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Going Outside for a Change (open)

Shitai Orochi
Kenjiro Uchiha
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Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Stat Page : Shitai
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 22000

Going Outside for a Change (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Going Outside for a Change (open)

Mon Apr 23, 2018 8:32 pm
Today. Not normal like most days where this young male would have been cooped up in his home, creating a few new things to test in his backyard. But on today he had decided to venture out into the village of Konoha to meet more of its people, more so its ninja to determine his feelings of them and to also establish a few "friendships" along the way. As it would seem the young male of the Pendragon had finished testing one of his own weapons, breaking it against a thick pole of metal which he had knew it wouldn't have made it through the first run after being made in a rush. The blade however sat wrapped up to its hilt and sheathed upon his back for the day as he would keep it with him to think about how to better enhance the blades overall abilities and form. Avalon had been dressed in a black hoodie, open and unzipped with the hood fully over his head covering the golden locks of his head and revealing those odd eyes of his.

Black pants and shoes met the rest of his attire with two headbands. Once of which had the symbol of a black dragon with a sword going through it which sat as his belt and the other a Konoha head band dangling from one of his belt loops. One no one would out right recognize since it was something he made from an old blade of his home land and black cloth. Not symbolizing a village within these elemental nations, but a single home that had never been forgotten by him. His right hand gently grasped against the strap of the sheathe for a moment before he stopped as he was about to pass an establishment. Normally he would not have entertained the idea of going into an open place and eating, sticking to his own cooking but the stomach was a fickle thing. Stepping in he came into sounds...well not sounds more like voices.

The male turned his head slightly to the raised and elevated voices, yellow eyes peering into the situation as he relaxed his stance and waited. For some reason he knew that interfering would more than likely escalate the situation so the male after moving out of the way of a few patrons that wanted to get the heck out of dodge, he stepped more toward the right open area of the door and watched. If he had been brought into it of course...things might have gotten a little weird since all he had on him was a broken sword. Then again even the most broken of objects could pose the greatest of threats.
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Going Outside for a Change (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Going Outside for a Change (open)

Wed Apr 25, 2018 2:51 am
With Kenjiro's grin, she knew something was about to happen. His face formed into a sharkish look, as the two useless heaps of mass intruded on their otherwise friendly chatter. As he was practically forced from his seat, Suzume's expression changed from joyful to disapproval. She kept her sight towards Kenjiro, being too frightened by the men to look at them directly, but kept them in her peripheral vision. From the way Kenjiro leapt from his position, Suzume got the message that he planned to get out of here. As he scolded them while picking up her hand, Suzume kept silent. She didn't want to do anything to make this any worse, so she figured the best act was to not react. Although he used the term "friend" here...rather odd for a first encounter, but given the situation it would make for an easier excuse to leave. Hopefully. 

As their plates were broken, she'd hide behind Kenjiro. He made for a good shield against the dolts for Suzume. It sure was humorous what they said, however this was the first time Suzume truly went anywhere. "I knew it might've been a bad idea to step outside today..." she reckoned. She was already headed for the exit when Kenjiro gestured to her. She paid little attention to the black clad person just entering, side stepping around him to get out of the restaurant. At this rate, she contemplated going back to shelter or moving on with the day. Sure this was a mess, but it would blow over and she wouldn't even remember those guys later on. Although, the guy she initially was sitting with intrigued her. Who was he, anyways? She'd never find out if she went back now. 

[WC: 289]
Kenjiro Uchiha
Kenjiro Uchiha
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Going Outside for a Change (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Going Outside for a Change (open)

Wed Apr 25, 2018 1:29 pm
As Suzume got away one of the men leaped at Kenjiro as if he was going in to for a fatal attack against him. With a cool, level head Kenjiro stepped out of the way of the attack at the same time as he noticed the other figure move into the building. After watching his friend unsuccessfully attempt to attack Kenjiro the other picked up a glass and threw it at Kenjiro, and the attempt to knock him back was there, but there was no real speed behind the attack so when Kenjiro used a nearby servers tray to smack away the glass before chucking it at the man like a frisbee he looked over to the new figure that entered the building earlier.

Seeing the figures belt he gave a sigh that the ninja garb in this village was so cliche that sometimes Kenjiro wondered if he was apart of a manga universe, regardless he yelled out.
"Yo Draco, old buddy! Sorry for the mess, was wondering where you ran off to, mind helping out a bit here?" Kenjiro said to distract the one that threw the glass, and as his plan worked the two men were now split. One facing the newly entered figure that Kenjiro had called out, and the one that attempted to attack him was now facing Kenjiro as he got into a fighting stance.
"Sooooo, we gonna finish up here or what, there is a nice girl waiting for me outside and I would hate to keep her waiting," Kenjiro said as he had an almost sobering moment where he could swear someone was making him say such cliche lines.

Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Going Outside for a Change (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Going Outside for a Change (open)

Wed Apr 25, 2018 7:37 pm
...Did he really? The male took a moment to ponder the situation as he looked at the female who had passed him without saying much to him. Then again she did not even know him so why would she? Then there was this...this situation that had gotten him temporarily stuck in someone's problems. Wonderful. Avalon rested a single hand on his hip as he stared at the male that was staring at him now almost expecting something to come out of his mouth before he sighed and shook his head," Look. I don't know either of these two but-," the words cut off by the male who had began to swear and use the generic bad guy motto. Well if he was going to get him and make him pay for something, which keep in mind he had no stake in. Yet here he was knee deep in a fight that wasn't going to take long to finish it came.

The first step Avalon took toward the male had began to put him on edge, just like anyone who had been hopped up on the adrenaline of a fight. Much to his dismay the distance between the two wasn't too...great so he would have to work with his reflexes alone on this little endeavor. The first moves were made as the male charged at Avalon with his arms open as if he was going to grab him and a small sigh escaped his lips. For a moment he considered many ideas to end this quickly and the only sufficient one came to mind - whack him with the blade. So with a quick movement he undid the belt that kept the entire sword on his back and reached upwards, grabbing the hilt. From there it was a swift, fluid motion that brought the sheathed blade down onto the males head and soon into his stomach efficiently stopping him from doing anything.

Whether or not the other male had been done, the sword would be placed back onto his back and properly fastened as he looked at Kenjiro," I do hope you do not drag others into your problems on a daily basis because that...would become rather tiresome rather quickly," his accent alone paired with his speaking and mannerisms would give away that he wasn't a "traditional" ninja in the sense that Kenjiro or the female would have known that he either wasn't from here...or something else entirely. At either rate the male would take off his hoodie revealing the blonde locks and seemingly glowing yellow eyes to look at the two," So. Who is going to take these two to prison? Assuming you two since this is...your mess."
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Going Outside for a Change (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Going Outside for a Change (open)

Thu Apr 26, 2018 2:42 am
And now was another one of those uncomfortable moments where Suzume had no idea what she should do. On one hand, it might be best to head home and leave the situation be. On another, if she did that, then Kenjiro might have wondered where she wandered off to. Surely he wouldn't have blamed her after that incident, though it would be kind of rude to simply leave. It seemed now the situation was getting settled, one way or another. Yet, staying in that specific area didn't seem like such a good idea. So, Suzume treaded down the path way not to far. With her hands in her pockets, she slowly wandered. Then, she realized she never did get the guy's name... 

Kenjiro Uchiha
Kenjiro Uchiha
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Going Outside for a Change (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Going Outside for a Change (open)

Thu Apr 26, 2018 5:21 pm
When the pair faced off against the drunkards it was a quick show of force as Kenjiro picked up another serving tray and as the man charged it was an easy movement to sidestep the man again and with a quick flourished movement he brought the tray down on the man's head as he fell and went head first into the floor and fell limp as he went unconscious. A quick glance over at the other man showed he was done with the other man already as he heard him speak back as if answering his first call to action as people began to look inside the place to see the scene.

"Not usually, I tend to work things out myself...besides I can't go around and use ninjutsu to take care of all my problems. As for these two fuck ups...not my problem, I just stopped a bigger mess from happening. Now I feel it is best if we take out leave before any of the ninja that show up want any questions answered. I am not really all that into authoritarian figures as of late." Kenjiro said as he quickly made his way to the exit where Suzume left. When he walked out and saw that she was not hanging around he gave a sigh.

"Can't really blame her for not sticking around...Suzume...I will probably see her again." Kenjiro stretched, not knowing if that man was behind him or not as he began to walk north towards the slums, whistling a tune.

Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Shitai
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 22000

Going Outside for a Change (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Going Outside for a Change (open)

Mon Apr 30, 2018 1:42 am
There was a quaint look on his face as he examined the male and let out a small sigh. As customary for him, Avalon scanned the male for any sign of him belonging to the village i.e a headband of some sort, though he didn't see one (if he did have one on he'd simply nod and look back toward the males face). Another sigh left his lips as he picked up the one he had knocked out, taking him outside and placing him somewhere just where a passing ninja would just so be passing by. Flagging down the ninja he began to explain the situation from what he had witnessed at least and pointed inside of the establishment where the other miscreant had been. There were no questions asked on his part nor the other party so he went back into the place looking at the male," Whether or not you are a ninja of this village, that was...actually it is your problem to at least notify someone. Luckily I have done so for you so we can be on our way," the male of course stepping back outside as the other male had been walking out.

His eyes scanned the area for a moment before shrugging and sliding his hands into his pockets as they walked," What is meant to be will surely be unless you are going to find her. Then again the ambitions of a male chasing a female aren't something...I have time for in this case. So what is your name?," introductions were in order since this one had gotten him into a rather precarious situation.

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Going Outside for a Change (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Going Outside for a Change (open)

Wed May 02, 2018 3:56 am
While the guys dealt with their dues, Suzume sneakily dipped out of the situation by simply scurrying to a corner store. She pretended to be occupied with some items the store sold. A stand full of cute stuffed animals kept her occupied while the situation was being handled. One stuffed animal in particular caught her interest, and she picked it up. Its soft fabric felt nice in her palms, making her smile ever so happily. Upon some other people entering the store, Suzume's attention went from the stuffed animal back to the incident she just ran from. She put it back, just as it was placed when she found it, then left to cautiously go back to where Kenjiro was.

Peering out from the corner, she saw that everything turned out fine. It seemed that business went on as usual, patrons continued their meals like nothing happened. Is this what its like everyday outside the cave she called home? Those people acted like it was just another day. Would it be any more trouble if she went back, just to get the other kid's name? She bothered to take the risk, knowing that eventually she'd have to go out more, and therefore should make an effort to get to know who's who. Perhaps if she ran into trouble like this again, she'd have backup. Timidly, Suzume approached Kenjiro, tapping him on the shoulder. "Hey, uh, I don't think I got your name?" she stammered.

Kenjiro Uchiha
Kenjiro Uchiha
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Going Outside for a Change (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Going Outside for a Change (open)

Wed May 02, 2018 3:14 pm
"Seems as if that was not enough to get away from these people. What have I gotten myself into this time around?" Kenjiro asked himself with his inner voice. The male was the first to catch up with him as people began to go about their business as usual...nothing changes from the day to day rabble.

When he was asked for his name he also felt the pat on his shoulder as Suzume approached and found him, seems as though this was a destined meeting between the three of them. With a sigh, he would turn to face both of them and then give them both a smile, knowing that he was not foolish enough to use genjutsu on both of them...not this close to the plan being ready...he needed to make sure he came back from his "time away" with more power than when he left.

"I am a member of the Uchiha clan here in the village, my first name...I am sorry but at this time I cannot give it to you. Instead," He said as he flashed a smile and then showed them his face, a scar on his cheek, but a friendly smile that you would not normally see in a vagrant. "You can call me Fukushū. I will be staying in the slums with those that have been affected by the Invasion, or those that are criminals and are looking to stay under the shadows rather than to be in the light. If you are in need of aid I guess come and find me in the slums. They will know me by a description only...So in that respect If I need you, I will find you, don't worry, I have memorized your faces." He said as he pulled a Konohagakure headband from under his shirt.

"We are all ninja of the village after all." He said with finality as he looked to Suzume.

"I am sorry that our lunch was ruined, I owe you a good lunch, and I will make good on that I promise." He then looked at the other male.
"Thank you for the help, I did not mean to drag you into that mess, but you were around and looked capable. I don't do this often, but if you want to spar together sometime...let me know." He said and then bowed to them both before putting his headband away and turning to take his leave.


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Wed May 02, 2018 7:29 pm
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