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Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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Gen me harder Empty Gen me harder

Sun Dec 10, 2017 3:31 pm
Thor got up from his gross couch and started to walk to the training grounds, he hadn’t even bothered to change the night before and he saw no reason to now. He had his ring on his right hand and was bored. He spun the ring around and around his finger. In a slow scraping motion it made a strange noise but he had given up on caring all he wanted to do was get stronger. Thor grabbed some pancakes on the street but they had a surprise. The pancakes were rolled up into a cone and had scoops of ice cream in the middle. He asked for extra Cherie’s and they definitely gave him extra.

He walked slowly down the street and arrived at the training grounds within mere minutes. Then he got to work he needed to get better at combat but didn’t know how. He thought about the ninja he had met and started to wonder if any of them would come to the grounds today and work with Thor. He kinda hoped bird boy would come, they had had a brief spar but Thor wasn’t at 100% that day, would thor best the boy or was he really strong enough to beat Thor.
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Gen me harder Empty Re: Gen me harder

Sun Dec 10, 2017 3:52 pm
oro got up from his bed at the palace. he was not living the high life though. he shared the room with many others. but he made sure none touched his books. he sighed deeply grabbing his things. he took his cloak and his book. kyou hasnt talked to him since the last time a while ago so he was safe to waste the day again. hr grabbed an apple from on of the palaces servants. they use to complain but they knew it wouldnt matter. plus it was just one apple. he ate it was he walked to the training grounds. he watched the people mass around on the way there. streets here where much different then the leaf. mostly dirt roads there. here there was stone roads over run with people. he hated the crowds. but he ignored them like he always will. once he was in the grounds he threw his apple away. he hide his head band under his cloak, he wore it on his left arm, making it more like arm band then a head band. so the few people there wouldnt see him as a hoshi ninja like always, but since he was made a wanderer that wouldnt matter since he wont be here often, he hoped. it was then he saw a ninja looking around. he figured the kid was either new and was shy to ask someone to train with, or he was waiting for someone. either way it didnt matter. he would walk up to the boy. and spoke in his boring monotone voice "hello, i see you are here alone, would you like to train your chakra a bit?" he asked half looking at him half looking at his hands as he took out his book. the kid would either say yes or no. if the kid said yes he would hand him the book after he opened it to some of the weaker genjutsu he had. oro didnt sense chakra from the boy so his would be weak. maybe a genin. so the best way for a kid ti lean gen would be to see it and learn it. he also needed more people to learn gen so he can get help testing things in the future. "pick a gen from a list to learn, it will help your chakra control." he said.
Niko Kazan
Niko Kazan
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 97200

Gen me harder Empty Re: Gen me harder

Sun Dec 10, 2017 4:12 pm
Akihisa was wondering about his new home with his ninja gear on and black leather jacket. he went to the water gardens his usually training place he liked how it was peaceful it reminded Akihisa of his grandmother. On his way here he observed the people of Hoshigakure no sato their where a nice open population unlike his abomination of a birth place. when he arrived he saw a man. This man had a half eaten apple and book and he weared a cloak Akihisa silently watched the man go up to a shy kid and say "Hello i see you are here alone, would you like to train your chakra a bit". And his hand tensed on the book if the kid said yes he would interrupt and ask if he could join if the kid said no he would train in a different area.
Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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Gen me harder Empty Re: Gen me harder

Sun Dec 10, 2017 4:26 pm
Thor had been standing there for about a minute when a dude with a cloak and an apple core walked up and asked him to train. Thor thought for a moment then said yes. He was handed a book open to a page of genjutsu. He looked around the books many pages.

He saw the c rank gen jutsu and figured it was the best he could manage. “This hazy gen jutsu seems up my alley” Then Thor asked the man “ could I have the apple core I’m quite hungry”. 

A young boy walked up and asked if he could train with Thor and the man.” It is all right with me, but you’ll have to ask him, actually what is your name. Mine is Thor” then if the boy told him his mane Thor would turn to the new challenger and say “and your name is” as sincerely as possible.
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Gen me harder Empty Re: Gen me harder

Sun Dec 10, 2017 4:39 pm
orokana nodded to thor then heard the voice of the other one. he looked at him. oro would nod to the boy. he couldnt feel the other ones chakra as well, and how he looked made oro think he was either newly genin or a student. "im orokana. and sure you can learn it, but before that theres one lesson you two both need. now.." he paused and took his book back from thorfinn. he flipped the pages to look at tree binding death. this would be a good gen, making them able to see why gen is slanderous. "you see using gen and breaking out of it is two different things, like swinging a sword and fighting with a sword. any one can swing one but only some can actually fight with one.. you two with me?" he didnt wait for them to answer. "good, now use genjutsu release to break out of the gen i will put you in, its only one hand seal so it will be easy to do." he said thinking how they wouldnt even be able to do that with this gen. then once a second passed oro started to read from the book. which once he did the gen would trigger. only a feat oro can do. the two ninjas would be trapped in it once oro started to speak. thanks to his book hand seals where not needed for his gen. the two kids would notice they couldnt move and they would notice a tree growing rapidly around them. encasing them in the tree. once oro was done reading he would say "now try your best to break out of the gen, though even if you fail to break out it will still be great practice." he said as he looked at his book and started to write in it. waiting to see what happened.
Niko Kazan
Niko Kazan
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Village : Kirigakure
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Gen me harder Empty Re: Gen me harder

Sun Dec 10, 2017 4:59 pm
Akihisa saw the guy from earlier named Orokana or Oro He wanted to test our skill by breaking a gen then when Akihisa saw the illusion of the gen he formed the hand sign but then his he couldn't move after this event he forced some chakra out to break it but to his surprise it kept on going he tried to do it over and over but he just couldn't do it. The tree wrapped itself around Akihisa and caused him. all you could see was the outline of his body. by this time he notice it would not break no matter must maybe this was an unbeatable test. He attempt many more times hoping nobody would now of his failure he had wanted the world to be but a pawn in his hands but the world was crushing him down 10 folds. But then he saw his grandmother smiling at him

Last edited by LordGrim on Sun Dec 10, 2017 5:36 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : miswording\forgot to copy part)
Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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Gen me harder Empty Re: Gen me harder

Sun Dec 10, 2017 5:10 pm
Thor was standing there when the trees started to sprout from behind him. Thor took a deep breath and started to bring chakra into his body. Focusing it into every cell and pore in his body. Taking deep breaths into his nose and out his mouth. He closed his eyes and concentrated.

The chakra was flowing within his body, it went down his legs and into his arms. He accumulated it into his brain pulling it from his hands and feet. They felt funny without all of the chakra flowing through them. But then he released it from his body and then started to move. He walked forward and said” how about that applecore now” Then Thor did a massive grin towards the older boy. Thor was happy he had gotten out of the jutsu, thor had never dealt with gen jutsu before and Thor had handled it all well as he could.

Gen jutsu release 250/250
Mastered for no handseals 250/250
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Gen me harder Empty Re: Gen me harder

Sun Dec 10, 2017 5:24 pm
orokana watched as thor got out of the gen. oro sighed then threw him the core. "there you go." he said going back to the page for hazy gen. then had the book over to the kid for him to read. "now try using it on me." he said as he sat down watching the other one still in the gen. he kept his eyes on both of them. and he sighed again. waiting to see how the boy tried it. he knew the boy would have a hard time getting out of the gen. the one trying to use hazy gen would be trying for a little bit. it wasnt a hard gen to use but he shouldnt be use to how to control gen yet, it was a bit different then how other things worked since you needed to make the illusion in your mind and have your chakra make it. as the boy tried to use the gen oro would make small talk. "so how long have you been a hoshi ninja." he asked trying to break the silence. he yawned. working wasnt something oro enjoyed. but it was never a bad thing with gen.
Niko Kazan
Niko Kazan
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kirigakure
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Gen me harder Empty Re: Gen me harder

Sun Dec 10, 2017 5:35 pm
Refusing to back down knowing he had the might He got rid of almost all of his chakra. He felt like it was different not having chakra he felt almost normal but he had to finish this chest for he would be the strongest puppeteer and he would surpass sasori. In a quick flurry he released all of his chakra He saw his two peers and fell asleep faster than the eye could see. He arrived in his mindscape and saw himself with his grandmother he smiled for the first time in years. Maybe he still had other emotions. He saw the moment where he last met his mother and he saw the people he had killed looking at him straightly Akihisa smirked saying i'm on the road of strength and he will beat the world in this game for he am Akihisa Grim and he would be the strongest. Because he was already half way on the road to victory a road he will never come back from. He will win. He will have my victory  With all his might he forced his eyes open and saw Thor with a apple in his hand smirking. And Oro asking a question. Total word count 501

Last edited by LordGrim on Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:13 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : miswording)
Bobby Hill-chan
Bobby Hill-chan
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Gen me harder Empty Re: Gen me harder

Sun Dec 10, 2017 6:12 pm
Thor was munching on his apple core slowly and methodically getting it down to a near cilinder. While Thor read the boy he noted how the jutsu worked. The handsign signs and what other notes the man had in his book. Thor mulled over all of the information over and over.

Then he heard a strange grunt from the boy still trapped and he was free. It wasn’t extremely strange to Thor as this jutsu was quite simple and he had learned it in mere minutes. “ Excuse me orocana, is this correct.” Thor stood there and started to weave over the handsign was in his head and then that translated into his hands. He imagined the gen jutsu in his head and then tried to project it into the real world. He pushed it onto oro with all of his might but he felt nothing the jutsu just wasn’t working yet at least not for him.

“Excuse me orocana can you please demonstrate on me” Then he turned to the boy and said “I’m rather impressed that you managed to get that so quickly” Then he thought for a moment and spoke again to the boy” if you don’t mind me asking what rank are you, I don’t see a headband so I presume you are a academy student but I’m not sure” Then Thor would wait for a response or for oro to use the gen jutsu on him.

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