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Kyoto Ametsuchi
Kyoto Ametsuchi
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Sister Bonding (P,Kaya) Empty Sister Bonding (P,Kaya)

Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:57 pm
The sun blazing rays brought spring upon the Hidden Leaf village. Birds were chirping singing their lovely songs as they flew around the village. The empress of the storm herself, Kyoto was walking around the village smiling, her scarlet red hair flowing to the mid of her back as she tried to find something to do. She had on a simple black tank top and a pair of black jeans with a pair of combat boots. Every since her brother Kasuga had “taught” her Re-quip she had slowly been getting use to summoning and de-summoning her armor. Though there was only one problem. She couldn’t figure out how to summon other armors from the separate plane. She had begun to think that she was just not strong enough or more in tune with the Re-quip plane to be able to summon the weaponry equipment of her ancestors. She would run a hand along her ribs as she felt the bandages that were up under her top. Her brother when they were doing their small fight had banged up her body pretty bad when she had let Tartarus take control over her body. He had also cut Kyoto on her leg close to an artery for calling him a spoiled little bitch or did she say brat? Not caring very much about her bruises she would only care about her brother and the thoughts that ran through her head whenever she saw or thought about him.

Taking her mind off of the abomination she would just walk in the sun waiting for an event to happen that would surely amuse her.

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Sister Bonding (P,Kaya) Empty Re: Sister Bonding (P,Kaya)

Sat Apr 09, 2016 12:04 am
Kaya, who was still asleep within the many trees that decorated the hidden leave village continued to dream about the beast that lived within her. The creature haunted her dreams still since the day that her father had found out about its existence. She didn’t know the power that the beast held within but she did know that it had become a large pain in her ass. She didn’t like sharing her sub conscious with an unfriendly being which only moaned about being let out of it’s cage. Though, in times of boredom, she did like to meditate and talk to it. It was sort of fun to kind of lead it on and pretend as if she were actually going to led it free.

Like an internal alarm clock within the girl’s head, the girl’s eyes opened to the mid day sun that glistened through the leaves. The green haired girl rubbed her eyes before stretching out her little limbs and jumping off the tree that she called her bedroom. As per request from her father, it was one close to the Hokage’s office so that he could keep an eye on her. “Ahh, what a beautiful day!” The small girl exclaimed as she sniffed the smells of Konoha’s aromas. Being in the village was something that was still new to her. It was only recently that her and her brother had been exposed to it and she was still getting herself accustomed to the large amount of people that occupied the village. Hell she still hadn’t even met her other siblings yet. According to her parents, she had two others besides Jr that she was excited to meet. The more sibling, the more fun she could have playing with them!

Now fully awake, the small child began to walk through the village, scratching her left butt cheek as she made her way through the flocks of people. “And I’m walking, and I’m walking, and I’m walking! Oooo! I smell barbecue!” The girl followed the scent before she was in front of a stand selling all sorts of food. “Sir!” She called out as the man looked around, not able to find the face to the voice. “Down here!” She called as he finally looked down and saw the homeless looking girl who was wearing nothing but a green garb. “I’ll take three sausages, one steak, and a corn on the cob!” She demanded. The man looked at her as if she was crazy. “Well little one, do you have the money for that?” He asked, doubting her ability to pay for the meal. Hell, he didn’t even thing she could stuff that all down. Little did he know, she had the stomach of a beast… literally. “I’ll have you know that my father is the Hokage! Do you want me to tell him that you let his child starve!?” She said dramatically with her big hazel eyes. “I’m sorry little girl, but I don’t know of any daughter of Kurisu-Sama that looks like you?” He said rather confused. At that, the small girl was slightly offended, and plainly just walked off as the sounds of her stomach only reminded her of how much she was starving. Well, surely she could find a rat to cook and eat. After all, she was used to hunting for her own food.
Kyoto Ametsuchi
Kyoto Ametsuchi
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Sister Bonding (P,Kaya) Empty Re: Sister Bonding (P,Kaya)

Sat Apr 09, 2016 9:29 am
As she walked down the streets of Konoha. Kyoto herself would also catch the scent of barbecue but unknowingly to her, her kid sister was out asking for food with not enough money. Following the scent to a stand in the market area of Konoha, she would catch glimpse of green hair and the voice of a small girl. Looking at the back of what she assumed was a small girl her mind would think back to what her father and mother had told her. Apparently the two had two more children, twins who they did not raise in the village and apparently they didn't know much of Kasuga or Kyoto. There was one thing though that she remembered about the description of her baby sister. Apparently she had one of the most uniquely colored hair within the village. A green color with a small glow to it. She would smile making the assumption that this kid at the stand was her baby sister and it even confirmed it more when she said she was the daughter of the Hokage. Way to go around asking for food with that line and not getting it. Smiling a little Kyoto would walk pass the line getting some complaints, but of course everyone who would complain would get a middle finger to the face.

At the front of the line Kyoto would glare at the merchant who dared not to feed her sister. Of course mostly every merchant and hotel owner knew of Kyoto existence and had heard the same line her little sister Kaya had told them." Lady Kyo-t-to." stuttered the cook as he looked in the glare of Kyoto. Taking a deep breath and regaining his composure the merchant or cook or whatever the hell he was would say "What pleasure do I owe to see you once again?" "Once again Toki, you disrespected one of my father's children. I'm gonna have to go to the board this time to get this place took down." asked the man curiously. Continuing her frown she would place her right hand on top of her little sister's head as she flared at Toki with a fake frown that the merchant was not able to see through. Upon hearing Kyoto's words the merchant was frozen in fear of his shop being cut off the streets of the village."The girl is your sister? Please do not do that. You are the only daughter of our Lord that I know of." said Toki, the merchant who Kyoto had gotten food from for so much time she could not tell. 

Nodding her head she would say "This is little Kaya now give her what she wanted or your shop will be gone." said Kyoto threatening the the merchant. The guy would nod quickly throwing the things Kaya wanted on a foldable plate and a LOT of extras so the little girl wouldn't come back for more. Receiving the plate from Toki with a nod, Kyoto would hand it to Kaya waiting for the girl to take it. As she waited she would say "Kaya, I don't know if you were told of me or not. But, I am your sister Kyoto. Please do enjoy the food."
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Sister Bonding (P,Kaya) Empty Re: Sister Bonding (P,Kaya)

Mon Apr 11, 2016 12:02 am
The greatly disappointed Kaya began to make her way to catching her own meal when the man began to stutter his older sister’s name. Kyoto? The little girl turned her head and spotted the velvet haired teenager making her way towards the stand. The two seemed to bicker back and forth as Kaya’s head just turned from one speaker to another. She hadn’t realized it but somehow, she found herself munching on one of the sausages the man was selling. “That’s a little extreme isn’t it?” The girl asked through nibbles of the smoked meat. Threatening to close down the poor man’s shop? well that would maybe be a little much. Guy was just trying to make a living after all.

By the time they settle their dispute, Kaya had already gone through two sausages and a pork chop. It was only to her great surprise that she was given a paper plate with A LOT more food. It was a good thing she had a huge appetite. “Wow! Thank’s sis!” Before her sister could finish saying her sentence, she had vacuumed up half of the plate. “Yeah I have! Papa and Mama told about you and Kasuga-San!” She said while her mouth was full, spitting chunks of food all over the place. It only took a few more moments for her to devour the food and slam dunk the paper plate into a nearby trash can.

The green haired girl picked at her teeth with her finger as she scanned her sister. Pretty face, nice hair, decent stature. It seemed like she hard rather good older sister potential. “Say Sister-Chan, You’re a Genin riiiighhht?” The girl asked suspiciously, still eyeing the girl up and down and she scratched the smoothness of her chinny chin chin. “Well I need to get ahead of Jr, You got to help me!” The girl pleaded as she reached out and grabbed the girl’s tank top to add some dramatics.
Kyoto Ametsuchi
Kyoto Ametsuchi
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Sister Bonding (P,Kaya) Empty Re: Sister Bonding (P,Kaya)

Fri Apr 15, 2016 12:16 am
Oh? So her little sister wanted to be a ninja as well. She couldn't think of a reason why she didn't. All of her family were ninja. Kasuga, Mom, Dad, and little Kurisu Jr from what she heard from the new gens in the academy. Apparently the 6 or 7 year old easily got through the Genin exams passing them easily. She could see why her little sister wanted to catch up to him. He had already gotten a head start on her. Kaya would proceed to pull on the bottom of Kyoto's shirt showing the edge of her bra causing Kyoto to blush a deep crimson color the same shade as her hair. Still blushing shoving Kaya's hand off of her shirt softly she would grab the the small greenette by her hand and pull her along with her to the training grounds, feeling people's eyes piercing her back. As she dragged Kaya along with her to the training grounds she would say "So I assume that you want to learn the Academy Jutsu, Substitution, Transformation and Clone." said Kyoto.

Truth be told she really did want to help her sister out, but she didn't know if she was able to control her chakra on a good level. She was only a kid, a very small one at that. She would only realize the jacket-shirt thingy she was wearing. It was quite dirty with barbecue stains on them and some stains that looked weeks old."So uh, is that your favorite shirt?" asked Kyoto trying to get a conversation started as they walked to the training grounds or more like she pulled Kaya to the training grounds as she walked.
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Sister Bonding (P,Kaya) Empty Re: Sister Bonding (P,Kaya)

Fri Apr 15, 2016 8:47 am
A bright red streak of flesh appears on her older sister’s cheeks as her chest became more visible from Kaya’s tugs. “Why are you blushing? Are you embarrassed of me!?” Kaya asked, slightly offender by her sister. Before she realized it, the crimson haired girl had grabbed one of her hands and was dragging her through the streets of Konoha. Putting up no resistance, Kaya just led her drag her as she now became a literal sack of weight. Her legs just skidded on the dirt roads as she resembled a lifeless body. The villagers stared at the two girls as they passed by, and the emerald haired girl did nothing but stare back. “Fear not villagers! She’s just taking me for my daily whipping!” Her remark caused a few gasps from some of the mothers, whispers filling the dead air.

“That’s right!” Kaya said in response to her sister. “Everything I need in order to become a Jenning!” Surely, one would know that it was called a Genin, and not a Jenning, but the poor girl didn’t know any better. It was only yesterday that the girl thought her dad was the Rokage, and not the Hokage. “ I promise sis! I am strong like you!” She said, hoping compliments would get her by to convincing her sibling. Of course, she could probably get her mother or father to teach her, but they were always busy doing grown up stuffs. There was also the option of joining the ninja academy like regular folk, but that sounded boring. Besides, the two girls needed some bonding before Kaya started puling out the pranks.

“It’s not a shirt! It’s an elegant gown!” She said as she licked the fresh barbecue stains off of it with her free hand. “ And yes it is! It’s practically all I wear!” It was literally the only thing she wore… for the last three years. Once she grew out of it, well she’d replace it. For now, it didn’t seem like she was doing a lot of growing. “Are we there yet?” It was just about that time of the day where Kaya was getting bored. Sure, being dragged around by her personal chauffeur was fun, but she wanted to get down to the meat and bones of her training .
Kyoto Ametsuchi
Kyoto Ametsuchi
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Sister Bonding (P,Kaya) Empty Re: Sister Bonding (P,Kaya)

Fri Apr 15, 2016 12:14 pm
Kyoto would smile at the way her sister said a "elegant gown". Maybe the little kid didn't know what the word elegant meant. Coming to the gates of the training grounds she would continue to drag Kaya, down to a spot where she usually always trained. It was in the back of the training area, only having very little trees and a small little stream with a boulder in the middle. She would let go of Kaya's small hand and shoot forward jumping to the top of the boulder."Now I will be teaching you the three jutsu. We will start with Transformation." said Kyoto as she would come to sit on top of the boulder crossing her legs over one another. Maybe she could use this time to train as well, she needed to gain access to her Re-quip plane and attempt to summon some equipment from it. She would begin to perform the hand seals required for the jutsu slowly for the small girl. However she did not direct chakra throughout her body to put the jutsu in use. As she performed the hand seals she would say "Now Kaya, to use the jutsu you must perform these hand seals while directing chakra throughout your body. The seals are Dog, Boar, and Ram in that specific order." said Kyoto.

She would keep her eyes on the small child as she would perform the seals once again but in a quick movement. Instantly her body would turn into that of small Kaya."Now sister... you do it." said Kyoto with the voice of Kaya as she ended the jutsu. Hopefully the girl didn't take all day to learn the jutsu. It was one of the most basic ones but she that for people who didn't control chakra very well it would be really hard for them."Hmm... I see you are training yet again with another demon spawn." said the voice of Tartarus making her frown. She thought the thing was sleep or something minding his own business."What do you want dumbass." said Kyoto in her man angry."Nothing, just observing your Re-quip training." said the thing making her hold her head down and start meditating.
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Sister Bonding (P,Kaya) Empty Re: Sister Bonding (P,Kaya)

Sat Apr 16, 2016 4:07 am
It seemed like they had arrived to their destination as her lovely sister let go of her hand. Unexpectedly, the girl plopped down unto the ground on her back. Before she could even get up, her sister would have been atop the rock. “Ouch!” She’d get back up and dust off her knees as she listened to the red haired girl. She listened intently at first, but halfway through, she partially lost interest as her mind began to wander about the barbecue ribs she just finished eating. My, they were so damn delicious. “Now sister… you do it.” The girl snapped back into reality and was slightly dazed for a moment before she remember what they were here for. It was kinda freaky when the first thing she noticed was that her sister had turned into her. “huh? oh, right!” She let out, acting like she completely knew what was going on. Luckily for her, her eyes had at least been on Kyoto while she was thinking about the ribs. She saw the hand signs which was all that mattered.

Doing as followed, Kaya performed the the seals and blankly stared at her sister as nothing seemed to happen. “Is something suppose to happen? Hold on!” The girl formed the seals again, and focused on that thing called chakra that her parents had talked about. Just like that, a quick puff of smoke appeared. In front of Kyoto would stand a much fatter, unflattering version of herself. To top it all of, Kaya had struck a pose in confidence that she had done it right? “Like this right!?” She asked in a deep tone before realizing she had done it wrong. She quickly dispelled the jutsu before attempting it once more. Upon doing it the third time, it worked great! The girl formed the hand seals and made an exact replica of her sister. “Ta-da! What’s next?” She asked other excited as they got one of the jutsu down.
Kyoto Ametsuchi
Kyoto Ametsuchi
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Sister Bonding (P,Kaya) Empty Re: Sister Bonding (P,Kaya)

Sat Apr 16, 2016 12:32 pm
Kyoto would smile and laugh at her sister's silly antics, it seemed she had dozed off in the middle of the lesson. Shaking her head she would see that in only a couple of tries the small girl had gotten the hang of how to use the jutsu. Which was quite magnificent for someone of her age group. She would stop her meditation for a second as she would get to teaching her sister the next jutsu."Now that you have the hang of that, it is time to learn the clone jutsu." said Kyoto while starting to perform the Ram, Snake, and Tiger hand seals. After performing them accordingly a complete replica of her self would appear next to her on the rock also sitting down."Now the seals I used were Ram, Snake, and Tiger. Out of the jutsu required to take part in the Genin exams this one was by far the most easiest."Now you do it." said Kyoto as she would get back into her meditation, a place filled with stars would flash in her eyes. The Re-quip plane, she saw it again!
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Sister Bonding (P,Kaya) Empty Re: Sister Bonding (P,Kaya)

Sat Apr 16, 2016 3:56 pm
Kaya nonchalantly picked her nose as she watched her sister perform the hand seals for the next jutsu. After performing three signs, a clone of her sister appeared right next to her. The crimson haired girl made it seem to easy. “whoaaa!” Little Kaya said, easily impressed. The girl thought of all the pranks that she could pull once she mastered these two simple techniques. She wondered if she could possible transform into momma in order to get Jr to clean her room; the room that she never slept in and was probably collecting dust. Who would want to sleep in those anyways? Trees are so much more comfortable once you get used to the splinters.

“Alright, my turn!” She should out as she did the hand signs. Just like the following time, her first attempt failed completely. A puff of smoke appeared, but there was no clone in sight. The little girl let out a nervous giggle before trying it once more. Upon forming the hand signs, she was able to form a clone this time but it wasn’t exactly an exact replica. What she made was something between a mix of Kaya and a slug. It was quite… um… uncomfortable to look at. Kaya dispelled the weird looking creature before letting out another nervous laugh. She turned around in order to give herself a pep talk. “Come on Kaya, you can do this! If you don’t get this right, then I swear to all that is good I will whip you later!” How she would whoop herself? well the girl would find a way.

She turned back around to face her sister after talking to herself. It was unlikely that Kyoto would have picked up to what she said, but she would definitely have at least hear some mumbles. “Okay, I got it for sure this time.” The girl formed the hand signs once more and lord and behold, she was able to perform and exact copy of herself. The two little girls looked at once another before jumping for joy. Then suddenly, the real Kaya punched the clone right in the face, causing it to disappear. “I always wanted to do that!” She said giggling.

Suddenly, the girl went emotionless as before she knew it, she had entered her inner subconscious. She was back in the desert where the beast within her lurked. She entered the cave where it hid and saw it once more. The torches the decorated the wall green in color, matching her hair. “Well, well little girl. Trying to make your way to becoming a ninja hmm?” The girl stared at the beast, frustration apparent on her face. She wasn’t her usual playful manner. There was a time and a place for everything, and now was a time to be serious. “What do you want stupid?” She asked. She had a better understanding of the beast after talking to Kurisu about it, and what the thing was capable of truly scared her. “I just want to help you is all. All you have to do is remove the chains that bind me, and my power could be yours.” The hazel eyes girl simple stared at him before stating her firm answer. “No.” In deep frustration ,the beast roared, shaking the walls of the cave as debris fell from the ceiling. Something that the girl couldn’t explain happened next. Her head began to pound insanely as she fell to her knees. “How about i just give you a little taste of what could be yours. Then you’ll come crawling back for more.” His chuckle boomed, causing her great pain, the pounding in her head causing her to scream.

Within the real world outside of her subconscious. The little girl’s body began to be engulfed in a crimson veil over her skin. It started around her torso before extending to her legs, and then her arms before finally her head. The girl held her head as her headache became a reality. A tail proceeded to form from her lower back as she felt slightly out of control. She didn’t know what was going on, but she couldn’t prevent it from happening. “What’s happening to me!?” She yelled before her eyes fell upon her sister. “Kyoto! Help me!?” Fear was painted n the girl’s eyes before they went dull. The fear was replaced with anger as little Kaya charged at her older sister at a sad speed of 12.

Meanwhile, within her subconscious, her headache had faded as she was in complete control within the cave. “What are you doing to my body?” She asked innocently. The beast laughed. “I am showing you the power that can be yours.” The girl was not impressed with the beast’s powers. She was upset, and not appreciative that he had taken control. “No, my body is not yours to mess with you beast!” She screamed out. “This is my body and my mind, so you play by my rules!” The girl fought for control over the beast, she just hoped her sister could contain Kaya's outside presence while she fought for reign of her physical self.
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