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The Black Gates - Funeral for Roshi Uchiha [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Black Gates - Funeral for Roshi Uchiha [IO]

Tue Jun 27, 2017 4:03 am
Akio’s lily nested upon the ebony coffin, and, for a brief moment, Damon’s sympathetic words filled the air, and then he revealed that he, too, had lost a father. Takia nodded throughout his small speech, fixated on her husband’s final resting place. Yurei gawked, suddenly feeling his emotions swell like a bowling pot of water with a lid, beckoning to be released to the surface. The pale boy’s eyes began to grow moist with tears.

One shovel after another, loose soil fell onto the dark wood, covering Roshi Uchiha’s coffin and the brilliant white flower that rested upon it. With each thrust of the shovel into the dirt, Yurei squirmed, slowly losing control over his emotions. He rose his head briefly to look at his mother. Water was pouring from her eyes.

Yurei stared at that grave for what felt like hours, thinking of his father.

“Yurei,” he heard.

The small, lanky boy soon found himself in his background. It was vibrant, sunny, but cool, and with a strange feeling in the air. His vision blurred, slowly coming into focus when he saw he father standing in front of him dressed as a samurai. He adorned makeshift bamboo armor and a stick, and he bore a large grin as his body was prepared in a fighting stance. “Yurei,” he called out again.

The genin found himself small and wearing similar armor that he had made himself. In his hand, he carried a large stick that was heavy and taller than him.

“Are you ready, Yurei,” he called out, raising his wooden katana.

Yurei nodded, smiling and swing his bamboo sword through the air. He rather leapt back, plunging his feet into the sandy grass behind him with the momentum of his jump. He redirected his energy and leapt forward, swinging down at Yurei and laughing.

The small Uchiha boy struggled to raise his sword, just barely deflecting the attack and slowly bringing it to his father’s chest.

“Oawww!” His father exclaimed, slowly collapsing to the ground. “You got me! You are truly.. a worthy adversary… uhhhhh…”

“Haha!” Yurei explain, leaping into the air. “I got you, Dad!”


That was five years ago.


Yurei sniffed and wiped his eyes and nose, finding his mother abruptly gone. She couldn’t stand it. He knew that, and it was all of his fault. Yurei’s smile in reminiscence slowly turned into a disgusting frown as he began to sob uncontrollably. The staff members grabbed their shovels, packed the dirt, and left.

So then it was just those four.

Yurei stared at the grave, nameless and without a marker. He didn’t deserve that, but those villagers, those damned villagers would desecrate it if they ever found out he was a shinobi. Yurei’s hands clenched tightly in anger, in sadness, and in guilt. He grit his teeth as his emotions swelled up. “It’s my fault,” he said softly. “It’s all my fault.”

Yurei paused, tears streaming down his eyes. “It’s my fault. It’s my fault.” He voice grew like a crescendo of a horrible symphony. “It’s my fault! This all happened because of me!” Yurei fell onto his knees, crying. “It’s all my fault,” he said, his voice obstructed by the water in his eyes and in his mouth. He swallowed, gasping for air. “It’s my fault. I did this. It’s all my fault…”

Yurei stopped, looking up at his father’s grave, tears rolling down his eyes. “I’m so sorry, father…” Yurei sobbed lightly, gasping for air as he did so. He had his friends by his side, but he also had guilt, and that made him feel more lonely than he ever had before.

WC: 608
Sumairu Goka
Sumairu Goka
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The Black Gates - Funeral for Roshi Uchiha [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Black Gates - Funeral for Roshi Uchiha [IO]

Sat Jul 01, 2017 12:39 am
The sound of metal breaking earth in repetition would ring through the air as the workers began the monotonous task of concealing the coffin beneath soil. The process took a couple of minutes, and it was hard for even him to watch, his head would swivel to yurei as he tried to catch a glimpse of what the boy might be thinking, but it didn’t even look like the albino kid was aware of what was happening, it appeared his mind was in another world entirely.
“Let the kid mourn”
He’d think to himself as his gaze shifted to damon, who had arrived as he was placing the lily on the coffin. It hadn’t been the right time to say hello, and it still didn’t really feel like he should so if their eyes met he’d give a slight nod of his head upwards to greet the dark haired uchiha, before the process was interrupted by yureis spontaneous breakdown.
A barrage of verbal self hatred would fly through the air as yurei collapsed, chanting that it was all his fault over and over again. His mother and the workers had left, which meant only Akio and Damon were here to deal with this.

“What?” He’d say confused by the boy's sudden admission of guilt, he’d drop to one knee while balancing himself with the other leg and placing a hand on yurei’s shoulder. “Are you seriously blaming yourself for this?”
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The Black Gates - Funeral for Roshi Uchiha [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Black Gates - Funeral for Roshi Uchiha [IO]

Sun Jul 02, 2017 3:15 am
“Yurei…” Damon started but was unsure as to how to continue. He had never reacted this way, despite himself being the actual reasoning behind the cause of death. However, he knew that it was natural for loved ones to blame themselves, despite having no way to have fixed or prevented the unfortunate situation. At a loss for words, Damon reluctantly allowed for Komon to take the lead here. Continuing to stand, with his arms crossed, Damon would be but an observer to this confession that may or may not have had any bearing. He did not want to risk saying the wrong thing, and sometimes, the best thing to say was nothing at all. His hair blew in a gentle breeze that suddenly surrounded the site, blowing specs of freshly deposited dirt into the air. Aside from the rustling of leaves and Yurei’s own whimpers, the scene remained quiet and eerie. Fitting for a place of death. The other Uchiha’s voice was barely a whisper as he seemed to apologize. Damon gave an expectant look at Akio as the Inuzuka then proceeded to ask what was wrong.
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The Black Gates - Funeral for Roshi Uchiha [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Black Gates - Funeral for Roshi Uchiha [IO]

Sun Jul 02, 2017 1:43 pm
Yurei took numerous, rapid breaths in an attempt to calm himself. The tears slowly came to a halt, as he came to a gradual, unstable composure. The pale Uchiha sat quietly for a moment, trying to catch the words wildly flowing in his head like heated air inside a balloon.

“You don’t understand…” Yurei slowly and softly said. “I was training the night my father died. I went to the training grounds… but he followed me. He found out I was a shinobi before I got the chance to tell him.”

Yurei paused, biting both of his lips before he continued. His face contorted as he tried to control his emotions. “When I got home…” his voice was shaking. “My mom and dad confronted me about it. My dad told me that I ruined everything he worked to protect. He was just trying to keep us safe, you know? He told me about what the villagers did to ninja. He said that they burned houses down and that they killed us…”

Yurei stopped for a brief moment before continuing. “But the worst thing is he told me he agreed with the villagers. He said that shinobi started every war ever, and that they were awful. That I was awful.” The boy began to cry again, wiping away his tears again. His voice rattled. “He hit me… we were all angry, I don’t hate him for that, but when he went to hit me again..” Yurei licked his lips. “I used a genjutsu. I gave him a heart attack. I killed him.”

Yurei began to sob again before finally controlling himself. “It’s all my fault.”

He stopped talking, took the side of his palm, and wiped away his tears. His chakra focused in his eyes, turning his bright white eyes into a white, shining glow. His tomoe revolved around his pupil like a planet around the sun before coming to a stop. It was his Sharingan. Yurei lightly touched his eyes, the reminder of his guilt.

WC: 957
Sumairu Goka
Sumairu Goka
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The Black Gates - Funeral for Roshi Uchiha [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Black Gates - Funeral for Roshi Uchiha [IO]

Wed Jul 05, 2017 1:11 am
As Akio kept his hand on the shoulder of the boy who was clearly in a state of distress he’d listen to the shocking reveal of his father's untimely demise. It would take him a while to fully process what had happened and for about fifteen seconds he’d just stare blankly at the boy, as if his brain was trying to figure out what the hell had just happened.
He didn’t understand genjutsu much at all, but from what he understood… They were illusions, and not actually able to cause real physical bodily damage. “You… You couldn’t have known it was going to do that” He’d say weakly, quite obviously still trying to process the information. “It’s not your fault” These words were backed by a noticeable increase in confidence, the uncertainty in the first few having disappeared.

It was because Akio believed this, He had only known yurei for a short while… But he was certain yurei was not a cold blooded killer. The image just didn’t fit the albino boy.
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The Black Gates - Funeral for Roshi Uchiha [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Black Gates - Funeral for Roshi Uchiha [IO]

Sat Jul 08, 2017 6:56 pm
Burned down houses… Yurei’s father had heard what happened to Damon’s own adoptive father. How the shop had burned down when the boy was barely a genin. In that brief pause that Yurei allowed, realization dawned on Damon’s face. They knew. They knew what could happen and do nothing to stop it. Are shinobi really this cowardly in Hoshi? But he stopped his trail of thought there, because it was best to not speak ill of the dead. And then came the reveal. Yurei was a murderer and had committed patricide. Damon was at a loss for words but he knew he had to say something. He stooped down to try to get a better look at Yurei, after all, it helped convey a message better when you were face to face instead of talking away. That’s when he saw it. Yurei’s eyes had turned a frightening color of white, with a single black swirl surrounding the pupil, seemingly orbiting it. That swirl... “My God…” He moved backwards as he fell onto the ground, his face nearly as white as the albino's eyes.
The words of his adoptive father echoed within his mind. “Your eyes…” Damon was drawn back to the memory of his own home having burned down. Discovering his dying guardian. Contemplating dying in the fire himself. Then it happened by his own surge of emotions. Chakra flooded to his eyes, causing them to turn red, seemingly mirroring Yurei’s, the only differences being that Damon’s was crimson red and contained two black commas swirling about his pupil. Second tomoe meeting the first tomoe. “What are you...” He looked down at his own hands, which seemed foreign to him. “What am I...” There was a sense of sadness and disbelief in his voice. He had not felt this way in quite some time.
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The Black Gates - Funeral for Roshi Uchiha [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Black Gates - Funeral for Roshi Uchiha [IO]

Sat Jul 08, 2017 11:37 pm
Yurei sniffed as Akio offered his words. They didn’t ring true for Yurei. He knew what he did. No it is my fault. I should have let him hit me. I’d have a bruise, but he’d still be alive. Yurei thought on this for a moment before nodding slowly, if only to make Akio and himself somewhat more comfortable.

Yurei wiped away the last of his tears as he heard Damon behind him. The pale boy found Damon’s eyes to be similar to his own, only red and with two tomoe instead of his one. So many thoughts ran throughout his head. Did Damon know he was an Uchiha? Did he know about his eyes? That they were the sharingan? How much did he know?

But then Yurei realized something. If Damon had the Sharingan, then he had experienced the same kind of tragedy Yurei had. “Damon,” Yurei said, gathering himself. “You.. you’re an Uchiha..! Like me.. Oh.. w-What happened? How did you get your eyes? I’m.. I’m sorry Damon, I.. I know something had to have happened, I-I-I..” Yurei was at a loss of words. He stopped, his thoughts scattered.

WC: 1,153
Sumairu Goka
Sumairu Goka
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The Black Gates - Funeral for Roshi Uchiha [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Black Gates - Funeral for Roshi Uchiha [IO]

Thu Jul 13, 2017 1:15 pm
Akio seemed to be the only one in the group managing to hold it together emotionally, it seemed Damon and Yurei had been overtaken by emotions associated with their memory’s. The look of dread on damons face looked almost as sorrowful as Yurei’s who had just lost his own father, and the look seemed to accurately display what he was feeling as he fell backwards in horror.

“What are you” The inuzuka would hear as he shifted his gaze back to yurei, who’s eyes had turned almost completely white, except for a black pupil and a single comma shaped black blob.

“What the..” Akio would start as he turned back to damon, who to his surprise would have a matching set, save for the white had been replaced by a crimson red.

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Ryo : 44150

The Black Gates - Funeral for Roshi Uchiha [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Black Gates - Funeral for Roshi Uchiha [IO]

Tue Jul 18, 2017 11:24 pm
“A what?” Damon had never even heard of the word before, as he was completely oblivious to his heritage. He did not expect for Yurei to be so inquisitional. If there’s one thing that nobody expects, it’s the Spanish inquisition. A solitary tear rolled down the right side of Damon's face. "...My father died." He sniffled. "Or adoptive father, rather. He was killed by a group of radicals while I wasn't home." He was silent for just a moment. "I found a notebook of his about my life. It's meant for someone who I don't know, but from the things he's said, it sounds like they live in Konoha." Damon just sat there and accepted what Yurei had said. He had a clan that he belonged to. A family that didn't know him. Maybe a glimmer of hope. He could not help but feel the beginning of kinship with his fellow Uchiha. Damon would listen to anything else was said before he began to wipe his eyes with his forearm. He then remembered Akio was still there as well. He then stood up and brushed himself off. "It's been a long day. We should all probably get some rest." Provided everyone else agreed, he would bid the group goodbye before heading out to the village to wander and think about the night's events.

--Potential Exit--
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The Black Gates - Funeral for Roshi Uchiha [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Black Gates - Funeral for Roshi Uchiha [IO]

Wed Jul 19, 2017 12:26 am
Yurei listened to the information Damon had presented. His adoptive father had died. He knew that pain, but what he didn’t know was like to have an adopted parent. And he didn’t know what it was like the have family elsewhere. All Yurei had left was his mother, and now Damon, but Yurei made a promise. “I’ll help you meet your parents in every way I can, Damon,” Yurei said, wiping away the last of his tears and smiling. “And I’ll make sure those villagers will never hurt you again,”

Yurei turned to Akio and smiled thinly. “I’m sorry,” he laughed softly. “I didn’t mean to make things so awkward.” Yurei looked up at the sky and then at his father’s gravestone. “I’m sorry, you two. I want to drag you all into this… It’s something I have to deal with alone.”

Yurei stood, thanked the two for coming, and then parted ways. He thought of the future, his promises, and the mistakes he had made. Those would stick with him, but as long as Akio and Damon were around, things felt right.

WC: 1,336

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