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Higuto Aburame
Higuto Aburame
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Higuto Learns to Substitute Empty Higuto Learns to Substitute

Sat Dec 02, 2017 12:40 am
Higuto walked onto the open training field of the academy, light clouds floating across the sky and covering the field in shade from time to time, as he looked around the field and prepared himself for another fruitful day of learning. He had heard that their would be another jutsu he'd need to have learned if he hoped to pass his exams and it was time to master the art of the substitution technique. He stretched his arms as he shook his body loose before thinking about how to use the technique properly. Usually he heard it worked if the user was attacked in any way as it was mainly used to create the illusion of them being attacked.

So Higuto looked around and found some other academy students training with shuriken as he thought about it for a bit. What he was about to try was crazy but he felt that if there was going to be a way to test the technique then getting hurt was the only way to get the proper results. So he charged himself towards the students as he did the signs required for the jutsu:

Tiger, Boar, Ox, Dog, Snake.

Having completed the jutsu he jumped into the line of fire as a few training shuriken hit him square into his body! The students stopped, shocked at the seeming craziness of the child Aburame, as they watched him fall through the air. Suddenly a puff of smoke pops out of Higuto as a small log takes his place, a few shuriken stuck into the wood, as it fell to the ground with a thud. As the dust settled around the log, the students confused by the sight of what just happened, Higuto appears after hopping off the branch of a nearby tree as he looks none the worse for wear.

The range of emotions that were channeling through Higuto threw him off a little as he processed the shock inside his mind. He had just practically jumped in the path of possible death, even though the shuriken that were being used were dulled for safety but he had forgotten that, as he checked his body for scars and found none. He laughed before noticing the shocked looks of the other students who watched him like he was crazy. He coughed nervously before taking off back toward the academy, feeling the stares of the children who thought him insane burning into him from behind, as he reached a bench that was covered in a small shade and he took a seat.

He calmed himself down as he could feel the accomplishment of having learned something new wash over his body. Happiness at his acheivement caused him to become giddy with excitement as he stretched his body and got back to his feet. He started to head toward the exit, confident that he had his upcoming exam in the bag, as he felt ready for whatever challenges were due to come his way. A smile crept along his face as he walked off the field.

511 words

{Goals: To achieve the substitution jutsu [ ] as well as 2 stat points}
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Higuto Learns to Substitute Empty Re: Higuto Learns to Substitute

Sun Dec 03, 2017 7:02 pm
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