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Jason Senju
Jason Senju
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Let's Get Started Shall We - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's Get Started Shall We

Fri Feb 02, 2018 10:58 pm
Allegro's answers to Kinzoku-sensei's helped Jason to stay calm. The fuinjutsu he worked on his headphones was very interesting. It was impressive to see how Allegro had already figured out how to work fuinjutsu well enough to develop his own recording device when he was barely just a Genin. That and wanting to learn how to really utilize genjutsu. It would indeed be a killer combo with his musical ninjutsu. By the time Kinzoku sensei had started speaking again Jason was back to his normal self, sipping his tea as he leaned back in his chair. 

The Jounin spoke to each of them in turn, the same order they had answered. When he addressed Jason, he mentioned giving Kirigakure a chance as they weren't all bad. It was true. Jace himself had even encountered one of the shinobi he had fought in the battle at the gates here in the village when it was all said and done. Fenrir wasn't bad at all. In fact, Jace believed they had even become friends. Maybe he should give the ninja of the Mist a chance after all. 

Then, Kinzoku said something that made the Senju smile. To know a capable Jounin Leader thought Jason already possessed leadership qualities was encouraging, to say the least. After that there was a lot of other information given to the trio of Genin. Kinzoku's crossbow and metallic arm, more of his history as a Nazar and how he came to be a member of the Leaf Village after the fall of Sunagakure. There were other things too, like how they needed to learn to see Kirigakure as allies and not enemies. That was probably the hardest for Jason to digest. But, he listened, and he would do his best to see the mist ninja as allies.

"Don't worry, Higuto, the better ninja will win." he said playfully, winking at his new teammate. Of course, it was just the beginning of a beautiful friendly rivalry. Soon afterward though, Higuto brought up the question of a possible secondary leader should Kinzoku not be with the rest of Team 7. What would he say? Find out, next time on
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Let's Get Started Shall We - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's Get Started Shall We

Sat Feb 03, 2018 12:14 pm
The three genin were each sharing their story and getting acquainted with their sensei. Kinzoku acknowledged each of them, and vowed to help them on their individual and collective journeys to become valuable shinobi. Allegro grinned at the thought; he could not wait to begin his training. Kinzoku sensei analyzed Allegro’s fighting style and suggested he develop his skills at Genjutsu. He would also teach him how to use Wind style ninjutsu, which he was sure to make good use of. There was a specific technique that Allegro would learn right off the bat. It made the boy even more excited to get up and begin training. However, with everyone maintaining their poise while casually sipping tea, Allegro was forced to restrain himself and behave. Allegro simply secured his headphones onto his head and gave an affirmative “YOSH!” as he proceeded to play his music at a volume just low enough so he could continue listening to the ongoing conversation.
The next bit of conversation peaked the boy’s interest quite a bit. It seemed it was the jounin’s turn to introduce himself. Allegro was surprised to discover that Kinzoku was a foreigner to this country, just like he was. He had never been to the Sunagakure, or the Wind country for that matter. However, he heard that it was barren of water and carried the hottest deserts as far as the eye could see. Allegro was certainly not interested in that! What he was interested in though, was his sensei’s specialties. It would seem that the Hokage was looking out for Allegro when she chose Kinzoku as his sensei. He would now have someone to teach him the arts of genjutsu, and maybe he would even learn how to use a sword while he was at it. He needed something I mean, why not? The man’s large crossbow was impressive, but it kind of made Allegro confused. Kinzoku was a kenjutsu specialist, but fights with a crossbow? The boy studied his sensei closely. Now that we mention it, there was no sword to be found! What kind of kenjutsu master did not have a sword. Allegro chose to shrug his shoulders and keep it pushing. Next was Kinzoku’s revelation of his chakra elements. Allegro sucked his teeth with attitude while grumbling under his breathe, just low enough so his teammates could not hear. ‘So, Kinzoku sensei can utilize Steel Release? That means every person on this team except me can use an advanced element. Damn it all! I am the weakest link!!!’ Allegro fell into a silent tantrum of despair. Should anyone notice, it would appear that the boy was depressed over nothing at all. Hopefully the other ninja would ignore him and keep going forward with the conversation.
Allegro respected the fact that his sensei found a way to persevere even after losing his arm in the heat of battle. The metallic arm had traces of red riddled around it and it looked quite badass. Allegro thought of the elderly man with the amputated leg he helped earlier today. Some ninja would retire their career after such a traumatic experience, like the one legged veteran for example. But not Kinzoku sensei, who held his ambitions as a shinobi for the sake of his clan, the Nazar clan. Allegro thought about his own shinobi resolve. What would he do to obtain his dreams? Allegro decided that, like his teacher, he would give up his arm for his cause, even his life. Allegro looked at his teammates Higuto and Jason. He could tell that they felt the same way. Higuto addressed Allegro directly. Higuto was saying that he declared him an equal, though their ambitions were slightly different.
“Yea, Higuto-kun. We can become stronger together. You can both count on me to help you accomplish your dreams!”
Allegro acknowledged Higuto’s feelings, giving a hearty laugh with his hands over his head as he sat back in his chair. Being on a team would not be so bad after all, so it would seem. He closed his eyes momentarily as he soaked in the afternoon sun on his ebony shaded face. One eye would peep open once Higuto asked a question that he would find interesting. It seemed Higuto was interested in being second in command in the event that Kinzoku was tied up or unavailable. Allegro thought it was a decent question; there were countless situations where the genin would have to grow a pair and fend for themselves. Who would rise to the occasion then? Allegro remembered the part of the conversation where Kinzoku sensei commended Jason for his demonstration of leadership in his contribution in the fight against Kirigakure. Jason had the most combat experience of the three of them so far. It was Allegro’s opinion that all three of them should work together in a situation like that. The team would fail if there was an internal struggle for power. The three of them were of equal rank and should act accordingly. It would ultimately be up to Kinzoku sensei to be there in tough situations to enforce his leadership as a Jounin of Konohagakure. However, instead of voicing all of this, Allegro just continued to rest his arms atop his head with his eyes closed and his head bopping slightly to the low sound of music in his ears.
“Hmph” Allegro did not care, if he was being honest. He would leave the question for Kinzoku sensei to answer. Allegro had a question of his own to ask, but would wait for Kinzoku to answer Higuto’s first before voicing his own. In the meantime, Allegro reflected on what he heard Kinzoku say. Higuto had become a genin some time before Allegro, and his exam was proctored by the Mizukage. The same mysterious man who brought the great Konohagakure to its knees in submission. What kind of power did this man have over the entire Leaf Village. Allegro had to find out for himself. When it was finally his turn to speak, Allegro would pitch this question to both Jason and Kinzoku.
“All three of you guys have had some kind of interaction with the Mizukage. What do you know about the man specifically? Kinzoku sensei, you said that not all Mist shinobi are bad, they were simply following the orders of this same man, implying that he may not be so trustworthy himself. I am still unclear on whom we report to as our commander in chief, him or the Hokage?”
Allegro chose his words carefully, and would listen for any responses even more carefully. He could not explain exactly why he was so interested, but he knew he was drawn to the Mizukage for some strange reason. His aura of power created an impulse within him that caused him to pitch the question. He had hoped to receive an answer that quelled his curiosity.

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Let's Get Started Shall We - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's Get Started Shall We

Sat Feb 03, 2018 7:12 pm
Kinzoku couldn't help but chuckle a little to Higuto's response about not wanting to speak on his past. "Let's cool it on the apologies shall we?" Kinzoku said. "There's nothing to be sorry about. When you're ready you can tell us. No reason to rush it." The conversation progressed quite well from this point on. Upon mentioning that he had steal release he caught a glimpse of Allegro. Although he couldn't hear the words that the Uzumaki was whispering to himself, he could see some form of disappointment in the Genin's face. Seeing as how it happened following Kinzoku informing them of his steel release, he quickly deciphered the reason for his disappointment. He was the only one without a special elemental release. Higuto had storm, Jason and wood, and Kinzoku had steel. It made the Jounin smile, but he remained silent. As an Uzumaki there would be things that he could do that others couldn't. One didn't need a special elemental release to stand out and he knew the Genin would figure that out on his own. Kinzoku would have to help lead him there.

Higuto spoke with Jason stating how he hoped there would be no resentment between the two of them since they were striving for the same end goal. Jason's reply was short but right to the point. The better ninja will win. The competition between the two of them would definitely help in becoming stronger. Although Kinzoku had no doubt that they would be able to foster a healthy relationship even while striving for the same goal, he would have to keep a close eye on the two of them. To become Hokage one needed power. Gaining the power necessary to become a Hokage could lead them down the wrong path. He needed to make sure that never happened.

Now came the matter of Kiri. Higuto informed Kinzoku how there was nothing to worry about because he was able to keep his emotions in check. He had sparred with a Kiri Genin and met the Mizukage himself. Judging by Higuto's response and his good nature, Kinzoku wasn't too worried about the Aburame. As well as Allegro for he had yet to meet any of them. It was Jason that concerned the Nazar and his silence did not help quell his worries. Jason was there to experience first hand what Kiri had done to them, what Kiri made them do. Even after telling them they needed to give Kiri a chance he had no way of knowing what Jason was thinking. If he wasn't careful around them there was no telling what could happen.

It turns out they did have questions. Good thing he hadn't forgotten to ask. As he first listened to Higuto, while Jason listened quietly and Allegro seemingly began to snooze off, Higuto asked about having one of them act as a secondary leader. Kinzoku scratched his beard as he looked up indicating his was thinking. "Mhmm, I hadn't thought about that" Kinzoku said, looking back at the three Genin. Judging by the reaction by the other two Genin, or rather lack there of, Kinzoku had to assume that the question intrigued them as well. "If I'm going to assign one of you as a secondary leader for when I'm not around to do it, I'm going to have to get a better understanding of your capabilities and how you react under high stress situations. So I can't say right now. Though, after today I'll have a better understanding" he added with a slight grin. "So if the three of you are okay with it I'll assign one of you. But you gotta wait."

Next came Allegro's answer as he seemingly awoken from his quick snooze. Kinzoku knew the Genin obviously hadn't dosed off. His question had to do with Kiri, having expected at least one of them to have a question on the topic. "He's a dangerous man" Kinzoku began. "He basically brought Konoha down to their knees on his own..." he added before taking a moment to remember the crazy display of power he showed summoning a monstrous Leviathan. "In terms of his actual abilities I don't know. I didn't get the chance to see him in combat. He however does possess a Legendary Sword, Samehada. If you ever find yourself around him, tread lightly. I still don't know his intentions as well as the full extent to the agreement between Konoha and Kiri. Also unless you're ordered otherwise, you report to the Hokage. Let the higher ups deal with Kiri and the Mizukage unless they specifically require you."

Before continuing, Kinzoku would finish his tea before looking upon his three Genin once more. "If you guy's have anything more to ask do so now. Otherwise I think it's about time we get to the good stuff. Finish your tea if you please and get your belongings if you haven't already. We're heading over to the training grounds so I can get a look at what you guys can do. What do ya say?"
Higuto Aburame
Higuto Aburame
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Let's Get Started Shall We - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's Get Started Shall We

Sat Feb 03, 2018 9:19 pm
Higuto listened to Kinzoku's words and nodded to his response on his wishes of wanting to keep his past a secret. He would one day come around to being able to relay what all he held within him but that day, thankfully, didn't need to be today. He then got an answer for his question which he agreed with and was happy the topic was something that'd be taken in consideration. The fact that he was going to need a better assessment of all their capabilities, however, worried him somewhat as he began to wonder what exactly the Jounin had in store for them. He knew though, deep down, no matter what test that Kinzoku had for the three as long as they were able to get through everything ok they'd be able to pass it with ease.

It took Allegro's downtrodden look on his face that gave Higuto pause as he could tell that there was something deep within the ninja's psyche that was bothering him yet he couldn't quite put his finger on what it could've been. This didn't seem at all like him with his usual quirky nature so he know it had to be something negative that was holding him down and he wanted to try and find out what that was. He'd probably ask him what was going on later down the line but for now he felt it rude in case it turned out to be something personal. It was then that the topic of the Mizukage came into the conversation as Kinzoku spoke of how he used the sword known as Samehada. Higuto remembered that name from his numerous hours in ninja lore and history and knew it to be a blade that one of the seven ninja swordsman wielded way back in the day. It was a special blade that actually chose who wielded it and could also suppress another's chakra from just a single swing.

Needless to say this left an impression in Higuto's mind as he started to develop a whole new perspective of who the Mizukage was and it scared him a little. He didn't know if he'd ever be able to rival that kind of power himself in the future as he started to develop doubts within his mind behind whether or not he had the capabilities to make it. He sighed as he looked into his cup of remaining tea, Kinzoku's voice as he continued to explain about the Mizukage's skills slowly drowning itself away, as his mind began to descend into itself. Visions of his own past held his attention as he wandered the sadness and pain that he kept within himself all while seeming to sink lower and lower into the doubt that he will never be more than what he already was. He would continue to explore these dark depths of his memories before Kinzoku's voice broke him out of his funk as he shook his head and once again paid attention.

He was now being told to finish his tea and gather his belongings as they were about to go to the training field for what he could only assume was going to be the assessment that he had mentioned to them earlier. Luckily he already happened to have everything that he needed on him already as his pouches with his weapons were tied to his waist and ready to go. "Yes, sensei. I don't have anything else to add myself so I'm ready." He thus drank the remainder of his tea and got up out of his seat as he stretched out his arms and shoulders. "I'll meet you all there. Gives me time to get some warming up done and out of the way." He walked off the balcony of the shop as he made his way down the road to the training field all while strategies of what his team could do flooded his mind in order to prepare for what would be coming next.

{Exiting thread}

(TWC 3,409)

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Sat Feb 03, 2018 9:33 pm
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Jason Senju
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Let's Get Started Shall We - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's Get Started Shall We

Sun Feb 04, 2018 5:30 pm
Jason was glad to hear that a decision about a secondary leader in the group was going to be made after Kinzoku sensei had seen their abilities and qualifications, not before. The young Senju was liking the assigned Jounin Leader more and more as this first meeting continued. The way he carried himself showed that he was truly worthy of being called a Jounin Leader and Jason only hoped that someday, with Kinzoku sensei's help, he too would be able to lead a squad of Genin. Not only that, but the man had had Jason thinking about his feelings toward the Mist village throughout their conversation and hearing what he and the others had to say really helped the boy to start accepting their place among the village. Of course, the Mizukage was an entirely different story. To Jason, the man still seemed like nothing more than a monster, and he couldn't picture himself ever thinking of that beast as anything else.

When Allegro had mentioned being the only one not to have interacted with the beast, Jason couldn't help but think the musical ninja was lucky. He would have said so too, if Kinzoku sensei hadn't spoken first. The Jounin seemed to know an interesting bit about the Mizukage. There wasn't much time to speak on the matter after that, though. Kinzoku sensei had told them all to finish their tea and grab their belongings. They were headed to the training grounds now. That, was going to be interesting. Still, there was something Jason needed to say to the leader of Team 7, so he would sip his tea slowly and deliberately wait until the other two Genin had left before speaking to the man. "Kinzoku sensei," he began in a hushed tone. "I know you're concerned about me and how I might act with the Hidden Mist village. Considering what I've been through, I'd be worried about me too. But I wanted to say that, well. I wanted to say that maybe you're right. Maybe they aren't all bad. In fact, I met one of their shinobi in the training grounds sometime after the battle. He was one I faced out their. I fought him again, mostly just a harmless sparring match, but I could tell he wasn't a bad person. We actually became, well, friends I guess by the end of it. So I can understand where you're coming from. But the Mizukage. That, that monster. I don't know if I will ever see him as an ally. Not after what he forced us to do to Salzem and the brutality he showed to both Risako and that ANBU. I just, I just wanted you to know that. Anyway, I'll head over to the training grounds now. I'll see you when you get there." Without waiting for an answer, Jason would turn around and exit the tea shop, headed straight for the training grounds where his teammates would no doubt be waiting.

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Sun Feb 04, 2018 6:24 pm
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Let's Get Started Shall We - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's Get Started Shall We

Mon Feb 05, 2018 3:22 am
The look on the young genin’s face was serious and unfaltering as the words left his mouth and into the ears of his teammates and his sensei. Allegro had been hearing the rumors about the infamous shinobi of the Blood Mist since his days in the academy while sparing with Yensung Aburame. He too, was reclusive and mysterious about the subject, for reasons that were more or less tied to Jason’s post traumatic stress. The answer and explanation for the mysterious disappearance of his birth mother might depend on the answers he found in this very conversation. Just after asking the question, Allegro began to reflect on his memories of his mother. He could remember clearly, just before arriving to Konohagakure for the first time as a young boy, his mother and her band of mercenaries were assigned a new mercenary contract. They were tasked with engaging enemy forces west of Konoha to prevent flanking during the war between the Mist and the Leaf. That was all he heard before he was put under the custody of his father and the protection of the Leaf village.
Today was the first day since that fateful day that he had made any progress into finding out just what had happened on that mission. The Mizukage, which had been the new topic of discussion, was tied to his mother’s disappearance in some way. Allegro just knew it. As the four ninja sat there, a chilling wind blew over the balcony carrying rich green leaves smoothly through the air. His eyes widened as he reacted to words that were leaving Kinzoku sensei’s mouth. His technique. His infamous reputation. His Legendary Sword. Those final details lingered in his mind before he tucked it away in the back of his head for later. Allegro restored a more calm look to his face after digesting the input that both Kinzoku sensei and Jason had given. The boy said nothing, except a faint, “I see…Understood!” Meanwhile, inside the boy’s mind, thoughts were flying around like animated kanji in some fancy S rank fuinjutsu. He was planning his next move, and it seemed he had come to terms with what had to be done. He had to investigate further at the Hokage’s office. Upon obtaining genin rank, Allegro granted clearance among certain areas in the building where all of the villages military records are stored. He plotted to research the records detailing the battle with Kirigakure, and the personnel files for certain ninja that peaked his interest. He was confident he would find his answer there.
By the time Allegro woke up from his daze, Higuto would have just left. The guy seemed to be in a hurry. He was growing to understand that the Aburame really enjoy their private time. Allegro grabbed the neck of his guitar from behind him while he snatched a peep at Jason to catch his expression. He seemed focused on Kinzoku sensei…Allegro knew how to take a hint. In an effort to give the two a moment alone, the ninja flipped his guitar about above his head while unraveling a scroll on the table with his other hand. He laid the guitar flat over the scroll before executing a short chain of hand seals. In a puff of smoke, the guitar vanish to the space time dimensions of the fuinjutsu seal and the scroll snapped closed like a window shutter. He tucked away his scroll onto the back of his pouch and stood to his feet. He stretched his limbs and left the scene with his hands on his head as his headphones played his songs. Generally speaking, the genin did not say much unless it needed to be said. He would see them both soon enough, and prove his worth on this squad with his hard training and newfound sense of resolve.

[TWC 4473]
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Mon Feb 05, 2018 3:23 am
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Let's Get Started Shall We - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's Get Started Shall We

Mon Feb 05, 2018 1:32 pm
It seemed the Genin all had their curiosity quenched as they no longer had questions for their sensei. Just like he had been the first to arrive, Higuto was the first the leave stating he would use the time to warm up. Allegro was second, as he prepared to leave by giving another small demonstration of his sealing capabilities. Kinzoku couldn't help but smile as he watched his student seal the musical instrument away. Since he couldn't use any sealing jutsu, he would have to experience it vicariously through Allegro. It fascinated the Jounin, almost as much as weaponry and gadgets did. Maybe he'd have to get the student to teach the sensei some time. But that would be for another time. As Allegro made his way out of the coffee shop Kinzoku turned his attention to Jason who had still been seated drinking his tea.

He listened closely as Jason spoke in a low tone, clearly trying to make sure others did not listen in as it was probably a sensitive matter. He spoke about how he understood what Kinzoku was trying to say when he spoke about giving Kiri a chance. How he had sparred with one of the very ninja he fought on the battlefield and how after that they basically became friends. Hearing Jason's words help ease Kinzoku. Now he knew Jason was capable of understanding that Kiri was in fact following orders, whether they agreed with those orders or not. His feelings towards the Mizukage however were unwavering. To that, Kinzoku felt the same. What he did the the shinobi of Konoha, Salzem and their Hokage, the destruction, it was simply unforgivable. He finished by saying how he wanted to make sure Kinzoku was aware of what he was going through and his thought process before leaving without a response. Kinzoku smiled on as he watched Jason leave. With just this brief conversation he was proud at how well Jason was handling everything, how he was adjusting. It was no easy task. For that Kinzoku would also have to help him along the way. Jason may even be the one to help Kinzoku along the way. Who knew.

Finishing his tea, the Nazar pulled out a bit of ryo before placing it onto the table and raising from his seat. He adjusted his hat before retrieving Peacemaker and placing it into the magnetic strapping on his back. Placing both hands into his jacket pocket the Nazar began his delightful stroll through Konoha and towards the training grounds eager to see what his students were capable of.

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