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Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
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Ryo : 10650

Fresh out of the Hospital [IO] Empty Fresh out of the Hospital [IO]

Tue Jun 26, 2018 10:25 pm
Fresh out of the hospital, Satoru makes his way towards a familiar location within the village: the training grounds. Here, he intends to find a partner with which to spar. Though his stay in rehabilitation was not long, his legs are still somewhat new. While they are his own, Satoru does not get the feeling that they are really one with him. So, breaking them in seems to be a sound solution.

The Nara stands with his back to one of the fences, leaning leisurely. Anyone who comes close enough will fall victim to his awkward approach and will be asked for a spar. Whether or not he is turned down, of course, is up to that person.

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Fresh out of the Hospital [IO] Empty Re: Fresh out of the Hospital [IO]

Wed Jun 27, 2018 12:06 am
Geni has found some time in her not-so-busy schedule ot make it towards the training grounds; or rather, she had sneaked out of her family's Inn and went to the grounds. She didn't have a lot of courage in her own abilities but maybe it was time for her to take of the 'kiddie gloves' and maybe go all out and try her best against someone.

Her dragons encouraged her to be feisty and fiery and brazen; maybe she needed to so something absolutely drastic and dramatic; how could Kenshin react? Or Ayato? What did they have in common along with almost every other shinobi in their village? If they wanted to do something, they didn't spend countless hours or minutes, not even seconds, second-guessing themselves like she did. She needed to get that confidence too or she'd never be a good and reliable shinobi like they were-

There were even other shinobi in the village that were much more helpful and powerful than she was, but that didn't mean she didn't have what it took; after all, Geni had been studious and secretive in her training to make sure she was working hard to catch up. She just needed more- assertiveness.

Geni was so kind and considerate, she might as well be the person telling her opponent 'hey, im attacking rom this side, get ready!' It was fucking ridiculous. However, she was shocked to see someone actually leaning up against a fence. This was her chance to spar with some other unsuspecting shinobi, "HEY!" She called over to them, still a couple yards away, "You don't look too busy, do you think we could spar?" She asked and smiled.

[ WC : 280 ]
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
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Ryo : 10650

Fresh out of the Hospital [IO] Empty Re: Fresh out of the Hospital [IO]

Thu Jun 28, 2018 5:35 pm
Satoru looks over in the direction of the voice that calls for his attention. Its source is a female member of the village. Based on the fact that she is asking for a spar, Satoru would be foolish not to think that she too is a warrior for Hoshigakure.

As always, the Nara absorbs information passively through observation. However, in this instance, he cannot outright confirm anything about this woman’s capabilities. No matter. “In a real confrontation, say on a mission or task, I wouldn’t ordinarily know my opponent’s abilities. I’ll jump into this and adapt as I go.”

“Ok.” A minimalist response from the Nara. He then steps forth, expecting it to be apparent that the spar has commenced. His right hand forms the seal of confrontation solely to signify this. “I was actually looking for a sparring partner.”

To start, Satoru charges all of his muscles with chakra, taking on a light blue glow. Giving that chakra the quality of electricity, sparks also emit from the Nara’s body. Then, with his body enhanced, Satoru charges forward at a speed of 50 to close the six meter distance between himself and his opponent.

While it may seem strange, and it certainly is strange, Satoru continues his greeting as he moves forward with the intent of attacking. “My name is Satoru Nara. Yours?” The manner in which he says this is an entirely natural one, as though he is standing in an average conversation.

When Satoru reaches his opponent, he pulls a kunai form the ninja pouch attached to his waist behind him. It is then brought forward, from outside of the woman’s field of view moving into her field of view. The knife is aimed to strike her mid abdomen and the maneuver is made at a speed of 50.



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Fresh out of the Hospital [IO] Empty Re: Fresh out of the Hospital [IO]

Sat Jun 30, 2018 11:04 pm
The other person in the sparring area agreed and even went so far as to inform her that he was looking for a sparring partner. She smiled as he sparred a moment to give her the sign of their spar beginning; the seal of confrontation. Without another moment’s notice, he moved towards her to initiate an attack and she stood there, not out of fear or not knowing what to do. She wanted to see and pay attention to his movements.

He was quickly crossing the distance of 6 meter between them and then she saw it; his hand moving to a pocket and producing a kunai. When he did that, she moved her hand to her throat and released the chakra seal about her neck when she decided that she shouldn’t disrespect her sparring partner with a shabby performance. As he raised the kunai, she pushed her chakra into her spit to ignite the Spider Web Flower Technique, but she waited until he was closer. She he was almost “on top of her”, a stitch over a meter away, she launched her attack and sent 3 thick bindings of 2-layer webs, shot so closely together they resembled something more kaledascopish- than actual webs. With her experience with the technique she didn’t need to rely on hand seals and she looked forward to them landing, but she  moved with her 99 speed to easily side-step his attack to her left; his right hand side. With a smirk, Geni responded calmly,

“Genevieve Oasis.”
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[ WC : 252 ]
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Ryo : 10650

Fresh out of the Hospital [IO] Empty Re: Fresh out of the Hospital [IO]

Tue Jul 03, 2018 1:13 pm
It is not uncommon for some to grow best when presented with difficult situations. When in the heat of battle, as Satoru has realized from experience, a shinobi requires the ability to think quickly on their feet in order to avoid falling to the whim of their opponent. This, failing to maneuver or come up with some evasive action, almost always results in death. During his latest mission, Satoru failed to determine the safety of his position and lost his legs for it. The only reason he made it back to the village alive was because of the length of his body, pure chance. He felt that his life was not in his own control. Putting himself into such a situation once again, he theorizes, should cause him to adapt quicker.

Hence this situation. Satoru has taken it upon himself to charge directly at a sparring partner about whom he knows nothing. Her techniques are not known, her bloodline abilities are not known, her physical capabilities of strength and speed are not known. Once again, Satoru is left with little control of the situation when Genevieve releases a web of silk seemingly purposed to apprehend or trap a target. What’s worse, this occurs when Satoru is only one meter away from her.

The Nara has nothing in his arsenal of techniques to keep the web from encasing him. All he is able to do is make sure that he can at least pull of hand seals while within the trap. He does this by taking back the kunai swing with his right arm. Instead, it comes to his chest along with his left arm. This way, while his body is immobilized, his hands will be close enough to form the ox, dog, and rat seals while he is propelled backward by two meters. Following this, a gust of wind in the form of a sphere is emitted from Satoru’s body. This forms into a barrier and widens outward carrying the web upon its surface. This barrier has 50 health, 50 power, and moves outward at a speed of 50 until it covers two meter radius with Satoru at the center.

Satoru’s hands hold the rat seal for a moment then release it only to form it once more. However, this is done in order to activate a different jutsu. As the web falls back down onto Satoru with the disappearance of the wind barrier, the Nara’s shadow springs up from the ground in the form of eight sharp tendrils. These have 60 health and sharpness. They also move at 60 speed to lash out at the web, cutting it to shreds above Satoru’s head.

With shadow tendrils emanating from his shadow, the Nara takes a more careful stance now. If not forced to defend against anything, he will slowly move forward for a more calculated approach compared to his former reckless charge.



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Ryo : 500

Fresh out of the Hospital [IO] Empty Re: Fresh out of the Hospital [IO]

Sun Jul 15, 2018 4:49 pm
Geni smirked as she watched as the webbing ensnared her opponent but noticed how he pulled his arms inward at the last moment. With the absence of his arms, she assumed he was probably planning something, after all; if there was an existence of nothing, one must assume that there was the existence of something at work. She was actually quite thrilled and even a bit excited; her only training sessions had been few and far between, and mainly done with either Kenshin or her team Sensei. As she watched his move past her, her mind ran rampant with all the things she could do and all the things she was morally fighting against not doing.

She sucked in a huge breath of air, and ignited her Hidden Mist Technique (-10 ap) and let out a huge, deep exhale of mist that expanded 15 meters above and around the both of them, as her opponent threw off the spider webs; sparring her a moment of see dark tendrils sappear to shred up the spider webs. However, as the mist rose up to to 10 meters it thickened as she quietly moved around him as the mist thickened enough to not even let light through. The circling was slow and drawn out, as she tried to decide on her next course of action.

After a few moments, she smoothly but quickly made the hand seals for Boar and Rat, and started her Mist Servant Technique (-10 ap), moving toward the area where she had last seen the boy, to ensure the technique ensured him properly. Then, she stopped wand waited, keeping her chakra covered by her chakra suppression as she stood there; she wanted to see his reaction first.

She wanted to be able to springboard off his reaction to determine how much more she was to do or how little she should do. This would be a vital lesson and experience for her; it was only a spar so she needed to keep her anger in check and watch her own strength. More importantly, she needed to find her own confidence in her abilities in her strength. If she couldn’t defeat someone like her unknown opponent, right here and right now, then she wouldn’t be much help in the field and she wouldn’t be a useful shinobi. If she couldn’t accurately understand the extent of her abilities then she might make a mistake on a mission and accidentally harm someone when she means to capture. That was what she was worried most about; being a good and solid shinobi.

This wasn’t just a light-hearted match; internally, Geni needed this fight to prove whether or not she should return to the Priesthood or leave it behind for this current, vibrant Shinobi world. If she won, she would take it as a sign that this was the path that the Goddess has chosen for her. That she was on the right path and that she would pursue to become more confident and strong to better her rule. She wasn’t to be a strong pillar in this community; not just decor.  

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Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
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Ryo : 10650

Fresh out of the Hospital [IO] Empty Re: Fresh out of the Hospital [IO]

Tue Jul 17, 2018 7:15 pm
The engulfing mist is too thick to see through. Satoru’s eyes dart around his field of view as the vapor moves around him and blocks his view of Genevieve. By doing this, he memorizes his surroundings to the best of his ability before the environment is cut off from him. He does not know how large the cloud is or how large it is capable of growing. So, taking in all of this information, the Nara does what he is specifically training to do: act in the face of unforeseen circumstances.

A direct attack against the originator of this hidden mist technique would prove to fail in almost all attempts due to the fact that Genevieve’s location has most likely changed since Satoru last saw her. Out of all directions to aim a strike with his shadow tendrils, it is much more likely that the target is somewhere else. It may seem more in Satoru’s favor to use all eight of his tendrils to attack at once since this allows him to strike multiple possible locations at once. However, the Nara has well established that four of the shadows should be kept around him for defense, cutting down the offensive potential of the jutsu in favor of protection. In this specific case, using his currently active shadow sewing technique is simply a less effective course of action. Satoru has already settled on a different answer.

Satoru performs three hand seals: horse, monkey, and bird. In doing this, his shadow sewing technique is deactivated. Immediately following this, he exhales a high volume of dust-laden wind at high velocity while jumping backward at a speed of 100. He continues to move backward until he is able to see the beginning of the mist cloud in front of him. He stops just outside of this division between mist and air, continuing to unleash his own blast of dust into it. The jutsu moves at a speed of 50 and the cone expands to a diameter of 30 meters after traveling 10 meters. Finally, if left to continue, the dust will fill the area of the mist by creating a 30 meter-wide cloud of its own.

While these things transpire, Satoru keeps himself aware of his surroundings when he is outside of the mist cloud.

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Fresh out of the Hospital [IO] Empty Re: Fresh out of the Hospital [IO]

Sat Aug 04, 2018 10:57 am
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Fresh out of the Hospital [IO] Empty Re: Fresh out of the Hospital [IO]

Sat Aug 04, 2018 11:06 am
Normally, Geni was not supposed to take pleasure in things like fighting. She was supposed to be poised and calm and reserved; she was to be the peacemaker in a sea of fighters. Did she feel like that right now? Hell no. 

Especially not when she had been standing behind him and watched as he moved to jump; but it felt like something inside of her awoke and snarled. With that awakening, time seemed to slow as he gradually propelled himself upwards from the ground at 70 speed- but she was faster. Geni’s feet glowed blue as she wordlessly and smoothly ignited her Body Pathway Derangement before launching her unnervingly vicious assault against the man. In a quick movement at her full speed of 99, Geni spun around directly behind him to catch him with her foot. Her ankle and the top of her foot made a connection with his spinal cord, rendering him not only with the brunt force of her blow, but unable to properly control his movements as the technique raged along his spine in both vertical directions that his anatomy offered. With a switch of her ankle and shift of her weight, she viciously slammed him back into the ground with a well placed downward kick upon his upper back as a thrilling fierceness overcame her.

She was deriving pleasure from this and she smiled in the thick mists as he slammed into the ground, and she moved forward and smoothly closed the short distance of a foot that was between them. Her blood warmed  and the adrenaline she had found from whatever hissed awake was- well, it was a new sensation of fuzzy, spine-tingling warmth she hadn’t felt before. A dark smile broke on her face that she didn’t particularly mind even pretending to care about. Neither it’s existence or covering it up in the thick mist, that she was pleased to have conjured up around her for little moments like the one she seemed to be having. And even strangely relishing.

This is all very thrilling for me but please; stay put a bit.” Geni requested calmly as she stood up and backed away from him; taking in a deep, slow breathe and grabbed onto the feeling of this- primordial thrill. “Oh… so this is what an actual fight feels like?” She muttered mostly to herself, giggling a bit, “My, MY… I can see now why people enjoy it so much. I always wondered as a priestess, why people were always fighting? This adrenaline rush must be the reason.” She said and walked around him, sparing a moment to roll one ankle before repeating the process to her over ankle. When they felt comfortably ‘in place’ again, she turned her attention fully back to him.

Sorry, I didn’t hurt you too bad, did I?” She asked him with genuine concern as she slowly walked around him, “If you have any injuries after all this is said and done please inform me. I’m medically inclined.”  

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Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
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Fresh out of the Hospital [IO] Empty Re: Fresh out of the Hospital [IO]

Mon Aug 13, 2018 7:16 pm
While Satoru did think through his entire series of actions, a swift maneuver from his opponent proves to stop him in his tracks. In fact, the suddenness of this interruption is so jarring that he briefly loses his train of thought. To express this feeling in words truly becomes difficult in a formal narrative style such as is proper. For most of the narration which follows Satoru, the story telling has been standard third person limited and present tense. However, at times when the writer (whatever this elusive source is) finds things difficult to truly capture in words to convey the idea to the reader, the proper form of narration is broken. One such example follows.

So, a jarring occurrence that throws one off of their train of thought is not difficult to imagine at all. The hurdle comes with the fact that Satoru is in the middle of a spar, his purpose for which is to form more sound reactions to his opponent’s own actions. Picture it this way: you are intent on watching a pendulum swing left and right in order to catch it in the moment that it stops. You are fully expecting this to happen; such is the nature of gravity and the law inertia. Following this, you are quite prepared for a variety of possibilities upon its ceasing to swing. Just put yourself there in the condition described.

Now, the pendulum is about to stop; you notice it slowing down. Once more, you run through what you can do and choose one just as the time comes. The object ceases to swing. You execute whatever it is you plan to do.

It immediately starts spinning with great speed. See, now you’re surprised. You can’t even begin to ask yourself what in the name of pendulums is going on because you’re so darn dumbfounded at the fact that someone just kicked you in the back with great force and you’re body has suddenly decided to learn a completely new language.

I’m sorry?” Satoru thinks to himself frantically as though asking someone to repeat themselves because he didn’t quite understand the situation they’re describing to him the first time. Yes, you have likely come to the same expression of confusion. Such is only natural.

Some dust is pushed outward in a small and short lived ploom when Satoru touches the ground. The Nara is facedown, body twitching every so often as he attempts to move but finds his muscles and nerves misunderstanding him. But, as is to be expected of a shinobi, Satoru continues to hold some card up his sleeve. Without the use of his muscles, some jutsu are still accessible to him for the purpose of protecting his body while he tries to regain control. However, a request from his opponent causes him to calm down for a moment.

Satoru is asked to stay down in a calm tone along with a “please”. He complies readily.

“Yeah, okay.” He groans in pain.

She continues to speak but Satoru neglects to listen. This is not out of disrespect but because he would rather put all of his attention into feeling his current bodily pain. He tends to really delve into an injury or moment of pain so as to deal with it and to make it feel more numb while he focuses on whatever is more important.

Aside, he takes note of Genevieve’s question and kindness.

“No, I’m not seriously hurt. Give me a moment to move and we can continue.” His tone is regular, as though what’s happening now is merely an unfortunate snag. As though to say ‘oh, don’t worry about it, I’ll deal with this and we can get back to what we were doing’.

This is purposeful. He would prefer to seem as though he cannot be shaken. If he can somehow spur on this woman’s seemingly dormant aggressive side, Satoru may train with a more difficult opponent. That is not to say that he is not yet having trouble. Maybe this is simply his greed for growth showing in a negative way. But, following this, is a hint of plea.

“Actually…” He begins hesitantly, “do you think you could lift the effect of whatever jutsu you just used?”


Last edited by Satoru Nara on Sat Oct 20, 2018 2:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
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