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Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Shitai
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 22000

Dear Sister (P, Misha) Empty Dear Sister (P, Misha)

Mon Apr 22, 2019 10:40 pm
The end of a new day brought many things with it and today unlike most had the young Jounin staring out into the village from the mountains with a somber look on his face. For some reason he had decided to finally break his silence and return to the village as an active shinobi, feeling a small light from the young Kage but not enough to fully give his all. Because of this he found himself debating something that would very well change his stance on a lot of things. The thoughts soon slipped toward his sister whom he had not seen since the invasion. A small smile appeared on his face as she turned on his heels and retreated back into the caverns of the mountains to his home and once inside he moved into the office where he sat down. With pen and paper in hand he began to write to someone of which he could express his concerns as well as check up on them.

Dear Sister, How are things in your village? I take you are training as always and causing trouble as is your nature or have you calmed down since those days? I'm assuming its the latter, but one could always be wrong about that. I suppose I should start by saying i've finally came out of hiding and wandered back into the village. Probably should also mention that I might be returning to active shinobi duty since that abomination is no longer living and the new Raikage is...okay to say the least. For a kid he has a good head on his shoulders, but i've yet to give anything conclusive until I see all that is to be seen,

Regards, Your brother.

The letter was short but detailed, sealed within a scroll and given to a crimson and black hawk which took the scroll with expert speed. Now he had only needed to wait for a reply...a rather snarky one.
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Dear Sister (P, Misha) Empty Re: Dear Sister (P, Misha)

Sun May 05, 2019 3:29 pm
The hawk perched on her windowsill, letter in his talons. She recognized this particular bird- she raised the window sill and watched as he hopped inside, dropping the item onto her desk. She unfurled it. Lachesis scanned the page, head tilted as she did so. Hm. A new kage? Well, as long as it wasn't Youka... His return to shinobi duty intrigued her as well. It would be good for him, most likely. She pulled out some parchment and a pen and began her response.

Dear Brother,
I'm starting to get back into the swing of things after my injury. I suspect the Hokage has plans to reinstate me as a jounin- though I do not look forward to having a team of my own again. Its nice to see you resign from your station as a professional hermit as well. Get some hookers or something, you've earned it. Does Kumogakure even have hookers anymore? I don't want to know what kind of diseases they might've caught from the zombies.

On second thought, don't get hookers.

The medics say the scarring on my stomach and back will be permanent and will likely flare up, but the injury is mostly psychosomatic at this point. The best way to counter it is with therapy and shit, which is what I've been doing. Yay. My surviving genin student is doing well- do you have a team of your own yet? Please tell me yes. The thought of you with a gaggle of twelve year old gremlins is unduly hilarious.

Sincerely, Yours Truly

She thought back on her brother... She hadn't seen him in a while. Maybe if she...? After a moment's thought, she clenched her fist together and formed an unmelting ice construct with the Token Creation technique- a small necklace with a crystalline transparency. Wordlessly, she then used the Generic Sealing technique to place it within the letter, and sent it back off with the Hawk.

(Token has 5 health)

WC: 324
Total WC: 324
Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Shitai
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 22000

Dear Sister (P, Misha) Empty Re: Dear Sister (P, Misha)

Tue May 07, 2019 12:38 am
Kiseragi sat in the front interior of the house staring into the path that lead to the home expectantly. Hours had passed, maybe more since he sent the letter to his sister, a small blank look on his face as he wondered what his sister would think of the news. She had interesting character and probably a more volatile version of himself minus a few quirks here and there. For a moment he sat back and closed his eyes focusing on the future tasks that he would be given and even his stance in the village when the subtle flapping of wings filled the cave and soon his ears. Moving only slightly he could hear the window releasing a gust of wind as the bird landed on the table in front of him, a response upon its talons in which he took and began to read it in its entirety.

His eye twitched for a moment at the prospect of even going to get a hooker, the act being beneath him as he never considered paying a woman for illicit activities. He was a hermit, but not desperate. In the wake of her message he glanced over a few more things and sighed as he reached for a pen and began writing his response,

"Well you certainly know how to make a brother feel loved, But really Lachesis you should really work on your sense of humor. While I am thrilled you are back in the midst of ninja activity do not assume your brother is so lowly to go and pay for illicit activity, I am not that desperate. I am however glad to hear that you are returning to your duty as a ninja and no. I do not have a squad yet so sorry to burst your ever so delicate bubble, but I do have two ninja I will be overseeing for training. Your scarring...Are you sure you cannot find a talented medical ninja to subdue or remove that? I'm sure the Village Hidden in the Leaves has some sort of "magical" healer you can talk to. Of course if your little gremlins don't drive you into a wheelchair first."

There was a small chuckle from him as he unsealed the necklace and looked at it for a moment, his eyes studying it before it was sat to his right side and he continued.

"Thank you for the gift by the way. I wish I had something to send back to you, but unfortunately a rock from a cave does not constitute a good present. I do miss you dear sister, and I hope you aren't causing some poor man trouble."

The scroll was once again sealed and given to the bird who would undoubtedly
be off to find his sister once more.
Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Shitai
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 22000

Dear Sister (P, Misha) Empty Re: Dear Sister (P, Misha)

Sat Jun 01, 2019 9:53 pm
Mid thread claim:

467 wc toward MS (2575/8000)
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Dear Sister (P, Misha) Empty Re: Dear Sister (P, Misha)

Sun Jun 02, 2019 2:36 am
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Ryo : 0

Dear Sister (P, Misha) Empty Re: Dear Sister (P, Misha)

Fri Jun 07, 2019 7:43 pm
Lachesis tapped the side of her lips with her pen. It was difficult to be open in her social life, yet with her brother she never had that problem. Alright. Time to get writing...

"You never know with rocks. At least they'd be useful for bashing an idiot's head in. A lot of the higher ups in the village seem to be in a tizzy, though I don't know why. I suppose I'll hold down the fort, but I have a bad feeling about what's going down- worse comes to worse, and I might have to bring some gremlins over to you guys. You up for that?

Other than that... I'm not sure how to feel. I might be one of the highest ranks left in the village, which is an odd feeling. Leaves us open to invasion- I don't like that. But I'll find a way to make do- I've found that we're pretty good at that. It would be nice to see you in person, though. Have you ever learned more about dimension techniques?

About the scarring- well, no. Believe it or not, our most talented medic abandoned us for Kirigakure. It's an odd feeling- back in the old days, we were one of the strongest villages. Now? It feels like we're the laughingstock of the elemental nations. At least our kage hasn't abandoned us, though, so there's that.

Touya seems to be doing well in his training, but it feels a bit like he's hit a wall. Maybe a bit more practice and we can work over it...? Nevertheless, it feels like a big storm is coming. I'm not quite sure what to do. You know I'm not a leader- I prefer to smash things rather than build them up. I... I'm nervous, Kisaragi. I'm worried that our current kage doesn't have a lot of experience, and with all that's going on, if he makes one bad decision, it could mean the end of Konohagakure. Wouldn't that be something, huh?

To be honest, I'm probably not supposed to share half of what you've read in this letter. But you know me. Better to ask for forgiveness than permission and all that jazz.

From, Yours Truly."

The letter was sealed and the messenger hawk sent. Now all she had to do was wait...

WC: 385
Total WC: 709
Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Shitai
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 22000

Dear Sister (P, Misha) Empty Re: Dear Sister (P, Misha)

Fri Jun 07, 2019 8:17 pm
As Kiseragi read the letter for a moment he pondered on what exactly was going on in the Leaf village. If his sister was unsure of her own's village route and even then something sounded wrong, but it wasn't his place to ask such questions and even then it would put his sister in harms way. Flicking the pen idly in his hands he thought of a proper response for his sister, and once he found one he would begin to write.

" It seems most of the villages are in a bit of a tiff with everything going on. Peace is never certain for any shinobi and as long as there are oppressors we will never truly be free right? Though on the note of your village, you sure something bad isn't happening? Usually you'd be told of such a thing if you're leaders are going around with their heads in the sand...Apparently there is supposed to be some joint mission between your village and mine though I hope you aren't thinking of going. I don't really want to be coming around to bail you out of a situation because you chose to hit the wrong thing with a rock.

As for your question i've been dabbling in Space-Time more and more. I found something interesting that could be the threshold of a dimension, but I will need more time to be sure of that. Once I complete the training of it you're the first person i'm coming to see with it. Just try not to freak out over it when it happens alright? It feels like every village has fallen short at some point, but it simply needs a path sown not of war, but longevity to revitalize itself. If that makes sense of course. ON that note the only thing I have to say is if things get hairy....Get out and come here, I'll make sure that you are taken in not as a prisoner but as family...and Lachasis? Please be careful. You're the only family I have left, and I don't know what i'll do if you stupidly got yourself killed."

The letter sat on the table for a moment as he thought over the very words he had laid bare. He cared for his sister yes, enough to even possibly go against Max for her. The thing he did fear was losing his sister to a war that she didn't belong to...yet that was the path of a shinobi. Sealing the letter he would tie it back to the raven and let it loose into the air.

443 wc
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Ryo : 0

Dear Sister (P, Misha) Empty Re: Dear Sister (P, Misha)

Sat Jun 08, 2019 1:06 pm
Lachesis read the letter, giving the raven a gentle pet on the back. The parchment she intended to write her reply on was blank. She couldn't think of the words she intended to say... A sigh passed her lips. There was no time like the present. It would be best if she just started writing and went back to edit later. Something was always better than nothing, after all. She pulled out a dark blue pen from her wooden desk and sat down.

"I'm staying behind to hold down the fort with a chuunin, I think. Worse comes to worse... I'm not sure what will happen. If all of the higher ranks of our village die in whatever mission they're preparing for, I'll be the strongest person left in the village, and I'm not quite sure how to feel about that. About the space time technique- that's good news. It's been a while since we've met face to face. I myself am dabbling a bit in the art, though I doubt I could do much with it at the moment. I mostly want to use it for sleight of hand tricks, you know? Little things to influence the tide of battle. But enough of that.

I hope things are well in Kumo, now that I hear Shitstain's gone. Konoha feels empty. I was thinking of trying for a summons contract, but I doubt it'd really work well with my fighting style. Yeah, if things go bad, I'll try and come over, but... That very well might leave me in charge of a village. What am I supposed to do with that? There's more than just ninja who live here, after all. Should I just... Leave them? This shit's driving me up the wall. Until then, I guess I'll try and train up our lower ranks so we're less fucked if someone comes over.

Regards, your sister."

WC: 316
Total WC: 1,025

mid thread claim: 5 stats, 1,000 words towards being taught S/T spec
Duncan Crawford
Duncan Crawford
Stat Page : Duncan Crawford's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Dear Sister (P, Misha) Empty Re: Dear Sister (P, Misha)

Mon Jun 10, 2019 10:47 am
Stamped for mid thread claim @ Lachesis
Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Shitai
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 22000

Dear Sister (P, Misha) Empty Re: Dear Sister (P, Misha)

Thu Jun 13, 2019 8:57 pm
As he read the letter a small grunt of disapproval left his lips as he pondered on something for a moment. He could go and take his sister from that village now instead of waiting until misfortune had taken her instead. The question that remained was what would he tell his Kage? That he went to go and save his sister from the gruel knock of death despite stealing her from her post? Or that he was going to liberate his sister from suffering the same fate as Konoha? There had been too many variables that would presumably cost him his sister and his position in the village. He stood up and slowly began to walk around the room before sighing and coming back to the paper and writing.

"This are turbulent times and the last thing I would want of you is to be under the thumb of Kirigakure. If push comes to shove leave, if not and you get with the village? Make it strong enough to overthrow your oppressors. Our family is not weak and you shouldn't have to be either. Do the right thing if it comes down to you being the leader of that despot village. As for the shit stain yes he is gone and shall remain that way. Our new Raikage shows promise and hope which this village desperately needs. I'm going to stand by him in his endeavors until he proves that he is not what I thought it was...and I hope it doesn't come to that. I don't know what i'll do under another dictator. Maybe i'd just go to the Land of Iron and become a samurai. You know. Leave this whole shinobi life behind and pursue the life of Bushido. None the less I hope you are doing well my sister. Maybe one of these days we shall meet in person and talk."

Soon after writing he would send the letter by raven as usual and wait for a response from his sister.
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