Kotetsu though, made him twitch with anger more than submission.
“They will be taken alive, and if you go out of your way to kill any of them, I will bring you in with them for jeopardizing our mission…” Kotetsu said swiftly, he could tell he was annoyed without even looking back at him. He almost let out a feral growl, but instead, he allowed the assailant that dodged upward before charging Miyamoto as the other two moved to fight Kotetsu, a close quarters fight was about to ensue. He would comply for the sake of the mission, but he would have words later with Kotetsu.

As he came up from his first attack he was met with a forward thrust of the man's gloved hand, which Miyamoto dodged with ease as he used the man's momentum to pass by him as Miyamoto shot for the mans legs in an attempt at some old school fighting as his job was to make sure the man did not die he would do so. The man, Shiraki was grinning as he brought his knee up to meet Miyamoto's chin to counterattack. Miyamoto took the blow with ease as he looked up to see the horrified look on the man's face as he locked his arms around the knees of the man as they launched a good meter into the air. The grin on his face never left as he put in his entire strength in a downward force as he let out a primal roar as he brought the man down with a mighty crash, the ground exploded in a 1 meter radius, about 1.5 meters away from Kotetsu's original location with a great force as chunks of rock and wood shot out in every direction causing a dust cloud to rise high into the air.

At the epicenter of the explosion Miyamoto now stood up, his technique held up, but his skin began to crack as he stood triumphantly as water began to fill into the area. As the dust began to settle, the man got back up and pulled out a tanto like the one they fished out of the water earlier.

"Go ahead, get up...I know you ain't done and neither am I." Miyamoto said as his grin turned to a stoic cold look as he reached back to grab Tsume's blade, but decided against it as he got ready for the next round.
"Oh don't worry, I will make sure to end you quickly so we can get to our original target," Shiraki said as his eyes darted to Kotetsu's location to see what had transpired. However, that was a mistake that Miyamoto took advantage of as he launched at the man with his full speed, bringing his leg up in a right low kick as he swept through the water, Shiraki caught the tail end of the attack as he was swept off of his footing and sent down into the water as he held on to his blade. Miyamoto did not let up as he performed the hand seals for Water Shuriken as he launched five at the Shiraki's hand that held the blade. Just as he did, he was caught off guard as the man flicked his wrist and the movement was almost too fast for Miyamoto, but it was too fast for him to dodge outright as he was only able to block as his leg was pierced with the tanto that was thrown at him. It was able to pierce him, but there was no searing pain or white-hot flames shooting through his nerves. His eyes never left his enemy as he launched the remaining five shurikens at the Shiraki's other hand as they traveled at a speed of 55 with a strength of 55 in anger. It was dodgeable, but the tanto in his leg made Miyamoto's aim falter, so his toss might also come up short in the long run.

"Shit!" Miyamoto said as he grabbed the tanto and snapped it with his hand as he felt the material was lacking in strength greatly. Then he felt the pain as, but he shook it off as he walked towards Shiraki with the intent to knock him out completely with his next blow.
"I won't kill you, but I want to make sure you hurt and when they bring you in...the only thing you will be able to do is talk," Miyamoto said as he saw that all his shuriken hit their mark, and his blood seeped into his wounds. They were weak, bleeding from something made of water.

He grabbed the Shiraki's left leg as he quickly and efficiently knocked his knee with the palm of his hand with 3/4 of his strength as he felt the familiar pop of bones dislocating from their original point. The right leg was next as Shiraki held in his screams of pain.

"I see they taught you to hold in the pain...this is going to make it less enjoyable," Miyamoto said as he grabbed his wrists and quickly broke both of them before letting his arms fall there in the water as he looked down at the husk that was once a fighter.
"You are not worthy of tasting the steel of my fallen comrade," Miyamoto said with finality as he looked back at Kotetsu, he was done with this fight. He held off on canceling his Temple technique for now just in case he was still needed.


AP Used
-45 Upkeep for Temple
-20 for Water Shuriken

Boosts used in Topic, Iron Fortress
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Not on my watch (IO, Kotetsu, Miyamoto) - Page 2 Empty Re: Not on my watch (IO, Kotetsu, Miyamoto)

Fri Aug 03, 2018 2:54 am
It was not going to be a long fight. Even had it been just Kotetsu against all three, the assassins would not have stood a chance. Especially since he was not holding back in terms of his own abilities, because that's how you get killed. He's not going to kill the assailants, because they need any information they have, but that won't stop him from beating them all to a bloody pulp. 'Nobody kills a member of my village...' Kotetsu thought to himself as he blocked a slash made by Tsuchida. The man was clearly trained to use his weapons, but he was nowhere near fast enough to keep up with the Winter Knight of Hoshi. That being said, Kotetsu had no issue toying with his opponent, since it did not appear that they were going anywhere, and Kotetsu would not let them escape, even if they tried. It would seem that Shiroma had bypassed Miyamoto and charged at him from the other side. He didn't need to look to know that someone was coming towards him, his Mist sonar told him exactly who it was by the silhouette that his ability had drawn for him in his minds' eye. Without turning to look at the newcomer, Kotetsu would swing his offhand back towards Shiroma, pointing like one would point a gun, and pretend to fire. Instead of nothing happening though, a three-inch beam of chakra would shoot out and hit him in the shoulder. It burned a hole in his shirt, but wasn't strong enough to pierce through what was underneath. Not that it was a problem; it did the job of ruining the man's charge forward as the strength of the beam was enough to push Shiroma's shoulder back, throwing him off balance and forcing him into a fall.

Returning his full attention to the assailant in front of him, he didn’t bother with any smack talk, since it wouldn’t accomplish anything. Instead, Kotetsu would use his blades and shields to buffet his opponent, dealing glancing blows while his friend staggered back to his feet. With a roar of anger, Shiroma charged at Kotetsu’s back, causing the Winter Knight of Hoshi to smirk and move to one side. Shiroma ended up missing him completely, and Kotetsu capitalised by kicking one of his legs as he went by, causing the man to barrel past him and collide with his comrade. This time they both ended up eating dirt, which amused Kotetsu greatly. ‘They’re making this too easy…’ He thought to himself. ‘I could probably beat them without any jutsu whatsoever…’ He would refrain from deactivating his Winter Knight on the off chance that one of the assassins had a trick up their sleeve. The two got up quickly, brushing the dirt off their clothes. "You're going to regret that." Shiroma said to Kotetsu. The Winter Knight of Hoshi chuckled in response. 'I don't think so...' he thought to himself as he slowly moved towards the pair. Shiroma had created a Rasengan in his hand, while Tsuchida made a quick series of hand signs and a sudden crackling screech could be heard as he used chidori. They both then charged straight at Kotetsu, which would theoretically be a good idea had it been anyone other than Kotetsu. The power of their combined attacks was still not strong enough to break through the shields that Kotetsu placed in front of the new assault. They flashed brightly, a honeycomb pattern springing into life around the impact zone on the shields before fading again. Kotetsu moved quickly between the two of them. He was doing more than just moving of course. As he moved past them at a speed of 195, he was using the 250 sharpness of his blades to slice into his opponents. He made sure not to hit any vital organs with his attacks, but his strikes were precise and there were a good number of them. The blades had targeted muscles and tendons primarily in their arms and legs, crippling the pair of assassins so that they would be unable to fight back. They would definitely be bleeding from the multiple wounds they had both acquired in that relatively short period of time. As they fell to the ground from the cuts made to their legs, Kotetsu would smash them both in the back of the head with the flat of his blades, rendering them unconscious.

Thanks to his Mist Sonar, Kotetsu was able to keep track of what was going on in Miyamoto’s fight with the last assassin at the same time as he was dealing with his own attackers. The man had tried to knee Miyamoto in the face, and that had ended poorly for the man. He had been lifted into the air, and slammed onto the ground with enough force that would normally break a man’s back. He apparently managed to come back up almost unscathed. Being able to draw a blade and attack Miyamoto with it. “Go ahead, get up...I know you ain't done and neither am I.” He heard Miyamoto say to his opponent. "Oh don't worry, I will make sure to end you quickly so we can get to our original target," Was the snarled reply. Miyamoto responded not with words, but with a kick that sent the man onto his back again. He then followed up with some shuriken but had ended up getting wounded himself in the process. He had been stabbed by a tanto in his leg. That wasn’t going to be much of an inconvenience for the Terumi Chuunin, who simply broke off the blade with an exclamation of “Shit!” And got back to work pummeling the assassin. "I won't kill you, but I want to make sure you hurt and when they bring you in...the only thing you will be able to do is talk," He said as he methodically broke all four of the man’s limbs. "I see they taught you to hold in the pain...this is going to make it less enjoyable," By the time he had finished, he uttered one last thing, "You are not worthy of tasting the steel of my fallen comrade," before turning to look at Kotetsu.

Kotetsu nodded to his squad mate. "I guess that's the end of that." he said. There would be no need to tie them up, as it wasn't like the three would be able to go anywhere. "Let's get them over to the interrogation team so that they can find out what these three know." 'That was significantly easier than I had expected...' Kotetsu thought to himself as he picked up the two assassins he had fought. As soon as Miyamoto had done the same with the attacker he had fought, Kotetsu would lead the way back into the village.

WC: 1138
TWC: 6064
Shinrei Yamato
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Not on my watch (IO, Kotetsu, Miyamoto) - Page 2 Empty Re: Not on my watch (IO, Kotetsu, Miyamoto)

Sat Aug 04, 2018 12:05 pm
Miyamoto agreed with Kotetsu on not having to tie them up as he looked back at the man he had beaten moments earlier to see him lying there in the shallow pool of water with a bit of blood pooled around him, but nothing serious as he walked over to retrieve him. He did disarm him, however, finding a wet scroll, two kunai, and an exploding tag. The tanto from earlier had finally pushed out of his body as he performed some on the spot first aid as he let his body repair itself. A quick look at their bodies showed that none were hiding any seals so it was safe to assume that they were ready to be least his guy was.

Assuming that Kotetsu disarmed and checked his opponents he would make sure to have everything turned over to the squad leader so that it can be turned into evidence. He did not bother shouldering the man, as he had lost his match and killed village shinobi, he was worthless, but he wanted to make sure that the man did not try to bite off his tongue, so a quick paralysis jutsu would render the man dead weight, if Kotetsu wanted the same done to the others then Miyamoto would do so. Dragging the lump of dead weight through the village was easy, but he wanted to make sure that whoever saw them got the message. As they walked, Miyamoto kept himself quiet as he looked as if he was back to normal.

Inside his head he was a mix of emotions, he wanted to kill all three men, but if he did he would be turning to a missing-nin due to going against the village, but he also wanted answers as to where the J.O.G. where heading so that way Miyamoto could get revenge on the man that killed his friend.

As they arrived, Miyamoto's far away expression dissolved to a cold stare as he would hand over the lump of flesh he drug behind him. He would turn and wait for Kotetsu, or perhaps he fell behind so he would rather look at Kotetsu as he waited to be debriefed on their mission.

Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Not on my watch (IO, Kotetsu, Miyamoto) - Page 2 Empty Re: Not on my watch (IO, Kotetsu, Miyamoto)

Tue Aug 07, 2018 2:36 am
With no fighting left to do, Kotetsu released his chakra, allowing his bracers and the attached weapons to sublimate. Once that was done, he searched the pair of defeated assassins for any weapons. He found a few shuriken, a couple kunai, and several pieces of paper written in some form of code. 'Here we go...' Kotetsu thought to himself as he pocketed everything to be handed over as evidence for the interrogation team when they go to turn the attackers over. 'That could prove useful indeed...' He would then pick up the pair and carry them back to a short grey building near the Unseen University. Inside he would deposit his pair of assassins, along with everything they had on them with the shinobi inside. As soon as Miyamoto had done the same with his captive, Kotetsu would turn to the attendants. "These are who we believe to be members of the Jaws of Grima organisation, and those responsible for the recent shinobi murders." He said to the members of the interrogation squad. "A priority report is to be filed on any intelligence they have, to be delivered to the Hogokage as quickly as possible." With that Kotetsu would turn and leave the building. With the mission itself being effectively complete, Kotetsu would turn to his teammate. "Good work out there. I need to complete the mission report for the Hogokage as a supplement for what the interrogation team will come up with." If Miyamoto had nothing else to say, Kotetsu would head back to his home in order to write up his report, leaving Miyamoto to do as he wished.

It wouldn't take a long time for the Winter Knight of Hoshi to make his way back home and dive right into writing the report. The sooner he finished it, the sooner he would be able to go back to his normal routine. One thing he had made care to mention is that apparently the Jaws of Grima knew his name, and his involvement in a raid on one of their strongholds. He wasn't overly concerned so much about retaliatory attacks from the Jaws of Grima, more that the information had reached them. Either there was someone that had been watching, or information was leaked. Either was something that needed to be noted and planned accordingly should the Hogokage send more missions to deal with any other strongholds that are found. Once the report was completed, Kotetsu would make his way to the Unseen University in order to deliver his report in person. Once that was completed, he would go for a well earned meal.


WC: 436
TWC: 6500

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Not on my watch (IO, Kotetsu, Miyamoto) - Page 2 Empty Re: Not on my watch (IO, Kotetsu, Miyamoto)

Tue Aug 07, 2018 8:22 pm
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