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I've come to sleep with your Kages

Hikari Namikaze
Mako Mitsurugi
Akabayashi Terumi
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Nova Tsuba
Koharu Yuki
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Koharu Yuki
Koharu Yuki
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Koharu
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 4000

I've come to sleep with your Kages - Page 4 Empty Re: I've come to sleep with your Kages

Thu Aug 17, 2017 3:47 pm
[Quick request for the OOC/void posts here to be removed at some point, it makes things a bit confusing. Also just writing this quickly to sort out le timeline and stuff.]

The white haired man sat back against the head of the beast. He made little effort to move. The reason was quite clear, to himself anyway. Bringing a beast such as this inside the village would be foolish. It was why he had stopped the others from attempting to move the beast. Takeo had only even brought it this close as a means for himself to have travelled the distance. Instead he remained sat there on the ground. The man idly stared down toward his left arm. It was messed up pretty badly from the looks of it. Though he didn't feel any pain. Why was that? The man wasn't sure. The beast remained still. Takeo assumed it might be out for days. It was surprising that it had survived the attack to begin with. Then again, they were all legendary for a reason.

How does one deal with a beast of this size. Pass it off as a sand dune perhaps? The citizens of the city wouldn't stay oblivious forever. It had been weird enough when Denkiteki had let his snake out infront of them before and the summon as well. Then again, he had been gone for awhile. Maybe things had changed. Who knows. Oh well. The only thing to do now would be to wait.

Best to conserve his energy for now. Wouldn't want to pass out and nearly die or anything...again.
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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I've come to sleep with your Kages - Page 4 Empty Re: I've come to sleep with your Kages

Sun Aug 27, 2017 2:24 am
It was a normal inside the village hidden among the stars, when they Chestnut haired Jounin was on an evening stroll, it was her day off, so the teenager was in her mere civilian clothing. The sun was high in the sky, the birds were singing everything seemed like a perfect day.

That was, until she walked by the gate, and saw the commotion.

A few of the queens men were getting into formation, a little ways off, Hikari saw the form of a.... massive Raccoon? What was that thing? Perhaps.... judging by the level of chakra it had, could it possibly be the one tailed Bijuu that Hikari had read about in her studies?

No.... if it was... surely such a powerful beast wouldn't be just lying around in front of the village. What was it doing... sleeping? Surely even a beast of its great strength wouldn't be so dumb as to sleep in front of a village filled with shinobi!

The Fuinjutsu user would move up to where the brave soldiers of Hoshigakure were forming up, most likely the group was planning to confront the beast, similar to that of brave knights going to challenge dragons in the fairy tails Hikari was brought up on. However, the words of Kenshin Uzumaki rung through the girl's ears, telling her that the world wasn't a fairy tail, and that these brave men would die if they attempted to challenge the Monster.

The Akari couldn't allow that, and would cry out an order. "This is an Order to anyone Under the Rank of Chunin or is a Non-Shinobi! Stay away from the beast! Also, Alert Kyousuke Snow of the events that are happening! The girl knew she needed to get a Telepathy mark on Kyousuke and the queen as soon as possible to alert them of these events.

At this point, Hikari would start to charge the beast, looking at it now, she would realize that the creature had taken some damage, so it was probably somehow knocked out. This was probably her best chance then to take the beast and seal it away into someone. The thought of the girl sealing the bijuu away into herself crossed her mind, however, was that a path the girl was really ready to take? She was already known as a demon by the civilians of Haven, would she have to become a literal demon in order save the village.

If she had to, that was what she was going to do, however, not wanting to immediately do that, begun to focus on her chakra sensory, trying to see if there were any shinobi near by that might be willing to take the burden from her. And that was when she noticed it, another powerful chakra presence near her, to be exact, right next to the giant raccoon. Looking over, she saw a young man in his late teens or early 20's lying by the beast, blood drenched the man's body and his white hair. Looking at the man, Hikari questioned if he was dead for a mere second, before recalling that she could sense his chakra, so he was most likely still alive.

The Akari would make her way over to the man, trying to walk as quitely as possible as to not awaken the beast, but once she got about 5 meters away from the man, the girl would call out to the injured man, trying to keep her voice down so that the beast wouldn't awaken, but that the Bloody man would. "Hello? Are you Ok? What happened here?"

If the man didn't answer, the girl would silently move up to him, and start trying to close the wounds with her basic Medical ninjutsu, while trying to figure out how she was going to seal the beast away.

(Will do AP later if it becomes needed. Also, sorry on the crappy post, its 2 A.M. and is trying to rush this post)
Koharu Yuki
Koharu Yuki
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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I've come to sleep with your Kages - Page 4 Empty Re: I've come to sleep with your Kages

Sun Aug 27, 2017 1:00 pm
He was so tired. It had long gone past the stage where Takeo was able to move on his own now. He needed to rest. However he couldn't afford to fall asleep now. The beast could wake at any moment. That is what he told himself as the drowsiness set in. It was a futile battle however. The man soon found his eyes closing.

Time passed. How long? He had no idea. Could've been seconds, maybe even hours. He wasn't even sure if he had fallen asleep or simply rested his eyes. What he did know however was that someone was approaching. They were strong, Takeo could sense that. One of the stronger people that Takeo had sensed from this village. Maybe the third, behind Denkiteki and Akihana. It was hard to judge, especially right now.

His left eye opened ever so slightly. Another female from the looks of it. Takeo wondered briefly if he had died and gone to Heaven perhaps. Though as the stranger came closer he decided that no, angels are usually far hotter looking. Hell then perhaps? Couldn't have been that either, Takeo was obviously too pure and innocent to go to Hell.

So he was still in the land of the living then. Explains the pain. The female spoke. Takeo didn't bother replying. His head turned in her direction, signalling that he had in fact heard her. A few seconds would pass by before the man finally spoke. "We fought. I won." It was simple and too the point. Truth be told the man lacked the energy to give a long explanation. Still unable to move his left arm the man struggled to reach into his left pocket with his right hand. The pocket was empty however. Takeo mumbled incoherently to himself. His arm dropped back to his side.

His eye was still barely open. His vision was terrible. Takeo also found himself having a pounding headache on top of the rest of the pain in his body. "Can't kill it." The man mumbled. "It be contained." The question was how. Takeo could probably learn and make a barrier for it, but that would take time. Time that would be doubled with recovery time. "Also I've come to sleep with Den and Aki." Takeo didn't say that of course. No sleeping with those two was far from his mind right now. Though now that the thought had come into his head.

He really needed to focus.
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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I've come to sleep with your Kages - Page 4 Empty Re: I've come to sleep with your Kages

Sun Aug 27, 2017 5:10 pm
The Chestnut haired girl heard the man lying in front of her, telling her how he had fought the beast. During this Time, Hikari would quickly but silently move up to him and start applying some basic Medical ninjutsu to the man, Was this going to be the end of such a Noble Hero? No, Hikari was not going to let this man die tonight. Connecting the man's cut flesh together, he would continue on, saying something about how that the beast needed to be sealed, and that there was no way to kill it. Surely, that couldn't be true? Was this thing Immortal?

Either way, it didn't mater now, Sealing the beast was the best option that the two could hope for, The girl would speak to the man again, while still in a Hushed tone, the seriousness could be heard in her voice.

"I..... I can seal the beast, but in order to seal it away, I need a living person to accept the creature into them. The beast however will be bound to the person's soul, so as long as the person lived, the creature would live in them as well, making the person become a demon them-self.

On the other hand, I think with this much power, I can give whoever accepts the beast the ability to access his powers. However, whether or not that is worth the price of being known as a Demon for the rest of your life, I don't know."

Hikari would gulp a little bit, a little bit of sweat would pour down the girl's face, the thought of having to become one with such a monster, the thought terrorized her, but there wasn't much of an option, she couldn't sense any other chakra presence around. None except.... "Um.... Sir, I am sorry to ask this of you, especially since you already have done battle with the beast, but would you be willing to take on this roll as well? If not, no one can blame you, and we will find another host for the beast, but would you be willing to take the beast?"

With that, and presuming the man hadn't passed out from his wounds, Hikari would wait to see what the man's response was.
Koharu Yuki
Koharu Yuki
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Koharu
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 4000

I've come to sleep with your Kages - Page 4 Empty Re: I've come to sleep with your Kages

Sun Aug 27, 2017 6:23 pm
His eye followed the movement of the girl as she approached. How brave, to move close to such a monster. Naive perhaps. They seemed young. Takeo only had the voice to go off of. His eye had closed once more. Just let the kid do what she was going to do Takeo had thought to himself. Not like he could stop her anyway. If she had turned up earlier then perhaps. Takeo had grown weaker during the moments he had spent waiting however. They were close by now. Standing next to the head of the unconscious beast, Takeo having been propped up against it's jaw.

The person was a shinobi. It was obvious enough. They didn't try to mask their chakra, had no reason to. One of the few members of Hoshigakure's shinobi forces then. Trained by Den perhaps. Or maybe Aki. They were closer. Too close enough. Takeo didn't like his personal space being invaded as such. However he couldn't do anything about it right now. His mind flashed back to the last time he found himself in such a predicament. That annoying woman had healed him. He had been thankful for that, however the resting his head on her lap thing was not required.

Suffice to say, when the cuts on his body began to repair themselves Takeo was thankful. The pain eased slightly in areas of his body. It was replaced by soreness. The lesser of two evils he supposed. The cuts were still numerous, who knew how many bones had been broken in his body also. Takeo didn't assume the girl would like to spend the next few hours fixing everything. A minor patch job at best was what he expected. Akihana Jr. began to speak. Finally he thought to himself, at least it wouldn't be awkward silence throughout this odd encounter.

He listened in silence. Partly due to lack of energy to speak but also because the information was useful. The question had been asked. Seal the beast inside him and become a demon. Takeo knew the answer of course. There was little to weigh on. The power of the beast couldn't be trusted with anyone else. Takeo knew his own mind. He had no such use for the beast's power to begin with. Thus there would be no temptation to use it. Takeo could control the beast. The answer was obvious.

A small smile appeared on the man's face. The girl made it seem like being known as a demon was a bad thing. Usually Takeo would retort with something witty. Perhaps about how he was far worse than a demon already. Maybe even go on in detail about the things he had done. There were many different manners with how Takeo would usually reply.

Today was not the day for wit.

His left eye opened, the pale white eye that was his greatest asset. He looked at the girl. Aki? The man blinked. No, not Aki. His vision was blurred still. It was difficult to make out the female's features fully. Takeo stared at the girl. Hoshigakure really was full of strange people he thought to himself. His vision deteriorated. The man needed rest, if only for a moment.

"Do what you must child. Contain the monster." Takeo replied, his eye closing shut once more. His head fell back against the jaw of the beast. The white haired man remained awake, for now. The pain that ran through his body made sure of that. It would all be over soon though. Just a little longer.
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

I've come to sleep with your Kages - Page 4 Empty Re: I've come to sleep with your Kages

Sun Aug 27, 2017 10:26 pm
As the man spoke his words, Hikari would nod and stand up, looking over at the magnificent speciman that was known as the one tailed bijuu. Activating her Golden eyes, Hikari would form the sign of the confrontation at the speed of 125, saying "If that is your wish, then so be it, however, I once warn you once again, becoming a host to a bijuu is not an easy life, the bijuu may attempt to enter your mind, and may attempt to take you over at times, so be careful."

Unless the injured man steped up and said something to stop her, the chestnut haired girl would start to use the Four symbols seal. As she did, the over sized Raccoon would start to slowly fade, turning into nothing more than a mass of Yin and Yang chakra. Presuming the jutsu went uninterrupted and the creature turned into nothing but chakra, The young girl would swiftly move her hand and point it at the injured man. The One tails chakra would then fly towards the wounded solider, and start to enter into his body, leaving a seal wherever on his body the man wishes.

If all of this happened without interruption, Hikari would lower her hand down, "It is done, thank you, Mr...." The girl would stop and think for a second, she hadn't of even gotten the man's name! "Mr....... I'm sorry, It appears like I didn't get your name, May I inquire that of you sir?"

[Making Takeo into the one tailed Jinjuriki, the seal's power is 100)
Koharu Yuki
Koharu Yuki
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Koharu
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 4000

I've come to sleep with your Kages - Page 4 Empty Re: I've come to sleep with your Kages

Mon Aug 28, 2017 1:46 pm
The girl warned him yet again. Takeo wondered if everyone in Hoshigakure was this nice. Seemed that way. Shinobi that had not truly faced adversity. Takeo hoped they stayed that way. A city that remained away from the rest of society in it's own little bubble. The man had still not encountered anything quite like it. Kirigakure was similar in a way. However the citizens then were different. They had experienced tragedy and loss. It had molded them into what they had become. The innocence of the people in this city showed. Willingly sealing one of the most powerful beasts on the planet inside of a stranger? Some may call it madness. Takeo definitely called it that. Who knows what went through the minds of these people though. He himself didn't know, not anymore. The way they thought and acted, they did things that Takeo could never imagine doing in his dreams.

What a fascinating place.

The sealing process began. I'm doing this for the good of everyone he thought to himself. Taking away the beasts freedom in such a manner, Takeo felt a pang of sympathy. However it was necessary. For the good of the realm the monster would be sealed away. For the good of the people he would be the one to carry the burden. He was unsure of what would happen next.

Suddenly the mass that he had been resting on disappeared. Takeo's upper body feel backward. His head smacked against the sandy ground with a thud. "Ow." The white haired man said with a dull tone. He didn't have time to complain however. The surge of chakra entered his body. Yet another odd feeling to add onto the pain. This day was just getting worse in Takeo's opinion.

The seal would form on his body, though the location would be unknown to both parties present at the moment. Located on the right butt cheek. Takeo would discover it hours later to his chagrin. The deed was completed. Takeo lay there in the sand, now alone except for the female. What now? Would something happen? The beast would remain dormant for some time Takeo wagered. That was good. The sound of the girl speaking turned his attention back to the present. "Takeo." The man said plainly. With a struggle he propped himself up onto his right elbow. His left arm remained un-moving, not that he cared right now. He turned to the side and moved onto his knees, before finally moving to a standing position.

His face distorted in pain. Hospital. "Thanks for the help kid." The man struggled to straighten up. At least for a moment he had to stand tall. Through blurred vision he spotted a blot of pink in the distance. He forced a smile and ever so slowly began to limp his way toward the source. "Heading to the hospital if you don't mind. See ya around maybe." His body screamed in protest as the man walked. You can keep it up for a little longer Takeo told himself repeatedly. The man would reach the pig that was waiting for him inside of the gates. Resting his hand on the animal's head, he would use it to steady himself as he made the slow walk toward rest.

Never allow weakness to be shown. Not in front of enemies, and especially not in front of allies. Takeo was the strongest in the world. Requiring the aid of strangers would simply not do. Especially from Akihana's younger twin.

[Exit into the village]

One Tailed Jinchuriki Claim

Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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I've come to sleep with your Kages - Page 4 Empty Re: I've come to sleep with your Kages

Mon Aug 28, 2017 3:27 pm
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

I've come to sleep with your Kages - Page 4 Empty Re: I've come to sleep with your Kages

Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:44 pm
Seeing the man drop, now laying in just a pool of his own blood, Namikaze would look at him after asking her question. A sense of fear coarse through the veins of the child, what had she done? The man had already been injured and was obviously exhausted, but now, the girl had put the massive bijuu chakra into the man. Why? Why did the teenager preform such an act? She didn't know much about the body, or medical practices, but even she knew that placing great strain on an already weakened body was a recipie for disaster! At that point, another grave fear crossed her mind, the blame of this fell right on the girl's own shoulders. She should of just sealed the demon inside herself, but no. She instead gave it to another warrior out of her own insecurity of taking in a demon. Was her own fear to take in the demon into her own body going to be the death of this brave warrior?

But no, the hero slowly rose rested on his elbow, and would announce his name. "Takeo."

The man would start to slowly rise, and Hikari would quickly rush over to the man and help him up as he stood. "Thanks for the help kid." He would say, at this, the Chestnut haired girl would respond with her own name. "You're welcome, but my name's not Kid, My Name is Hikari Namikaze, and I am a Jounin of Hoshigakure." Sure, prehaps some of the young Chestnut haired girl's ideals and thoughts were childish, but she was a Jounin now, Gosh Darn it. The girl deservered to be called something more than a kid.

"Heading to the hospital if you don't mind. See ya around maybe."

The man would start to stumble toward the direction of the Village, was.... was this man planing on entering into the village right now? He just had a demon sealed inside him! Surely he wasn't prepared to go back to civilization so swiftly after the savage beast was locked inside his body.

The Chestnut haired girl was about to hold out her hand and was about to stop the man, but stopped herself. The girl thought back to the time when she was first allowed to let people into the village.

"Remember" The gaurd captain told the young girl, "Your job is not to determine the consequences of letting some one in, just to determine whether or not that person has good intentions or not."

Looking at the man as he dragged his injured body toward the entrance of the star village, Hikari would think how the man didn't show any fear about accepting the demon inside his own body, that he was more than willing to take on the burden of becoming a Jinchuriki in order to protect those around him, surely if that wasn't a sign of good intentions, nothing was.

Sighing the girl would stand up and start to walk behind the man, "Ok, but at least allow me to get you an escort to take you there. Hoshigakure is a big place, you might get lost unless you have a local guiding you around. Heck, I have already been here for a few months, and I still don't know where to go!"

As the two came to the gate, the guards who had backed away from the finical would start to approach the two. "Ma'am! What happened to the beast? Where did it go?'

The Chestnut haired girl would smile and say "Taken care of. Sorry, that is all I can say at this point. Tell Kyousuke Snow that the situation has been dealt with and his presence will no longer be required." In the back of her mind, Hikari made a not to place a telepthy seal on the deputy kage and Kage when she got the opportunity to do that again. "Now, I am sorry to leave you like this, but this man is to be allowed in and brought to the hospital. He is a Hero and should be treated as such, Please have your men show this weary traveler where the hospital is."

With that, Hikari would give a little curtsy to the master shinobi and with a quick 'Farewell' Leave the man to his deal with his injuries.


TWC: 2022

Claiming Takeo's Chakra memorized
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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I've come to sleep with your Kages - Page 4 Empty Re: I've come to sleep with your Kages

Mon Aug 28, 2017 8:11 pm
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