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Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Dear Kenshin, (NK, P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dear Kenshin, (NK, P)

Sun Aug 05, 2018 12:52 am


As Hoshigakure's Living Dead Man would start to explain how completely fine the faces of Hoshigakure were with such dark practices, shock would cover the young maiden's face. Valen....... he took the deal without even hesitating? Even if he needed such a power....... to not even blink to take hold of it, how far was he willing to go for the village? Kyousuke...... Hikari had used his DNA to create her holy seals, but that was different! She had just studied the way Natural Chakra had entered into his cells, and just mimicked it. Had he really..... been the one that transplanted Kenshin's eyes? And Akihana..... the kind queen that the girl met when she was but a mere genin.... had fed hearts to Kenshin? Not only just anyhearst, but the hearts of Hoshigakure shinobi.... who probably lived and died for her.... she had mutilated their bodies in order to give her still active soilders more power? To allow them to feed uppon the fallen allies for just a little bit more power. That couldn't be right..... But Denkiteki..... Hikari knew that the first Hogokage had writen a book on transplants, but she had only read small excecerts from it, it wasn't a crime to know about how demoinc things worked. It hadn't crossed her mind that he had actually preformed the attroshishes act just because he wrote a book about it? Preist will often write books on deamons, that didn't mean they themselves supported them.....

It would be at that molment that Hikari would pause her thoughts and think about what she had just said. What..... what was she talking about? Demonic acts? Was she legitment comparing something to being the bitter essence of evil without even fully understanding it?

Hikari had always looked up to the Hogokages and Valen.... all of which had preformed these task..... and without even looking that much into it Hikari had been so quick to critize them for it.... for doing what must be done to protect those they loved. What she had been doing was the exact same as the civilians of Hoshigakure which she had been trying to prove wrong. To orctersize seomthing and call it evil just because she personally felt like it was wrong.

Fighting was wrong.... but Hikari had spent he last nearly two years training to fight in order to protect the ones she loved.

Killing was wrong...... yet the chestnut haired girl had taken lives in order to protect the civilians she was tasked to protect.

Transplants were wrong....... but for somereason, Hikari critisized and condoned the act, which the ones she cared for preformed just to be able to protect their country.

Hoshigakure's Gardiuan Angel had do so many hourendous things in order protect her home..... why should this be any different? Everyone of her heroes had..... and as Kenshin said, what was worst? A monster that helped people? Or a Heroien that would let those she was charged to protect die?

Taking a deep sigh, the Jounin would respond.

"You..... ae absolutely correct.... Kenshin, I am sorry if what I said offended you. I was acting as naive as the civilians of the village. I shouldn't of said what I had.

Kenshin, if you are still willing to, I would like to take that power you offered me.... I need to be stronger to protect the village, to protect those I care for. Please..... give it to me."
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Dear Kenshin, (NK, P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dear Kenshin, (NK, P)

Sun Aug 05, 2018 10:49 am
Kenshin knew that he had won their little battle of wills after seeing the unbridled shock and slight horror that appeared on Namikaze’s face. He made sure to savour that look upon her face, as to him the look was both priceless and served as a reminder of yet another time that he had triumphed over her. As she seemed to get lost within her thoughts Kenshin would stay dead silent, allowing the obviously troubled young woman to come to terms with the rather earth chattering information that he had just revealed. He supposed that said information would be even more important to Namikaze than it would be to others, as he found it obvious that she had idolised both of the Hogokage’s. Then there was the rather strange relationship that she and Valen shared, and the fact that if she were related to one Valen Akari that she must also be related, however distantly, to Akihana. Yes, the least he could do for her right now was give her a little time to think… eventually she would pull herself together and come to see that he was indeed correct about this.

"You..... are absolutely correct.... Kenshin, I am sorry if what I said offended you. I was acting as naive as the civilians of the village. I shouldn't have said what I had. Kenshin, if you are still willing to, I would like to take that power you offered me.... I need to be stronger to protect the village, to protect those I care for. Please..... give it to me." she would then say, causing his small yet dark smile to return. The fact that he had managed to make an idealist such as Namikaze consent to getting a DNA transplant through nothing more than cold, hard facts was actually quite the thrill.

“I knew you would come to see things my way sooner or later, I’m just glad to see that you saved both of us some time on the matter. Now, follow me.” he would say as he stood up, dark smile still present upon his scarred face. If the woman did indeed follow him Kenshin would lead her through the streets of Hoshigakure, and the longer that they walked the less vibrant the city seemed to become. Clean streets and pristine buildings gave way to dusty roads and older, more decrepit looking huts. Such was the transition between Hoshigakure’s market district, near the center of the village and within eyesight of the palace, to the slum located alongside the villages walls. Eventually the two of them would reach a rather unassuming looking building, blending right in alongside all of the other dilapidated buildings and huts. There were two circular holes on the side of the building, obviously having served as windows at some point, but they were blocked off by planks of wood, nailed on from the outside some time ago if the condition of the wood were anything to go by. The door to the building was completely made of metal, although due to the copious amounts of rust upon it seemed to be barely capable of standing up under its own weight, although it was still standing steadily upon both of its hinges

“We’re here” the stitched and scarred youth would say, briefly activating his Sharingan and looking both ways down the street to ensure that nobody was watching them. When he was certain that the coast was clear he would push the door open and gesture for Hikari to follow him in. Should the woman follow he would close the door behind them the moment that she entered the building, before sliding the rather heavy duty deadbolt style lock on the door shut. He would immediately reach to his right and flick a small light switch on the wall, turning the rather bright white lights installed into the roof to light up, revealing what the house truly was. Contrary to what one would have expected from the exterior the inside of the house was actually almost immaculate, although it did lack almost anything that one would expect to see inside a house. The only pieces of furniture that could be seen were two rather large, steel shelving units sat against the far wall, packed to the brim with jars containing questionable looking substances. Near the shelving units, sat up in the corner of the far wall and the leftmost wall was a rather high stainless steel table, completely bare save for a small pile of folders on sitting in the corner itself.

All of that was eery enough, but what truly put the cherry on the cake sat in the dead center of the house, almost directly beneath one of the three balmost blindingly bright white lights… an autopsy table.

“Everything that you see here was acquired legally, just in case you were wondering.” Kenshin would say as he gazed at Namikaze with a smirk.

“This is one of many labs that I have had installed throughout Hoshigakure, and this is where the DNA Transplant will be taking place.” the supposed Jounin would say as he went through a familiar set of hand seals. When the seals were formed light particles would seemingly begin to float together, forming a roughly cylindrical shape in the air just in front of the black clad teen. He would place his right hand out, palm side up, when the cylinder had almost completely formed, and when the true form of the scroll was revealed it would begin to fall, only to land in Kenshin’s waiting hand. If Namikaze were to look at the scroll she would be able to note a single, neatly scrawled word alongside the side of the scroll… ‘Uzumaki’.

Kenshin would waste no time as he walked over to the table and unfurled the scroll, sending a small pulse of chakra through the extremely conductive cloth. The corpse within the scroll would be expelled gently alongside a small burst of white smoke, revealing the corpse of a male with long red hair to Namikaze. Said male would have a small hole through each of his shoulders, a large, rough hole exposing where his heart used to be, and two clean slices between his hip and his ribs, one on each side.

“As you may have guessed from the red hair, or perhaps even the writing upon the scroll, this is the corpse of an Uzumaki… the very same Uzumaki whose kidney now resides within Valen’s body.” Kenshin would say as he formed a set of familiar hand seals, causing the tips of his fingers to be engulfed in small blue ‘flames’

“This technique will serve as an anaesthetic, preventing you from feeling any pain whilst I operate. Believe me, you will want this, either that or you will allow me to knock you out for the duration of the procedure… but I am quite certain you would not want that. I will need to press my fingers into the center of your chest tp do this, so please lower your collar enough for me to do so” he would then explain. Should Hikari agree to let use the anaesthetic on her, and lower her collar enough to expose the center of her chest like he had asked, he would press his fingers into the exposed flesh. His fingers would, as per usual, press a quarter of an inch into her flesh before the ‘flames’ of chakra began to seep into her body, disabling the nerves ability to transmit feelings of pain temporarily.

“The corpses other kidney has already been transplanted into someone else, and no, I will not tell you who possesses it. You will be receiving his appendix.” the half-blood would then say, refusing to tell her that it was he who possessed the other kidney. The appendix was something that he had chosen to give her only because it was one of the few non-vital organs within the body… and it was one of the easiest transplants for him to actually perform. Kenshin would retrieve a kunai from one of the two weapon pouches that he had clipped to his ‘belt’, and with a minor infusion of chakra to the blade to increase its sharpness, he would lower it to the lower left side of the corpses abdomen and make a small incision. He would place the bloodied Kunai down upon the autopsy table and rest his left hand over the incision, willing five small threads to pierce through the palm of his hand and enter the Uzumaki’s corpse. The threads would flow through the body with surprising grace, and upon reaching their target one of the threads would wrap around their target, while the other four cleanly severed any and all connections it had to the corpse. From there it was simply a matter of withdrawing his threads once again, and when that was done the appendix was held within his hand.

“Sit down on the foot of the table. Then raise your shirt enough to expose you stomach to me” he would say, and provided that Namikaze did what he asked, he would use his non occupied hand to retrieve yet another kunai from his weapon pouch. He would then copy everything that he did in the first procedure and repeat the process, although unlike last time he would use his threads to push the appendix of the Uzumaki into Namikaze. He would have the threads hold the appendix in place while he carefully formed two hand seals, a slightly modified version of the Ox, followed by tiger. When the seals were completed his hands would be coated in a light blue glow, and slowly but surely he would feel her body begin to heal, attaching the foreign appendix to her large intestine. When he was certain that the appendix was attached he would will his threads to withdraw back into his own body, before his Mystical Palm technique healed what was left of the small incision he had initially made.

“The process was a success, I can’t guarantee how long it will take for the DNA to activate, but it would be best to not expect any instant results.” Kenshin would say as he gently picked up Hikari’s original appendix, which he had placed upon the sterilized table after its initial removal. He would then do exactly what he had done with each other transplant that he had given, and put her appendix in the place of the original, using his threads once more of course. Sticking his hand into a cold corpse was not exactly the most pleasant of sensations.

“Now leave, and remember the favour that I did for you today.” Kenshin would say, all the while forming the hand seals required to use the chakra cleanse technique.

WC: 1801


TWC: 5503

5503 words towards Absorption Chains, 2497 words remaining

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Dear Kenshin, (NK, P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dear Kenshin, (NK, P)

Sun Aug 05, 2018 10:58 am
A Okay
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Dear Kenshin, (NK, P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dear Kenshin, (NK, P)

Sun Aug 05, 2018 1:03 pm
TWC: 2281

(Just posting this So I don't have to figure it out later.)
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Dear Kenshin, (NK, P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dear Kenshin, (NK, P)

Sun Aug 05, 2018 3:17 pm
The strangest mixture of relief and stress would fall over the girl as Kenshin said that he would still preform the transplant.

At Kenshin's order, the girl would follow him to the slums of the village, the dirtier and darker and dirtier part of the village. Hikari had been hoping that the two would go to the hospital, but it made sense if they were doing something as frowned upon as what they were doing.

As Kenshin pulled out the body, Hikari could easily recognize the long red hair on the dead body.... an Uzumaki? The Jounin would look down and wonder how the boy had died, what had been his story.... why was he here now as a corpse where Hikari would be alive.

At this point, Hikari would continue to do as Kenshin asked, helping him with the surgery as much as possible, asking to remain conscious for the rest of the suregey, until it was complete.... the feeling that Hikari had as Kenshin toyed around with her insides were..... no.... best not to think about that. As scary as Uzumaki was, Kenshin was a trained profesional and this was his job. He wasn't going to mess it up or do something that Hikari didn't want....

As Kenshin finshed up and told the Jounin to leave, the girl would nod. "Y...yes.... thank you, Kenshin..... I really do appreciate this.... if there is ever anything you need of me.... feel free to ask. Also..... thank you...."

And with that, Hoshigakure's fuinjutsu misstress of light would leave the building, unless Kenshin had anything else to add or ask of her.

[Exit unless interupted.]

TWC: 2596
Claims: Requesting Dice roll for Uzu BL with the number 1 being a success. The rules for transplants can be found, here since I know many members of the staff don't know them off the top of their head. (Myself included.)

Will do WC upon figureing out if the transplant works or not.

(Sorry, technical problems on my computer, it ismaking that electronic noise of death and will randomly change my page every couple of minutes.)
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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Dear Kenshin, (NK, P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dear Kenshin, (NK, P)

Sun Aug 05, 2018 5:40 pm
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Dear Kenshin, (NK, P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dear Kenshin, (NK, P)

Sun Aug 05, 2018 5:40 pm
The member 'Sakana Meijin' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

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Hikari Namikaze
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Dear Kenshin, (NK, P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dear Kenshin, (NK, P)

Sun Aug 05, 2018 5:43 pm

If I can, could I use my Xmas gift box to reroll? (Box from Xmas event with 5000 words worth of WC to be used on any single Jutsu, item, transplant, ETC?)
Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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Dear Kenshin, (NK, P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dear Kenshin, (NK, P)

Sun Aug 05, 2018 6:24 pm
Check this out, I'm good luck.
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Dear Kenshin, (NK, P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dear Kenshin, (NK, P)

Sun Aug 05, 2018 6:24 pm
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'Lucky Coin' : 2
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