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Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Mon Jun 19, 2017 10:25 pm
oro was walking down the busy streets in the city square. he was even more busy then in the leaf. but the buildings looked so different. he liked them better then the leaves. he scouted the place looking at the shops and the different people. he wasnt use to people just ignoring him but he enjoyed it. he half forgot he didnt have his headband anymore. his sword jiggled on his left hip as he walked. his eyes looking from place to place trying to map the place the best he could as he walked. it was his first day in hoshi since he came. he saw some ninjas come and go in the crowds, he noted many got weird looks. he didnt know much history about the place he was in. lucky for him, he didnt matter. to most people he would look like just a normal person in the crowds. which made this little sight seeing easy. he didnt want more ninjas like the kid yesterday bug him if it could be helped. though oro never really broke the rules much he figured he would be fine, unless some people didnt like him having a sword. he looked around and sighed. he was lost in thought and got lost now. he was thinking about when he would need to talk to yen. and love. "damnit" he rubbed his head a she got an annoyed feeling that he will need to do something about them one day. he hoped not a fight.
Satomi Furukawa
Satomi Furukawa
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Tue Jun 20, 2017 10:37 pm
As usual Hoshi's city square was bustling with activity, completely absorbed by their day to day lives, the villagers hardly would hardly notice a single wandering individual nonchalantly roaming the street. One young child of indeterminate gender among them as they chased down one passerby after another, carefully juggling a hot tray of freshly grilled treats. Satomi's usual attire was missing in action, replaced by one of his father's white chef coats and an deep red kitchen apron—the only hint that he was a shinobi of the village was the head band he used to keep his gold locks from falling in his face. Now Satomi's father was a man of significant height, this meant that the coat practically swallowed boy's sub five-foot frame and unfortunately gave the appearance of wearing a knee-length dress. It only served to aid in the already existing enigma surrounding his gender, today apparently more heavily favoring being mistaken for the feminine persuasion as yet another patron comment on how cute the 'sweet little girl' was. Sighing softly, he trotted back to the stand in front of his father's restaurant to take stock of the samples left on his tray while there was a break in the foot traffic. Still plenty left, time to get back out there!

“Takatoshi's Teppanyaki!" The best grill in all of Hoshi!” Satomi's trademark gap-toothed smile stretched ear to ear as his cheery melodic words rang through the street. Unfortunately for one particular individual who may have wanted to remain inconspicuous, the break in traffic had left him wide open for Satomi to spot. The child was off light lightning, skipping right up to Orokana with his sample tray and deliciously steaming grilled meats and veggies offered right out in front. “Free sample! Compliments of Chef Takatoshi Furukawa!”

Word Count: 299/299
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Wed Jun 21, 2017 2:09 pm
oro was looking around when he saw the boy walk up to him. before he noticed the boys smile he saw the headband. so far the ninjas he has seen where young. he didnt know if this was because there where a lot of people here or because of other reasons. he sighed deeply once the kid started talking. he looked to his left and right, then looked at the kid. his emerald green eyes where unemotional and cold as always. and oro spoke in his normal monotone voice. "sure, i guess i will try one." he took one and ate it. he didnt think anything of it but it wasnt bad. "its rare to find a ninja chef." he said as he wiped his mouth. oro didnt feel any chakra from the kid which meant he must be around genin, maybe even fresh out of the academy. oro then looked around his surroundings to try and place where he was. he rested his hand on his sword. as he thought about all the people. and how many of them wouldnt notice if he used a genjutsu on them. it would be a shame. then he asked the young boy. "do you know a good ninja i can spar. its been a while since i have had to use my skills." he said looking at the crowed of people rubbing his head with one hand. 

he was very sure the kid would say him. but he hoped that wouldnt be the case. he wanted to see more ninjas, just to see if all the ninjas where kids. he thought it seemed cruel but he didnt care fully. it wasnt people he knew nor would care to know. oro waited for the kid to speak as he didnt look at the kid. he kinda felt annoyed with how many people there was walking so slowly.
Satomi Furukawa
Satomi Furukawa
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Wed Jun 21, 2017 3:43 pm
He didn't seem at all bothered by the older male's apathetic sigh or stoic eyes as he rocked back and forth with just the biggest beaming smile as the gloomy one accepted a sample. Of course he seemed to have taste like his dress and attitude as he didn't even appear to be remotely phased by the complex flavors of the spices accented by the smokey flavor of the perfectly charred flesh. “Chef? Oh you're too kind, sir.” Of course even then Satomi was not his father and the little grill he manned out front of the restaurant was no match for its big cousin manned by Takatoshi himself in the kitchen. Something else felt off about the walking angst factory, the way his eyes scanned the crowd gave Satomi the heebie-jeebies. It reminded the young boy how he would star at a math problem as he worked through it, but what was this person calculating?

That would be a question he'd just have to swallow as his own crystalline-blue gaze drifted subtly to the drifters hand resting on the hilt of his sword only for it to snap back to attention as the tall male spoke again to inquire about a ninja to spar with. Well other than the students he went to the academy he only knew of two others personally, both older with one probably around the stranger's age. The latter shinobi would probably get along with him, the both give off the same brooding personality. The obvious answer would have been to offer himself, but the way the individual carried himself suggested that he was much more experienced than the young genin was. “I'm sorry, sir. I don't know if anyone available. It's pretty busy in Hoshigakure as you can see.” Satomi's words were true if nothing else as he adjusted his village headband atop his head. “Even me. I need to get back to handing out these samples; when these are gone I can finally go train today! Please, sir, feel free to help me out and take another if you like!” He chirped with an appreciative bow as he nudged the sample tray towards the stranger again with a trill giggle.

Word Count: 367/666
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:21 pm
oro nodded as the kid spoke. and sighed when he said if anyone can. it appears he came in at the wrong time. he figured someone important is coming or making a speech. he didnt care because it didnt matter to him. he would look at the kid once more and say "thanks, and no im not really hungry" he said as he would walk towards what he thought was the main plaza. he was thinking about what he should do. since everyone was busy that means something was happening. which means he should leave before someone finds out he isnt just some guy with a sword. he thought where he should go next. maybe the black market. he only heard whispers of it but he figured he could find it. hoshi looked like a bust after all. there wasnt anything for him their. it was almost time for him to go. he said again a little way from satomi as he remember he needed to find something to do to train. he isnt getting stronger doing nothing. then he mumbled. "maybe i can go to kumo next..." he sighed once more as he took out his book and started to read as he walked.
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Wed Jun 28, 2017 11:40 pm
(exit, claiming words towards cm mastery 772)
Sakana Meijin
Sakana Meijin
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Sun Sep 10, 2017 5:46 pm
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