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Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru) part 2  - Page 2 Empty Re: Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru) part 2

Mon Feb 26, 2018 8:57 pm
The sun is positioned at about an 85 degree angle from the ground and the center of the stadium (which itself would make a 90 degree angle if it were directly above the center). This angle is such that one’s shadow is just slightly pointing away from them. For Satoru who is just in front of a wall, just about a meter from it, his shadow is behind him and lies on the wall.

With the match having begun, Satoru immediately finalizes his approach based on the thoughts going through his head. These ideas include the fact that Tsume is known to be faster than Satoru himself as well as the fact that Cole is physically stronger than Satoru himself.

“Tsume has two targets: myself and Cole. I know myself that Cole is also quite fast, but does Tsume know this? I can’t assume that he does. Does Tsume know that my speed cannot at all compare to his? The last time we spared wasn’t very recent. For all he knows, I could have increased my speed through training without him knowing. Am I still vulnerable to a blitz in his eyes? And how fast is Haku? No, he isn’t important right now. I’ll keep tabs on him but Tsume really deals the brunt of the damage. His weaponry is dangerous, I’ve seen it cut straight through a thick tree. That sword of his will make close range diffic-”

A thought occurs to Satoru.

“I fight at midrange, that’s part of my win condition. Tsume is strongest at close range and this range is also where I’m weakest. So, what is the worst thing I can do in terms of Tsume? Let him get close. He fulfills that condition and I’m right where he wants me.” Cole is next on Satoru’s mind. “Cole is a different story. I know my only obstacle with him is having chakra strong enough to damage him. Aside from that, I keep my distance and respect his speed and strength.”

This is where the match begins and Satoru’s gaze sharpens. His senses go to the world around him. Almost involuntarily, his curse mark activates as though on its own and spreads upon his skin. He does not wish to make the first move because this does put him at a disadvantage. Satoru knows himself to be a reactive fighter, one who acts based upon what is given to him and not based on what he has access to when attacking. The activation of his curse mark is almost a personification of this fact.

Looking directly between Tsume and Cole so as to catch all of the action in his peripheral vision, Satoru spots movement to his right. Tsume throws an object and Satoru’s eyes dart to him. However…

“He’s gone.” Satoru thinks to himself. This is almost a problem but a blur keeps Satoru from taking any drastic action. When focused upon, Satoru is able to see Tsume speeding towards him with massive speed. “He’s never run this fast before. And without building momentum? This is the body flicker technique.”

“Back? Left? Up? Up.” Satoru thinks, at least in a simplified way of putting it. His mind is already made up about how he will react to this situation. The questions he asks himself in simplified form pertain to his next moves after this one. In this sense, he is thinking at least two steps ahead. He settles upon a course of action just as Tsume exits his body flicker.

Satoru did make sure to set himself up before the fight began. Another facet of his win condition is to control the battlefield. The first way to do this is to ensure advantageous positioning for himself so as to best prepare for whatever is thrown at him. Height in this fight is to his advantage. For this reason, he made sure to set himself just in front of one of the walls for this stadium. When the word “up” went through his mind, this is what he was referring to, up the wall.

Tsume exits the body flicker half a meter away from Satoru. At a speed of 110, Satoru takes one step back so as to put his left foot upon the wall behind him. This sets him leaning backward considerably at a speed of 110. Chakra allows the foot to stick where it is. Second, at the same time as the first action, he uses what little time he has to react as Tsume moves his right arm at a speed of 70 to draw his blade. At a speed of 110, Satoru weaves the two hand seals for rat and bird consecutively as this occurs.

Following this, six black tendrils as sharp as needles (100 sharpness) extend from behind Satoru. These originate from his shadow which lies upon the wall. This is significant as it grants Satoru an element of surprise. Tsume cannot see th tendrils until they are moving at their 90 speed to strike. With his body in front, the tendrils move at a speed of 90 to go around Satoru and dart towards Tsume. Three of these aim for the arm which Tsume is using to draw his blade which by now may be three fourths of the way towards impacting the location where Satoru’s face used to be. The three pierce Tsume’s arm at the shoulder, elbow, and upper arm almost painlessly due to their speed. The arm is restricted and kept in place by a power of 100. The same occurs to the other arm: one needle-like shadow darts towards Tsume’s left shoulder, one to his left upper arm, an one to his left forearm. All hold with a power of 100.

In success, the shadow sewing technique moves efficiently and precisely. The curse mark upon Satoru’s skin almost seems to pulse as his chakra is used to its limits. His eyes are still wide, taking in as much visual information as possible.

In reality, eight tendrils were formed upon the activation of the jutsu. Two tendrils remain. They are behind Satoru and hidden from view. They will react to whatever stimulation Satoru takes in.




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Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru) part 2  - Page 2 Empty Re: Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru) part 2

Tue Feb 27, 2018 7:59 am
Cole stood their steading his breathing getting his mind and body ready for the coming battle. He knew he had to win this fight if he was going to prove not only to himself but to everyone else that he was the stronger of the three. He couldn’t be beaten here he still had others that he had to fight and win starting with xuba who had beat cole in 2 different spars. Then there was the proctor of this little fight Valen who was the first person to show cole what true power was. He was another that Cole wanted to prove that he was on the same level as. By the time that Valen said go and vanished cole had his breathing in check using the seven heavens breathing method to boost his strength and speed.

Cole moves at his top speed of 185 to the direction of Tsume and Satoru dodging the Fuma shuriken that Tsume had thrown at him with ease. Cole knew that the timing of this would be everything. He had the advantage with both of them lining up and being so close it was almost to easy for him and he knew what he was going to do. Cole watched as he closed in Satoru walked backward up the wall a foot or two still staying at Tsume’s head level. While Tsume reached for his blade to slice Satoru.

Cole activated Evening Elephant at the point that Satoru’s shadow tendrils attacked. Cole closed to about 2 meters behind Tsume at the now speed of 235, and through a punch at max speed that he hoped would end this fight before it really got started.a column of compressed wind hitting both Tsume and Satoru in mid-action the column of wind would cover out to a meter all around the both of them with a power of 122. Cole would give them a sec to make sure they were still ok before firing the next 4 if needed. If either of them managed to dodge they attack somehow cole would fire the next punch at the one that got away as long as he hit one of them.

(WC-365 TWC-800
AP 414- 40 Seven Heavens -55 Evening Elephant =319 AP)
Jun Fuji
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Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru) part 2  - Page 2 Empty Re: Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru) part 2

Tue Feb 27, 2018 6:16 pm
Tsume wasn't good about fighting his friends, he was always holding back in order to protect. But he had done it so many times by now, he was getting used to it. Tsume hoped he wasn't getting soft

Before the battle begun, Satoru's skin started to change colors, his skin darkened and it didn't look natural. When Tsume finished his body flicker, he realized that Satoru was faster than before. He was able to step back from the iai beheading attack and climbed up the wall to escape any other attacks.

At that time, Haku had been watching Cole keenly for any signs of pursuit. Suddenly, with a blink of an eye, Cole disappeared from his spot. Haku knew that wasn't a good sign. So to warn his beloved partner, he shrieked. 

Tsume then heard the sound of his panic partner, knowing it was his warning call. He predicted that it was Cole as his back was turned to him and the reason he stationed Haku where he was. So, he turned his head slightly to see Cole there about to throw a punch. Everything was in slow motion for Tsume as he was in shock of how fast Cole was. Poor Tsume was now sandwiched. The vacuum fist would strike first, throwing Tsume up towards Satoru and his tendril shadow if he didn't move. Luckily, even if Satoru couldn't escape the vacuum punch, Tsume would only get scratched by the tendril instead of completely impaled. As Tsume was slammed into the wall with great power, he was knocked unconscious. 

As Cole appeared behind Tsume, Haku was already on his way. Once Cole went to check on if Satoru and Tsume were ok, Haku would strike. Haku was flying inward from his blind spot for a sneak attack. He was far enough back however, not to be heard. About 10 meters away from Cole, he launched his feather strike at a speed of 125. The five feathers would be shot at both his shoulders, his right side torso and his knees if hit. Then Haku would charge at Tsume and grab him in his talons so that he would be harmed from falling to the ground and then safely placing his and maybe Satoru if he was in the same shape. 

TWC: 1068

Haku ap:
-20 ap Feather Strike
Satoru Nara
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Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru) part 2  - Page 2 Empty Re: Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru) part 2

Thu Mar 01, 2018 7:16 pm
When Tsume exits his body flicker and he and Satoru are standing so close to each other, Cole disappears from Satoru’s peripheral vision. However, unlike Tsume’s disappearance, Satoru notes that Cole is indeed out of sight, he is not at all perceived. No longer able to keep tabs on Cole as he very much wants to be able to do, Satoru shifts gears to make a secondary maneuver. This maneuver occurs as Cole is running towards Tsume and Satoru’s position and begins just before Satoru is able to finish the bird hand seal.

As was stated, Satoru’s placement before the beginning of this fight was a form of his control. The reason he preferred not to make the first move is because his position and knowledge of his opponents allowed him to understand just where he wanted to be in order to best set himself up.

Following a similar line of reasoning for where Tsume wants to fight, Satoru figures quite simply that Cole’s destination is right where his targets are. Cole’s opponents in this little spar include Tsume and Satoru. Being a close-range fighter, nearly all possibilities for him to attack would be through physical contact. With this information, Satoru quickly deduces that the no-longer-visible Cole must be moving towards his current position.

When the Kaguya begins to run at a speed of 185, Satoru ceases to perform the bird hand seal and instead wipes his chakra of any manipulation before performing the ram seal and moving at a speed of 240 diagonally up the wall behind him. His direction from Tsume’s perspective would be upwards and to the right. His direction is thus opposite that of Cole’s in terms of approaching and moving away from Tsume.

While running up the wall this way, Satoru keeps his eyes on the battlefield and those on it as he makes his way towards the top of the wall upon which he stands straight. Satoru is 30 meters above the stadium floor. From a Haku’s eye view, his current position is 20 meters away from his original position.

(All speeds not stated are max speed)
(Resetting AP to 384 due to not using Shadow Sewing)



Curse Seal of Heaven Deterioration:
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru) part 2  - Page 2 Empty Re: Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru) part 2

Fri Mar 02, 2018 7:43 am
Cole kept his pace taking another breath every 50 steps. He had used this jutsu enough times that he didn’t need to make the hand signs with each breath anymore like he did when he first started to learn how to control his breathing. Some people it took months of practice but cole had gotten it down in a matter of a week and a half partly because of all the practice he had gotten during the chunin exam and the spars leading up to the exam. In this fight cole was at the disadvantage Tsume and Satoru had been on a team together, and had probably shared the little infor that they had about cole together while cole had almost no info on the potential jutsu that the two could pull off. Which only left cole with one option and that was to end this quickly before it got started and the two of them figured out that cole was the stronger of the three of them. If they had time to figure that much out than it could put cole in a sticky situation. He was sure that he could take them on one on one but if they teamed up and coordinated their attacks he would have a lot harder of a time. The few things that cole knew he kept an eye out for. For one he knew that Satoru could control his shadow and attack with it as well as stop incoming attacks with it, as he had shown in their last mission when he stopped three fellow shinobi with it. He also knew that Tsume was pretty good with a sword from their spar with miyamoto, and that he could talk to that bird as well as use jutsu on it.

They only plan of attack cole could think of while closing the distance was to finish this with the evening elephant. It was so perfect of an attack to finish this with since Tsume did him a favor and closed distance with Satoru instead of coming after him. Cole moving just out of Satoru reaction time and just in Tsumes he would make his move. Once he got close to the 5 meters from the duo cole noticed that Satoru was making some hand signs, and stopped and started to make a different hand sign. He expects something cole thought to himself than noticed that Tsume was still drawing his sword cole wondered why he hadn’t drawn it already but that was not his problem in this fight right now. Once cole hit the 5 meter mark were he planned on activating the evening elephant jutsu Satoru dashed at speeds he didn’t have before in an angle away and up the wall. Body flicker not very smart cole thought to himself as he pushes bones out of his body while grabbing a kuani off of his leg with one fluid motion at the same time. Putting his index finger in the ring of the kuani cole had practiced this a lot to get it down it was not easy to grab a kunai out of you leg holster with a 3 meter bone spike coming out of you arm, and it was impossible to do pull one out of a weapon pouch. With a fling of his arm cole sends the kuani at a speed of 240 to wear Satoru would be by the time the kuani flew through the air. Satoru would be unable to dodge it cole knew this so he aimed for a non fatal area right below the collarbone. It would hurt like hell and Satoru would probably fall off the wall losing concentration from the pain. But the fall would not be enough to kill him and the kunai had no fatal targets to hit, and with medical ninja standing by cole knew that there would be no lasting damage from the attack.

With Satoru down cole was left with eight 3 meter long bone spike sticking out of his body and still closing in at a new speed of 240. At this speed if Tsume turned to see what was going on he would see cole a few feet with in 5 meters before cole would disappear from his vision being unable to keep track of his attack. Cole would position himself were Satoru was before body flickering but staying on the ground, so he could keep an eye on Tsume’s bird friend as well. Cole would then attempt to hit Tsume with the blunt end of the bone spike coming out of his palm. (speed 240 strength enough to knock out Mr 5 health) If cole connected he would keep his eye on the bird and watch to see what he was planning since the bird could continue to fight on Tsume’s part or he could surender and see to Tsume. Either way cole would keep his eye on the bird until the fight was stopped.

(WC-830 TWC-1630
AP 319 -40 Seven Heavens -35 Dance of the willow+ 55 from not using evening elephant= 299)
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru) part 2  - Page 2 Empty Re: Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru) part 2

Sat Mar 03, 2018 12:51 am
The battle rages forwards, it was in full swing now and there was no way back. The rush was in the three genin's blood. Tsume was now seeing the full extent of their powers. Tsume had to show them his full power too, he wasn't about to be a light weight. 

The charge against Satoru failed, he was able to see through it and able to jump back to the wall in front of Tsume that surrounded the arena they were in even before he could draw his blade. Satoru knew his weaknesses, he wasn't about to let Tsume or Cole get close to him. Suddenly, the call of warning from Haku. It was the sign that Cole was coming his way. Quickly turned his head to get a glimpse of Cole running towards him (RT 198). That's when he would draw his blade, but not for Iai beheading, but for Hazy Moonlight. It was his strongest weapon technique, it utilized the art of not being able to see the blade even move. At his top speeds, Tsume circled the blade around himself, causing afterimages. 50 meters was a ways away but Cole was closing in fast. During the time, he circled himself with the blade, Cole had drawn out his bones, his kekki genki. An impressive one to say the least. Tsume's circle was complete by the time Cole got there. Foolishly, Cole stopped to confront Satoru with a kunai. At speeds of 168, Tsume swung his blade at his left leg at a spot if hit, he wouldn't be able to move the leg without hurting himself more. In addition to the speed increase, Cole would also need a reaction time of 193 to see the swing of his blade. (Sharpness: 192)

On Haku's end, after warning Tsume that Cole was gone and most likely coming to Tsume for a close combat attack, he would start to swoop towards his partner at his top speed to get to his pal since birth. He started 25 meters away from the group, so when he got to about 5 meters away from where Cole stopped, Cole had appeared and made his attack towards Satoru. Once Cole had stopped, Haku threw his feathers at his right side as Tsume was attacking Cole's left (speed 125, sharpness 51). If those hit Cole, it would puncher shoulder, torso and right leg, all in non lethal spots. It was also timed to where both the attacks from Tsume and Haku would come at the same time. This was their specialty. Team work. Tsume doubted he would share the same team work skills with another.  

WC: 438
TWC: 1506

AP for Tsume: 206
-40 ap for Hazy Moonlight
+30 ap for not using Iai beheading

Ap for Haku: 236
-20 ap for Feather Strike
Satoru Nara
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Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru) part 2  - Page 2 Empty Re: Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru) part 2

Sat Mar 03, 2018 8:57 pm
Satoru has to admit, his attempt to avoid being close to Cole was a poor one. Body flickering any distance has multiple drawbacks including making the person moving vulnerable to many manners of attacking. However, with Cole’s immense speed, it was the only option available. Poor indeed but necessary. Nonetheless, Satoru is beginning to see where Cole stands in terms of capability in combat compared to himself or Tsume.

This is not something Satoru should be having on his mind in this situation. A spar is a spar, he is to treat it as though his life is on the line. And this he does by making the best use of his time and resources in order to emerge with victory. Because of this, Satoru’s next actions are less desperate and more driven by prospect.

The body flicker initiated by Satoru continues to completion as he reaches the top of the wall before Cole arrives at his destination which is the location where Satoru was initially standing. Now, he stands on the top of the 30 meter wall which is three meters thick. From this location so close to the base of the wall, seeing Satoru becomes impossible as he stands at the outer edge of the three meter thick wall; he is away from the view of all except for likely Haku and of course the audience.

As Cole is still moving, Satoru performs the unique hand seal used for creating a shadow clone at a speed of 110. This clone appears in a puff of smoke at the same speed. The clone also stands on the outer edge of the wall, out of sight from those upon the stadium floor. Immediately following this, the original Satoru performs five hand seals in order to summon an animal companion. Hisato appears in the same manner that Satoru’s clone did. He is positioned also so that those on the stadium floor cannot see him.

“The one with white hair. Ambush from below. Use mirror if you like.” Satoru would give short and to the point instructions to Hisato who proceeds to descend into the wall and travel through it until he is underground. This is at a speed of 70.

At the same time that the original Satoru performed the summoning jutsu, the clone performs three hand seals resulting in the dust cloud technique while black marks identical to Satoru’s curse mark spread upon his skin. He exhales powerfully through his two overlapped hands and the gray dust speeds outward in a cone 30 meters long and 10 meters wide. This dust will spread to become a cloud with similar dimensions no smaller than the original blast.

No smoke from any summoning extends such that someone on the ground might see it.

(All speeds not stated are full speed)


Curse Seal of Heaven Deterioration:
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru) part 2  - Page 2 Empty Re: Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru) part 2

Mon Mar 05, 2018 8:38 am
Satoru body flickered away when cole threw the kunai he wasn’t sure were Satoru was going as he was out of coles reaction time and only was a blur when he took off. However that still left Tsume who had been swinging his sword around him. Cole figured that it was in preparation to launch an attack, and cole was curious as to what it was but was not suicidal. Cole stops around 4 meters from Tsume and keeps a eye on him while finding Satoru who had went to the top of the wall and had launched a cloud smoke down towards both cole and Tsume. Cole jumped back only getting a few inches off of the ground in case he needed to change directions he could just put his foot back down.

Cole was not sure what Satoru was up to but at the moment cole did know that he did not want to get close to that cloud. Cole would take a stance to where he would be standing were he could see the cloud that Satoru created and position to were Tsume would have to have his back to the cloud in order to attack cole. He would keep his bone spikes up and ready to attack or defend keeping his senses open for any attack not knowing what either of them was planning.

(WC-228 TWC-1858
AP-299-Seven Heavens -40, Dance of the Willow -15=244)
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru) part 2  - Page 2 Empty Re: Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru) part 2

Tue Mar 06, 2018 3:23 pm
This three way battle was a tough one, full of surprises and things to dodge. The Chokyoshi duo's attack towards successfully struck the Kaguya. Cole would have his shoulder, torso and right leg struck with feathers from Haku and a cut left leg from Tsume's attack from his blade. That would be dangerous for the Kaguya with Satoru's attack still coming. Haku could see Satoru on top of the wall and called it out to Tsume with a familiar shriek of warning. Tsume looked to see where Haku was looking. As Satoru was summoning his clone. Tsume body flickered to the edge of the top of the wall in an instant (speed 130). If Tsume couldn't see Satoru, Satoru must not see him. So it must of been a surprise to Sat when Tsume suddenly appeared in front of Satoru and his clone. As this was happening after Sat summoned his clone, the summon of Hisato had not been summoned yet nor had the dust cloud been preformed. Tsume made quick action to take out the two. Tsume didn't know which on was the original, so he knew he needed to take out both. Once he ran up to them, Tsume grabbed one (the clone) and thrown him out of the area and kicked the other on out with his right leg at the same time. (speed 118, strength 38). The edge was only 3 meters wide, so it wouldn't take much to just shove them off.  If they couldn't do anything about it, they would both be disqualified for exiting the arena. Tsume had trust that they would be okay but just encase, he watched them go down just in case if they didn't stop the fall. 

Haku stayed 25 meters away from Cole to keep his eye on him. He knew that Cole would have some hard time moving with all the wounds, which were luckily enough just to be healed after the battle was over.   

WC: 318
TWC: 1824

-10 ap for Body flicker 
AP: 196 for Tsume

Haku's Ap: 236
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
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Ryo : 10650

Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru) part 2  - Page 2 Empty Re: Powers of maturing genin (Cole, Satoru) part 2

Tue Mar 06, 2018 6:06 pm
Tsume appears before either Satoru or his clone are able to summon Hisato and perform the dust cloud technique respectively. The speed at which he runs up the wall is quite high, just as fast as he had moved when body flickering to Satoru shortly prior. Satoru recognizes this speed as the body flicker technique but makes nothing of it. This fact is of no use to him as there is no movement that he would like to perform which takes care of the current situation while giving him the best chance of a follow up. Instead of using the information gathered just now to his advantage, Satoru simply stops his actions and focuses on the fact that Tsume has given up his given advantage.

The act of Satoru placing himself upon the top of the arena’s wall holds multiple effects. For one, an advantage for Satoru. He is unable to be seen from below the wall in the position where Cole and Tsume were last seen. In order for these two to see Satoru, they would either need to move away from the wall or simply avoid each other while changing their angle relative to Satoru at the same time. Such a possibility is either unlikely or tactically ill advised due to the fact that both Tsume and Cole find their greatest strength in close range situations.

Secondly, an advantage for Cole and Tsume. Satoru is perfectly aware that by putting himself out of the sight of his opponents that they are also out of his sight. There are contingencies taken against any attack that might end his running in this fight however. So, this disadvantage for Satoru is minimal.

Thirdly, another advantage for Satoru. This move was made on the basis that it does more good than harm for the Nara. He is out of sight as well as at a distance from his opponents who are both close range fighters. This is quite a small victory for Satoru until…

Tsume has closed the gap. Thinking that Tsume would not want to ever take his eyes off of Cole, the taijutsu specialist who was on his way straight towards him, Satoru put this possibility in the back of his mind. But here it is, a reality. Tsume has body flickered up to the edge of the top of the wall. When he exits, he is three meters away from Satoru, the distance of the thickness of the wall separating them.

“Fine.” Satoru responds simply in his head.

Both Satoru and his clone are in the act of performing the first hand seal for their jutsu when Tsume appears coming over the edge of the wall. The clone, not yet having his curse mark active, does not have the reaction time to see this attack coming and is caught and thrown out of the arena. However, The original Satoru’s reaction time is greater and thus moves in accordance to a better course of action. His hands are mere inches from each other when Tsume is seen and he diverges from performing the boar seal in favor of the ram seal. He then moves to his right (away from Tsume) by one meter at a speed of 240 in order to avoid the coming kick.

After this, Satoru performs the rat hand seal and extends his shadow towards Tsume’s own shadow at a speed of 90. The two connect and Tsume is frozen where he stands. Satoru keeps his eyes on the space between Tsume and the battlefield so as to see anything that happens.

(All speeds not stated are max speed)


Curse Seal Deterioration:
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