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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Genin Semi-final: Mori-jin vs. Satoru Empty Genin Semi-final: Mori-jin vs. Satoru

Fri Jan 26, 2018 10:42 pm
The arena is the same as before, but to help everyone see it easier.

"Welcome to the semi-finals of the genin tournament. Please welcome Mori-jin and Satoru to the arena. Mori-jin's spirit went wild in the last battle sending his opponent into a pile of rubble, while Satoru recieved a bi for the odd number of participants. Let us spectate a glorious combat as these competitors go toe to toe. Remember no killing or leaving the arena."  The man would then sit and wait for the battle to begin.
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Stat Page : The Red Shadow
Mission Record : Cookbook
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 159

Genin Semi-final: Mori-jin vs. Satoru Empty Re: Genin Semi-final: Mori-jin vs. Satoru

Sat Jan 27, 2018 2:50 pm
The next stage.

The male sat at the bottom of the stairs fixing his gauntlets to his hand and forearm before looking them over and nodding," Just one more round...and we can finally see what about this village they enjoy so much." When the announcer spoke of his win in the first round the male flung his cloak onto his back and strapped his staff on top before walking up and smiling. Nothing was going to stop him from winning this and now he was going to put a little more effort into this fight. Once he reached the top and the light of the sun had shined onto his face, the male smiled a devilish grin as a few cheers went on and his hands returned to the inside of the cloak. His opponent had been someone he had fought at least in some capacity in the past, and their tactics were...interesting. If he remembered correctly he used his shadows to fight, so that was going to be a little interesting. As he walked toward the middle of the arena, he stood tall and proud waiting for his opponent and once the male had been within view his hands left the comfort of the cloak.

His hands moved into a battle position and once the male had readied himself? The battle would begin.
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
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Genin Semi-final: Mori-jin vs. Satoru Empty Re: Genin Semi-final: Mori-jin vs. Satoru

Sat Jan 27, 2018 6:19 pm

No more than a week ago, Satoru signed up for a shinobi combat tournament within the village. At the time, he felt as though it would be a good way to learn about his fellow ninja in Hoshigakure, how they fight and what kind of shinobi they are. Now, as he walks up these stairs to the arena floor, he does not regret putting himself out there and stepping into this bracket of ninja.

For the first round, he had no opponent due to the odd number of participants. That extra week of free time has given him the ability to further prepare for the coming fight. He knows that whoever it is he will fight within the next moments has defeated their opponent in the first round and thus is no push over. Satoru is on his toes even before the light from above the stadium shines upon his face. He ascends the steps now as he hears the Hogokage speak. This voice is familiar, Satoru knows that this is the same person whom he had mustered the courage to talk to something like two weeks prior. After the Hogokage goes over the rules of the tournament, Satoru hears the crowd roar.

Now, Satoru has already engaged his mental concentration. The Hogokage's words are taken into consideration the moment his opponent's name is spoken. Mo-ri Jin. The person whom Satoru had sparred against in the water gardens maybe a month prior. Before Satoru even emerges into the stadium, he knows at least a bit about what he can and cannot do against this Mo-ri. His strength proved immense, enough to overcome Satoru's shadow imitation technique. To attempt the same jutsu would be a waste of chakra reserves. His signature ability is already on the shelf, out of consideration.

The Hogokage's booming voice also states one detail about Mo-ri's last match. That his spirit went wild in the last battle, sending his opponent into a pile of rubble. This information gains further significance when Satoru first sees the arena. The top of the steps are reached and the crowd roars once again, both contenders in the arena. The area is flat, earthen, and contains no elevations or features. The area is plane.

"What rubble could have been created in Mo-ri's last match? It's not like there are any boulders or rock formations in this arena, just flat earth. For rubble to have been created, the fight must have been one of great impact on the stadium. Maybe a wall was hit or the ground was impacted to create rubble." Satoru thinks, walking forward until he is five meters from his entrance to the arena. "It's safe to assume that Mo-ri's improved since last time. I'll stay alert."

Satoru takes his place, standing calmly. For some reason, he has the instinctive urge to cover his nose. But it is ignored as Mo-ri enters a fighting stance. He does the same, taking a prepared stance. In this motion, black marks cover half of Satoru's body. Not a moment is wasted before the battle begins.


Curse Seal deterioration:

Current Stats:

Last edited by Satoru Nara <3 on Tue Jan 30, 2018 4:03 pm; edited 3 times in total
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Stat Page : The Red Shadow
Mission Record : Cookbook
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 159

Genin Semi-final: Mori-jin vs. Satoru Empty Re: Genin Semi-final: Mori-jin vs. Satoru

Sun Jan 28, 2018 12:42 pm
So this was it. At the end of the Hogokage's speech and his opponents arrival he knew what time it had been and thus took a small, deep breath to center himself before waiting. Since the male had not made the first move, Mo-ri would. Moving at a quick pace of 50 speed toward the male he would begin a slight test of the males new skills by doing something simple. As the male moved the cloak would be removed showing his armor and the sword on his side, the staff of his of course being kept close to his back as he continued to move he would throw a simple punch(At his max speed). Within the gauntlets he wore there would be a soft 'click' before a mechanism in the weapon itself pushed forward shooting out a metallic casing that would move toward Satoru at the speed of 110 with the blunt force of 100. Providing the male couldn't dodge the shell it would hit his right leg with enough force to push it back causing him to fall flat on his face. Of course that wasn't the only one.

Two more casings with the same speed and blunt force would be shot just after the first one as the male swiftly began to close the distance between the two, the other two aiming for his left leg and right arm. The shells themselves would travel onward for 50 meters unless they had either hit their mark or went pass Satoru in which case they would simply impact the wall just behind him, causing a small section of it to collapse. With the first move made, Mo-ri would continue to move toward Satoru aiming to get him within striking distance so the real fun could begin.

AP this post:
Buster Wolf-Cross Fade -75 AP (three shots) 1/3 CD post for ability

Remaining Ap: 419 AP
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

Genin Semi-final: Mori-jin vs. Satoru Empty Re: Genin Semi-final: Mori-jin vs. Satoru

Sun Jan 28, 2018 5:20 pm
The moment Mo-ri begins to move forward, Satoru knows that the fight has begun and acts accordingly. He witnesses his opponent remove his cloak under which multiple weapons are held. To be able to run as quickly as Mo-ri is with multiple metal weapons including gauntlets on his hands, such a ninja would need to have great physical strength. Satoru knows that this is a fact and Mo-ri still remains superior in physical ability.

The moment Mo-ri begins to run forward at a speed of 50, Satoru makes his move as well. At a speed of 80, Satoru weaves the boar, dog, bird, monkey, and ram hand seals. Immediately following this, he kneels and places his hands onto the ground in the same motion. A meter away from him to his left, a salamander with black skin and blue circular marks appears from a puff of white smoke. Hisato, comrade of Satoru, enters the fight.

“Hisato, mirror.” Satoru states upon summoning his companion. By this time, Mo-ri has utilized his gauntlets to fire three metal objects from 30 meters away which travel towards Satoru at a speed of 110. In reaction to this, Satoru grabs his large fan from upon his back and holds it in front of him to block at a speed of 80. Two of the projectiles, being aimed at his legs, are in a path to be stopped as he is currently kneeling. The third one, aimed for an arm, will pass above him.

At a speed of 100, the salamander performs the snake and dog hand seals and places one of his hands upon the ground. Following this, a circular wall of silver water rises from the ground at a speed of 75. This circle is 20 meters in diameter and its center is 5 meters in front of Satoru. The circular wall is 40 meters tall. It is after the wall is erected that the projectiles reach Satoru and impact his fan.

“Ambush, below.” Is what Satoru states once the previous action is complete. Again, Hisato understands and moves to act. He burrows underground and moves forward towards Mo-ri at a speed of 70, passing through the water barrier.

(All speeds not stated are full speed)


Curse Seal deterioration:

Last edited by Satoru Nara <3 on Tue Jan 30, 2018 4:03 pm; edited 2 times in total
Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Ryo : 22000

Genin Semi-final: Mori-jin vs. Satoru Empty Re: Genin Semi-final: Mori-jin vs. Satoru

Tue Jan 30, 2018 1:25 pm
The male smiled seeing the other males quick actions, but the measures would be minuscule. While stopped the casing from impacting his body, the force would still travel pushing him back from his current position. While not doing the desired affect that he wanted, it would be enough to throw him off his current course of action. Never the less the male now moving at his maximum speed, his hands would two quick and very interesting things. Upon moving upward into the air he would make a single gesture followed by mouthing a word the male would not understand. The smile turned into confidence as the male took the staff into his hands and was soon lifted off the air with a very loud pop. The strength of the burst of chakra from his boots would crack and cause a small section of arena to collapse inward and this continued for up to ten meters in front of him, but by then he was well toward his prey.

In combination he began to regulate his breathing just as he took off performing a unique hand seal that would be done before grabbing the staff into his hand, his body becoming stronger as a result, giving him an appearance if he had been floating seemingly in peace. The male's speed would have put him 20 meters within Satoru when he had jumped, but now he would be going faster as a result. Another expulsion of chakra from the boots would push him further toward the male and his defense, but not even that would save him. With staff in hand he would begin to bring it down, the staff growing at the speed of 100 (Staff being swung at 155) the staff would collide with the barrier at first seeming like it did nothing. But soon the entire thing would warble before it smashed (Blunt force from the staff is 268) into pieces from the massive force, but the male was not done yet. With one fluid motion immediately after the technique dropped the ten meter staff was launched at the male (speed of 165) directly at where his feet would be. The force from the staff alone would cause the stage to rumble before it began to collapse inward, causing the male should he not have something to stop him from falling in. At the same moment, Mo-ri would use the last burst from his boots to push him backwards and away from the falling area.


Ap usage:
SHBM -20 AP (Scaled to +40 str and speed)
Crushing Blow -20 AP (Scaled to +40 spd and str and halfed due to SHBM being active
Boots -75 AP [2/3 CD for Gauntlets][1/3 CD for Boots]
Yeoui1st ability 50 AP
Yongpyo Power Mode -50 aP

204 AP remaining


Jumping Speed: 147

Health: 20
Chakra: 20
Stamina: 30
Speed: 140
Strength: 155
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

Genin Semi-final: Mori-jin vs. Satoru Empty Re: Genin Semi-final: Mori-jin vs. Satoru

Tue Jan 30, 2018 4:58 pm
Satoru eyes Mo-ri from within the water barrier, watching to determine what his actions should be in his defense. From previous sparring, he knows that Mo-ri’s strength is likely enough to break this water wall down if he really tried.

At the same time that he sees Mo-ri lift into the air, Satoru quickly runs through his mind for the correct response. Standing, he puts his right hand out to his side and forms a black ball hovering above the palm. It spins rapidly and the air around it vibrates with such intensity that the area blurs slightly.

With the spiraling ring jutsu in hand, Satoru determines how far it should be thrown and when it should explode with cutting wind chakra. Then, when Mo-ri uses a second pop from his boot to move in Satoru’s direction, Satoru throws the spiraling ring directly at his opponent with a speed of 80. It travels some distance less than five meters away from Mo-ri’s hands before Satoru commands it to detonate.

The explosion of compact wind from the small black ball is an eruption of sharp invisible blades. The wind whips out with a range of 5 meters and cuts the staff held by Mo-ri. Should that it make contact, the staff is clean cut into multiple small pieces. The same wind blades whip out and cut at Mo-ri’s hands and arms resulting in the deep gashes all over the arms up to the elbows which leaves them inoperable. This explosion of wind travels at 80 speed and has a sharpness of 90.

Through this, Hisato pokes his head above the ground and looks around to see these event unfold.

(All speeds not stated are full speed)


Curse Seal deterioration:
Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Shitai
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 22000

Genin Semi-final: Mori-jin vs. Satoru Empty Re: Genin Semi-final: Mori-jin vs. Satoru

Tue Jan 30, 2018 5:59 pm
The male continued on his track, his eyes focused on his one objective and one only. Once the spiraling ball collided and detonated against the staff there would be a small contest of power before Satoru realized his flaw- his technique was not strong enough to cut through the staff. Given its full length, its diameter or rather its thickness would grow in proportion to this, however this was not the problem. The problem had been the health of the staff itself. The wind would not have the sufficient force in order to cut through it, though the stray blades of winds would cut against his face causing him to push harder until his aforementioned actions had went through. Because of Satoru not moving during this process. The stadium would begin to fall inward taking him, the salamander and his staff down with it as he landed twenty meters away from the blast zone wiping the blood from his face. An admirable opponent that had did something few could do- He had drew blood. Providing nothing else changed his actions the male would begin to help digging out Satoru, giving him a rather manly hand shake before smiling," You are by far the best opponent i've had in a long time. I look forward to fighting you again one day," if he had shook his hand, he would help him up and walk him out.

Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Ryo : 10650

Genin Semi-final: Mori-jin vs. Satoru Empty Re: Genin Semi-final: Mori-jin vs. Satoru

Tue Jan 30, 2018 9:20 pm
Satoru watches as his attempted attack fails and the spiraling ring goes out with no effect. His curse mark deactivates as he knows that the round is over. The staff comes down and he falls into the opening earth beneath him. Not long afterward, he is fished out by his opponent who reassures him that the fight was a hard fought one.

“Well, at least I can say I made it to the semi-finals.” Satoru jokes with a chuckle. The handshake offered is returned and Satoru stays to see Mo-ri’s congratulation. “Also, make sure you come out on top. It’d make me look bad if you were anything but the best. But I think you have the best chance.” Afterward, he leaves the arena with the knowledge that he at least has evidence of his growing strength. He was able to hold his own against Mo-ri, an opponent whom he was leagues below the first time they sparred. This is a victory of a different kind for Satoru.

[TWC: 1,293]
[Claims: 1 stat (6 - 5 from CM deterioration), 1,000 words towards shadow sewing technique]
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Genin Semi-final: Mori-jin vs. Satoru Empty Re: Genin Semi-final: Mori-jin vs. Satoru

Tue Jan 30, 2018 9:24 pm
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