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Anaphiel Hidemori
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An Experiment Gone Wrong (IO, NK) Empty An Experiment Gone Wrong (IO, NK)

Sun Dec 17, 2017 5:15 am
(This is a WIP topic, and will be a very long one. I'm posting part of it now, and will include a link to the next part as I plan on coming back to this topic later.)

He was a Chuunin, Kotetsu still couldn’t believe it. It had only happened yesterday, however he would likely be feeling this way for some time. There was a lot of responsibility involved with being a Chuunin, and he hoped he would be able to rise to the occasion. He would need to put in a lot of work to show that he was ready for the new duties he would no doubt be assigned. His first order of business would be to find out if he had any more elements at his disposal. ‘I should also think of another area of skill I want to specialise in…’ He thought to himself as he got ready for the day. Before he did anything though, he sat down at his desk and continued working on a sketch that was already laying there. It appeared to be some form of clothing. A vest made of overlapping metal scales backed in leather. The design was there, and there would likely be some more tweaking in terms of the style, fit, and colour, but Kotetsu was happy with how things have turned out so far. A step towards making sure he had another layer of defense for himself. It gave him an idea for other defenses as well, but that would take more training, not sitting around designing armour. With a small sigh of regret, he puts his designs away and starts to get ready for the day. There was a tournament coming up soon, and Kotetsu needed to use the time wisely. Making sure he was in top form for it. There was a lot at stake for him.  Winning that tournament could get him an immediate promotion to Jounin, which would make sense what with the winner meaning they had beaten out every other Chuunin in Hoshigakure. 'I need to be at my best in order to prove that I'm strong enough to become a Jounin...' Kotetsu thought to himself as he ate breakfast, grabbed a shower, brushed his teeth, and got dressed. His clothing choices had not really changed since becoming a Chuunin. There was only one difference, and an important one at that. He now had a flak jacket that signified him as a Chuunin. Kotetsu would likely find a way to improve it, but for now it would do the job it was designed for; to provide him a little protection, and to show that he had successfully completed his Chuunin exam.

Of course he was not the only one to have done so; there were three others that had become Chuunin with him. Sanae, Tamaki, and Shouhei. He'd only met Shouhei after Sanae, Tamaki and himself after they completed the second part of their Chuunin exam. The orange-haired shinobi had assisted them with their village report on Kumogakure. Once he had finished his training, he was going to find Sanae in order to look into completing some missions together. He felt their unique abilities paired well together, and that they would be a very potent combination. It also didn't hurt that they got along well, Kotetsu had always considered Sanae to be a good friend and a dependable ally. He did want to impress her as well, since there would be no point in her completing missions with him if she did all the work. That wouldn't be fair to her, and Kotetsu was not one to let someone else do his work for him. To that end, he was going to spend some time at the library. He knew what he wanted to focus on, and the library was the best place to look into the information he required. He had found out using one of the chakra litmus papers that his last chakra nature was fire. A little odd for someone that has access to ice style ninjutsu, but he could make it work. Fire style ninjutsu was very flashy and leaned more towards destructive attacks. Kotetsu could put that to good use. However, he primarily wanted to learn about space-time ninjutsu as the practical applications of such style of jutsu were astounding, and Kotetsu wanted to find out if they could be combined with his ice style ninjutsu to make some techs that he could call his own.

With the start of his day decided, Kotetsu left his parent's home and made his way towards the library. It was a beautiful day out today, there was a little cloud cover, but nothing to darken the day at all. It was warm out, but not so warm as to be uncomfortable. That was a fine line for Kotetsu, since he was more at home in the cold. 'My parents could not have picked a warmer place to live...' He thought to himself with a chuckle. It is what it is, no point in complaining about it. 'Maybe I could make a pocket dimension like what Hikari-Sensei has... That would give me potentially a spot where I could control the temperature and other details to my preferred specifications...' It was definitely something to look into while he was at the library. ‘Who knows what else I’ll find while I’m there…’

The walk to the library was extremely uneventful, Kotetsu had kept to himself for the most part. He hadn’t encountered anyone he knew, so there was no reason to acknowledge anyone. Kotetsu was not in a rush per se. It was such a nice day, so he decided to enjoy the walk to his current destination. The young Yuki Chuunin watched the various citizens of Hoshi as they went about their business. These were the people that Kotetsu protects, so that they can continue to go about their day without needing to worry about their safety. In order to do that, Kotetsu had to make sure his skills were well honed, that he could handle any threat to the village that comes his way.

Once Kotetsu had arrived at the library he walked inside and went directly to the area on space-time ninjutsu. It did not seem like there was a lot of information on the subject, which was a little disappointing. ‘Oh well…’ Kotetsu thought to himself. ‘It just means more trial and error for me…’ Kotetsu wandered around the various bookshelves, trying to find any books that would be useful to his studies. The first book he found seemed to be more of an introduction to space-time ninjutsu; It talked about how space-time ninjutsu had two different aspects, which in itself seemed rather obvious, and how they worked together to form powerful jutsu. The Space aspect controls anything to do with the material plane. Manipulating objects, changing their size, shape, movement in a 3-dimensional sense. The Time aspect controls the when; basically the flow of time and the shinobi’s passage through it. Speeding up or slowing down time primarily. The book then went into a little detail on how the two worked together to bend reality to create pockets of space, that would allow shinobi to teleport from one place to another. There was so much unexplored territory within that style of jutsu. Kotetsu was excited to experiment with it, he could become a pioneer in the field of space-time ninjutsu. One thing he definitely wanted to learn at some point was how to create his own pocket dimension, like what Hikari-Sensei had. It would definitely be useful. He could even potentially live there, so that he wouldn't need an actual residence in Hoshi outside of his family home. Further on in the book, it mentions the hazards and risks of playing with space-time ninjutsu and that you should always be careful while working with it. 'There are always going to be risks with an experiment...' Kotetsu thought to himself as he read over some of the warnings listed in the book. 'Even the best laid plans can go awry...'

There wasn't much left in the book, so Kotetsu quickly finished reading it and moved on to a scroll he had found. It seemed to be a scroll of jutsu, detailing only space-time jutsu. It would seem that the list is rather short though, compared to the compendiums that Kotetsu had seen on other areas of jutsu. 'Likely because there was not many people that wanted to take a chance with the potential hazards of working with space-time jutsu...' Kotetsu thought to himself, somewhat disappointed in the lack of information in regards to techniques that he could learn. He had already learned a couple, so there was not many that he would be able to learn. 'It just means I will need to come up with some of my own...' He thought to himself as he rolled the scroll back up. He had an idea as to how to work with space-time ninjutsu, it was time to look into other options to add to his growing arsenal.

In addition to another chakra nature he can work on, he had also become strong enough to learn S-rank jutsu, which were a whole magnitude of power higher than the A-rank jutsu he had already learned. Kotetsu was also at a point now where he was confident enough in his abilities to look at experimentation in order to create jutsu of his own. That opened the door to a whole new world of ideas that Kotetsu had only considered as possible, not actually doable. Before he lost himself in his thoughts of creating the perfect jutsu, Kotetsu shook his head to clear his thinking a little and did another circuit of the library, this time looking for scrolls on fire style ninjutsu. This was a little more fruitful, since he did not have the capacity to learn fire-style before. It also gave him an idea he wanted to work on with his ice-style ninjutsu, but that would have to be for another day. Instead he simply focused on the fire-style jutsu that he could see in the various scrolls here in the library. There were several of them, and they all provided excellent options for variety to go along with the jutsu that Kotetsu had already learned. Kotetsu noted down a couple of jutsu that looked particularly promising, things he could likely practice after getting a handle on learning how to use space-time jutsu properly. He put his notes in his bag and put the scrolls and books away that he had researched from. That was enough theorizing, it was time to get some training done.

Once Kotetsu had left the library, he made his way towards the training grounds that were located in the Water Gardens. It was quite a distance away, but Kotetsu didn't mind. He'd made the trip several times and as such he enjoyed the path he took through the village to get there. The Water Gardens were as pretty as always as he walked through them on his way to the training grounds. There was always a few people walking around enjoying its splendor. Kotetsu did not really have the time to enjoy it today, he had spent enough time in the library already, no more dawdling. He took the most direct path through the Water Gardens to the training grounds.

The training grounds were strangely deserted, which was a mixed blessing. On the one hand, he had expected there to be some people here, but it meant that he wouldn't have any people watching him while he flailed around with space-time chakra. With a shrug of his shoulders, Kotetsu immediately got down to business. He didn't really have a specific jutsu he was planning on working on, he was just getting used to using his chakra to bend space-time to come up with possible pathways to new jutsu. He wasn't really sure what caused the tear though. He was using his chakra to try and create an extra-dimensional space, and all of a sudden, a tear appeared in front of him. There was nothing he could do to prevent being sucked through the tear, as a form of strong vacuum pulled him through. To make matters worse, the tear closed behind him, effectively trapping him where he was.

(Note: Even if someone wanted to invade, the "tear" would have opened and closed before anyone could have done anything to timeline the actions. I'm more than willing to consider having others join the topic after I finish the next part.)

WC: 2026

(Continued in: Wibbley-Wobbley Timey-Wimey Stuff)
(These were broken up because this thread will not be strictly taking place in the area that the thread began)
Anaphiel Hidemori
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An Experiment Gone Wrong (IO, NK) Empty Re: An Experiment Gone Wrong (IO, NK)

Wed Jan 10, 2018 8:30 pm
(This thread is now Invite Only instead of Private). If you would like to be a part of the thread, feel free to send me a PM. 3 spots max are available at this time.)
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Ryo : 42750

An Experiment Gone Wrong (IO, NK) Empty Re: An Experiment Gone Wrong (IO, NK)

Sat Mar 31, 2018 1:59 pm
A tear appears in the Training Grounds, exactly the same shape and size as the one that pulled Kotetsu into it roughly 10 minutes before. The Chuunin, now looking completely different from when he first got sucked in, flew back out onto the ground. He stood up, dusted himself off, looked around, shrugged, then made his way out of the training grounds.


WC: 62
TWC: 30544


Hikari Namikaze
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An Experiment Gone Wrong (IO, NK) Empty Re: An Experiment Gone Wrong (IO, NK)

Sat Mar 31, 2018 2:01 pm
Approved, Sorry, I wanted to join but to many things on my plate.
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