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Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Let's get this Training Started (NK, P, J and A) - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's get this Training Started (NK, P, J and A)

Thu May 03, 2018 7:55 pm
Soon after the mist was formed, music began to play from a distance off. No doubt it was Allegro-kun trying to trap them with some kind of jutsu. Jason, the clone, figured it must be some type of genjutsu. From what he remembered about his teammates, Higuto was proficient with water style ninjutsu and could manipulate insects as most members of the Aburame clan were known for. Allegro loved music and was skilled in fuinjutsu, though he had plans to become well versed in genjutsu later on. Perhaps this was a new type of genjutsu he had picked up on his own using his music as a medium. It seemed he and Higuto had roughly the same suspicions since the Aburame quickly jumped higher than the mist and disappeared, no doubt trying to outrun the reach of the genjutsu. The clone, however, simply performed the genjutsu release technique and kept his eyes peeled for whatever attack was surely to come next. Immediately after releasing whatever genjutsu that had been cast on him, the clone formed a series of four quick hand seals and an enormous wall erupted from the earth between him and the source of the music. It was 20 meters high, 20 meters wide, and a meter thick. At the very least, that should cause some resistance for Allegro if he decided to come back this way. That, and it was the next part of Jason's strategy.

Once the earth wall had been erected, the original Jason who had been hiding beneath the ground used his earth style jutsu to travel up into the earth wall and remain there, 2 meters above the ground. There he would wait and bide his time until the perfect opportunity came to strike.

Even though the mist prevented clone Jason from seeing more than 5 meters away from him, he could pinpoint the general area Allegro must have been hiding from the sound of his signature guitar. Quickly moving out from behind the earth wall, the clone threw 2 shuriken at the source of the music, one directly behind the other so that they would hit their mark less than a second apart. It was enough of a gap to hopefully prevent Allegro from easily dispatching both weapons, though if he dodged it would be a different story. Having no idea where Higuto was, both the clone and the original could only hope his teammate would come to them instead of leaving them to find him.

-5ap hidden mist
-20ap hlam
+5ap Sage's Body
original has 190ap remaining

-5ap genjutsu release
-30ap earth wall (40 spd and health, req 60 power to break it)
+5ap sage's body
clone has 200ap remaining
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Let's get this Training Started (NK, P, J and A) - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's get this Training Started (NK, P, J and A)

Wed Jun 06, 2018 2:03 pm
Allegro was playing away while on top of the wooden training post. He had intentions of casting his newly developed jutsu, but it had just occurred to him that he had never even cast the hand seals! Without activating the proper channels in his chakra network, the chakra needed to cast this jutsu was never expended. This realization made him almost drop his special guitar, yet somehow, Allegro didn't even miss a single beat of the song he was playing. As expected from the man who will grow to be the world's greatest musician.  And so, at this point, Allegro was just playing his music to play. His teammates were probably scrambling about trying to figure out what kind of attack Allegro was cooking up right now with each note that he played. Allegro found his theory confirmed when his ears twitched from under his headphones in response to the puff of smoke that brought forth a shadow clone of Higuto and again when a great wall of earth erupted from the ground and seemed to touch the sky from Allegro's perspective. Even in this mist, he could see the great wall, and because of this, Allegro was able to approximate how far Jason was from Allegro, about 40 meters. Because of this distance, the Uzumaki made a guess that Jason was defending himself against one of Higuto's monstrous attacks. Though it would have been quite flattering, Allegro would never had guessed Jason thought he would need that wall to defend against Allegro.

Soon after, the Uzumaki felt a drop of rain on his Konoha shinobi headband and immediately began to panic. He lost his footing on the training post and fell head first onto the ground. His guitar went flying into the air but disappeared in a poof of smoke before it could ever touch the ground. Allegro got up and adjusted his headphones so they were resting securely on top of his head and securing his red dreadlocks in a ponytail with the exception of a few rogue locks that dangled in his face. He shouted in Jason and Higuto's general direction, however the sound would come from the direction that would make Jason believe Allegro was on the same side of the Earth wall as him. "Oi Oi! Higuto kun, you almost ruined my precious guitar with your rain jutsu! Its an ACOUSTIC guitar, remember?" The Uzumaki held in his laughter with one hand as the rain continued to intensify around him. He was adding a from of chaos and disarray to the 3 way dynamic. Allegro knew that half of any battle is the psychological factor between opponents. Because of his own mist jutsu, Jason would most likely be confused  on Allegro's location, and might even leave himself open while trying to make sure he was well defended from all angles. 

The Uzumaki put his hand over his eyebrows as he began to size up the wall from a distance. He tightened his fist with confidence. 'With the amount of training I've done, I'm sure I can blow right past Jason's wall now' He thought to himself as he walked closer into the mist with 1 speed. His footsteps made no sound at all, and eventually, his entire figure would vanish.

Higuto Aburame
Higuto Aburame
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Let's get this Training Started (NK, P, J and A) - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's get this Training Started (NK, P, J and A)

Wed Jun 06, 2018 4:50 pm
Higuto had been perched atop the branch of his tree, looking at the mist below, as he waited for it to disperse as he knew that Jason wouldn't be able to keep it going for long. As he did so he listened to the sounds of what was going on down below as he heard the voice of Allegro's yell towards Higuto as he chuckled and put his hand on his katana's hilt.

"What? You're telling me such a renowned musician as yourself doesn't have multiple guitars? I'm shocked!"

He would hold out at his position as he yelled this back as, no doubt, there was a chance that either of the two would try and come after his position. He knew that there was a possibility that Allegro was just trying to lure him into a trap so he figured two could play that game. Upon shouting those words back to his comrade he would hop over to a nearby tree and hide out behind it's leaves which would serve as his camouflage. He also had commanded his 100 insects still zooming in the air to disperse out above the field and keep an eye at the mist field in case they saw any holes that Higuto could use to attack provided the opportunity.

(RTAW continuation: 20 AP; 320 AP remaining)
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Let's get this Training Started (NK, P, J and A) - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's get this Training Started (NK, P, J and A)

Wed Jun 06, 2018 7:33 pm
So far the training session was nothing but a three way stand off with each of the members of Team 7 waiting for the others to move first. With Jason's mist covering the field, there wasn't much he could do in terms of finding his friends either. In fact, he had no idea where they could be. Well, except for the music that could no doubt be coming from Allegro. The clone Senju was certain his aim had been true, the sudden cease of the sound of Allegro's guitar only added to his confidence. That was, until he heard his Uzumaki teammate's voice coming from behind him instead of where it should have. How was that possible? Allegro didn't know how to teleport. Maybe it was a genjutsu? No that couldn't be possible either. The clone had already used the genjutsu release technique which would have gotten rid of any genjutsu Allegro had cast. Did he really just get that much faster that he could move positions in an instant? Scary.

"Why don't you come down here and join us, Hig? Or are you too scared to take me on in close quarters?" he said, taking up a defensive stance with his back to the earth wall only a few inches away. He had to guard against allegro, wherever he was, while still taking note of Higuto's location and movements as well. He wouldn't allow himself to be caught off guard.

The words were meant as a taunt, hoping to lure the Aburame into Jason's territory since Jason couldn't exactly get to him. A second or two after his words rang out, the mist surrounding the field began to fade. After another moment it was completely gone. Now the clone could see clearly, and Allegro was nowhere in sight. He remembered the Uzumaki was known for his use of sound and musical type jutsu, so it was possible the boy was using some new technique to throw his voice. It wasn't a huge leap, considering everything they had been through and what they knew about each other. Still, the original Jason was safe and sound inside the earth wall biding his time, while the clone was armed with a kunai knife in each hand held reverse grip style, his eyes scanning the battle field as he waited for his friends to show themselves.

-20ap HLAM
+5 sage's body
165ap remaining on original

+5ap sage's body
205ap remaining on clone
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Let's get this Training Started (NK, P, J and A) - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's get this Training Started (NK, P, J and A)

Thu Jun 07, 2018 1:04 am
Higuto's response cut Allegro deep like a sword. He jokingly winced with pain, though the pain he was feeling in that moment was the pain of truth. 'Damn it, he's right. What kind of musician would I be if I let the music die without my guitar?' It was a fair question, after all. What if someone destroyed his guitar in the exam to come? There was no way he would let that be the end of his debut in the Leaf village in a formal setting. 'The show MUST go on!' Originally, Allegro was walking rather casually and carefree as he bobbed his head to the sound of the beat playing in his headphones as he moved silently through the mist. He weaved hand seals as his casual footsteps turned into a light sprint. He reached deep within his sleeve and pulled out a flute as he made a bee line straight for the earth wall summoned by Jason. Each silent step he took on the training field thereafter seemed to crumble inward as if something was trying to dig its way to the surface. While the original Uzumaki was  approaching the earth wall, clones of himself would emerge from the earth and followed their creator's footsteps towards the wall. Each of them welded kunai primed to slice their opponents. 

Allegro was taking advantage of the moment of Jason's confusion regarding his exact location. His attention would be focused on the area in front of him on the other side of the wall, leaving his backside wide open, even though there was a giant wall there. Allegro jumped onto the wall and landed about 5 meters up the wall, directly adjacent to where Jason's shadow clone's head rested against the wall on the other side. Allegro landed on his feet and right palm before he started sprinting silently up the wall, still shrouded by the mist, while his other hand brought his flute up to his mouth to begin playing at a moment's notice. Allegro's right hand left something behind just as the sound of Jason's voice as he addressed Higuto. The Uzumaki immediately began to grin when Jason replied while he made his way silently up the wall with full speed. Both Higuto and Jason had fell for his taunt and gave away their location with the sounds of their voice. A grave mistake when dealing with the master of sound himself. Allegro deduced that Higuto was somewhere in the tree line over yonder while Jason was just on the other side of that wall. Jason was closest, and therefore Allegro's next target. Allegro finally used all the wind in his lungs to play a devastating note on his flute while holding up the seal of confrontation with his free hand, interrupting Jason right before he finished his sentence with the words "close quarters". Allegro's voice seemed to emanate even through the instrument, saying, "BOOM!" A violent explosion obliterated the earth wall and enveloped the shadow clone leaning against it with its resulting debris. 

As the explosion intensified, Allegro used the impact force to propel his body upward towards the topside of the earth wall. Allegro landed gracefully with his Futon chakra at the soles of his feet and his left hand touching the ground while his other held the flute. He pushed off his hand to stand upright and started looking over yonder with his hand over his eyebrows once again. He wondered if Jason kun was right about Higuto trying to avoid taijutsu or close range fighting. Allegro thought it would be the total opposite, since the Aburame could not wait to show off his new sword in their sparring session with Yensung Aburame. However, on the plus side, That pesky Mist jutsu was clearing up: An indication that Allegro's assault was a success. When Allegro looked down below to see if Jason was alright, he saw the gaping hole in the earth wall left behind after the explosion. The dust and debris created a thick plume of dust that lingered in the air as ten shady looking clones were climbing through the hole in the earth wall. Unless they saw that the clone had somehow survived the blast, the mob would fan out evenly on either side of the wall, searching for any signs of Higuto or Jason while clutching their kunai knives tightly.

Higuto Aburame
Higuto Aburame
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Let's get this Training Started (NK, P, J and A) - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's get this Training Started (NK, P, J and A)

Thu Jun 07, 2018 10:08 am
Higuto watched the field, still shrouded in mist below, as he waited for his opportunity to step in and attack. With the mist barring his senses of Jason he could still detect Allegro as he kept above his tree line and waited for something to happen. He then began to hear Jason speak right before he was cut off due to the sound of a flute playing and a loud and large explosion. Higuto panicked upon hearing this as a few seconds later he noticed the mist slowly beginning to clear. Immediately he could sense Jason's chakra signature as he breathed a sigh of relief that he was alright but looked down to the field to see a large wall of rock with a hole in it's middle with Allegro standing next to it along with some clones. That was quite a lot of clones to be producing, too, too many for them to be Shadow Clones. He had read about them, too, thanks to his jutsu encyclopedia as he knew them to be mist servants. He would see a form of Allegro peering down the wall from atop it to a hole, causing Higuto to assume this was the real Allegro, which he took to be his chance to strike.

He would form the clone seal as a Shadow Clone would form and immediately form the Ram seal in order to move directly above Allegro instantly, about 10 meters, while falling towards him at an incredible speed with his leg above his head. The rain infused with Higuto's chakra would keep him and his clone's signatures hidden as to not alert Allegro. Upon contact with Allegro the wall would splinter due to the kick's power as the clone would wipe itself away due to the strength of it's own kick.

(Jutsu used: Shadow Clone: 30 AP; 145 AP between clone and original
Body Flicker: 10 AP; Speed 205
Heaven Kick of Pain: 20 AP; 75 Strength/145 Speed
Higuto: 145 AP; Clone 115 AP)

Last edited by Higuto Aburame on Sat Jun 09, 2018 5:31 pm; edited 2 times in total
Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Let's get this Training Started (NK, P, J and A) - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's get this Training Started (NK, P, J and A)

Thu Jun 07, 2018 10:08 pm
Jason's plan was to get Allegro, Higuto, or both of them near enough to his earth wall for him to launch a sneak attack and catch them in a trap. S far, it looked like nothing was going to happen. Higuto was hiding comfortably somewhere up in the trees, and Allegro was somewhere hidden in the mist. It seemed like the idea to use the mist was actually backfiring on him more than anything.

Before he knew it, Allegro was landing on the wall directly adjacent to where Jason was hiding. In that instant, Jason ended the Hiding Like a Mole technique, emerging from the wall on the side with his clone. By the time Allegro reached the top of the wall Jason was just 2 meters below him, an intense spiraling ball of chakra in his right hand. Just as Jason was reaching the top of the wall, an incredible explosion rang out through the training field. The memories of his shadow clone flooded into him as the wall exploded and it dispelled in a cloud of smoke.

Of course, the mist would be clearing up as well with the clone speaking as noted previously before it was gone. Because of this, by the time Allegro looked over the edge of the earth wall all he would see was the real Jason less than a meter away with his right arm extending a full power Rasengan directly at him. This happened, of course, before Higuto dashed into the air above the Uzumaki with his clone and performed a crazy kick.

+5ap sage's body
+205ap clone dispelling
-40ap rasengan
335ap remaining

Mid-thread claim:
TWC: 1,762
1,223 words toward great exploding colliding wave
529 words toward wood clone
8 stats
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Let's get this Training Started (NK, P, J and A) - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's get this Training Started (NK, P, J and A)

Fri Jun 08, 2018 1:24 am
Just for the future, could you link the jutsu? Also, if you are calming a jutsu complete, please say how many words you have already put into what you are calming. (Also, if you have time, if you could please link the threads you have trained it in. Makes it MUCH easier on us mods, although I will admit I also make this mistake sometimes.)

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Let's get this Training Started (NK, P, J and A) - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's get this Training Started (NK, P, J and A)

Fri Jun 08, 2018 1:35 am
The dark skinned boy was surprised to turn around to meet Jason driving his rasengan towards his chest. He deduced that he must have defeated a clone of Jason with his earlier attack. As expected of Jason. The Uzumaki should have known that his teammate would not have been so careless as to give away his location like that with the sound of his voice. Allegro had enough speed and reaction time to catch Jason by the wrist just before his rasengan made contact while his other hand held onto his precious instrument. He timed this at the point where Jason was in mid lunge and unable to change the course of his attack. Because of their difference in physical strength, though, Allegro would make sure he was unharmed. Instead, the Uzumaki gave a menacing glare to Jason to challenge his very willpower. The glare would cause every muscle in his body to fight against him, leaving him paralyzed on top of the earth wall. 

With nothing to cloud his chakra sensory now that the rain had stopped and the mist had subsided, Allegro clearly sensed Higuto's formation of another shadow clone. The sun had begin to shine now that the rain clouds created with Higuto's chakra had vanished as well. He could see Higuto's clone cast a shadow from above, causing Allegro to smile. Immediate upon his completion of the tiger seal, Allegro simply jumped away from Jason, leaving him frozen there. Higuto would reign down on Jason, and most likely destroying some of the earth wall along with it. Allegro could always count on Higuto to come rushing in with brute strength. Allegro held up the seal of confrontation as he fell down towards the ground where his clones were roaming like zombies. As Higuto's kick causes destruction and havoc, the piece of debris that still held the second explosion seal Allegro planted would find its way exactly between Higuto and Jason before detonating. The chunk of rock would have a kanji inscription written on it in the form of a bomb. The incantation itself would light like a fuse before surrounding everything in the vicinity in flames. Allegro would make sure the last was enough to send them both flying, but not enough to do serious damage. Allegro would land discreetly among the mud servants and blend in inconspicuously. 

[3207 TWC]
Mid Thread Claims:
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Let's get this Training Started (NK, P, J and A) - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's get this Training Started (NK, P, J and A)

Fri Jun 08, 2018 2:12 am
Yeah, sure, you got it.

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