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Fresh out of the Hospital [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fresh out of the Hospital [IO]

Mon Aug 27, 2018 11:22 pm
There it was. Adrenaline. It vivaciously hit a peak when she delivered that blow to him and she was fighting against the raging current of ‘fight or flight’ with her years of calming training. It was  sin to indulge the ways she had in this adrenaline and it’s more aggressive sister, Anger. When Satoru hit the ground and began twitching, Geni came to a conclusion. She could do 1 of two things: A) She could hit him with her Poison Mist Jutsu so that he would have no way to escape and thus, most likely, kill him. OR B) She could have enough honor to respect the fact that she was in a vulnerable position and not take advantage of it. Considering that he was another shinobi, even though she did not know his rank, and that was was not only a fellow Hoshigakure Nin but also an ally- and the fact that this was a spar- she decided firmly. Option B was a good course of action. After all; the village needed it’s shinobi, she couldn’t just go around mortally wounding them.

When he complied with her request to stay down, she listened patiently as he spoke to her, “No, I’m not seriously hurt. Give me a moment to move and we can continue.” Geni nodded and smiled softly. She liked his confidence and she was quite jealous of it. So, she decided to not be malicious and respect him as she walked away from him but continued to watch him.

“ you think you could lift the effect of whatever jutsu you just used?” He asked and Geni giggled a bit,

“I’m afraid not.” She informed him bluntly, smiling as she closed her eyes and tried to recount as much information that could have been vague and helpful at the same time. “The jutsu affects everyone differently; sometimes it wears off quickly, sometimes it wears off longer. Generally, there is about a thirty to forty minute average of effectiveness to those who fall victim to it.” She tilted her head to the side, “I’ve never tested the jutsu out properly- in a proper fight, anyways. So I look forward to seeing these results.” She said, looking down at him,

“So- is there pain? You must be in some type of discomfort… hitting the ground and all. It must be frustrating as well, hm?”Geni asked before frowning, “I’m sorry… I’m not trying to goad you… I just don’t have much combat experience.”

[ WC: 415 ]

[ TWC: 1965 ]
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Ryo : 10650

Fresh out of the Hospital [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fresh out of the Hospital [IO]

Sat Oct 20, 2018 10:03 pm
Muscles twitch in Satoru’s arms and legs as he attempts to learn the new language that his body has decided to speak. There is little progress due to the fact that the Nara is not at all proficient in medical ninjutsu to any degree. Whatever Genevieve has done to him, there is no hope in moving normally except for waiting for the effects to wear off.

Satoru is open to answer questions about how the jutsu feels on the target. There is nothing better to do, after all.

“I feel no pain aside from what is normal considering your blows. But nothing added by your jutsu in particular.” As he says this, he also deeply evaluates the effects he is feeling. Satoru is a scientific, inquisitive person. He sees this as research to some extent. So, in order to provide the best data for the medical specialist, Satoru gives detailed information as though he is analyzing a chemical reaction or observation of a physics experiment. “It is not comfortable to any extent. I feel all of my body’s extremities and muscles where they are supposed to be. Yet, when I attempt to move them, a different muscle in the body is moved instead. It isn’t just ‘left arm becomes right leg’ or right foot becomes right hand’. Imagine all of the muscles involved in taking one step. Every part of that motion is linked to a completely different muscle; they aren’t even close to each other. It is interesting to test, actually. Though I have little chance of understanding this new muscular system.” 

Satoru is so absorbed in his analysis that he fails to address Genevieve’s following words about goading.

“You’re fine.”  His response is simple because he has little to really say on the matter. He takes little offense to anything he sees as trivial. In the event that Satoru is indeed offended by someone, he struggles to ever confront that person about the matter. Whenever communication is not mandatory for anything the Nara has in mind, he avoids it.

“Do you aspire to become a doctor rather than a shinobi? Or, I guess that is more so a question of whether or not you enjoy combat.”  Satoru poses his question and continues to twitch periodically as he has some fun determining how his muscles work.


[Mid-thread claim: (2,000/4,000) words towards Wind Rejuvenation, 11 stats, 376 words banked]

Last edited by Satoru Nara on Mon Oct 22, 2018 3:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Ryo : 276150

Fresh out of the Hospital [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fresh out of the Hospital [IO]

Mon Oct 22, 2018 3:02 pm
Sorry, are you claiming WR as complete? If so, please link the other thread where you trained it in my good sir.
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Fresh out of the Hospital [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fresh out of the Hospital [IO]

Mon Oct 22, 2018 4:05 pm
Just to be clear, you can't store WC. You will need to claim it on this thread that it is being used on.

That being said, approved for everything else.
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Ryo : 10650

Fresh out of the Hospital [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fresh out of the Hospital [IO]

Sun Jun 23, 2019 6:24 pm
A significant amount of time has passed since the muscle-confusing technique had taken effect. As such, the ailment subsides and Satoru is able to once again move normally. The Nara takes his leave and thanks his opponent for the thrilling spar. He has business to attend to. For this reason, he bids her a fine day.


[Claims: 1 stat (my last claim took stats from 2,200 compared to the now 2,400), 402/1,000 words towards Cloak of the Night mastery]
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Fresh out of the Hospital [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fresh out of the Hospital [IO]

Tue Jun 25, 2019 9:16 pm
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